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中国工艺美术是指一种既具备美学特点又富有技能性与造型性的艺术。工艺美术蕴含着我国丰厚的文化底蕴并传承至今的制作工艺,并且对我国陶瓷装饰艺术产生了较大的影响。瓷器艺术并不单单是一种装饰艺术,瓷器装饰艺术的概念与我国的绘画艺术有很大的关系,同时在表现形式上是相似的。将我国传统的艺术创作方法和工艺技术应用到瓷器装饰中,不仅能有效地反映当下社会真实的生活状态,而且还能体现陶瓷装饰艺术所具备的审美价值和创造力。  相似文献   

中国的传统装饰艺术就像一部中国的历史源远流长,在这样一个漫长的时空中我们也只能是艺海撷贝。陶瓷装饰艺术是中国工艺美术中的重要组成部分。从彩陶文化到汉代瓷器装饰,采用绘画、刻划等技法,以弦纹、水波纹、几何图形。唐宋时期开始,采用彩绘颜料在瓷器上装饰。景德镇陶瓷,从现在发现的古瓷资料中,已有定论的是五代时期的青瓷  相似文献   

陶瓷装饰艺术初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪洋  汪洲 《景德镇陶瓷》2005,15(1):13-15
陶瓷装饰艺术是中国工艺美术中的重要组成部份。从彩陶文化到汉代瓷器装饰,采用绘画、刻划等技法,以弦纹、水波纹、几何图形。唐宋时期开始。采用彩绘颜料在瓷器上装饰。景德镇陶瓷.从现在发现的古瓷资料中,已有定论的是五代时期的青瓷,以釉色为主要装饰。宋代出现了大量的刻、划、印、雕花装饰:元代青花瓷是景德镇陶瓷彩绘装饰的起源时期.历经明、清、近代.到现代陶瓷装饰,  相似文献   

中国陶瓷、中国书画,本身是两项有着历史文脉关系的艺术。彩陶是中国书画艺术的起源,陶瓷、书画的关系其实是母与子的关系。陶瓷文化是对绘画艺术的继承和发扬,陶瓷绘画受中国画的影响很深,它们有着密切的渊源关系。应该说中国画是瓷器绘画的基础,但它们又是相互影响,相互借鉴,景德镇瓷器装饰都是从传统的中国画中吸取了营养。一、分析中国画和陶瓷绘画之间的共性首先,早在新石器时期出现的彩陶成为最为古老的绘画艺术,也是陶瓷与绘画最早的结合,我国的陶瓷绘画和中国画这两种传统艺术都来源于生活,并在  相似文献   

陶瓷装饰艺术是中国工艺美术范畴中的重要组成部分,是造型与装饰相结合的载体,通过巧妙的绘画设计,新颖的装饰手法来产生完美的艺术形象,从中给人以诗情画意般的情趣。从彩陶文化到汉代瓷器装饰,采用绘画、刻划等技法,以弦纹,水波纹、几何图形。唐宋时期开始,采用彩绘颜料在瓷器上进行装饰。景德镇陶瓷,从现在发现的古瓷资料中已有定论的是五代时期的青瓷,以釉色为主要装饰,宋代出现了大量的刻、划、印、雕花装饰;元代青花瓷是景德镇陶瓷彩绘装饰的起源时期,历经明、清、近代,到现代陶瓷装饰,经过了漫长的历史发展阶段,千百年来,陶瓷艺人和陶瓷艺术家从装饰艺术实践中,创造出多姿多彩的装饰技巧,各种奇妙的表现手法如雨后春笋般层出不穷。  相似文献   

景德镇以瓷器闻名于世,颜色釉瓷是景德镇四大名瓷之一,它融合多种工艺美术形式为一体,因为它流光溢彩的视觉效果,被人们称为是当今最具生命力的陶瓷装饰形式之一。而景德镇陶瓷绘画装饰手法也越来越发展开来。“综合装饰”就是其中一种,综合装饰指的是在一件陶瓷作品上,综合运用了两种以上不同的装饰工艺和技巧,  相似文献   

杨晓兰 《江苏陶瓷》2009,42(6):17-18
中国陶瓷与绘画的发展都具有悠久的历史,在发展过程中一直相互影响,求同存异,各具特征。中国绘画的表现题材、手法等在陶瓷中运用十分普遍,其中花鸟画更是人们生活中喜闻乐见的题材。瓷器中许多装饰风格与装饰内容手法都与花鸟画相关,花鸟画装饰运用增加了瓷器的视觉愉悦性和趣味性,丰富了瓷器的装饰语言。  相似文献   

谷莉 《中国陶瓷》2015,(3):92-95,102
宋代,鱼纹题材广泛地运用到工艺美术上,瓷器装饰上最为丰富多彩。宋代陶瓷鱼纹采用了彩绘、印花、刻花、划花、塑贴等多种装饰技法,表现出了丰富多彩的鱼纹装饰风格。  相似文献   

吕梦佳 《陶瓷研究》2023,(1):109-111
官窑瓷器作为宫廷赞助下的产物,其绘画装饰不再是一种单纯的视觉图像,更多的是作为一种表达意识形态的视觉符号,可以直接反映统治者的治国思想、价值观念、审美意趣等等。清前期作为中国陶瓷史发展的又一新起点,其官窑瓷器上的陶瓷绘画装饰必然会受到宫廷赞助者的影响,笔者在此以清前期官窑产品为出发点,浅析宫廷赞助影响下的陶瓷绘画装饰题材及其社会功能。  相似文献   

陶瓷与绘画,从一开始就如孪生姐妹而血脉相通,同根植于民族文化的沃土之中。在古代,绘画与工艺美术本是一体的。她们的血缘关系仍决定了彼此间相互影响、相互渗透、相互借鉴和相互促进的姐妹关系,共同反映出各个历史时期的社会美学观点和民族文化心理特征。  相似文献   

根据南昌市地表水保护规划确定了景观水体的监测范围为青山湖、象湖、东西南北湖,监测结果表明所调查的景观用水水质较差,普遍集中在p H、氨氮、色度超标。分析了景观水质污染原因,提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

Engineering educators face a rapidly changing, and ever more challenging world. Rapidly evolving industry demands, accreditation agencies, and students themselves are calling for an engineering education with integrated multidisciplinary design knowledge, leadership, communication, business, education, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and lifelong learning explicitly included in their undergraduate programs. Students still need the core content knowledge of thermodynamics, mass, energy, and momentum balances and fluxes. They also need integrated socio‐contextual knowledge to evaluate a design for sustainability and demonstrate a net positive social benefit. There is only so much time available in an undergraduate program and learning takes time. These challenges are driving changes to both what and how we teach our students to integrate broader competencies and enhance engineering student graduate attribute achievement. A framework for engineering education includes fundamental and socio‐contextual knowledge integrated with metacognitive and professional skill development. This contribution provides practical ideas for how to infuse these dimensions into courses, support the developing engineering practice, and deepen student engagement with their courses.  相似文献   

清康熙时期是景德镇青花瓷发展的高峰时期之一,这一时期的青花山水瓷画充分吸收了清初山水画“尚古”之风的审美特征,在意境上达到了这一时期文人画的水平。研究解读这些青花山水瓷画的审美特征源流内内涵,对于我们更加深刻理解和认识清代青花山水瓷画的艺术发展和审美特征有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

徐燕 《陶瓷研究》2011,(3):88-89
应用构图体现美感景德镇的山水瓷画源远流长,在各个不同时期均有优秀的代表作品。时至今日山水瓷画的面貌不拘一格,形式、画风多样,但最能代表景德镇山水瓷画艺术的应该是粉彩山水瓷画,在陶瓷上不论是浅绛彩,青绿山水,墨彩山水均有非常强的表现力。粉彩山水瓷画与传统山水国画只是在材质上有所区别,绘画技法,审美取向都是一样的。可以说,粉彩山水瓷画就是陶瓷上的山水国画。  相似文献   

To study the distinct influences of structure and function onevolution, we propose a minimalist model for proteins with bindingpockets, called functional model proteins, based on a shifted-HPmodel on a two-dimensional square lattice. These model proteinsare not maximally compact and contain an empty lattice sitesurrounded by at least three nearest neighbors, thus providinga binding pocket. Functional model proteins possess a uniquenative state, cooperative folding and tolerance to mutation.Due to the explicit functionality in these models (by design),we have been able to explore their fitness or evolutionary landscapes,as characterized by the size and distribution of homologousfamilies and by the complexity of the inter-relatedness of thefunctional model proteins. Mindful that these minimalist modelsare highly idealized and two-dimensional, functional model proteinsshould nevertheless provide a useful means for exploring theconstraints of maintaining structure and function on the evolutionof proteins.  相似文献   

杨毅强 《国外塑料》2012,(10):90-93
塑木材料在风景园林中的应用越来越广,取得了很好的效果。本文介绍南京的园林建设中,塑木材料在铺地、建筑、小品三个类型的使用情况,分析塑木的变形量控制和施工安装的细节处理技术问题,希望今后风景园林同行们能够将这一新型材料更好地用于园林景观建设中。  相似文献   

Carbon network solids show a rich diversity with many distinct structural classes. Transitions between classes can be induced by annealing and mechanical compression, frequently with unexpected results. We have constructed an energy landscape based on atomistic simulations that includes both amorphous and crystalline bonded networks. The landscape, representing a minimum free energy surface, is constructed as a function of density and the degree of crystallinity and is used to explain experimental observations. We use the landscape to explain: (1) why some carbon structures show full recovery from deformation while others deform permanently, (2) why annealing of non-crystalline materials grown in a low pressure pure carbon vapor quenching process always lead ultimately to graphite and not to diamond and (3) why room temperature compression of graphitic carbons leads to a reversible amorphization. The tetrahedrally bonded amorphous structure is predicted tohave the lowest free energy at sufficiently high pressures and temperatures and therefore is expected to occur as the endpoint of rapidly quenched shock compression processes of carbon structures.  相似文献   

In `landscape' phage, as in traditional phage-display constructs,foreign peptides or proteins are fused to coat proteins on thesurface of a filamentous phage particle. Unlike conventionalconstructs, however, each virion displays thousands of copiesof the peptide in a repeating pattern, subtending a major fractionof the viral surface. The phage body serves as an interactingscaffold to constrain the peptide into a particular conformation,creating a defined organic surface structure (`landscape') thatvaries from one phage clone to the next. By testing landscapelibraries with three representative antigens (streptavidin fromthe bacterium Streptomyces avidinii, avidin from chicken eggwhite and ß-galactosidase from Escherichia coli) we haveshown that landscape phages may be used as a new type of substituteantibodies—filaments that can bind protein and glycoproteinantigens with nanomolar affinities and high specificity. Inmany ways these substitute antibodies are more convenient thantheir natural immunoglobulin counterparts.  相似文献   

以大自然风光为主要表现题材的山水画以丰富的构图手法展现出不同的观赏效果。  相似文献   

Libraries of random peptides displayed on the surface of filamentousphages are a valuable source for biospecific ligands. However,their successful use can be hindered by a disproportionate representationof different phage clones and fluctuation of their compositionthat arises during phage reproduction, which have potentialto affect efficiency of selection of clones with an optimalbinding. Therefore, there is a need to develop phage displaylibraries with extended and varied repertoires of displayedpeptides. In this work, we compared the complexity, evolutionand representation of two phage display libraries displayingforeign octamers and nonamers in 4000 copies as the N-terminalpart of the major coat protein pVIII of phage fd–tet (landscapelibraries). They were obtained by replacement of amino acids2–4 and 2–5 of pVIII with random octa- and nonamers,respectively. Statistical analysis of the libraries revealedtheir dramatic censoring and evolution during amplification.Further, a survey of both libraries for clones that bind commonselectors revealed the presence of different non-overlappingfamilies of target-specific clones in each library justifyingthe concept that different landscape libraries cover differentareas of a sequence space.  相似文献   

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