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相位噪声对接收机性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代接收机中,各种高性能接收机如大动态、高选择性、宽频带解调等都受相位噪声限制。尤其在目前电磁环境越来越恶劣的情况下,接收机经过混频从强干扰信号中提取弱小有用信号是非常重要的。本文结合工程实际应用,研究了相位噪声对接收机性能的影响,具有广泛的实用价值。  相似文献   

锁相环频率合成器相位噪声分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
频率合成器的相位噪声直接影响动目标雷达的改善因子。本文着重对锁相环频率合成器的相位噪声进行了较全面的分析,并对其中各组成部件的相位噪声也做了分析,分析的结果与实际测量结果基本吻合。文中最后提出了改善PLL频率合成器相位噪声的办法。  相似文献   

扩频接收机中的锁相跟踪环路噪声带宽受环路输入信号的各种内部和外部噪声误差的制约,在环路滤波器噪声带宽很窄的条件下,接收机基准振荡器的相位噪声对PLL环路的影响不能忽略.根据基准振荡器相位噪声功率谱密度的度量公式,考虑利用二阶锁相环的情况下,推导出基准振荡器的阿仑偏差与环路滤波器噪声带宽的关系,确定在跟踪接收机设计中,采用高频率稳定度的恒温晶振作为基准振荡器,可以获得较窄的环路噪声带宽,从而提高跟踪的稳定性和测量精度.  相似文献   

张红升  王健 《电光系统》1998,(2):31-33,7
简要介绍了高隐晶振的相位噪声,着得讨论了如何从电路上实现对低相位噪声高稳定度晶体振荡器设计,并给出了实验结果,作了相应讨论。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了高稳晶振的相位噪声,着重讨论了如何从电路上实现为低相位噪声高稳定度晶体振荡器的设计,并给出了实验结果,作了相应讨论。  相似文献   

低相位噪声微波频率合成器的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文讨论了在采用等效微波单环的情况下,如何实现低相位噪声的理论及具休措施。实施方案采用了窄带VCXO环、低噪声倍频源,微波宽带晶体管机械调谐VCO和ECL程序分频器,实现了C波段上两种方案的锁相与频率合成。本文还结合电路实际,提供了一种使相噪最佳的办法,并明确给出了各主要部分对合成器总噪声贡献的综合性曲线,使合成器的相位噪声指标与理论值趋于一致,并达到国内先进水平  相似文献   

本文介绍一种结构紧凑、价格便宜、最主要的是具有低相位噪声的微波频率合成器。它适用于那些对偏离载波近端的相位噪声抑制要求较高的卫星通信系统。这种频率合成器采用了双环路分频式频率合成的方案。  相似文献   

李永波 《电讯技术》2012,52(4):562-565
针对工程中本振相位噪声对接收机的影响常难以估量的问题,提出利用等效相位白噪声谱密度进行评估的方法.通过分析相位噪声的产生及其对剩余误码率和动态范围的影响机理,仿真了不同相位噪声对误码率的影响程度.通过仿真结果可知:相位噪声对接收机性能具有重要的影响,工程中应针对不同的应用场合要求合理的相位噪声指标.  相似文献   

A simple laboratory test receiver has been built and used to examine some interesting aspects of heterodyne mixing with superconductor-insulator-superconductor tunnel junctions. Experiments made over the frequency range 220 GHz–490 GHz using junctions of both the Pb/Bi/In-type and the Pb/In/Au-type indicate that, in the majority of cases, a receiver may be characterized through a few simple measurements made external to it's dewar. We also show that, at high local oscillator drive levels, excess mixer noise may be generated which may be removed by the application of a magnetic field. This is of particular relevance to high frequency mixing where Josephson interference may be strong. Finally, it is observed that even in the presence of severe interference a stable bias point, free from excess mixer noise, is often possible.  相似文献   

The effect of local oscillator intensity noise on the performance of two and three-branch ASK homodyne receivers and single-branch ASK heterodyne receivers is investigated and an optimum local oscillator power is found. At optimum local oscillator power, both the three-branch and heterodyne receivers are found to have a somewhat better sensitivity than the two-branch receiver. If the local oscillator power is high than the optimum value, the three-branch receiver is significantly less sensitive to intensity noise than the other two receivers  相似文献   

通过雷达威力方程说明噪声系数的重要性,分析了单级接收、级联接收、无源阵接收和有源阵接收的噪声系数,给出了噪声系数的计算,总结了阵列接收机噪声系数的特点。  相似文献   

A parallel development of the semiclassical and quantum statistics of multispatiotemporal mode direct, homodyne, and heterodyne detection using an ideal (except for its subunity quantum efficiency) photon detector is presented. Particular emphasis is placed on the latter two coherent detection Configurations. The primary intent is to delineate the semiclassical theory's regime of validity and to show, within this regime of validity, how the quantum theory's signal quantum noise, local oscillator quantum noise, the quantum noise incurred because of subunity detector quantum efficiency, plus (for heterodyning only) image band quantum noise produce the quantitative equivalent of the semiclassical theory's local oscillator shot noise. The effects of classical fluctuations on the local oscillator, and the recently suggested dual-detector arrangement for suppressing these fluctuations, are treated. It is Shown that previous studies of this arrangement have neglected a potentially significant noise contribution.  相似文献   

传统接收机在噪声受限环境中能获得非常好的性能,然而在干扰受限环境中接收性能大大降低;采用干扰抵消算法的接收机在干扰受限环境中能获得比传统接收机更优越的性能,而在噪声受限环境下则表现不如传统接收机。依据噪声类型识别,提出了基于噪声类型识别的接收机方案,仿真结果显示新的接收机在噪声受限环境与干扰受限环境下都能获得好的性能。  相似文献   

The effect of thermal noise and avalanche-photodiode (APD) noise on the performance of optical overlapping pulse-position modulation/code-division multiple-access (OPPM-CDMA) systems with and without double optical hardlimiters is examined. Comparisons with the corresponding optical on-off keying/CDMA (OOK-CDMA) systems are presented as well. The maximum data rate that can be achieved under laser pulsewidth and bit error rate constraints is determined. It is shown that about 10 dB increase in the average power, with respect to the Poisson shot-noise-limited system, is required to compensate for the performance degradation due to thermal noise and APD noise. Moreover, it is indicated that for a bit error rate not exceeding 10-9, a laser pulsewidth of 0.03 ns, and an average received optical power of -55 dBm, a data rate of more than 3 Gb/s can be achieved per channel when using OPPM-CDMA systems with double optical hardlimiters  相似文献   

This article presents an accurate numerical approach to statistically characterize filtered phase noise, usually encountered in the analysis of heterodyne optical fiber communication receivers. Filtered phase noise is generated by simulation. Generated samples are used to estimate the probability density functions and moment generating functions of phase noise random variables. The proposed approach is valid for large as well as small phase noise. Furthermore, it comes close to providing analytical expressions for the computed statistical measures.  相似文献   

The decision threshold of digital binary detectors has to be selected in the optimum position between 0 and 1 symbol amplitudes in order to minimize the bit error rate, This optimum has to be determined by acquiring the bit amplitudes from the signal itself. In packet, or burst-mode, transmission systems the decision threshold must be rapidly acquired from a short strip of bits, and the intrinsic reception noise may have not been completely averaged. This introduces a sensitivity penalty which is shown to be given by a simple expression for the situation when additive Gaussian noise is dominant. An extension to the nonadditive Gaussian noise is given in an appendix. Special attention is devoted to the case when adaptive threshold acquisition is done by means of a peak detector and it is found that the penalty is always higher than that of the ideal integrator. The optimum decision threshold must be estimated numerically in each case and varies along the burst with the number of acquired peaks  相似文献   

In the present state of the art, coherent optical receivers most often operate in the heterodyne mode. Here a photodiode-amplifier combination having bandwidth greater than twice the bit rate (B) is needed: indeed bandwidths considerably greater than2Bare preferably employed to ease design of the bandpass filter needed for noise limitation, and to avoid demodulator penalties in some modulation schemes. For the high bit rate systems now coming into service (560 Mbit/s-2.4 Gbit/s), the optical receiver design requirements become more stringent for coherent heterodyne operation. The various modes of "zero IF" operation, however, require only baseband receiver module bandwidth. The options available are either homodyne (phase locked) operation, or phase diversity (multiport) techniques. In this paper, we compare these options, and show that phase diversity techniques are capable of good performance for high bit rate coherent receivers. In phase diversity operation, not only is phase locking avoided, but also the necessary frequency locking does not have high stability requirements. Furthermore, there are advantages in operating with a small frequency offset from zero (of the order of 1 percent of the bit rate). An experimental receiver has been operated at 320 and 680 Mbit/s, demodulating both amplitude shift keying (ASK) and differential phase shift keying (DPSK). Operation with FSK is also possible. Sensitivities so far achieved of -47.5 dBm (320-Mbit/s ASK) and -42 dBm (680- Mbit/s ASK) with limited local oscillator power are capable of substantial improvement when higher power local oscillators and lower noise receive modules become available. Demodulation of DPSK at 320 Mbit/s has also been achieved and shows a measured receiver sensitivity improvement of over 4 dB over ASK at the same bit rate and local oscillator power. These practical results show clearly that phase diversity is a very realistic option for high bit rate systems.  相似文献   

The so-called click-and-Gaussian-noise model for the output of a limiter-discriminator receiver for frequency-modulated signals, first proposed by S.O. Rice in 1963, is reviewed. A short survey is presented of the subsequent research that it generated and of some practical applications that it motivated. A more detailed analysis of parameters encountered in the Rice model is carried out with emphasis on their pertinence to click detection. These results are applied to the understanding of the limitations and to the interpretation of the performance of several noise threshold extension techniques for analog modulations and of error reduction techniques for digital modulations that depend on click detection and elimination  相似文献   

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