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When storage of spent nuclear fuel or high level waste is carried out in dual purpose casks (DPC), the effects of aging on safety relevant DPC functions and properties have to be managed in a way that a safe transport after the storage period of several decades is capable and can be justified and certified permanently throughout that period. The effects of aging mechanisms (e.g. radiation, different corrosion mechanisms, stress relaxation, creep, structural changes and degradation) on the transport package design safety assessment features have to be evaluated. Consideration of these issues in the DPC transport safety case will be addressed. Special attention is given to all cask components that cannot be directly inspected or changed without opening the cask cavity, like the inner parts of the closure system and the cask internals, like baskets or spent fuel assemblies. The design criteria of that transport safety case have to consider the operational impacts during storage. Aging is not the subject of technical aspects only but also of ‘intellectual’ aspects, like changing standards, scientific/technical knowledge development and personal as well as institutional alterations. Those aspects are to be considered in the management system of license holders and in appropriate design approval update processes. The paper addresses issues that are subject of an actual International Atomic Energy Agency TECDOC draft ‘Preparation of a safety case for a dual purpose cask containing spent nuclear fuel’.  相似文献   

Aging management of spent fuel storage facility may follow lessons learned from literature for nuclear power plant and a review for spent fuel dry cask storage system by US NRC, DOE, by German BAM, that by Japan NISA, etc. Namely, the essence of systematic approach to aging management includes Understanding aging, Plan (Development and optimisation of activities for aging management), Do (Managing aging mechanisms), Check (Monitoring, inspection and assessment), and Act (Maintenance). The PDCA cycle will optimise the systematic approach to the aging management. An aging management programme (AMP) for the storage system over the period of extended storage will address uncertainties in the safety relevant functions of the system that may otherwise be impaired by aging mechanisms. The AMP identifies system, structure and components (SSCs) that need specific actions to mitigate aging and ensures that no aging effects result in a loss of their intended function of the SSCs, during an intended licensed period. AMPs generally include Prevention, Mitigation, Monitoring, Inspection, and Maintenance programmes. Aging management plans should ensure compliance with transportation requirements after extended storage. Potential issue would be a significant change of the transport regulations in the future. If the regulations changed significantly, a gap analysis should be performed to identify any impact to the cask safety. Compensating arrangements, if necessary, should be proposed at that time. Assuming that the regulations will not change significantly after long term storage, we will be able to renew the license both for transport and storage of the cask during the storage period. For example, in Japan, a holistic approach was established for the license of a 50 year storage and transport. In this approach, we can evaluate integrity of spent fuel, basket, etc. with respect to chemical, thermal, mechanical, and radiation factors. With this approach we will not have to open the cask lid for visual inspection of the spent fuel, basket, etc. prior to the post-storage transport.  相似文献   


An important problem of the handling of casks intended for spent nuclear fuel transport and storage is providing safety during all operations. In particular the safety requirements should be fulfilled during the cask cooling that precedes the discharge of spent nuclear fuel from the cask. An analysis has been performed for the CASTOR RBMK cask heat removal system. This provides forced cooling of the cask with the spent fuel assemblies in it, by water delivery into the cask inner cavity. As a result of analyses performed for the different flow rates of the cooling water, the maximum pressure in the cask cavity caused by water evaporation has been estimated and compared with the maximum permissible value and the time taken by the cask in cooling to the given temperature limit has been determined. On the basis of the analysis results the most preferable regime for CASTOR RBMK cask cooling is suggested.  相似文献   


Recent studies on the long-term behaviour of high-burnup spent fuel have shown that, under normal conditions of storage, challenges to cladding integrity from various postulated damage mechanisms, such as delayed hydride cracking, stress-corrosion cracking and long-term creep, would not lead to any significant safety concerns during dry storage, and regulatory rules have subsequently been established to ensure that a compatible level of safety is maintained. However, similar regulatory rules have not yet been developed to address failures of fuel rod cladding that could potentially lead to reconfigured fuel geometry under hypothetical transport accidents. At issue is the effect on cladding ductility of potential changes in zirconium hydride morphology during dry storage. Recent studies have shown that above a certain level of cladding hoop stress, the decaying temperature history during dry storage can cause the hydrogen in solid solution to precipitate in the form of radial hydrides, which, depending on their relative concentration, can induce brittle failures in the cladding. From a US regulatory perspective such cladding failures, if they were to cause fuel reconfiguration, could invalidate the cask's criticality and shielding licensing analyses, which are based on coherent geometry. This paper describes a methodology for high-burnup spent fuel to determine the frequency of cladding failure and failure modes under drop accidents, considering end-of-storage spent fuel conditions. The degree to which spent fuel reconfiguration could occur during handling or transport accidents would depend to a large extent on the number of fuel rod failures and the type and geometry of the failure modes. Such information can only be developed analytically, as there are no direct experimental data that can provide guidance on the level of damage that can be expected. To this end, this paper focuses on the development of a methodology for modelling and analysis that deals with this general problem on a generic basis. First, consideration is given to defining accident loading that is equivalent to the bounding hypothetical transport accident of a 9 m drop onto an essentially unyielding surface. Second, an analytically robust material constitutive model, an essential element in a successful structural analysis, is required. A model of material behaviour, with embedded failure criteria, for cladding containing various concentrations of circumferentially and radially oriented hydrides has been developed and implemented in a finite-element code. The hydride precipitation model, which describes the hydride structure of the cladding at the end of dry storage, and the hydride-dependent properties of high-burnup fuel cladding form the main input to the constitutive model. The third element in the overall process is to utilise this material model and its host finite-element code in the structural analysis of a transport cask subjected to bounding accident loading to calculate fuel rod failures and failure mode configurations. This requires detailed modelling of the transport cask and its internal structure, which includes the canister, basket, fuel assembly grids and fuel rods. The overall methodology is described.  相似文献   

The casks used for transport of nuclear materials, especially the spent fuel element (SPE), must be designed according to rigorous acceptance criteria and standards requirements, e.g. the International Atomic Energy Agency ones, in order to provide protection to people and environment against radiation exposure particularly in a severe accident scenario.The aim of this work was the evaluation of the integrity of a spent fuel cask under both normal and accident scenarios transport conditions, such as impact and rigorous fire events, in according to the IAEA accident test requirements. The thermal behaviour and the temperatures distribution of a Light Water Reactor (LWR) spent fuel transport cask are presented in this paper, especially with reference to the Italian cask designed by AGN, which was characterized by a cylindrical body, with water or air inside the internal cavity, and two lateral shock absorbers.Using the finite element code ANSYS a series of thermal analyses (steady-state and transient thermal analyses) were carried out in order to obtain the maximum fuel temperature and the temperatures field in the body of the cask, both in normal and in accidents scenario, considering all the heat transfer modes between the cask and the external environment (fire in the test or air in the normal conditions) as well as inside the cask itself.In order to follow the standards requirements, the thermal analyses in accidents scenarios were also performed adopting a deformed shape of the shock absorbers to simulate the mechanical effects of a previous IAEA 9 m drop test event. Impact tests on scale models of the shock absorbers have already been conducted in the past at the Department of Mechanical, Nuclear and Production Engineering, University of Pisa, in the ‘80s. The obtained results, used for possible new licensing approval purposes by the Italian competent Authority of the cask for PWR spent fuel cask transport by the Italian competent Authority, are discussed.  相似文献   


The Swiss Gösgen nuclear power plant (NPP) has decided to use two different methods for the disposal of its spent fuel. (1) To reprocess some of its spent fuel in dedicated facilities. Some of the vitrified waste from the reprocessing plant will be shipped back to Switzerland using the new COGEMA Logistics, TN81 cask. (2) To ship the other part of its spent fuel to the central interim storage facility at Zwilag (Switzerland) using a COGEMA Logistics dual-purpose TN24G cask. The TN24G is the heaviest and largest dual-purpose cask manufactured so far by COGEMA Logistics in Europe. It is intended for the transport and storage of 37 pressurised water-reactor (PWR) spent fuel assemblies. Four casks were delivered by COGEMA Logistics to Gösgen NPP. Three transports of loaded TN24G casks between Gösgen and Zwilag were successfully pelformed at the beginning of 2002 using the new COGEMA Logistics Q76 wagon specifically designed to transport heavy casks. This article describes the procedure of operations and shipments for the first TN24G casks up to storage at Zwilag. The fourth shipment of loaded TN24G was due to take place in October 2002. The TN24G cask, as part of the TN24 cask family, proved to be a very efficient solution for Kemkraftwerk Gösgen spent fuel management.  相似文献   

For spent nuclear fuel management in Germany, the concept of dry interim storage in dual purpose casks before direct disposal is applied. Current operation licenses for storage facilities have been granted for a storage time of 40 years. Due to the current delay in site selection, an extension of the storage time seems inevitable. In consideration of this issue, GRS performed burnup calculations, thermal and mechanical analyses as well as particle transport and shielding calculations for UO2 and MOX fuels stored in a cask to investigate long-term behavior of the spent fuel related parameters and the radiological consequences. It is shown that at the beginning of the dry storage period, cladding hoop stress levels sufficient to cause hydride reorientation could be present in fuel rods with a burnup higher than 55 GWd/tHM. The long-term behavior of the cladding temperatures indicates the possibility of reaching the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature during extended storage scenarios. Surface dose rates are 3 times higher when a cask is partially loaded with 4 MOX fuel assemblies. Due to radioactive decay, long-term storage will have a positive impact on the radiological environment around the cask.  相似文献   

乏燃料组件厂内转运是解决核电厂燃料水池贮存空间不足问题的方法之一。本文分析了乏燃料组件厂内转运的设计准则、安全风险,介绍了用于运输容器内破损组件检测和运输容器内组件冷却用设备的工作原理及其应用情况。应用结果表明:破损检测设备可以快速有效地检测乏燃料运输容器内是否存在破损组件;乏燃料组件冷却设备可以较为安全地冷却装有乏燃料组件的运输容器。   相似文献   


Transport packages for spent fuel have to meet the requirements concerning containment, shielding and criticality as specified in the International Atomic Energy Agency regulations for different transport conditions. Physical state of spent fuel and fuel rod cladding as well as geometric configuration of fuel assemblies are, among others, important inputs for the evaluation of correspondent package capabilities under these conditions. The kind, accuracy and completeness of such information depend upon purpose of the specific problem. In this paper, the mechanical behaviour of spent fuel assemblies under accident conditions of transport will be analysed with regard to assumptions to be used in the criticality safety analysis. In particular the potential rearrangement of the fissile content within the package cavity, including the amount of the fuel released from broken rods has to be properly considered in these assumptions. In view of the complexity of interactions between the fuel rods of each fuel assembly among themselves as well as between fuel assemblies, basket, and cask body or cask lid, the exact mechanical analysis of such phenomena under drop test conditions is nearly impossible. The application of sophisticated numerical models requires extensive experimental data for model verification, which are in general not available. The gaps in information concerning the material properties of cladding and pellets, especially for the high burn-up fuel, make the analysis more complicated additionally. In this context a simplified analytical methodology for conservative estimation of fuel rod failures and spent fuel release is described. This methodology is based on experiences of BAM acting as the responsible German authority within safety assessment of packages for transport of spent fuel.  相似文献   

A spent fuel storage cask is required to prove the safety of its canister under a hypothetical accidental drop condition which means that the canister is assumed to be free dropped on to a pad of the storage cask during the loading of the canister into a storage cask. In this paper, finite element analyses and verifying tests for a shock-absorbing effect of a pad in a spent fuel dry storage cask were carried out to improve the structural integrity of the canister under a hypothetical accidental drop condition. The pad of the storage cask was originally designed as cylindrical steel structure filled with concrete. The pad was modified by using the structure composed of steel and polyurethane-foam instead of the quarter of the upper concrete as an impact limiter. The effects of the shape and the thickness of the steel structure and the density of the polyurethane-foam which was used in between steel structures were studied. As the optimized pad of a spent fuel dry storage cask, the quarter of the upper concrete was replaced with 12 mm thick circular steel structure and polyurethane-foam whose density was 85 kg/m3. The drop tests of a 1/3 scale model for the canister on to the original pad and the optimized pad were conducted. The effect of the pad structure was evaluated from the drop tests. The optimized pad has a greater shock-absorbing effect than the original pad. In order to verify the analysis results, strains and accelerations in the time domain by the analytical methods were compared with those by a test. The numerical method of simulating the free drop test for a dry storage cask was verified and the numerical results were found to be reliable.  相似文献   


The German storage concept for the direct final storage of spent fuel assemblies from LWR reactors is described. The final storage concept is designed in such a way that it encompasses the whole spectrum of fuel elements to be stored from German reactors, Le. U fuel assemblies and MOX fuel assemblies with a mean bumup of 55 GW.d.t?1 heavy metal were considered. The further design requirements are defined in such a way that the cask concept satisfies the conditions for type B(U) transport, interim storage and fmal storage. The safe long-term containment of the activity is guaranteed by an inner cask welded leak-tight; the sufficient shielding and the transport packaging are ensured by a shielding cask.  相似文献   


In 2001 the Swiss nuclear utilities started to store spent fuel in dry metallic dual purpose casks at ZWILAG, the Swiss interim storage facility. BKW FMB Energy Ltd, as the owner of the Mühleberg nuclear power plant, is involved in this process and has selected to store the spent fuel in a new high capacity dual purpose cask, the TN24BH. For the transport Cogema Logistics has developed a new medium size cask, the TN9/4, to replace the NTL9 cask, which has performed numerous shipments of BWR spent fuel in past decades. Licensed by the IAEA 1996, the TN9/4 is a 40 t transport cask, for seven BWR high burnup spent fuel assemblies. The spent fuel assemblies can be transferred to the ZWILAG hot cell in the TN24BH cask. These casks were first used in 2003. Ten TN9/4 shipments were made, and one TN24BH was loaded. After a brief presentation of the operational aspects, the paper will focus on the TN24BH high capacity dual purpose cask and the TN9/4 transport cask and describe in detail their characteristics and possibilities.  相似文献   


With the rapid development of the nuclear power programme in Korea, the amount of accumulated spent nuclear fuel has inevitably increased year by year. The spent nuclear fuel is being stored in on-site storage pools at the nuclear power plants. As the current storage capacity for spent nuclear fuel is insufficient, at-reactor storage is being expanded at each site with regard to optimisation of technical and economic factors. On-site transport between neighbouring reactors has been necessary to secure sufficient storage capacity for pressurised water reactor spent nuclear fuel assemblies. A complete on-site transport system has been developed, and so far more than 800 spent nuclear fuel assemblies have been transported using two kinds of transport cask.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed comparison of the surface dose rate calculations for the NAC-UMS spent fuel storage cask by using MCNP and SAS4 computer codes. Their accuracy and computation efficiencies are compared. For such a real world deep penetration and streaming problem, effective variance reduction techniques are indispensable for a Monte Carlo simulation to obtain results of small statistic errors within reasonable computing time. The TORT-coupled MCNP calculation based on the CADIS methodology has been used in this study. The main differences between MCNP and SAS4 calculations are the underlying cross-section libraries and the adjoint functions used for variance reduction in Monte Carlo simulations. The cross-section libraries and their formats should be the root cause for some significant discrepancies between the MCNP and SAS4 results. In addition, limited by the 1D adjoint biasing scheme, SAS4 is inefficient in calculating the dose rates near inlet/outlet apertures. Considering all the computer time spent and the statistical errors of results obtained, the overall computation efficiency by using the TORT-coupled MCNP is better than SAS4 in the shielding calculations of spent fuel storage casks. More specifically, although the SAS4 efficiency is better when the cask side calculation is the only concern, the TORT-coupled MCNP technique is more efficient for the gamma-ray transport in cask top configurations and almost all the vent-streaming problems.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to perform a thermal analysis of a spent fuel storage cask in order to predict the maximum concrete and fuel cladding temperatures. Thermal analyses have been carried out for a storage cask under normal, off-normal and accident conditions. The environmental temperature is assumed to be 27°C under the normal condition. The off-normal condition has an environmental temperature of 40°C. An additional off-normal condition is considered as a partial blockage of the air inlet ducts. Four of the eight inlet ducts are assumed to be completely blocked. The accident condition is defined as a 100% blockage of air inlet ducts. The storage cask is designed to store 24 PWR spent fuel assemblies with a burn-up of 55,000 MWD/MTU and a cooling time of 7 years. The decay heat load from the 24 PWR assemblies is 25.2 kW. Thermal analyses of the ventilation system have been carried out for the determination of the optimum duct size and shape. The finite-volume computational fluid dynamics code FLUENT was used for the thermal analysis. From the results of the analysis, the maximum temperatures of the fuel rod and concrete overpack were lower than the allowable values under the normal, off-normal and accident conditions.  相似文献   

高燃耗乏燃料运输容器结构设计研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着中国压水堆核电站核燃料燃耗不断增加,高燃耗乏燃料运输容器在燃料后端物流中必不可少。本文介绍了高燃耗乏燃料运输容器的结构设计要求、结构特点、功能和性能参数;详细阐述了乏燃料运输容器满足各种工况下的结构强度要求。通过数值分析和相应试验,论证高燃耗乏燃料运输容器结构设计的合理性及结构安全分析方法的正确性,验证该设计能够满足放射性物质运输标准要求。  相似文献   

This paper addresses topics of research and development (R&D) being challenged for realization of concrete cask storage of spent nuclear fuel in Japan. Comparison between metal cask storage and concrete cask storage is addressed. Background of these R&D and current status of technology on spent fuel storage are described. Need and design concepts of concrete cask storage technology, tests and evaluation of integrity of spent fuel, materials, concrete casks under normal and accident conditions, monitoring technology, etc. are systematically arranged and introduced. Topical problems of these R&D are described.  相似文献   

The Syrian Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR), a 30 kW, 89.8% HEU fueled (U-Al), went critical in March, 1996. By operating the reactor at nominal power for 2.5 h/day, the estimated core life is 10 years. This paper presents the results of fuel burn-up and depletion analysis of the MNSR fuel lattice using the ORIGEN 2 code. A one-group cross-section data base for the ORIGEN 2 computer code was developed for the Syrian MNSR research reactor. The ORIGEN 2 predicted burn-up dependent actinide compositions of MNSR spent fuel using the newly developed data base show a good agreement with the published results in the literature. In addition, the burn-up characteristics of MNSR spent fuel was analyzed with the new data base. Finally, to study the effect of burn-up on the reactivity, the microscopic cross-sections of the fission products calculated by the WlMS code (using the number densities of fission products generated by the ORIGEN 2 code as a function of burn-up time), were used as an input for the CITATION code calculations. The results contained in this paper could be used in performing criticality safety analysis and shielding calculations for the design of a spent fuel storage cask for the MNSR core.  相似文献   


General Atomics has developed the model GA-4 legal weight truck spent fuel cask, a high-capacity cask for the transport of four pressurised water reactor (PWR) spent fuel assemblies, and obtained a certificate of compliance (CoC, No. 9226) in 1998 from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The currently authorised contents for this CoC, however, are much more limiting than the actual capability of the GA-4 cask to transport spent PWR fuel assemblies. The purpose of this paper is to show how the authorised contents can be significantly expanded by additional analyses without any changes to the physical design of the package. Using burn-up credit as outlined in US NRC Interim Staff Guidance 8, Revision 2, the authorised contents can be significantly expanded by increasing the maximum enrichment as the burn-up increases. Use of burn-up credit eliminates most of the criticality imposed limits on authorised package contents, but shielding still limits the use of the cask for higher burn-up, short-cooled fuel. By reducing the number of assemblies transported (downloading) to two and using shielding inserts, even high-burn-up fuel with reasonable cooling times can be transported.  相似文献   

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