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提出一种新的蒙特卡洛光线跟踪计算方法.该方法利用半球谐基函数对入射光线正交化,利用两个半球上的笛卡儿积来定义物体表面的双向反射率分布函数.对光滑平面上的辐亮度进行取样,然后把其放进高速缓存器中,经过计算再对其它点进行插值.插值时,利用梯度方向插值,并且用了一种简便的方法来计算一个点的梯度.该方法能极大地提高全局照明的计算速度.该方法对于照明工程,高质量的电影动画及游戏制作及虚拟现实等领域都具有非常广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an efficient global illumination technique, and then we discuss the results of its extensive experimental validation. The technique is a hybrid of cluster-based hierarchical and progressive radiosity techniques, which does not require storing links between interacting surfaces and clusters. We tested our technique by applying a multistage validation procedure, which we designed specifically for global illumination solutions. First, we experimentally validate the algorithm against analytically derived and measured real-world data to check how calculation speed is traded for lighting simulation accuracy for various clustering and meshing scenarios. Then we test the algorithm performance and rendering quality by directly comparing the virtual and real-world images of a complex environment.  相似文献   

Photon mapping is widely used for global illumination rendering because of its high computational efficiency. But its efficiency is still limited, mainly by the intensive sampling required in final gathering, a process that is critical for removing low frequency artifacts of density estimation. In this paper, we propose a method to predict the final gathering estimation with direct density estimation, thereby achieving high quality global illumination by photon mapping with high efficiency. We first sample the irradiance of a subset of shading points by both final gathering and direct radiance estimation. Then we use the samples as a training set to predict the final gathered irradiance of other shading points through regression. Consequently, we are able to achieve about three times overall speedup compared with straightforward final gathering in global illumination computation with the same rendering quality.  相似文献   

The radiosity method is particularly suitable for global illumination calculations in static environments. Nonetheless, recent applications of image synthesis such as architectural simulation or lighting design require the ability to modify environments. Previous methods have attempted to deal with dynamic environments (environments where the geometry, the material properties, etc., can change)but still suffer some limitations in the case of moving objects. One of the main problems remaining is the efficient and accurate detection of which form factors must really be recomputed, since their calculation is the most time-consuming part of the radiosity method. To correctly understand and solve this problem, we start with a method in 2D for polygonal scenes using the visibility complex. It is a powerful data structure representing the visibility relationships between objects in the plane. We have developed and implemented an algorithm which uses this structure to efficiently compute the discontinuity mesh and the form factors for static scenes. We also propose an extension to our algorithm to efficiently update only the modified form factors when an object is moving. This approach enhances our understanding and will hopefully lead to efficient solutions in 3D.  相似文献   

提出了一种实时全局光照的计算方法。该方法支持任意视点下动态光源的一次间接光照计算,并且物体表面材质可实时编辑,该算法预计算了各面片上的形状因子来解决遮挡问题,并记录形状因子较大的重要性面片作为间接光源。渲染时先从光源方向对场景记录了一个扩展的阴影图,包含了光源照射到的面片ID和其光通量,再根据采样好的间接光源来计算间接光照。使用CUDA,整个光照计算过程在GPU中完成,可以对静态场景进行实时渲染,并能达到逼真的渲染效果。  相似文献   

In this paper we first derive a tighter error bound on form factors as a subdivision criterion for the hierarchical radiosity algorithm. Such an error bound can reduce more unnecessary links and improve the performance of the hierarchical radiosity algorithm to meet a user-specified error tolerance. We then propose a weighted error metric in form factor computation such that more effort is automatically applied to shadow boundaries. Evaluating form factors along shadow boundaries with a higher degree of precision should enhance the quality of human perception. Using the proposed tighter error bound on the weighted error metric, we not only improve the performance but also increase the accuracy of the hierarchical radiosity algorithm. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

O (n) for n subsystems. Moreover, the data necessary for each subsystem computation is completely localized, which allows the database to be stored on disk. The algorithm can easily be implemented with a slight modification of the hierarchical radiosity algorithm. Experiments demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

A system of linear equations is in general solved to approximate discretely the illumination function in radiosity computation.To improve the radiosity solution,a method that performs shooting and gathering in an interleaving manner is proposed in the paper.Besides,a criterion has been set up and tested for choosing object elements used in the gathering operation,and a criterion is established to quantify th solution errors by taking into account more reasonably of the human perception of the radiosity solution.Experimental results show that the method proposed has nice performance in improving the radiosity solution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel formfactor calculation algorithm for acceleration radiosity solutions in complex environments. Our basic algorithm is an improved version of Spencer's (S.N. Spencer, ‘The hemisphere radiosity method: a tale of two algorithms’, in Photorealism in Computer Graphics, Spencer, 1992, pp. 127–135) and Van Wyk's (G.C. Van Wyk Jr., ‘A geometry-based insolution model for computer-aided design,’ Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Michigan, 1998.) methods, which fail to remove hidden surfaces for relatively large patches and cause large discretization errors in formfactors. We also demonstrate that our technique is superior to the hemi-cube method in terms of the computation time. Moreover, we parallelize our approach on a parallel computer with shared memory, and obtain a high performance with our radiosity rendering system. Our method divides a hemisphere-base into regions, and assigns a region to each processor. The approach can be applied to geometrical data generated by CAD systems, and is evaluated in terms of the computation time, the visual effects, and the parallelization performance. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

太阳光照射到树冠上之后,会在叶片间进行相互的反射、折射,形成复杂的间接光照效果。在进行树木真实感绘制时,对这种间接光照的快速模拟是非常困难的。传统的光线跟踪、辐射度等算法均比较耗时,很难满足实时计算的要求。采用一种概率模型来快速估算树木叶片间的间接光照效果,实现了带间接光照效果的树木实时绘制。为树冠构建一个包围体,并假定该包围体中叶子的位置和法向基本符合均匀分布;为叶子的正反面分别定义反射系数和透射系数,并定义一个衰减函数来描述光线穿越叶子层后的衰减量;基于这种均匀概率分布的包围体模型,并利用叶片材质属性,就可以为每片叶子计算出叶子表面的出射光。对于中心在[P]处的叶子来说,可以快速计算出太阳光经过其邻近叶子到达该叶子表面的间接光照效果。为了进一步提高绘制效率,并未采用传统的包含大量面片的树木模型,而是采用了一种利用Billboards结构进行树木枝叶表达的简洁的树木三维模型。将上述概率模型与这种表达方式进行了有机结合,完成了带间接光照效果的树木实时真实感绘制。  相似文献   

Face recognition under uncontrolled illumination conditions is still considered an unsolved problem. In order to correct for these illumination conditions, we propose a virtual illumination grid (VIG) approach to model the unknown illumination conditions. Furthermore, we use coupled subspace models of both the facial surface and albedo to estimate the face shape. In order to obtain a representation of the face under frontal illumination, we relight the estimated face shape. We show that the frontal illuminated facial images achieve better performance in face recognition. We have performed the challenging Experiment 4 of the FRGCv2 database, which compares uncontrolled probe images to controlled gallery images. Our illumination correction method results in considerably better recognition rates for a number of well-known face recognition methods. By fusing our global illumination correction method with a local illumination correction method, further improvements are achieved.  相似文献   

This paper discusses techniques for the computation of global illumination in environments with a participating medium using a Monte Carlo simulation of the particle model of light. Efficient algorithms and data structures for tracking the particles inside the volume have been developed. The necessary equation for computing the illumination along any given direction has been derived for rendering a scene with a participating medium. A major issue in any Monte Carlo simulation is the uncertainty in the final simulation results. Various steps of the algorithm have been analysed to identify major sources of uncertainty. To reduce the uncertainty, suitable modifications to the simulation algorithm have been suggested using variance reduction methods of forced collision, absorption suppression and particle divergence. Some sample scenes showing the results of applying these methods are also included.  相似文献   

While many methods exist for simulating diffuse light inter-reflections, relatively few of them are adapted to dynamic scenes. Despite approximations made on the formal rendering equation, managing dynamic environments at interactive or real-time frame rates still remains one of the most challenging problems. This paper presents a lighting simulation system based on photon streaming, performed continuously on the central processor unit. The power corresponding to each photon impact is accumulated onto predefined points, called virtual light accumulators (or VLA). VLA are used during the rendering phase as virtual light sources. We also introduce a priority management system that automatically adapts to brutal changes during lighting simulation (for instance due to visibility changes or fast object motion). Our system naturally benefits from multi-core architecture. The rendering process is performed in real time using a graphics processor unit, independently from the lighting simulation process. As shown in the results, our method provides high framerates for dynamic scenes, with moving viewpoint, objects and light sources.  相似文献   

当前基于单幅雾天图像复原算法的研究都是在光照充足的情形下(白天),这种情形下的光照主要来自天空光。然而,对于在光照主要来自人造光(夜间)的雾天图像复原算法的研究屈指可数。因此提出了新的基于人造光照下的雾天成像模型,并同时考虑了不均匀的环境光和对图像的光照补偿。检测出光源位置,根据光源的发光特性求出环境光和光照补偿系数,利用提出的新模型求出清晰的图像,使用基于边缘颜色恒常性(EBCC)来对颜色进行校正。实验结果表明,该算法优于其他算法。  相似文献   

使用一种动态方向梯度矢量流Snake (DDGVF Snake)算法来检测未知图像的阴影和高光区域,根据已知的标准人脸图像库中图像的灰度分布,计算出灰度中值,然后采用加权非线性Gamma灰度矫正算法来归一化待识别图像的光照变化,使之与已知的标准库中的图像灰度一致。在Yale B,CMU PIE和CAS PEAL人脸库上的实验表明,所提出的方法与同类的处理方法相比,具有更高的恢复精度。  相似文献   

优化选取服务是动态Web服务组合的关键技术之一。在对分层组合算法研究的基础上,利用产生式规则和接口语义规则对Web服务建模,引入了备选服务的QoS性能指标和用户请求对响应时间、成本、成功率、可靠性和组合率的多条件约束,给出了一种全局优化的分层动态Web服务组合算法,通过仿真工具Weblogic 8.1 application server + Oracle BPEL Process Manager 10验证,结果表明,该算法能够有效提高动态Web服务组合的成功率和组合率。  相似文献   

为了提高光照条件下的人脸识别正确率,提出一种复杂光照条件下的人脸预处理算法。对人脸图像进行局部增强处理,用双边滤波对图像亮度进行估计,采用Gamma校正补偿图像亮度估计产生的损失,将反射分量与亮度估计结果融合获得效果更优的人脸图像,并用K近邻算法建立分类器对人脸进行识别。在Yale、PIE和AR人脸库仿真结果表明,该算法提高了光照条件下的人脸识别正确率,其性能优于当前典型人脸识别算法。  相似文献   

鉴于经验模态分解(EMD)算法的无参数特性和基于数据驱动的自适应分析,从EMD算法筛选过程中插值点和差值算法选取的角度出发,提出了一种标准EMD的改进算法。用改进的EMD算法分解需要识别的人脸图像,得到从整体上有效消除了光照变化影响的原人脸图像的重构图像,并将重构图像用于识别。通过在Yale B人脸库上的实验结果表明,将提出的光照处理方法应用到人脸识别中可以取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

Abstract— A high‐fidelity simulation of motion blurring in an LCOS projector was developed by using the measured temporal response of the projector. The simulation was validated for continuous and scanning illumination by comparison with results of motion‐blur measurements by using a pursuit camera. The simulation was then used to analyze and optimize duty cycle and phase parameters for scrolling illumination in the general case.  相似文献   

林淑彬    吴贵山    姚文勇  杨文元 《智能系统学报》2022,17(6):1093-1103
无人机跟踪任务经常面临各种光线变化场景,然而无人机跟踪方法主要在光线充足下实现鲁棒跟踪。提出一种具有光照自适应性和跨帧语义感知动态一致性评估的无人机跟踪方法,实现光线不足下的无人机目标跟踪。首先构建光照自适应模块对昏暗场景进行识别,对视频图像的光照强度进行补偿;其次构建目标模板训练具有目标感知能力的滤波器进行相关运算,并利用跨帧之间的响应信息进行一致性评估;最后构建动态约束策略并对响应差异进行约束,使跟踪器保持时间平滑。在UAVDark135和UAV123数据集上,与9种先进算法进行对比实验,结果表明该算法具有较好的跟踪性能。  相似文献   

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