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金属磁记忆检测技术是一种新型的利用铁磁材料内在信息对材料进行检测和评价的无损检测方法,对裂纹类缺陷进行早期检测具有潜在的优势.利用小波包分析技术,对水压试验条件下API 5L X70管线钢焊缝中有无焊接裂纹的金属磁记忆信号能量特征进行了分析,确定了焊接裂纹金属磁记忆信号的小波包能量特征,并利用其作为输入特征向量建立了BP(back propagation)神经网络,对焊缝中是否含有裂纹等缺陷进行智能识别.结果表明,利用小波包能量和神经网络技术可以较好的实现焊接裂纹的识别. 相似文献
金属磁记忆检测技术是一种新型的无损检测方法,在焊接裂纹的检测和监测方面具有独特的优势.在提取焊接裂纹金属磁记忆信号特征的基础上,建立了用于焊接裂纹定量化分析识别的BP神经网络,利用Visual Basic和Matlab混合编程技术建立了焊接裂纹的金属磁记忆定量化分析软件. 相似文献
介绍了铁磁构件自身通入稳恒电流,外部存在稳恒干扰磁场以及当铁磁构件被交流磁化这三种非常规情况对铁磁构件金属磁记忆检测的影响。实验发现,1A以下稳恒电流的存在对于管道的金属磁记忆检测几乎没有影响,稳恒外磁场的存在对金属磁记忆检测影响是很大的,可能造成金属磁记忆信号整体的改变,而交流磁化则会完全破坏构件的自有漏磁场信息。 相似文献
焊接裂纹应力与磁记忆信号关系的实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
焊接裂纹产生的应力集中区是焊接构件在服役过程中最为危险的一个薄弱环节,对这个环节进行有效的安全评估,具有重要意义。金属磁记忆技术是近年来发展的一种全新的无损检测方法,它可以在地磁环境下检测铁磁构件的应力集中,从而诊断出产生(或可能产生)裂纹的危险区域。利用磁场中的高斯方程,对管线钢焊接裂纹的应力和金属磁记忆信号之间的关系模型进行了初步探讨,然后利用预制的焊接裂纹对此关系模型进行了研究预测,分析结果表明:此关系模型可满足应力检测的精度要求。 相似文献
Metal transfer is an important phenomenon in metal inert gas (MIG) arc welding with longitudinal alternating magnetic field. It is of great significance to observe the metal transfer modes under different excitatory currents and frequencies. However, it is very difficult to view the metal transfer process directly during welding, due to the strong interference from the arc light. To obtain the relationship between the metal transfer modes and the different magnetic fields, a high-speed video camera was used to acquire the images of globules. Different metal transfer modes under the conditions of different magnetic fields and welding parameters were studied. The experiment shows clear images of droplet transfer as well as influence of longitudinal magnetic field on both metal transfer and globule shape. 相似文献
A. D. Razmyshlyaev S. V. Yarmonov P. A. Vydmysh M. V. Ageeva 《Welding International》2016,30(6):463-466
The design of equipment for generating the transverse magnetic field in arc welding can be optimised by modelling the direct magnetic field produced by the device for generating (GD) the transverse magnetic field (TMF) by the electric field of the current flowing in flat models made of electrically conducting materials. The lines of force of the electric field in the flow of the current in the modelling medium correspond to the lines of force (induction lines) of the magnetic field generated by GD TMF. Using these modelling methods, it is shown that to obtain the maximum values of the transverse component of the induction of the magnetic field in the zone of the welding arc of the electrode droplet and liquid metal of the weld pool, the optimum design of GD TMF is the one in which the angle of inclination of the bars to the vertical is equal to 45° and the end surfaces have chamfers parallel to the plane of the welded sheets. 相似文献
金属液在旋转电磁搅拌器作用下的流动分析 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
对自行研制的电磁搅拌器中金属液的电磁场和流场进行数值模拟,并进行实验验证。结果表明:在旋转磁场搅拌器作用下,金属液中除存在横截面上的旋转离心流动外,还存在着纵向的大环流,但二者速度不同,前者比后者高出一个数量级:金属液表面的磁感应强度风与电流频率成反比,与输入的电压成正比:金属液所受电磁力的最大值与磁感应强度B0的平方成正比,与频率的n次方成反比,其中1/2≤n≤3/2:n与金属液的电阻率有关,电阻率越小则n越小:对于纯铝n为1/2,对于纯锡和纯铅n为1;金属液的转速与磁感应强度R0成正比,与金属液密度的平方根成反比。 相似文献