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ABSTRACT: Eight almond (Prunus dulcis L.) cultivars from 12 different California counties, collected during crop years 2004 to 2005 and 2005 to 2006, were extracted with petroleum ether. The extracts were subjected to GC‐MS analyses to determine fatty acid composition of soluble lipids. Results indicated palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), and α‐linolenic (C18:3) acid, respectively, accounted for 5.07% to 6.78%, 57.54% to 73.94%, 19.32% to 35.18%, and 0.04% to 0.10%; of the total lipids. Oleic and linoleic acid were inversely correlated (r=–0.99, P= 0.05) and together accounted for 91.16% to 94.29% of the total soluble lipids. Statistically, fatty acid composition was significantly affected by cultivar and county.  相似文献   

Lipids from bamboo shoots (Phyllostachys pubescens), peeled and divided from top to base, were extracted and fractionated into three classes, and each class separated into constituent components by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Fatty acid composition and amount of separated lipids were determined. Total lipids (TL) ranged from 800 (top) to 380 mg (base) per 100g fresh weight and the ratio of nonpolar lipids (NPL):glycolipids (GL):phospholipids (PL) was about 17:27:56. The main fatty acids of the three lipid classes were palmitic, linoleic and linolenic acids, but composition was remarkably different among these fractions. The fatty acid composition of triglycerides (TG) was similar to the original NPL. Palmitic acid was almost all located in 1-, 3-position, linoleic acid mainly located in 2-position of TG, while linolenic acid was distributed in each position. Digalactosyl diglyceride (DGDG) and monogalactosyl diglyceride (MGDG) were the main components of GL; the average of the former had about 37% linoleic and 29% linolenic acids, while the latter had about 25% linoleic and 62% linolenic acids. Bamboo shoots contained 9 PL fractions, the major being phosphatidyl choline (PC) and phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE). PC contained about 48% linoleic, 31% palmitic and 11% linolenic acids, and PE also had the similar tendency as PC.  相似文献   

以西伯利亚鲟鱼卵为原料,比较不同提取方法对鲟鱼卵脂质提取率、脂肪酸及脂质组成的影响。采用索氏提取、酶辅助有机溶剂和超临界CO2三种不同的方法提取鲟鱼卵中的脂质,并分析鲟鱼卵脂肪酸组成及脂质组成。结果显示,不同提取方法对所得到的鲟鱼卵脂质的提取率和脂肪酸的相对含量有显著的影响(P<0.05),对鲟鱼卵脂质的脂肪酸种类和脂质组成没有显著影响(P>0.05)。索氏提取法的提取率为(23.71±1.82)%,中性蛋白酶酶解辅助有机溶剂法的提取率为(15.47±1.21)%,超临界CO2萃取法的提取率为(10.43±2.16)%。鲟鱼卵脂质中含有17 种脂肪酸,包括6 种饱和脂肪酸,4 种单不饱和脂肪酸,7 种多不饱和脂肪酸,其中总不饱和脂肪酸含量达到70%以上,多不饱和脂肪酸含量达到17%以上。不同提取方法提取鲟鱼卵脂质中均含有甘油三酯、胆固醇、极性脂质,其中甘油三酯相对含量达到89%以上。  相似文献   

Cocoabean callus cultures were established and grew satisfactorily on an agar medium for more than 2 yr. Cell suspension cultures were initiated from the callus. The fresh weight of cells increased over 20-fold in 14 days. The lipid content of callus and cells was 5.3 and 6.5%, respectively. The fatty acid composition of cocoa callus and cell suspension cultures resembled that of immature cocoabeans since they contained high amounts of linoleic acid. Stereospecific distribution of fatty acids in triglycerides from cocoa callus and cells was similar to that of ripe cocoabeans. Exogenous acetate and fatty acids were readily incorporated into lipids by cocoa cell suspension cultures. Exogenous stearic acid increased triglyceride content twofold but did not change fatty acid composition of triglycerides. Coconut water alone or in combination with sucrose also increased triglyceride content with a concomitant increase in oleic acid from 10% to 33% and a decrease in linoleic acid from 37% to 19%.  相似文献   

从20株海鞘共附生真菌中筛选产油脂菌。采用苏丹混合溶液染色法初筛,摇瓶复筛,酸热法提取油脂油脂,气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC-MS)测定其脂肪酸组成,形态学观察结合分子生物学鉴定产油脂真菌。结果表明:经初筛和复筛得到3株油脂含量均达20.00%以上的菌株,分别为菌株P2-18、P1-17和P2-4,脂肪酸组成分析不饱和脂肪酸分别占其脂肪酸组成的93.90%、55.80%和65.00%。其中γ-C18:3(γ)亚麻酸、C16:1棕榈一稀酸和C18:1油酸含量最多。P2-4含23.2%的γ-C18:3(γ)亚麻酸,约占其不饱和脂肪酸的24.50%。3株真菌经形态学鉴定,结合分子生物学ITS区序列鉴定,菌株P2-4为桔青霉(Penicillium citrinum),P1-17为青霉属(Penicillium sp. 12 BRO-2013),P2-18为土曲霉(Aspergillus terreus)。因此,该海鞘共附生真菌具备开发微生物功能性油脂的潜力,具有良好的开发应用前景,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

猪肉烤制过程中脂肪含量和脂肪酸组成的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄业传  李洪军  吴照民  李凤 《食品科学》2011,32(24):213-219
为研究不同烤制方式和时间对猪肉脂肪酸组成、脂肪含量、营养及风味的影响,以荣昌猪背最长肌为原料,经不同时间和方式的烤制加工后,分别测定各样品的脂肪含量和脂肪酸组成。结果显示,烤制方式主要影响样品的风味、营养以及肌内总脂、游离脂肪酸和甘三酯的脂肪酸组成;加工时间主要影响脂肪含量和磷脂的脂肪酸组成。因此采用烤制加工时,加工方式和加工时间的不同都会对猪肉脂肪酸组成、脂肪含量、营养及风味产生影响,加工方式对脂肪酸组成、营养和风味的影响更大,而加工时间对脂肪含量的影响更显著。  相似文献   

通过氯仿-甲醇法提取乳化肠中的脂肪,并进行皂化和甲酯化,采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术系统对比研究 不同杀菌温度对乳化肠中脂肪酸组成和脂肪氧化的影响。结果表明:乳化肠经不同杀菌温度处理后,脂肪酸含量和 脂肪氧化都会发生一定程度的变化。杀菌温度超过100 ℃时,饱和脂肪酸(saturated fatty acids,SFA)含量显著增 加(P<0.05),而不饱和脂肪酸(unsaturated fatty acids,UFA)含量显著降低(P<0.05),其中多不饱和脂肪酸 (polyunsaturated fatty acid,PUFA)的含量呈极显著降低(P<0.01),而单不饱和脂肪酸(monounsaturated fatty acid,MUFA)含量差异不显著(P>0.05);n-6 PUFA/n-3 PUFA比值显著增加,PUFA/SFA比值显著降低,同时 100~110 ℃杀菌温度显著提高了产品的过氧化值(peroxide value,POV)和硫代巴比妥酸反应物(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances,TBARS)含量。100 ℃以上的杀菌温度使C14:0、C16:0、C18:0和C20:0的含量显著提高,同时 C18:2n6、C18:3n3、C20:3n6和C20:4n6的含量显著降低,而C20:5n3和C22:6n3未检出。结论:低于100 ℃的杀菌条件可以最大程度 保持产品原有的脂肪酸组成,而高于100 ℃的杀菌温度对产品的脂肪酸比例破坏明显,且可显著促进脂肪氧化,这 为杀菌条件在肉制品中的精细化调控提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Numerous experiments have studied the use of oilseed supplements in cow diets to alter milk fatty acid (FA) composition, but no quantitative synthesis of these studies is currently available. This article reports a meta-analysis of the response of cow milk FA composition to oilseed lipid supplements from linseed, rapeseed, soybeans, and sunflower seed. First, from a database of 145 oilseed supplementation experiments, we collected the mean FA percentages observed with unsupplemented diets and diets supplemented with the 4 oilseeds given as seeds (after various types of processing), as oils (including Ca salts and amides), or in protected forms. Second, we studied the response of the major milk FA percentages to increasing amounts of supplemental lipids from the 4 oilseeds. Responses were nonsignificant, linear, or quadratic, depending on the FA studied and the supplement. Effects of interfering factors, such as supplement form, forage component of the diet, or lactation stage, were difficult to assess from the available data. Third, we studied the response of the major milk FA percentages to increasing dietary intakes of linoleic or linolenic acids, taken separately. Overall, these results confirm the high plasticity of milk FA composition, with the widest variations being observed in the percentages of medium-chain versus C18 FA, and among the C18 in 18:0, cis-18:1, and trans-18:1. The percentages of the polyunsaturated FA cis-9 cis-12-18:2 and 18:3 were less variable, except when protected lipids (mostly formaldehyde treated) were supplied. However, trans-18:1 and polyunsaturated FA (including conjugated linoleic acid) exhibited the greatest variations when expressed relative to their respective basal values (for unsupplemented diets). Oils, compared with seeds, induced greater percentages of trans-18:1 and tended to decrease C6 to C12 FA more. Intakes of 18:2- and 18:3-rich lipid sources did not differ greatly in their effects on short- and medium-chain FA and trans-18:1 percentages, although the profiles of individual 18:1 and 18:2 isomers in milk differed. This meta-analysis provides quantitative estimates, obtained from the extensive literature produced over more than 40 yr, of the impact of oilseed supplements on milk FA composition.  相似文献   

红烧肉制作过程中脂肪氧化和脂肪酸组成的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
脂肪氧化和脂肪酸组成变化对肉制品的营养和风味产生重要影响。研究红烧肉烹制全过程中原料、水焯后、炖煮1h、炖煮2h 4个关键工艺点中猪肉的基本物理化学指标、脂肪氧化和脂肪酸组成变化情况。结果表明:成品红烧肉水分含量和粗脂肪含量分别比原料肉下降18.17%和43.46%,烹饪损失率为25.04%;过氧化值(POV)在炖煮1h后达到峰值,随后又下降;硫代巴比妥酸值(TBA)在烹制过程中逐渐上升(P<0.05);烹制过程使饱和脂肪酸(SFA)比例显著下降(P<0.05),单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)比例显著上升(P<0.05),不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸比值(UFA/SFA)从1.38上升到2.34,提高了猪肉中油脂的营养价值。  相似文献   

鲢鱼各部位磷脂组分及脂肪酸组成分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹舟  王琦  于刚  张维农  王海滨 《食品科学》2014,35(24):105-109
应用Bligh-Dyer法、硅胶柱层析和薄层层析(thin layer chromatography,TLC)分析比较鲢鱼头部、眼部、背肌、腹肌、内脏、尾部的磷脂含量与组成,气相色谱-质谱联用技术分析鲢鱼各部位磷脂的脂肪酸组成。结果表明:各部位磷脂种类有磷脂酰胆碱(phosphatidylcholine,PC)、磷脂酰乙醇胺(phosphatidylethanolamine,PE)、磷脂酰丝氨酸(phosphatidyelserine,PS)及一未知组分,鲢鱼各部位的PE、PC明显高于其他磷脂组分。鱼头磷脂中饱和脂肪酸的总量最高,其次是内脏中含量,鱼眼中含量最低。单不饱和脂肪酸的含量也在鱼头中最丰富,明显高于背肌、鱼眼、腹肌、鱼尾,后三者间差异性不显著(P>0.05),内脏中含量最低。多不饱和脂肪酸的含量在鱼眼中最多,与腹肌、鱼尾中的含量差异不显著,都在49%以上,但明显高于鱼头、背肌内脏中的含量。各部位间内脏中二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸的含量明显高于其他部位,其次是鱼眼。鱼眼磷脂中C22∶6的含量最丰富,C20∶5在内脏磷脂中含量最多。  相似文献   

Linseed oil is fractionated on silicic acid column, with subsequent identification of different lipid classes by thin layer chromatography. Sterol esters, triglycerides, free fatty acids, sterols and phospholipids represent 0.15, 92.25, 3.30, 1.15 and 1.16%, respectively of linseed lipids. The total saturated fatty acid content of the phospholipid fraction is higher than that of the oil, the triglyceride fraction and the free fatty acid fraction. Linolenic acid, which is the major fatty acid in linseed triglycerides (47.5%), makes 18.2% of the phospholipid fatty acids. Oleic acid is the major fatty acid in the phospholipid fraction (35.2%), while it constitutes 19.3% of the triglycerides fatty acids.  相似文献   

为开发与利用东北杂豆资源,本文以东北特有杂豆为原料,采用气质分析方法对杂豆脂肪含量及脂肪酸组成进行初步分析。结果表明:杂豆中含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸,且在测定所有杂豆中均是高活性的n:3、n:2类不饱和脂肪酸含量高,而活性相对的n:1类不饱和脂肪酸含量低。芸豆类杂豆的脂肪酸中不饱和脂肪酸含量均大于80%;且高活性的n:3类不饱和脂肪酸含量较多,紫花芸豆的n:3类不饱和脂肪酸含量达到了48.99%,具有进一步开发应用的价值。本研究为东北杂豆的综合利用提供了理论参考与依据  相似文献   

以新疆野生苍耳籽为材料,采用溶剂法萃取其籽油脂,通过单因素和正交试验研究提取时间、料液比、提取温度工艺参数对苍耳籽油提取率的影响,并用GC-MS 法测得其脂肪酸的含量及组分。结果表明:野生苍耳籽油的最佳提取工艺条件为提取时间2.5h、料液比1:10(g/mL)、提取温度75℃;野生苍耳籽油脂含量为22.14%,油脂以不饱和脂肪酸为主要成分,其中亚油酸相对含量85.73%、油酸相对含量7.67%、棕榈酸相对含量3.76%、硬脂酸相对含量1.35%。本方法可作为苍耳籽油的提取工艺。  相似文献   

本实验分别选取放牧条件和舍饲条件下饲养12 个月的苏尼特羊各10 只(公母各5 只),利用气相色谱-质谱法和实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应法测定不同饲养方式下苏尼特羊股二头肌脂肪酸组成和脂肪代谢相关基因表达差异,研究不同饲养方式下脂肪代谢相关基因对脂肪酸组成的影响。结果表明:放牧组羊肉饱和脂肪酸相对含量显著低于舍饲组(P<0.05),单不饱和脂肪酸相对含量显著高于舍饲组(P<0.05),多不饱和脂肪酸中α-亚麻酸、共轭亚油酸、二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸相对含量均显著高于舍饲组(P<0.05);放牧条件下股二头肌的固醇调节元件结合蛋白基因表达量显著低于舍饲条件下(P<0.05);放牧条件下股二头肌二酰基甘油酰基转移酶、激素敏感酯酶、脂肪酸脱氢酶2基因表达量均显著高于舍饲组(P<0.05);同时PPARγ基因表达量与饱和脂肪酸含量呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。由此可见,从脂肪酸的角度来讲,放牧组肌肉营养价值更高,今后可通过调控脂肪酸代谢相关基因表达来改善舍饲羊营养品质。  相似文献   

采用Folch 液回流提取投喂相同配合饲料的海水养殖花鲈和淡水养殖花鲈背部肌肉脂质,脂质经氢氧化钾-三氟化硼法甲酯化后进行气相色谱分析。结果表明:海水养殖花鲈和淡水养殖花鲈肌肉脂肪酸组成存在一定差异。海水花鲈肌肉脂肪酸中单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)、n-3 系列多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)、EPA(C20:5 n-3)和DHA(C22:6 n-3)含量明显高于淡水花鲈,而饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、n-6 系列PUFA 和AA(C20:4 n-6)含量则低于淡水养殖花鲈。海水养殖花鲈和淡水养殖花鲈肌肉中n-6 和n-3 系列PUFA 比值分别为0.27 和0.42,均远低于HMSO(英国卫生部)推荐的最高安全限值(4.0)。  相似文献   

采用不同方法对蓖麻籽的脂质提取和甲酯化衍生效果进行研究,并对其脂肪酸组成进行分析.结果表明:不同方法对蓖麻籽的脂质提取和衍生化效果存在显著差异(P<0.05);二氯甲烷-甲醇法的脂质提取率为58.25%,且具有低毒、溶解性强和提取完全的优点,是蓖麻籽脂质提取的有效方法;酸碱结合法具有衍生完全且副反应少等优点,能更好地反映蓖麻籽脂肪酸的真实组成,是蓖麻籽脂质甲酯化衍生的理想方法.同时蓖麻籽脂肪酸以蓖麻油酸(76.43%~86.50%)、亚油酸(4.88%~6.27%)和油酸(2.70%~4.18%)为主,并含有少量的棕榈酸、硬脂酸以及亚麻酸和二十碳烯酸.  相似文献   

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