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In multi-national and cross-cultural virtual classes, students’ cultural values have significant impacts on knowledge sharing process. According to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, we conducted a mixed method to investigate how national cultural values effect on explicit and implicit knowledge sharing within a multi-national virtual class. First, we adopted a qualitative case study with 6 semi-structure interviews to explore the culture effects on knowledge sharing. Second, we conducted a cross-sectional survey to examine the interaction effects of culture and different knowledge sharing motivations. These findings suggest some cultural values (i.e., collectivism) directly impact knowledge sharing, while most cultural values (i.e., power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and Confucian dynamism) have interactive effects with knowledge sharing motivations. Furthermore, we also found some cultural values, like concern for face, have complex effects on knowledge sharing. This research contributes to the knowledge sharing literature, and provides practical implications for the organization work of computer-based education systems.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to investigate the impact of cultural collectivism on knowledge sharing among information technology majoring undergraduates in Turkey. The study proposes a research model based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA). A structural equation model was used to test the research model against the data collected by means of a self-report questionnaire. Results show that cultural collectivism has a positive and significant impact on attitudes toward and subjective norms with regard to knowledge sharing. Confirming the TRA, results also suggest that behavioral intentions are jointly determined by attitudes and subjective norms. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In today’s knowledge-based economy, most of the knowledge-sharing studies have investigated the effects of cultural values at the national level. However, individual beliefs and behaviors might also be influenced and modified by individual cultural values. To understand the effects of cultural values, cultural effects at both the individual and country levels should be considered. This study is to investigate the integrative effects of the individual’s and country’s cultural values on knowledge sharing. We examine motivational factors affecting knowledge-sharing intentions based on social exchange theory and incorporate individualism/collectivism and uncertainty avoidance as moderators. On the basis of a survey of 394 employees conducted in the United States and China, the results show that rewards are significantly related to knowledge-sharing intentions for Chinese employees but not for American employees. Reciprocity and knowledge self-efficacy significantly impact knowledge-sharing intentions in the two countries. Our results also demonstrate that the individual’s and country’s cultural values play important roles in knowledge sharing. In the United States, individualism/collectivism is found to moderate the relationship between rewards and knowledge-sharing intentions. In China, individualism/collectivism is found to moderate the relationship between reputation and knowledge-sharing intentions, while uncertainty avoidance is found to moderate the relationship between knowledge self-efficacy and knowledge-sharing intentions.  相似文献   

This study advances prior theoretical research by examining the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and new venture performance with the introduction of exploratory and exploitative innovations as mediating variables. To fully understand the influence process of entrepreneurial leadership, we argue that environmental dynamism should be considered. Data on 168 new ventures in China indicate that entrepreneurial leadership is positively related to both exploratory and exploitative innovations, which in turn are both positively related to new venture performance. Our results also confirm that environmental dynamism moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and both types of innovation (i.e., exploratory and exploitative). Thus, we contribute to the debate on the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on the pursuit of excellent new venture performance, not only by examining how entrepreneurial leadership affects new venture performance by pursuing two types of innovative activities (i.e., exploratory and exploitative innovations), but also by revealing how these relationships are contingent upon environmental dynamism.  相似文献   

Consideration was given to a model of social dynamics controlled by successive collective decisions based on the threshold majority procedures. The current system state is characterized by the vector of participants’ capitals (utilities). At each step, the voters can either retain their status quo or accept the proposal which is a vector of the algebraic increments in the capitals of the participants. In this version of the model, the vector is generated stochastically. Comparative utility of two social attitudes—egoism and collectivism—was analyzed. It was established that, except for some special cases, the collectivists have advantages, which makes realizable the following scenario: on the conditions of protecting the corporate interests, a group is created which is joined then by the egoists attracted by its achievements. At that, group egoism approaches altruism. Additionally, one of the considered variants of collectivism handicaps manipulation of voting by the organizers.  相似文献   

网格计算为共享和访问大型且不同种类的远程资源集提供一种机制,例如电脑、联机装置、存储空间、数据和应用程序等资源。这些资源通过属性来标识。资源属性具有各种不同程度的动态性,从静态属性(比如操作系统版本)到高动态性(比如网络带宽或CPU负荷)。论文中,在P2P体系中进行大型的和动态的资源发现。在非集中式体系中,评估一套请求传递算法,该算法被设计成能适应不同资源成分(包括共享策略和资源类型)和动态性。为了达到这个目的,建立一个用来模拟两种应用特性的实验平台,这两种特性为:(1)资源按节点分布,而且在共享资源的数量和频率方面也不尽相同:(2)对资源的多种请求模式。  相似文献   

The Internet has solved the age-old problem of network connectivity and thus enabling the potential access to, and data sharing among large numbers of databases. However, enabling users to discover useful information requires an adequate metadata infrastructure that must scale with the diversity and dynamism of both users' interests and Internet accessible databases. In this paper, we present a model that partitions the information space into a distributed, highly specialized domain ontologies. We also introduce inter-ontology relationships to cater for user-based interests across ontologies defined over Internet databases. We also describe an architecture that implements these two fundamental constructs over Internet databases. The aim of the proposed model and architecture is to eventually facilitate data discovery and sharing for Internet databases.  相似文献   

Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers are increasingly examining how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help people eat more healthfully. However, within HCI, there has been little examination of the way that cultural values influence how people think about food and wellness, and how sociocultural context supports or impedes attempts to eat healthfully. Our work focuses on the diet-related health challenges of African Americans within low-income neighborhoods. This population disproportionately experiences diet-related disease, and as such, researchers have consistently advocated research that examines the way in which food practices are culturally situated.Through formative focus groups with 46 participants we identified several design implications for tools that promote healthy eating while accounting for collectivism, a cultural value often ascribed to the African American population. Based on our design implications we developed, deployed and evaluated two systems that supported the sharing of community-held knowledge about making healthy eating decisions. In our discussion, we present implications for the design of collectivistic systems that address food practices. We conclude with recommendations for HCI research that investigates the relationship between culture and food more broadly.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to use the technology acceptance model to examine how the cultural characteristics of social media users in Taiwan affect their use of social media for acquiring and sharing health-related information and to examine how their use of online social media benefits their social relationships and health self-efficacy. The research model in this quantitative cross-sectional study was tested with data collected from 321 active Facebook users in Taiwan. All three cultural characteristics/dimensions considered in the research model (masculinity, collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance) significantly affected the perceived usefulness and the perceived ease of using the online social media platform. However, masculinity had a significant positive effect on perceived usefulness but not on perceived ease of use. These results imply that technology tools for people in high masculinity cultures should be designed to maximize the effectiveness of the technology for achieving goals rather than to maximize the ease of using the technology. On the other hand, the use of online social media for acquiring and sharing health-related information significantly affected the social relationships of users but not their health self-efficacy. The results of this study imply that participants in online communities share health-related information not only to enhance their health but also to form strong social connections. This study proposes a new construct of technology acceptance, acquisition, and sharing of health-related information and investigates its effects on social relationships and health self-efficacy.  相似文献   

While most schemes that support information sharing on computers rely on formal protocols, in practice much cooperative work takes place using informal means of communication, even chance encounters. This paper proposes a new method of enabling information sharing in loosely-coupled socially-organized systems, typically involving personal rather than institutional computers and lacking the network infrastructure that is generally taken for granted in distributed computing. It is based on the idea of arranging for information transmission to take place as an unobtrusive side-effect of interpersonal communication. Update conflicts are avoided by an information ownership scheme. Under mild assumptions, we show how the distributed database satisfies the property of observational consistency.The new idea, called “Liveware”, is not so much a specific piece of technology as a fresh perspective on information sharing that stimulates new ways of solving old problems. Being general, it transcends particular distribution technologies. A prototype database, implemented in HyperCard and taking the form of an electronic directory, utilizes the medium of floppy disk to spread information in a (benign!) virus-like manner.  相似文献   

We wished to determine how the process of knowledge sharing could be managed, seeing that it is a knowledge management dilemma. If knowledge sharing is crucial to an organization’s interests, but is inherently emergent in nature, how can the organization still manage the process? In order to answer this question, a distinction was made between two approaches towards managing knowledge sharing: an emergent approach, focusing on the social dynamics between organizational members and the nature of their daily tasks, and an engineering approach, focusing on management interventions to facilitate knowledge transfer. While the first is central to today’s thinking about knowledge, we used a field study in six organizations to show that both approaches have value in explaining knowledge sharing. Instruments that are part of the engineering approach create conditions for variables in the emergent approach, which in turn also exert a direct influence on knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

Previous work has examined how technology can support health behavior monitoring in social contexts. These tools incentivize behavior documentation through the promise of virtual rewards, rich visualizations, and improved co-management of disease. Social influence is leveraged to motivate improved behaviors through friendly competition and the sharing of emotional and informational support. Prior work has described how by documenting and sharing behaviors in these tools, people engage in performances of the self. This performance happens as users selectively determine what information to share and hide, crafting a particular portrayal of their identity. Much of the prior work in this area has examined the implications of systems that encourage people to share their behaviors with friends, family, and geographically distributed strangers. In this paper, we report upon the performative nature of behavior sharing in a system created for a different social group: the local neighborhood. We designed Community Mosaic (CM), a system with a collectivistic focus: this tool asks users to document their behaviors using photographs and text, but not for their own benefit—for the benefit of others in their community. Through a 6-week deployment of CM, we evaluated the nature of behavior sharing in this system, including participants’ motivations for sharing, the way in which this sharing happened, and the reflexive impact of sharing. Our findings highlight the performative aspects of photograph staging and textual narration and how sharing this content led participants to become more aware and evaluative of their behaviors, and led them to try to eat more healthfully. We conclude with recommendations for behavior monitoring tools, specifically examining the implications of users’ perceived audience and automated behavioral tracking on opportunities for reflection-through-performance.  相似文献   

Information ethics codes play a vital role in clarifying the responsibilities of MIS (management information systems) professionals and providing them with a point of reference when dealing with ethical issues. In view of the important 21st Century role played by China, particularly Mainland China, which represents a hugely significant market to all global enterprises, it is hoped that this study will assist the business world in understanding the culture in which Chinese business is conducted, and will facilitate the building of a suitable information ethics code in the future. Academically, this paper aims to explain how Confucian ethics and the guanxi 1 culture perspective affect MIS professionals’ ethical dilemmas and reactive processes. Specifically, it examines the reactive processes of MIS professionals in CHSyst (pseudonym) in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China. In practice, this study provides a good reference for enterprises such as the above that wish to find the most appropriate way to create an ethics code suitable for a Chinese company context to prevent Chinese MIS professionals from behaving unethically in their workplace. Such a code will serve to reduce the negative consequences of unethical conduct for the organization.  相似文献   

为了给公众和企业提供更好的服务,给政府决策者提供更准确及时的支持,政府部门间G2G信息共享势在必行。然而,由于政府业务繁多且程序复杂,许多政府部门对政府信息分布及共享需求并不清晰,给电子政务流程设计造成了一定的难度。为此,试图从跨组织信息资源管理的角度出发,首先对G2B传统业务流程中业务依托信息和产生信息进行分析,以确定各职能部门的信息需求状况;其次,通过分析不同部门间的业务信息关系,分别建立依托信息与依托信息、依托信息与产生信息以及产生信息与产生信息三种信息交集关系,从而识别部门间信息共享需求并分析可能  相似文献   

Knowledge sharing,innovation and firm performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the quantitative relationship between knowledge sharing, innovation and performance. Based on the literature review, we develop a research model positing that knowledge sharing not only have positive relationship with performance directly but also influence innovation which in turn contributes to firm performance. This model is empirically tested using data collected from 89 high technology firms in Jiangsu Province of China. It is found that both explicit and tacit knowledge sharing practices facilitate innovation and performance. Explicit knowledge sharing has more significant effects on innovation speed and financial performance while tacit knowledge sharing has more significant effects on innovation quality and operational performance.  相似文献   

YouTube-like video sharing sites (VSSes) have gained increasing popularity in recent years. Meanwhile, Face-book-like online social networks (OSNs) have seen their tremendous success in connecting people of common interests. These two new generation of networked services are now bridged in that many users of OSNs share video contents originating from VSSes with their friends, and it has been shown that a significant portion of views of VSS videos are attributed to this sharing scheme of social networks. To understand how the video sharing behavior, which is largely based on social relationship, impacts users’ viewing pattern, we have conducted a long-term measurement with RenRen and YouKu, the largest online social network and the largest video sharing site in China, respectively. We show that social friends have higher common interest and their sharing behaviors provide guidance to enhance recommended video lists. In this paper, we take a first step toward learning OSN video sharing patterns for video recommendation. An autoencoder model is developed to learn the social similarity of different videos in terms of their sharing in OSNs. We, therefore, propose a similarity-based strategy to enhance video recommendation for YouTube-like social media. Evaluation results demonstrate that this strategy can remarkably improve the precision and recall of recommendations, as compared to other widely adopted strategies without social information.  相似文献   

The study discussed in this paper uses case studies of six small voluntary organizations to determine the primary factors that influence electronic commerce (EC) adoption. The findings indicate that perceived benefits, including efficiency, information sharing, marketing and increased donations have a strong influence on EC adoption. The results also indicate that organizational readiness, including ability to attract volunteers and/or in-kind donations, ability to raise funds, and strategic readiness had a positive influence on EC adoption. Consistent with prior research on EC adoption in the commercial sector, strong support was found for the influence of perceived pressure, including pressure from both internal and external stakeholders. The study also concluded that perceived social risks associated with the loss of human contact and the perception of dollars being diverted from client programs to finance the EC investment had a strong influence on EC adoption. Implications for EC adoption and future research on EC adoption in the voluntary sector are discussed.  相似文献   

As a newly-developed information exchange and management platform, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is altering the way of collaboration among multi-engineers for civil engineering projects. During the BIM implementation, a large number of event logs are automatically generated and accumulated to record details of the model evolution. For knowledge discovery from huge logs, a novel BIM event log mining approach based on the dynamic social network analysis is presented to examine designers’ performance objectively, which has been verified in BIM event logs about an ongoing year-long design project. Relying on meaningful information extracted from time-stamped logs, networks on the monthly interval are built to graphically represent information and knowledge sharing among designers. Special emphasis is put on measuring designers’ influence by a defined new metric called “impact score”, which combines the k-shell method and 1-step neighbors to achieve comparatively low computational cost and high accurate ranking. Besides, an emerging machine learning algorithm named CatBoost is utilized to predict designers’ influence intelligently by learning features from both network structure and human behavior. It has been found that twelve networks can be easily distinguished into two collaborative patterns, whose characteristics in both network structures and designers’ behaviors are significantly different. The most influential designers are similar within the same group but varied from different groups. Extensive analytical results confirm that the method can potentially serve as month-by-month feedback to monitor the complex modeling process, which further supports managers to realize data-driven decision making for better leadership and work plan towards an optimized collaborative design.  相似文献   

Based on the wavelet transform, a new progressive sharing scheme is proposed to share a secret image into several shadow images using SPIHT encoding processes and Shamir’s threshold scheme. Quality refinement of the recovered image is achieved by the data consumed from the threshold number (r) of shadow images and each single shadow image reveals no information about the secret image. The size of each shadow image is smaller than 1/r of the secret image and any number of shadow images that is less than r reveals no information about the secret image. The proposed approach is secure for image sharing and provides excellent peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) versus rate performance. Experimental results have demonstrated the promising performance of this method in progressive sharing.  相似文献   

Collaboration technologies must support information sharing between collaborators, but must also take care not to share too much information or share information too widely. Systems that share information without requiring an explicit action by a user to initiate the sharing must be particularly cautious in this respect. Presence systems are an emerging class of applications that support collaboration. Through the use of pervasive sensors, these systems estimate user location, activities, and available communication channels. Because such presence data are sensitive, to achieve wide-spread adoption, sharing models must reflect the privacy and sharing preferences of their users. This paper looks at the role that privacy-preserving aggregation can play in addressing certain user sharing and privacy concerns with respect to presence data.We define conditions to achieve CollaPSE (Collaboration Presence Sharing Encryption) security, in which (i) an individual has full access to her own data, (ii) a third party performs computation on the data without learning anything about the data values, and (iii) people with special privileges called “analysts” can learn statistical information about groups of individuals, but nothing about the individual values contributing to the statistic other than what can be deduced from the statistic. More specifically, analysts can decrypt aggregates without being able to decrypt the individual values contributing to the aggregate. Based in part on studies we carried out that illustrate the need for the conditions encapsulated by CollaPSE security, we designed and implemented a family of CollaPSE protocols. We analyze their security, discuss efficiency tradeoffs, describe extensions, and review more recent privacy-preserving aggregation work.  相似文献   

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