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为了探讨磷石膏基胶凝材料的充填效果,开展了磷石膏胶结充填现场扩大性试验,主要考查磷石膏胶凝材料充填至井下后的充填体强度和泌水水质情况,试验结果表明:磷石膏胶凝材料充填体接顶效果良好,充填体各龄期强度发展正常,14 d抗压强度均超过1.6 MPa;充填泌水中的Cu、Zn、Mn、Pb、Cd、Hg等元素含量达到工业废水排放标准,不会对地下水环境造成不利影响.  相似文献   

为了利用甘肃瓮福化工公司磷石膏废弃物,开展了磷石膏、电石渣、水淬矿渣、铁选尾渣全固废充填胶凝材料开发及废石粗骨料充填体强度试验。基于灰色关联度理论对正交试验结果进行分析以及充填体强度影响因素研究。结果表明:影响胶结充填体强度的主要因素是铁选尾渣掺量,其次是矿渣微粉、磷石膏。采用Levenberg-Marquardt训练函数,以正交试验4因素作为网络模型输入因素,胶结体7d与28d强度作为输出因素,建立了正交-充填体强度BP神经网络预测模型,预测磷石膏基胶凝材料废石粗骨料胶结充填体抗压强度。结果显示,所建立的正交-BP神经网络模型收敛速度快,预测精度高。预测得到胶结体7d与28d强度最大误差仅为3.8%,满足矿山充填工程的精度要求。  相似文献   

磷矿石回收率再增10% 随着开磷集团矿山充填采矿方法在马路坪矿段进一步推广应用,开磷矿区磷矿石回收率再增10%。开磷集团与中南大学共同研究开发出利用磷矿山地下开采废矸和磷化工生产固体废弃物混合充填矿山采空区,实现矿山生态环保型无废害开采。该项目自2006年实施充填试验以来,完成了注浆站工程建设和磷石膏作为充填料试验的监测工作,对20个矿房进行充填试验。  相似文献   

贵州开磷集团矿肥有限责任公司的沙坝土矿采用充填采矿法开采.介绍了该矿根据磷石膏充填工艺与矿区开采技术条件,+700 m、+640 m两个中段的充填管路的设计、布置,及充填管网参数的确定;计算出充填料浆的输送能力为49 m3/h,并确定了不同质量分数浆料的不同充填流速,实现了磷石膏充填工艺在沙坝土矿的工程应用.  相似文献   

磷石膏充填材料及其配比试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对贵州开磷集团沙坝土矿在采用充填法工艺中,以磷石膏为充填骨料,黄泥、粘土、红页岩等物质作为充填辅料替代水泥的可行性进行了试验.试验得出了各充填材料的最佳配比,从而达到降低生产成本,提高企业经济效益的目的.  相似文献   

湖北宜昌某磷矿Ph22矿层的工程地质条件较复杂,通过采矿方法试验发现原预控顶房柱采矿法回采工艺难以实现,针对该磷矿复杂的工程地质条件,提出预控顶条带式充填采矿法,并对采场顶板支护、采空区充填工序进行优化,采用锚杆、锚索联合支护可有效提高顶板稳定性,避免因顶板围岩垮落而造成大量的出矿贫化;采用废石胶结充填处理采空区,减少留设的矿柱量,从而降低矿石损失,矿石回采率提高了9.3%,矿块生产能力提高了48%。预控顶条带式充填采矿法是适应该磷矿层的一种高效、安全的采矿方法,可为宜昌地区其他磷矿提供借鉴。  相似文献   

针对清平磷矿面临的开采地压、环境保护及提高回采率等问题,结合目前充填技术及磷矿实际开采情况,引进了泵送废石充填采矿技术,利用泵送设备通过管道将膏体充填材料泵送至采矿工作面,及时充填采空区。  相似文献   

针对金川矿区附近瓮福化工厂排放出的大量磷石膏废弃物,开展以磷石膏为主要激发剂材料的早强型充填胶凝材料研究。首先开展早强充填胶凝材料激发剂配方的正交试验,并以试验数据作为学习样本,建立神经网络模型进行训练,由此获得了胶结充填体强度与激发剂配方关系的隐含知识。在此基础上,进行不同配比的充填体强度预测;然后,利用预测结果建立激发剂配方的优化模型并求解,最后获得了早强胶凝材料最优配比:生石灰磷石膏、NaOH、芒硝和矿渣微粉的掺量分别为5%、30%、3%、2.5%和59.5%。相应3d、7d和28d胶结充填体强度达到2.05 MPa、3.42 MPa和7.87 MPa,满足金川矿下向分层充填法采矿对充填胶凝材料的早强要求。与矿用32.5R早强型水泥胶凝材料相比,开发的磷石膏基早强充填胶凝材料成本低,替代水泥用于金川充填法采矿,可降低充填胶凝材料50%以上的成本。  相似文献   

瓮福磷矿在缓倾斜中厚矿体无废充填法安全开采技术研究项目的工业试验中,对充填物料的配比进行了抗压强度、塌落度、质量分数与灰砂比等探索性试验。试验结果证明废石胶结充填的各种经济技术指标基本可行,随着下一步废石物料级配的改进,胶凝材料的使用还将减少,相关的经济技术指标有进一步改善的空间。  相似文献   

采空区充填率的高低直接决定了地表沉陷程度,是评估充填开采效果的最主要技术指标之一。充填采煤法在峰峰集团广泛应用,研究表明,顶板下沉量、欠接顶量、充填体的抗压缩性能是影响矸石膏体充填回采工作面充填率的关键因素。通过采取改进割煤工艺、优化充填程序、调整料浆配比等措施,可有效提高采空区充填率,确保充填效果。  相似文献   

一年一届的中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会(国际橡塑展),是全球多个行业寻找橡塑工业世界性商贸伙伴的机遇,也是企业开拓中国以至亚洲市场商机之"金钥匙"。在25届国  相似文献   

Two series of semiinterpenetrating networks (SIPN) based on linear hydrophilic poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and thermo‐responsive poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA), physically crosslinked with inorganic clay, are presented. The hydrogels with different crosslinking densities were prepared by varying the content of clay from 1 to 6 wt % and contained linear interpenetrant, PVA in the range of 0.5–1.5 wt %. The effect of clay content on swelling/deswelling behavior and phase transition in PNIPA gels, as well as the feasibility of reinforcing the gels with high molecular weight PVA, were analyzed. The thermal response of hydrogels, followed by DSC, confirmed that the insertion of hydrophilic PVA did not have a significant effect on the onset of the volume phase transition temperature, while the response was faster. The equilibrium degree of swelling of SIPNs and PNIPA hydrogels was in the range of 9–79 and decreased with increasing content of clay. The internal morphology and surface wettability of the hydrogels were investigated by scanning electron microscope analysis and contact angle measurements, respectively. The network structural parameters of the PNIPA and SIPN nanocomposites hydrogels, such as the average molecular weight between crosslinks, Mc, and effective crosslinking density, Ne, were determined by dynamic mechanical analysis. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2017 , 134, 44535.  相似文献   

Electrodialysis (ED) was applied to concentrate brine solutions of various concentrations — similar to effluentsfrom the desalination of brackish and industrial water — to about 20%. The consequent reduction in effluent volumes would facilitate a reduction in disposal costs. The energy requirement for concentrating solutions from 70 to 300 mN (0.4-1.8%) to 3.9 N (20%) was in the range 1.5-7.1 kWh/m3, in contrast to approximately 25 kWh/m3 by thermal evaporation. With the aim of preventing precipitation of CaSO4 on the membranes, laboratory-scale ED experiments were carried out on solutions of different compositions to determine the conditions that would lead to the precipitation of excess gypsum on gypsum seeds in a separate precipitator. The results were then applied in a pilot-scale ED unit in which the brine that circulated through the ED brine cells passed through a separate CaSO, precipitator containing gypsum seeds.  相似文献   

Cyclopropenoids inactivated by reactingSterculia foetida oil with cottonseed oil fatty acids were fed at three dietary levels to growing rats and laying hens for 4 weeks. At the termination of the experiments, all animals were autopsied and examined microscopically for pathological lesions, but no pathology that could be related to dietary treatment was observed. Hemoglobin, packed cell volume and plasma cholesterol were similar in animals fed all of the diets. Growth rate of rats and egg production of hens fed the experimental diets were similar to those of animals fed the control diet. After 3 and 6 months of storage, eggs from hens fed the inactivated cyclopropenoids were normal and showed no evidence of the unusual characteristics of cyclopropenoid feeding. Lipids of heart, liver and adipose tissues of all the rats and hens varied little from the normal fatty acid composition. Small amounts of three unidentified fatty acids were found in the adipose tissues of rats fed the higher levels of inactivated cyclopropenoids. The results of these feeding studies suggest that inactivation of cyclopropenoids with fatty acids eliminates the unusual biological effects attributable to cyclopropenoids. Presented at the AOCS Meeting, New Orleans, April 1970.  相似文献   

山东铝业公司水泥厂(以下简称我厂)运行的大型高压电动机较多.有时由于长时间停运或者环境的潮湿,导致电动机的绝缘水平下降,致使电动机不能再次正常启动。因大型电动机是企业的关键设备,其运行好坏直接影响企业生产的正常与否,进而影响企业效益。  相似文献   

复合肥行业的转型升级已被列为化肥行业"十三五"规划重要内容。介绍我国复合肥行业转型发展期的特征,并提出在此形势下复合肥行业的发展思路;以创新谋发展,促进行业技术水平提高;以协作促转型,助推行业转型发展。  相似文献   

曹和胜 《轮胎工业》2006,26(9):564-565
介绍厦门正新橡胶工业有限公司在观念、产品、管理和技术方面开展创新活动的经验。观念创新是名牌战略的灵魂,相互理解与支持、创建伙伴关系是公司对外往来的原则,坚决实施名牌战略,坚持以人为本、适才适用的原则;产品创新是占领市场的法宝,根据市场需求不断适时开发新产品;管理创新是维护品牌形象的前提,各项试验均执行企业内控标准,严把产品质量关;技术创新是实施名牌战略的源泉,以自有技术开发各种轮胎。通过开展创新活动,公司利税指标一直位居国内前列。  相似文献   

Summary A polyurethane prepared from 1,9-nonanediol and toluene-2,4-diisocyanate with Mn=11,840, was capped on both ends in a reaction with 4-(benzocyclobutenyl) methanol. The polyurethane was used to crosslink styrene-butadiene rubber through Diels-Alder reactions on the benzocyclobutene functionality. The synthesis and characterization of 4-(benzocyclobutenyl) methanol, a molecule not reported previously, is presented. The crosslinking reaction was carried out on intimate mixtures of the telechelic polyurethane and SBR at elevated temperature and pressure. Various physical properties of the crosslinked material were studied.Work done at the Department of Chemistry, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325, USA  相似文献   

Results of numerical simulation of the influence of intensity of hydrogen injection through a porous surface in the case of hydrogen burning in the boundary layer are presented. Turbulent characteristics of the flow were simulated using the k–epsiv; turbulence model with Chien's modification for low Reynolds numbers. The diffusion model (infinitely large burning rate) was used to describe the chemical reaction process, but the difference in diffusion coefficients of different substances was taken into account. A comparison of injection with and without combustion shows that the presence of a heat-release front delays the laminar–turbulent transition and significantly deforms the profiles of density and viscosity of the gas mixture. As the injection velocity increases, the flame front is shifted from the porous surface toward the outer edge of the boundary layer. The contributions of injection itself and combustion to reduction of skin friction are analyzed. Key wrds: boundary layer, combustion, porous injection, heat and mass transfer, friction.  相似文献   

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