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介绍复合肥装置用热风炉的种类和烟气综合利用的原理、方法。阐述复合肥热风炉烟气余热回收副产蒸汽的方案、流程和注意事项。综合评价3 344×104k J/h热风炉带8 t/h蒸汽发生器的复合肥热风炉能量综合利用的经济和环境功效。利用复合肥生产中的中高品位能级烟气,经热管式蒸汽发生器副产蒸汽,是具有巨大经济效益、社会效益的综合利用途径。  相似文献   

针对昆明化肥有限责任公司复肥、磷铵干燥存在的问题,对蒸汽、燃煤、半水煤气燃烧3种干燥热源在热利用率和成本上进行核算,确认半水煤气燃烧为最佳干燥源。在物热衡算基础上,对该系统的设备进行了校核,均能满足生产需要。该燃烧炉的热风温度可在50~800℃之间随意调节,从而使复肥、磷铵产量、质量有了很大提高。设备成本比1套翅片式换热器(540m2)减少6万元,前10年除喷嘴外,基本不用维修。  相似文献   

王虹  杨学忠 《陶瓷》1994,(4):33-35
如果两个亲本表型,则杂交后代产生超亲个体的可能性较大。利用杂种优势、亲缘系数分子标记可直接鉴定亲本间的遗传多亲笥。本研究主要是确定了7个硬粒红色春小麦材料DNA多态性的范围,研究以分子标记为基础的多样性和以亲缘系数为基础的遗传多亲性的关系,鉴定遗传多样性与这7个亲本双列杂交下F1表型的关系。  相似文献   

在硫基复合肥装置上试产烟草肥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍生产硫基复合肥(包括烟草复合肥)中的关键工段—KCI和H2SO4反应转化成KHSO4的生产控制条件。对原料质量和控制对转化的影响;反应温度对转化的影响;硫酸过量对转化的影响等方面进行了生产总结和理论探讨。  相似文献   

料浆法磷铵生产装置的喷浆造粒干燥系统 ,以烟道气作为干燥介质 ,烟道气的流量、温度和供给稳定性对磷铵装置生产是至关重要的。通常烟道气由燃煤热风炉产生。在 90年代初热风炉的选型主要有往复式炉排和链条式炉排两种 ,后来又推广更先进的热汽联产沸腾锅炉。我公司 30 kt/a料浆法磷铵装置干燥热风炉选用的是 BWL A型往复式炉排热风炉 ,体积 9m3 ,炉排面积 3.1 7m2 ,驱动电机型号 Y90 L 4,功率1 .5k W,减速机型号 IQ2 50。所配鼓风机规格 4 721 1 No3.6A,风量 2 935~ 540 8m3 /h,全压 1 0 68Pa。配套电机 Y1 0 0 L 2 B35,功率 3.5k …  相似文献   

焦士杰 《磷肥与复肥》2016,31(11):21-22
介绍滚筒冷却、粉体流冷却及流化床冷却的工作原理,并对广泛应用的流化床冷却方式在复合肥生产过程中存在的常见问题进行分析。分享流化床冷却在中国-阿拉伯化肥有限公司的使用情况,并总结其应对流化床冷却常见问题的经验做法。  相似文献   

沸腾燃烧是一种介于层状燃烧与喷燃燃烧之间的燃烧方式,具有燃料适应性广、燃烬率高、热效率高、飞灰率低、自动化程度高、灰渣可综合利用等特点.将先进的沸腾燃烧技术成功应用于大型硫酸装置,取得了较好的节能效益.  相似文献   

针对复合肥生产中大块物料堵塞振动给料器的问题,借鉴现有单辊破碎机,结合复合肥生产现场实际情况,研究、设计改进型单辊破碎机,并应用到复合肥生产中。改进型单辊破碎机的应用,解决了系统大块物料频繁卡设备的难题,减少了停车时间。  相似文献   

介绍了沸腾流化床的工作原理、结构、特点等,阐述了沸腾流化床在一水硫酸镁干燥系统中的控制参数和干燥效果,分析了使用过程中可能出现的故障及处理措施,指出流化床具有操作简单、生产能力大、经济效益高等优点.  相似文献   

针对褐煤水分高、发热量低、易风化自燃等特点,以内蒙古褐煤为研究对象,进行了褐煤静态干燥实验和褐煤提质多因素实验。以O2体积分数10.5%的烟气为干燥介质,在分析褐煤流化床提质干燥机理的基础上,对褐煤进行流化床动态提质实验。结果表明:褐煤提质水分控制在5%左右为宜。褐煤粒级小于3 mm时,温度对煤样干燥速度影响最大,其次是煤样粒度,风速对干燥速度影响最小。确定全粒级、0.5~1.25、1.25~2、2~3 mm褐煤临界流化风速分别为38、20、40和50 m3/h。褐煤适宜提质温度和时间分别为200~240℃和5~8 min。最后建立了褐煤提质模型,说明褐煤提质规律与提质介质温度、风速密切相关,该模型对褐煤提质生产具有指导作用。  相似文献   

简单介绍了卧式沸腾干燥床干燥工艺的工艺流程及特点,比较了目前PVC生产中的几种干燥工艺,分析了卧式沸腾干燥床在实际生产中存在的问题及改进措施。  相似文献   

介绍利用流化床造粒机生产尿基复合肥的中间试验情况。试验表明:平均粒径2.5 mm的磷铵晶种,床层温度95~105℃,流化空气气速3 m/s,静床高度控制120~140 mm,采用GG型尿液喷嘴,可保证造粒过程稳定进行,获得32-18-0产品,平均粒径3.0 mm,颗粒强度>25 N。  相似文献   

对采用高效复合生物流化床反应器处理中高浓度废水进行了试验研究.研究表明,三相分离区形成稳定的污泥层,有利于进一步提高反应器对污水的净化效果:曝气区出水经三相分离区污泥层的接触吸附及截滤作用,可使出水中悬浮物被有效去除;硝态氮在此缺氧的污泥层中可利用剩余碳源进行反硝化,使总氮去除率得以显著提高;出水水流中的BOD5则在通过污泥层时被吸附和截滤后,在反硝化作用中被作为碳源利用而得到进一步去除.  相似文献   

The influence of drying using a fluidization technique on the quality of purple rice was investigated in this study. The results demonstrated that the initial moisture of rice was 28.3% dry basis (db). Compared to the sun-dried or reference purple rice samples, the influence of drying at temperatures ranging from 100 to 150°C did not affect the quality of color, anthocyanin content, total phenolic content, or antioxidant activity. At this initial moisture level, samples should be dried at 150°C air because such temperatures yield the highest drying rate. Drying at this temperature also causes an increase in the head purple rice yield because of the gelatinization of starch. In the case of an initial moisture content of 33.3% (db), the drying temperature should not exceed 130°C.  相似文献   

阐述复合肥生产中,迂物料粘性不足,成球率低,某些物料相配析出游离水;以尿素为氮源生产高氮复肥,易出现物料粘性过大以及产品强度不足等问题时,应该使用什么调理剂,如何使用。并介绍该研究所生产的2种防结块剂。  相似文献   

Analyzing the attrition of Victorian brown coal during air and steam fluidized bed drying, the change in particle size distribution over a range of initial moisture contents (60% to 0%) and residence times (0 to 60 minutes) was determined. Dried at a temperature of 130°C with a fluidization velocity 0.55 m/s and an initial particle size of 0.5–1.2 mm, both fluidization mediums show a shift in the particle size distribution between three and four minutes of fluidization, with a decrease in mean particle size from 665 µm to around 560 µm. Using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the change in particle size has been attributed to the transition between bulk and non-freezable water (approximately 55% moisture loss) and can be linked to the removal of adhesion water, but not to fluidization effects. This is proved through the comparison of air fluidized bed drying, steam fluidized bed drying, and fixed bed drying—the fixed bed drying is being used to determine the particle size distribution as a function of drying. The results show the three drying methods produce similar particle size distributions, indicating that both fluidization and fluidization medium have no impact upon the particle size distribution at short residence times around ten minutes. The cumulative particle size distribution for air and steam fluidized bed dried coal has been modeled using the equation Pd = A2 + (A1 ? A2)/(1 + (d/x0)p), with the resultant equations predicting the effects of moisture content on the particle size distribution. Analyzing the effect of longer residence times of 30 and 60 minutes, the particle size distribution for steam fluidized bed dried coal remains the same, while air fluidized bed dried coal has a greater proportion of smaller particles.  相似文献   

A new normalization concept for convective drying of hygroscopic particulates is introduced. Both, intraparticle drying kinetics and sorption equilibrium are considered separately, and integrated into a new heterogeneous fluid bed model for coupled heat and mass transfer. Experiments were carried out using spherical γ-Al2O3 particles. Sorption isotherms, as well as drying curves, for single particles and fluidized beds have been measured. Batch fluid bed drying curves appear to be predictable on the basis of single particle and material equilibrium data and with the help of the model. All model parameters are directly taken, or estimated from fluidization literature, without any fitting.  相似文献   

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