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采用合适的TMCP工艺,可以在低碳合金管线钢中获得不同组成比的针状铁素体复相组织。研究结果表明:降低终轧温度、提高冷却速度均导致管线钢强度的显著提高,这是由于针状铁素体复相组织中的粒状铁素体、贝氏体铁素体等低温组织含量的增加;低温组织含量的增加比提高卷取温度导致的沉淀析出物增多对提高强度的贡献更大。 相似文献
研究了含量在5~500ppm范围内的Al和Ti对手工电弧焊的C-Mn钢焊缝组织和性能的综合影响。发现相对于Al而言,Ti有明显的太铁素体形成和改善缺口韧性的作用,并且存在强烈的相互影响。即低的Al含量将削弱Ti的作用,除非与氧含量达到了临界平衡态,才可以认为Ti含量应优化在30至40ppm范围内和Al含量尽可能地低。 相似文献
针状铁素体型管线钢的显微组织分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
分析了X70管线钢的显微组织,主要以粒状贝氏体和贝氏体F为主,并有一定量的多边形铁素体和少量的珠光体,为典型的针状铁素体型管线钢组织,并具有良好的力学性能;MA岛及珠光体的数量会影响其强度及落锤试验等力学性能。 相似文献
在实验室研究了回火温度对C-Si-Mn双相钢力学性能与显微组织的影响.力学性能测定结果表明,250℃以下的低温回火,对改善双相钢的伸长率具有良好作用,但是其它力学性能的变化不明显.高于300℃的高温回火对改善双相钢的延性作用不大,但会引起双相钢的屈服强度升高,抗拉强度、加工硬化与烘烤硬化值降低,使双相钢性能恶化.扫描电镜与透射电镜的观察结果表明,低温回火双相钢的显微组织变化不明显,马氏体为板条状,马氏体前沿的铁素体基体中分布着大量的可动位错,高温回火双相钢的显微组织则有较大变化,马氏体分解,边界变得模糊,岛内出现碳化物颗粒,铁素体中的位错密度减小,位错线附近出现粗大的析出物.高温回火后,马氏体的分解软化以及铁素体中位错密度减小是导致双相钢性能恶化的主要原因. 相似文献
本文研究了不同回火工艺对X60管线钢控轧状态性能的影响,从而得出以针状铁素体为主的X60管线钢控轧状态具备良好的强韧性,而回火后韧性降低强度提高. 相似文献
采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、电子背散射衍射分析技术(EBSD)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)等实验手段,研究了不同淬火-回火热处理工艺制度对X80管件钢组织性能的影响.结果表明:一次930℃淬火后,随着回火温度的升高,实验钢屈服强度先升高后降低,在630℃达到最大值588MPa;抗拉强度随回火温度升高持续下降,680℃时降至630MPa.二次两相区淬火,经630℃回火后,X80管件钢有最佳的综合力学性能,-50℃冲击韧性显著提高,Ak达到210J.这是由于二次淬火温度在860℃两相区时,组织中奥氏体晶粒大幅细化,经630℃回火后,细晶马氏体组织中出现位错亚结构的回复软化、板条边界钝化和块状M-A组元分解产生的析出强化机制综合作用的结果. 相似文献
从化学成分、显微组织、断口形貌、力学性能方面对JFE—HITEN610U2L钢进行了研究。结果表明:该钢以低碳高锰,加入微量镍、铬、钼、钒、铌等元素的合金化方式,通过适当的控制热加工工艺,获得了以针状铁素体为主的混合组织,表现出良好的力学性能。当针状铁素体条束比较粗大时,-50℃冲击试样的断裂方式从韧窝断裂转变为解理断裂,韧性明显下降。 相似文献
采用金相显微镜、EBSD等方法,对Nb-V-Cr复合微合金生产的X70管线钢在不同卷取温度下的组织、性能进行了分析。结果表明,在相同冷却工艺条件下,随着卷曲温度的降低,管线钢组织由粒状贝氏体转变为贝氏体铁素体,M-A组元也随着卷曲温度的降低而减少。轧后弛豫条件下,组织转变为多边形铁素体及退化珠光体。卷曲温度470℃时,管线钢屈服强度最大,为680 MPa,而卷曲温度降低至380℃时,管线钢冲击功最大,为287 J。 相似文献
Martensitic stainless steel containing Cr of 12% to 18%(mass percent) are common utilized in quenching and tempering processes for knife and cutlery steel. The properties obtained in these materials are significantly influ- enced by matrix composition after heat treatment, especially as Cr and C content. Comprehensive considered the hardness and corrosion resistance, a new type martensitic stainless steel 6Crl5MoV has been developed. The effect of heat treatment processes on microstructure and mechanical properties of 6Crl5MoV martensitic stainless steel is emphatically researched. Thermo-Calc software has been carried out to thermodynamic calculation; OM, SEM and TEM have been carried out to microstructure observation; hardness and impact toughness test have been carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties. Results show that the equilibrium carbide in 6Cr15MoV steel is M23 C6 car- bide, and the M23 C6 carbides finely distributed in annealed microstructure. 6Crl5MoV martensitic stainless steel has a wider quenching temperature range, the hardness value of steel 6Cr15MoV can reach to HRC 60.8 to HRC 61.6 when quenched at 1 060 to 1 100 ℃. Finely distributed carbides will exist in quenched microstructure, and effectively inhabit the growth of austenite grain. With the increasing of quenching temperature, the volume fraction of undis- solved carbides will decrease. The excellent comprehensive mechanical properties can be obtained by quenched at 1 060 to 1 100℃ with tempered at 100 to 150 ℃, and it is mainly due to the high carbon martensite and fine grain size. At these temperature ranges, the hardness will retain about HRC 59.2 to HRC 61.6 and the Charpy U-notch impact toughness will retain about 17.3 to 20 J. A lot of M23C6 carbides precipitated from martensite matrix, at the same time along the boundaries of martensite lathes which leading to the decrease of impact toughness when tempered at 500 to 540 ℃. The MaC precipitants also existed in the martensite matrix of test steel after tempered at 500 ℃, and the mean size of M3 C precipitates is bigger than that of M23 C6 precipitates. 相似文献
对不同Ti含量的气电立焊焊缝组织及力学性能进行了对比研究。结果表明,Ti的质量分数在0.028%~0.038%范围内时,焊缝中获得大量细小的针状铁素体,焊缝组织及低温韧性得以明显改善。当Ti过量时,焊缝中的针状铁素体减少,组织以贝氏体为主,低温韧性相应下降。焊缝组织中观察到块状和条状的M-A组元,随着焊缝Ti含量增加,其总量增加。焊缝夹杂物多为以氧化物为核心,外层包裹着MnS的复合夹杂物,并随夹杂物Ti含量的增加,由Mn-Si-Al-O型向Ti-Mn-Al-O型转变,有利于促进针状铁素体形成。而当焊缝中Ti过量时,主要夹杂物又转变为对针状铁素体形核无效的Ti-Al-O型,促进了贝氏体转变。 相似文献
Microstructure and Transformation Characteristics of Acicular Ferrite in High Niobium-Bearing Microalloyed Steel 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The transformation behavior and microstructural characteristics of a low carbon high Nb-bearing microalloyed pipeline steel have been investigated by deformation dilatometry and microstructure observation. The continuous cooling transformation curves (CCT) of the tested steel was constructed. High Nb content and deformation enhancing the formation of acicular ferrite; the microstructures are range from PF, QF to AF with increasing cooling rates from 0.5 to 50℃/s and dominated by acicular ferrite in a broadened cooling rate higher than 5℃/s. The chaotic microstructure consists of non-equiaxed ferrite and interwoven ferrite laths distributed high density dislocations and sununits. The results of isothermal holding show that acicular ferrite microstructure is formed in region of 550-600℃. With the holding time or temperature increased, some low misorientations boundaries change to high misotrentationn as dislocations moving and grain boundaries coarsening. 相似文献
自回火温度对20MnSi钢筋组织及力学性能影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对不同合金成分20MnSi钢进行控轧控冷和不同温度自回火处理后,分别采用光学显微镜和多功能材料试验机研究了不同自回火温度下不同硅、锰含量20MnSi钢筋的显微组织及力学性能。试验结果表明:随着自回火温度的升高,钢筋的表层显微组织逐渐得到改善,并最终得到珠光体组织,使20MnSi钢筋的强度与韧性得到良好配合; 20MnSi钢筋的淬透性随钢筋中Si、Mn元素含量的提高而提高,从而显著增强钢筋的力学性能。采用控轧控冷工艺,在标准范围内适当提高硅、锰含量,并在轧后进行高温自回火,可在不额外加入Nb、V等微合金元素的基础上进行HRB400钢筋的生产。 相似文献