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The stability characteristics of partially premixed turbulent lifted methane flames have been investigated and discussed in the present work. Mixture fraction and reaction zone behavior have been measured using a combined 2-D technique of simultaneous Rayleigh scattering, Laser Induced Predissociation Fluorescence (LIPF) of OH and Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) of C2Hx. The stability characteristics and simultaneous mixture fraction-LIPF-LIF measurements in three lifted flames with originally partially premixed jets at different mean equivalence ratio and Reynolds number are presented and discussed in this paper. Higher stability of partially premixed flames as compared to non-premixed flames has been observed. Lifted, attached, blow-out and blow-off regimes have been addressed and discussed in this work. The data show that the mixture fraction field on approaching the stabilization region is uniquely characterized by a certain level of mean and rms fluctuations. This suggests that the stabilization mechanism is likely to be controlled by premixed flame propagation at the stabilization region. Triple flame structure has been detected in the present flames, which is likely to be the appropriate model at the stabilization point.  相似文献   

Quantitative measurements of OH concentration time series are presented for turbulent lean-premixed, methane-air jet flames theoretically in the thickened preheat regime. Picosecond time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence (PITLIF) reveals unique differences between these premixed flames and previous non-premixed jet flames. Time-averaged [OH] measurements are used to identify mean flame structures and to discern how these structures are affected by varying bulk flow velocities and heat release. More importantly, hydroxyl time series are inspected to distinguish among three main regions in these turbulent premixed flames. These regions include the reacting side of the flame brush, the mixing side of the flame brush (radially outside the location of heat release), and above the flame tip. Although the main reaction zone appears to be broadened by its associated high turbulent intensity, a combination of statistical analysis plus flamelet simulations suggests that the primary internal structure responsible for the OH distribution remains constant across the mean flame brush. Therefore, the absolute concentration of OH depends principally on the intermittency of this instantaneous internal structure. Outside the mean flame brush, mixing of OH with co-flow air shifts the distribution of absolute OH concentrations. Distinct autocorrelation functions are found within the three different regions identified for these premixed flames. Across the flame brush, integral time scales are dominated by turbulent convection, as verified by flamelet simulations. Above the flame tip, integral time scales are determined by a competition between turbulent convection and the reaction rate for OH destruction.  相似文献   

Direct numerical simulations (DNS) are conducted to study the structure of partially premixed and non-premixed methane flames in high-intensity two-dimensional isotropic turbulent flows. The results obtained via “flame normal analysis” show local extinction and reignition for both non-premixed and partially premixed flames. Dynamical analysis of the flame with a Lagrangian method indicates that the time integrated strain rate characterizes the finite-rate chemistry effects and the flame extinction better than the strain rate. It is observed that the flame behavior is affected by the “pressure-dilatation” and “viscous-dissipation” in addition to strain rate. Consistent with previous studies, high vorticity values are detected close to the reaction zone, where the vorticity generation by the “baroclinic torque” was found to be significant. The influences of (initial) Reynolds and Damköhler numbers, and various air-fuel premixing levels on flame and turbulence variables are also studied. It is observed that the flame extinction occurs similarly in flames with different fuel-air premixing. Our simulations also indicate that the CO emission increases as the partial premixing of the fuel with air increases. Higher values of the temperature, the OH mass fraction and the CO mass fraction are observed within the flame zone at higher Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of the number and location of solid obstacles on the rate of propagation of turbulent premixed flames. A vented explosion chamber is constructed where controlled premixed flames are ignited from rest to propagate past grids or baffles plates as well as other solid obstacles strategically positioned in the chamber. Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) is used to image OH which is used as an indicator of the reaction zone while pressure transducers are used to obtain pressure-time traces. Single grids or baffle plates located at different distances from the ignition source are tested. Two as well as three baffle plates are also investigated in varying configurations. It is found that while the peak overpressure increases with increasing number of grids or baffle plates, a limit is reached where the pressure starts to decrease. The location of the obstacles is found to have a significant effect on the overpressure and the flame structure. Higher overpressures are obtained when the baffle plates and obstacles are stacked closer together hence not allowing turbulence to decay. LIF images for OH show that the reaction zones become more contorted with increasing number of baffle plates in the flame path.  相似文献   

The flame brush characteristics and turbulent burning velocities of premixed turbulent methane/air flames stabilized on a Bunsen-type burner were studied. Particle image velocimetry and Rayleigh scattering techniques were used to measure the instantaneous velocity and temperature fields, respectively. Experiments were performed at various equivalence ratios and bulk flow velocities from 0.7 to 1.0, and 7.7 to 17.0 m/s, respectively. The total turbulence intensity and turbulent integral length scale were controlled by the perforated plate mounted at different positions upstream of the burner exit. The normalized characteristic flame height and centerline flame brush thickness decreased with increasing equivalence ratio, total turbulence intensity, and longitudinal integral length scale, whereas they increased with increasing bulk flow velocity. The normalized horizontal flame brush thickness increased with increasing axial distance from the burner exit and increasing equivalence ratio. The non-dimensional leading edge and half-burning surface turbulent burning velocities increased with increasing non-dimensional turbulence intensity, and they decreased with increasing non-dimensional bulk flow velocity when other turbulence statistics were kept constant. Results show that the non-dimensional leading edge and half-burning surface turbulent burning velocities increased with increasing non-dimensional longitudinal integral length scale. Two correlations to represent the leading edge and half-burning surface turbulent burning velocities were presented as a function of the equivalence ratio, non-dimensional turbulence intensity, non-dimensional bulk flow velocity, and non-dimensional longitudinal integral length scale. Results show that the half-burning surface turbulent burning velocity normalized by the bulk flow velocity decreased as the normalized characteristic flame height increased.  相似文献   

The present study is devoted to the analysis of the influence of expansion phenomena on turbulent small scales in premixed reactive flows. It is shown that, under certain conditions, the expansion that takes place across wrinkled laminar flamelets can be sufficient to control the fluctuating velocity gradients and associated dissipation rate functions. These conditions are fixed by the respective values of a set of nondimensional parameters, namely the turbulence Reynolds number ReT, the Bray number, and the ratio between integral length scale of turbulence and thermal flame front thickness. A new criterion is introduced that makes it possible to delineate the influence of expansion phenomena on small-scale turbulent premixed reactive flows. The relevance of this criterion is analyzed in the light of experimental results represented in the classical diagram of combustion regime. The present analysis confirms that special care is required to represent and include the influence of expansion phenomena when using either RANS or LES closures to model turbulent premixed combustion.  相似文献   

Methane-air partially premixed flames subjected to grid-generated turbulence are stabilized in a two-slot burner with initial fuel concentration differences leading to stratification across the stoichiometric concentration. The fuel concentration gradient at the location corresponding to the flame base is measured using planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) of acetone in the non-reacting mixing field. Simultaneous PLIF of the OH radical and particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements are performed to deduce the flow velocity and the flame front. These flames exhibit a convex premixed flame front and a trailing diffusion flame, with flow divergence upstream of the flame, as indicated by the instantaneous OH–PLIF, Mie scattering images, and PIV data. The mean streamwise velocity profile attains a global minimum just upstream of the flame front due to expansion of a gases caused by heat release. The flame speed measured just upstream of the flame leading edge is normalized with respect to the turbulent stoichiometric flame speed that takes into account variations in turbulent intensity and integral length scale. The turbulent edge flame speed exceeds the corresponding stoichiometric premixed flame speed and reaches a peak at a certain concentration gradient. The mean tangential strain at the flame leading edge locally peaks at the concentration gradient corresponding to the peak flame speed. The strain varies non-monotonically with the flame curvature unlike in a non-stratified curved premixed flame. The mechanism of peak flame speed is explained as the competition between availability of hot excess reactants from the premixed flame branches to the flame stretch induced due to flame curvature. The results suggest that the stabilization of lifted turbulent partially premixed flames occurs through an edge flame even at a relatively gentle concentration gradient. The strain is also evaluated along the flame front; it peaks at the flame leading edge and decreases gradually on either side of the leading edge. The present results also show qualitatively similar trends as those of laminar triple flames.  相似文献   

A new technique was developed and applied to the study of flame structure and flame-vortex interaction in turbulent premixed flames. Turbulent premixed flames were probed using simultaneous stereo particle image velocimetry (PIV) and a double-pulsed acetone planar laser-induced fluorescence system (PLIF). Two double-pulsed Nd:YAG lasers operating at 532 and 266 nm were used for the PIV and acetone PLIF measurements, respectively. The stereo PIV images were acquired using two double-frame CCD cameras, and two ICCD cameras were used to capture the PLIF signal. The diagnostic system was applied to study turbulent methane-air stoichiometric premixed flames at relatively high Reynolds numbers. Flame merging and the creation of pockets of both products and reactants were detected, and a very strong interaction between the flame front and the vortex structures was suggested in the simultaneous PIV/PLIF images. Double-pulsed PLIF data obtained for different time delays allowed statistical study of flame development. Three-dimensional turbulent fluxes of mean progress variable were obtained. It was shown that the fluxes obey the gradient diffusion hypothesis. The proposed diagnostic increases flexibility and range of measurements available for premixed flames.  相似文献   

This study presents the flame structure influenced by the differential diffusion effects and evaluates the structural modifications induced by the turbulence, thus to understand the coupling effects of the diffusively unstable flame fronts and the turbulence distortion. Lean premixed CH4/H2/air flames were conducted using a piloted Bunsen burner. Three hydrogen fractions of 0, 30% and 60% were adopted and the laminar flame speed was kept constant. The turbulence was generated with a single-layer perforated plate, which was combined with different bulk velocities to obtain varied turbulence intensities. Quasi-laminar flames without the plate were also performed. Explicit flame morphology was obtained using the OH-PLIF. The curvature, flame surface density and turbulent burning velocity were measured. Results show that the preferential transport of hydrogen produces negatively curved cusps flanked with positively curved bulges, which are featured by skewed curvature pdfs and consistent with the typical structure caused by the Darrieus-Landau instability. Prevalent bulge-cusp like wrinkles remain with relatively weak turbulence. However, stronger turbulence can break the bulges to be finer, and induce random positively curved cusps, therefore to destroy the bulge-cusp structures. Evident positive curvatures are generated in this process modifying the skewed curvature pdfs to be more symmetric, while the negative curvatures are not affected seriously. From low to high turbulence intensities, the hydrogen addition always strengthens the flame wrinkling. The augmentation of flame surface density and turbulent burning velocity with hydrogen is even more obvious at higher turbulence intensity. It is suggested that the differential diffusion can persist and even be strengthened with strong turbulence.  相似文献   

Quantitative time-dependent images of the infrared radiation intensity from methane and dimethyl ether (DME) turbulent nonpremixed and partially premixed jet flames are measured and discussed in this work. The fuel compositions (CH4/H2/N2, C2H6O/H2/N2, CH4/air, and C2H6O/air) and Reynolds numbers (15,200–46,250) for the flames were selected following the guidelines of the International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames (TNF Workshop). The images of the radiation intensity are acquired using a calibrated high speed infrared camera and three band-pass filters. The band-pass filters enable measurements of radiation from water vapor and carbon dioxide over the entire flame length and beyond. The images reveal localized regions of high and low intensity characteristic of turbulent flames. The peak mean radiation intensity is approximately 15% larger for the DME nonpremixed flames and 30% larger for the DME partially premixed flames in comparison to the corresponding methane flames. The trends are explained by a combination of higher temperatures and longer stoichiometric flame lengths for the DME flames. The longer flame lengths are attributed to the higher density of the DME fuel mixtures based on existing flame length scaling relationships. The longer flame lengths result in larger volumes of high temperature gas and correspondingly higher path-integrated radiation intensities near and downstream of the stoichiometric flame length. The radiation intensity measurements acquired with the infrared camera agree with existing spectroscopy measurements demonstrating the quantitative nature of the present imaging technique. The images provide new benchmark data of turbulent nonpremixed and partially premixed jet flames. The images can be compared with results of large eddy simulations rendered in the form of quantitative images of the infrared radiation intensity. Such comparisons are expected to support the evaluation of models used in turbulent combustion and radiation simulations.  相似文献   

An experimental study to identify the effect of hydrogen enrichment and differential diffusion on the flame broadening is conducted. Turbulent lean premixed flames in the Broadened Preheat–Thin Reaction (BP-TR) regime are obtained. The flames are stabilized on a Bunsen burner and CH4/H2/air mixtures are adopted with three hydrogen fractions of 0, 30% and 60%. The preheat zone and heat release zone are captured with the multi-species Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) of OH and CH2O radicals. Flame thicknesses of the preheat and heat release layers are measured. Results show broadened preheat zone and thin heat release layers for the flames, as predicted by the BP-TR regime. The preheat zone thickness can be increased to about 3–6 times compared to the laminar preheat thickness. An apparently decreased preheat zone thickness with hydrogen addition is observed. The differential diffusion is anticipated to locally thicken the heat release zone along the flame front. The mean heat release thickness is nearly not affected by the turbulence or hydrogen addition.  相似文献   

Intense strain, turbulence, heat transfer, and mixing with combustion products can affect premixed flames in practical combustion devices. These effects are systematically studied in turbulent premixed CH4/N2/O2 flames using a reactant versus product counterflow system and independently varying bulk strain rate, turbulent Reynolds number, equivalence ratio of the reactant mixture, and temperature of the stoichiometric counterflowing combustion products. The flow field and the turbulent flames are investigated using particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) imaging of OH. The OH-LIF images are used to identify the interface between the counterflowing streams, referred to here as the gas mixing layer interface (GMLI). The flame response for different flow conditions is compared in terms of the probability of localized extinction along the GMLI, the turbulent flame brush thickness, and flame position relative to the GMLI, by using an OH-LIF-based progress variable. The probability of localized extinction at the GMLI increases as the separation between the turbulent flame brush and the GMLI decreases. Flame fronts in the vicinity of the GMLI are more likely to extinguish as a result of heat losses, dilution of the reaction zone by the product stream, and large local strain rates. A higher probability of localized extinction at the GMLI is induced by either a larger bulk strain rate or a slower flame speed. As the turbulent Reynolds number increases, the corresponding increase in turbulent flame brush thickness enhances the interactions of the flame fronts with the GMLI. Heat losses are substantially less significant for cases in which the turbulent flame brush is sufficiently separated from the GMLI. For flames in close proximity to the GMLI, the effects of the product stream on the flame front differ for lean and rich reactant mixtures. These disparities are attributed in part to differences in the ignitibility of the reactant mixtures by the hot product stream.  相似文献   

A measurement strategy for the experimental validation of subgrid scale (SGS) models for large-eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent premixed flames is presented. The approach is based on a dual-plane stereo-PIV technique. The measurement of the flow field is performed in two parallel planes which allows the determination of velocity gradients in all three directions. The flame front position in the PIV images is deduced from the clearly observable step in the particle number density between burnt and unburnt gases. This facilitates the single-shot based evaluation of important quantities for reacting flows, e.g., the density weighted rate-of-strain tensor. Also filtered quantities like the SGS scalar flux of the reaction progress variable can be directly determined by spatial averaging over several regions of interest which reproduces the application of the filter function in LES. Moreover, the measured data allows the direct interpretation of SGS model formulations since besides the filtered values, also resolved data are generated. Thus, statistical a-priori tests of SGS models are possible. The measurement strategy is explained, a statistical evaluation of the density weighted rate-of-strain tensor is given, and exemplarily an instantaneous distribution of the measured radial SGS scalar flux is compared with predictions of two models, the gradient diffusion model and the Clark model. Starting from a reference operation point of a turbulent V-shaped flame the following three parameters - Reynolds number, fuel-air ratio and fuel type - have been varied independently. First results show that the gradient diffusion model fails completely, while the Clark model predictions show a high degree of correlation to the directly determined flux components, especially in the reactant zone. More advanced modeling, however, may be needed, to incorporate for instance heat-release effects more closely.  相似文献   

The transport of flame surface density (FSD) in turbulent premixed flames has been studied using a database obtained from Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). Three-dimensional freely propagating developing statistically planar turbulent premixed flames have been examined over a range of global Lewis numbers from 0.6 to 1.2. Simplified chemistry has been used and the emphasis is on the effects of Lewis number on FSD transport in the context of Reynolds-averaged closure modelling. Under the same initial conditions of turbulence, flames with low Lewis numbers are found to exhibit counter-gradient transport of FSD, whereas flames with higher Lewis numbers tend to exhibit gradient transport of FSD. Stronger heat release effects for lower Lewis number flames are found to lead to an increase in the positive (negative) value of the dilatation rate (normal strain rate) term in the FSD transport equation with decreasing Lewis number. The contribution of flame curvature to FSD transport is found to be influenced significantly by the effects of Lewis number on the curvature dependence of the magnitude of the reaction progress variable gradient, and on the combined reaction and normal diffusion components of displacement speed. The modelling of the various terms of the FSD transport equation has been analysed in detail and the performance of existing models is assessed with respect to the terms assembled from corresponding quantities extracted from DNS data. Based on this assessment, suitable models are identified which are able to address the effects of non-unity Lewis number on FSD transport, and new or modified models are suggested wherever necessary.  相似文献   

The present work reported observation studies on the flame structure of outwardly propagating HCNG-30 (adding H2 into CH4 with a volumetric ratio of 30%) premixed flames, the effects of turbulent intensities (from 0 to 1.31 m/s) and equivalence ratios (from 0.6 to 1.2) were discussed. First, the effects of equivalence ratios on laminar HCNG-30 premixed flames were analyzed and discussed upon the flame morphology and the macro indices to flame structure (critical radius and wrinkling ratio), with the decrease of equivalence ratio from rich to lean, the instability was dominated by both D-T instability and D-L instability. Then, with the presence of turbulence, the flame structure became more wrinkled for both the turbulence effects and the interactions to intrinsic instabilities. Upon the analysis about the spatial oscillation on the flame-front with same sizes, the relationship between the amplitude of the flame-front and the equivalence ratio in intense turbulence conditions is not regular, and this phenomenon could be attributed to the dominant influence of turbulence on the flame structure under intense turbulent conditions. Upon the wavelet analysis about the temporal oscillation on same local flame structure, the effects of turbulence would decline when the flame developed to certain size, and such phenomena could be attributed to the dissipation of turbulence.  相似文献   

Effects of H2-enrichment on structures of CH4/air turbulent swirling premixed flames affected by high intensity turbulence in a gas turbine model combsutor are investigated by conducting direct numerical simulations. Two stoichiometric mixture conditions, of which volume ratio of CH4:H2 = 50:50 and 80:20, are simulated by considering a reduced chemistry (25 species and 111 reactions). Results showed qualitatively different flame shapes and reaction zone characteristics between the cases. For the higher H2-ratio case, the flame is stabilized both in the inner and outer shear layers. For the lower H2-ratio case, the flame is stabilized only in the inner shear layer and extinction occurs in the outer shear layer. Comparison of the reaction zone characteristics with unstrained and strained laminar flames in phase space showed that H2 mass fraction for the lower H2-ratio case and reaction rate profiles for both cases deviate from the corresponding laminar values. Analysis of fuel species conservation equation suggests that the turbulent transports are substantially influential to determine local and global flame structures. These findings would be useful for designing practical H2-enriched gas turbine combustor in the aspect of flame structures under high intensity turbulence.  相似文献   

Effects of turbulent flame stretch on mean local laminar burning velocity of flamelets, , were investigated experimentally in an explosion vessel at normal temperature and pressure. In this context, the wrinkling, At/Al, and the burning velocity, ut, of turbulent flames were measured simultaneously. With the flamelet assumption the mean local laminar burning velocity of flamelets, , was calculated for different turbulence intensities. The results were compared to the influence of stretch on spherically expanding laminar flames. For spherically expanding laminar flames the stretched laminar burning velocity, un, varied linearly with the Karlovitz stretch factor, yielding Markstein numbers that depend on the mixture composition. Six different mixtures with positive and negative Markstein numbers were investigated. The measurements of the mean local laminar burning velocity of turbulent flamelets were used to derive an efficiency parameter, I, which reflects the impact of the Markstein number and turbulent flame stretch—expressed by the turbulent Karlovitz stretch factor—on the local laminar burning velocity of flamelets. The results showed that the efficiency is reduced with increasing turbulence intensity and the reduction can be correlated to unsteady effects.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the turbulent scalar flux in premixed flames has been studied using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) with emphasis on the effects of Lewis number in the context of Reynolds-averaged closure modelling. A database was obtained from DNS of three-dimensional freely propagating statistically planar turbulent premixed flames with simplified chemistry and a range of global Lewis numbers from 0.34 to 1.2. Under the same initial conditions of turbulence, flames with low Lewis numbers are found to exhibit counter-gradient transport, whereas flames with higher Lewis numbers tend to exhibit gradient transport. The Reynolds-averaged transport equation for the turbulent scalar flux is analysed in detail and the performance of existing models for the unclosed terms is assessed with respect to corresponding quantities extracted from DNS data. Based on this assessment, existing models which are able to address the effects of non-unity Lewis number on turbulent scalar flux transport are identified, and new or modified models are suggested wherever necessary. In this way, a complete set of closure models for the scalar flux transport equation is prescribed for use in Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations.  相似文献   

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