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宗教建筑作为宗教精神的物质载体,极大程度上体现了宗教的基本理念。东西方宗教的区别和差异也直接导致了宗教建筑之间的审美差异。本文以东方具有代表性的中国佛教建筑与西方具有代表性的哥特式教堂作为比较对象,将两者之间的审美趋同性特别是两者之间的审美差异性做了比较,从而体现出东西方宗教各自的特点在宗教建筑上是如何体现出来的,也从审美的角度研究了东西方宗教建筑各自的特点。把中国传统的佛教建筑和欧洲传统的哥特式教堂进行比较,从美学的角度分享两者之间存在的联系和差距。  相似文献   

正设计说明:本设计中的香器从佛教文化意象元素出发,通过对"佛手""月"的抽象提取,赋予产品简洁而富有禅意的造型。书法用品从佛教"贪嗔痴慢疑"出发,通过五官表情与其挂钩,造型巧妙地与产品功能结合,形成了一套特别的文房用品。以佛教主题作为出发点,改变了现有文房用品单一传统的状况。通过了解佛教文化禅宗思想美学,通过色彩,材料,造型等产品语言,将其融入到传统文具的设计。  相似文献   

禅宗,源于佛教文化东渐,是在中国文化土壤上形成的一个佛教宗派,它主张通过个体的直觉经验和沉思冥想的思维方式,在感性中通过悟境而达到精神上的超越与自由。禅宗在与日本文化土壤的融合中更多地被日本已有的情感基调、世界观、价值观所浸染,融入了日常的文化实践中,已转变为日本人平常生活中的一些智慧,并形成一种独特的文化气质和审美趣味。  相似文献   

目的对建筑空间与联觉的产生、相互关系及协同机制进行研究。方法通过对空间概念以及人类建筑发展的脉络梳理和分析,探讨建筑与有意义的空间之间的关系,进而揭示建筑空间与意义之间的协同关系及途径。结果人类建筑范式是具有某种意义的载体和文化的阐释者,具有强烈的符号性。认为建筑联觉的知觉表达机制与方式,是建筑空间与意义之间的协同。结论意义的来源,主要包括空间形态的符号性和空间形态的意象性两个方面,而空间与意义之间协同的途径,则主要通过空间视觉形态的同构、空间视觉形式的连续两种方式进行构建。  相似文献   

本文以宁波天童禅寺周边景点景观设计为实例,论述了禅宗佛学思想及禅宗美学在景观设计中的应用。尝试结合现代景观设计手法,从研究禅意空间特征入手,营造彰显禅宗意境、浓缩自然之美的寺庙景观空间。  相似文献   

王健  李浩 《中国科技博览》2013,(18):358-358
随着社会的发展与进步,现在大型综合性建筑、大空间建筑、高层建筑的使用功能高度集中,而基于以往经验及科研成果制订出来的建筑防火设计规范难以适应新的需要,因而,根据建筑物的火灾特性来确定其防火设计方案是建筑发展的选择和需要,发展防火疏散设计方法势在必行。重视防火疏散设计具有重要的意义,本文主要简单论述防火疏散设计在建筑设计中的作用。  相似文献   

胡宗祥 《照相机》2013,(10):47-49
青海塔尔寺是蜚名中外的藏传佛教六大寺院之一.除了酥油花、堆绣和唐卡被称为该寺"艺术三绝"外,该寺雄伟的藏汉建筑以及每年例行举办的宗教节日,如晒大佛、法王舞、法会、转山等活动会吸引众多信徒、游客前去观看,其中不乏有许多摄影爱好者慕名前去拍摄.  相似文献   

由于规模、功能、技术、艺术各方面要求均高于一般建筑,大空间建筑引起了更多的关注。通过分析现阶段大空间建筑设计的现状和存在的主要问题,浅要分析了以技术、环境、功能为切入点的大空间建筑设计方法,并着重介绍了其发展趋势,为未来大空间建筑的设计与发展起到了一定的引导作用。  相似文献   

<正>获奖情况:2022年中国安装协会科学技术进步奖一等奖一、成果研究背景《关于推动城乡建设绿色发展的意见》《建筑节能与绿色建筑发展“十三五”规划》对建设高品质绿色建筑、建筑能效水平、绿色建筑面积比重等提出了严格要求。建筑的功能性、舒适性、节能降碳及绿色发展成为行业高质量发展的重要指标。高大空间建筑是城市建筑的重要组成部分,中央集中空调系统作为其中的关键功能中枢,具有独特的设计、建造及运维特征:建筑空间大,管系庞杂,水力平衡难度大,气流组织复杂;动力设备与系统的振动、噪声控制难度大,设备能耗高;  相似文献   

武静 《包装世界》2010,(6):84-85
山西博物院是山西最大的文物收藏、保护、研究和展示中心,院内收藏有从魏晋南北朝到明清时期众多丰富而精美的宗教造像。这些造像集中展现了山西古代宗教造像的发展变化脉络与整体艺术风貌,同时也体现出不同时代雕刻艺术所取得的高度成就。长期以来,山西地区的宗教造像逐渐形成了其浓郁的地方特色,本文中的石刻菩萨头像即为其中代表之一。此像造型秀美,比例协调,结构准确,整体安排和谐,其雕刻技法与表现手法更是非常少见,摆脱了印度佛教造像思想的束缚,具有明显的中国化艺术特色与很高的历史、艺术价值,是不可多得的雕刻艺术精品,对研究山西金代佛教审美及雕刻艺术有着极为重要的历史和艺术价值。  相似文献   

目的:抓住文化创意产业转型机遇,研究适合夫子庙文化推广的文创产品设计路径;方法:以故宫博物院文创产品交互设计为例,结合夫子庙地域文化,通过塑造交互式体验、打造移动应用程序和打通线上、线下市场的方式,营造独特文化与消费体验的服务流程;结果:满足不同用户的消费需求,达到情感的共鸣,提高夫子庙文创产品市场竞争力,从而传承与弘扬夫子庙地域文化;结论:在文创产品的开发过程中,不仅要注重传统文创产品设计,还要顺应时代发展潮流,引入交互设计、服务设计、参与式设计概念.  相似文献   

1.后疫情时期城市微更新背景下的城市"地摊经济"商业空间 城市更新通过对某一衰落的区域拆迁、改造、投资和建设,以新功能替换空间中衰败的功能,使空间更新并重新发展[1].城市微更新以公众参与为基础,以微小空间和公共设施为改造对象,以微小的更新模式解决城市中出现的问题[2].城市公共空间为日常生活和社会生活提供场所[3],更新时应根据使用者的行为、需求、心理指向等组织规划,实现公共空间的"人性化"、"生活化"甚至"混杂化"[4]. 疫情对经济乃至社会生活都造成了影响,2020年两会期间,杨宝玲认为有必要因地制宜释放地摊经济的最大活力,给予从业者合法地位[5].发展地摊经济利于恢复微观经济活力,促进经济发展.  相似文献   

Temperature dependence of d.c. conductivity is studied ina- Se75In25-x Pb x thin films wherex is varied from 0–10. From these measurements, the values of the pre-exponential factor (σ0) and activation energy (ΔE) are calculated for each glassy alloy. An approximate linear dependence of ln σ0 on AE is observed in this glassy system with good agreement between the expected and calculated σ0 values using Meyer-Neldel rule. Linear dependence of ln σ0 on ΔE in case of amorphous materials indicates that the conduction band tails a finite energy distance towards the valence band and Fermi level is controlled by fixed dominant hole levels deeper in the gap.  相似文献   

The formation mechanisms of Li x Na1 ?x Ta y Nb1 ? y O3 perovskite solid solutions in the Li2CO3-Na2CO3-Nb2O5-Ta2O5 system have been studied by x-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetry, IR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry at temperatures from 300 to 1100°C. The results indicate that the synthesis of Li x Na1 ? x Ta y Nb1 ? y O3 solid solutions involves a complex sequence of consecutive and parallel solid-state reactions. An optimized synthesis procedure for Li x Na1 ? x Ta y Nb1 ? y O3 solid solutions is proposed.  相似文献   

This review describes the principles of semiconductor spintronics, represents the physicochemical properties of materials based on manganese-alloyed AIIBIVC2V compounds, considers the results from theoretical simulation of magnetic properties of AIIBIVC2V alloyed with 3d metals, summarizes the basic approaches to explanation of ferromagnetism with Curie points above room temperature arising in AIIBIVC2V:Mn, and indicates promising ways to synthesize and study magnetic semiconductors based on chalcopyrites AIIBIVC2V in order to produce a suitable material for spintronic devices.  相似文献   

New potassium ion conducting solid electrolytes based on potassium monoferrite have been prepared through partial substitution of the divalent cation Cd2+ on the potassium site, and their properties have been investigated. The introduction of cadmium cations sharply increases the electrical conductivity of KFeO2 over the entire temperature range studied. In addition to the maximum in conductivity at the boundary of the K1 − 2x Cd x FeO2 solid solution, there is a maximum at a higher cadmium content (x = 0.30–0.35). The possible origins of this maximum are discussed.  相似文献   

The superconducting properties of iodine-intercalated high-temperature superconducting Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x phase (Bi-2223) were systematically studied. It was found that for samples containing a significant amount of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x , iodine intercalation results in the dramatic decrease of the inter-granular critical current density, as well as a significant decrease of the critical temperature (T c), the critical current density in the grains (J cg), and of the amount of Bi-2223. For samples with a large amount of Bi-2223, T c changes insignificantly, whereas J cg can even increase. We argue that the different behavior of the superconducting parameters is the result of various oxygen concentrations, and we explain the effect of iodine intercalation based on the parabolic dependence between T c and the number of holes per CuO2 layer. The H(T) curves (determined from the peak position in the loss signal of ac susceptibility) for intercalated samples deviate significantly from the quasi 2D-like behavior, pointing toward an enhancement of the 3D fluctuations of vortices. For the change in the values and dimensionality of the flux pinning in the process of the intercalation, we attempted a qualitative explanation based on the models proposed in literature.  相似文献   

The effect of the synthesis conditions on the properties of inorganic laser-active liquids POCl3-SbCl5-235UO 2 2+ -Nd3+ is considered. The kinetic dependences of the U(IV) content and decay time of the Nd3+ luminescence in POCl3-SbCl5-235UO 2 2+ -Nd3+ solutions for various synthesis procedures at 380 K have been obtained. In POCl3-SbCl5-235UO 2 2+ -Nd3+ solutions, nonradiative energy transfer Nd3+ → U4+ is observed, and quenching of the Nd3+ luminescence is described by the Stern-Volmer law: k q = (6.4 ± 0.6) × 105 l mol?1 s?1. Laser liquids POCl3-SbCl5-235UO 2 2+ -Nd3+ with neodymium concentration of up to 0.7 M, uranyl concentration of up to 0.1 M, and decay time of the Nd3+ luminescence of up to 220 μs have been prepared for the first time.  相似文献   

The structure of three compounds in the Cu2Se-In2Se3-Cr2Se3 system near CuInCr2Se5 is determined by single-crystal x-ray diffraction: CuInCr4Se8 (I), Cu2In2Se4 (II), and Cu0.5In0.5Se (III). I has a cubic (spinel type) structure: a = 10.606(4) Å, Z = 4, sp. gr. F43m. II has a pseudotetragonal (sphalerite type) structure: a = 5.774(2) Å, c = 11.617(6) Å. The structure of II was solved in a reduced unit cell with a = 5.774(2) Å, b = 5.774(2) Å, c = 7.095(6) Å, = 113.95(5)°, = 113.95(5)°, = 90.00(4)°, Z = 1, sp. gr. P1. III has a triclinic cell (disordered structure of II): a = 4.088(1) Å, b = 4.091(2) Å, c = 4.101(1) Å, = 60.05(1)°, = 60.08(1)°, = 89.98(4)°, Z = 1, sp. gr. P1. The Cu and In atoms in I sit in inequivalent tetrahedral sites, and the Cr atoms reside in octahedral interstices of the close packing of Se atoms. The bond lengths are In–Se = 2.538(6), Cr(1)–Se(1) = 2.514(7), Cr(1)–Se(2) = 2.576(8), and Cu–Se = 2.437(5) Å. In II, all of the atoms sit in tetrahedral sites; the mean bond lengths are In–Se = 2.578(6) and Cu–Se = 2.44(1) Å. In III, the Cu and In atoms are fully disordered in the same tetrahedral site; the mean Cu(In)–Se bond length is 2.508(6) Å.Translated from Neorganicheskie Materialy, Vol. 40, No. 12, 2004, pp. 1435–1439.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Antsyshkina, Sadikov, Koneshova, Sergienko.  相似文献   

We have studied the properties of nanocrystalline ZrO2-Y2O3-CeO2-CoO-Al2O3 powders prepared via hydrothermal treatment of a mixture of coprecipitated hydroxides at 210°C. A number of general trends are identified in the variation of the properties of the synthesized powders during heat treatment at temperatures from 500 to 1200°C. Our results demonstrate that the addition of 0.3 mol % CoO to nanocrystalline ZrO2-based powders containing 1 to 5 mol % Al2O3 allows one to obtain composites with good sinterability at a reduced temperature (1200°C).  相似文献   

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