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指出多学科设计优化技术在机器人复杂系统设计方面的优势,探索了将其和机器人系统设计相融合的流程方法。利用多学科优化技术对移动读书机器人机械臂系统进行分解和规划,同时阐明了其中的难点和关键技术。将其分解为运动学、静力学、动力学、控制学四个学科并建立相应的模型进行分布式并行设计,优化计算结果表明了多学科设计优化技术应用在机器人设计领域的可行性及有效性。  相似文献   

机器人的设计过程中,机器臂的设计对机器人的操作性能有着十分重要的影响。以质量平衡原理为基础,通过关节驱动电机自身的质量实现了对自行研发的YJP-1型机器人的机械臂的优化设计,具体的实践表明,以质量平衡原理为理论基础的机器人机械臂系统的设计方式能有效减小机械臂动力系统的耦合惯量的影响,同时也能有效减轻驱动电机负载。  相似文献   

军用加固计算机设计是一项涉及到多个学科的系统工程,针对军用加固计算机设计相关的学科专业领域的特点,对比传统的优化设计方法,提出了应用多学科设计优化方法来设计军用加固计算机这一新思想,并对军用加固计算机设计优化进行了详细地分析研究。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的不断发展和推进海洋强国战略的进程中,水下机器人日渐起着举足轻重的作用.水下智能机器人的运动控制技术也成为了近些年来众多专业知识领域所研究的重点内容.目前国内的水下机器人(主要是AUV、UUV)还处于研制试验阶段,很多关键技术还未突破,文章介绍的水下机器人具有控制性强、适应性强、独创性强、安全性高等特点...  相似文献   

根据航空电子设备的特点,介绍了多学科优化设计技术在航空电子设备设计中的现状与发展,概括了电子设备设计中多学科优化设计的特点,重点论述了多学科技术在电子设备中的应用,包括多学科建模技术、多学科优化方法及优化算法的应用、优化流程定制和多学科优化设计平台.多学科优化技术在电子设备设计中的应用必将提高其设计水平.  相似文献   

串联机械臂运动控制系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于加工装配的累积误差,驱动控制,机械臂的柔性变形以及实际工作环境中振动等因素的干扰,导致无法准确获取机械臂的运动学模型和动力学模型,导致机械臂实际的运动性能与期望的高精度运动性能相比出现较大的差距。针对上述问题,文中通过研究串联机械臂轨迹优化算法,设计了一套简单且实时性的机械臂控制变量补偿系统,以减少甚至消除机械臂的运动学误差。这一技术的实现,将对提高装备制造业中机械臂运动精度关键技术的发展起到推动作用。  相似文献   

针对目前在高校领域用于学生使用的机械臂大多控制精度低且运动学逆解复杂,而精度高的机械臂往往结构复杂,难以小型化的现状。本文设计的是一种控制精度高、结构新颖实用且控制算法简单的小型化机械臂。本机械臂由旋转基座、动力装置、横臂、纵臂、机器视觉装置、执行末端、直线轴承、四向滑台机构及固定机构组成。在本装置中,操作人员可通过程序控制或遥控方式灵活调节机械臂动作。实验结果表明,本装置可调整旋转角度为360°,水平方向行程为210mm,垂直方向行程为215mm,也可以根据实际情况更换光轴增加行程。该机械臂简单可靠,轻量化,精度高,可满足大部分使用需求。  相似文献   

本文提出一种可伸缩高空作业机械臂。结合可伸缩高空作业机械臂的运动以及研制要求,确定其控制系统的构成,并且对机械臂的控制系统的控制流程进行设计。阐述了控制系统的主控制器的最小系统、电源电路以及JTAG接口的设计。该机械臂的控制系统与电机驱动器之间采用CANopen通信方式进行通信。  相似文献   

机器人控制技术在全球范围内飞速发展,人与机器人之间的交互方式正朝着方便、直观的方向发展。通过体感表征操作人员的骨骼和腕部信息,可以为机器人的远程操控提供必要的控制信息。该文融合视觉和可穿戴体感,研究了交互式6自由度机械手臂控制系统,使用人体肩、肘的旋转角度和握拳动作,来分别控制机械手臂的6个关节和抓取;并构建了分布式远程操控实验平台,数据和指令通过无线方式进行传输。实验结果表明,采用融合视觉和可穿戴体感的交互式机器人能有效直观地控制机械臂进行物体抓取。  相似文献   

随着控制技术的不断改进,机械臂的应用越来越广泛。文章设计了一种基于Arduino的四自由度机械臂,使用Arduino作为系统主控模块,结合舵机驱动模块、按键模块和金属机械臂搭建硬件系统,并使用专门的IDE软件完成软件设计。最终可以通过8个按键对金属机械臂进行快捷控制,从而实现机械臂对物体进行抓取的功能。  相似文献   

Dual arm robots are used as humanoid or industrial robots for assembly work. Each arm of these robots is generally composed of 7-DOF to mimic the human arm. For motion teaching of this 7-DOF robot arm, upper limb exoskeletal master devices can be used, and each arm of the upper limb exoskeletal master device can also be composed of 7-DOF. However, the motions of the human shoulder are complex and the lack of DOF in the exoskeletal master device limits the wearer's motions and makes the wearer feel uncomfortable. We propose a compact-sized exoskeletal master device, each of whose arms are composed of two serially connected parts. One is a 6-DOF shoulder–elbow mechanism and the other is a 3-DOF wrist mechanism. The 6-DOF mechanism serially connects the base frame near the shoulder to a point on the forearm, and the center of rotation of the shoulder joint is shifted to the outside of the human shoulder. In addition, the 6-DOF mechanism includes a long stroke but short reduced-length prismatic joint. This 6-DOF mechanism enables unconstrained and comfortable shoulder motions. The 3-DOF wrist mechanism corresponds to forearm pronation/supination, wrist flexion/extension, and wrist adduction/abduction. The closed-loop inverse kinematic scheme is applied for the dual arm robot control in the task space. The performance of the exoskeletal master devices and control strategies are verified through experiments using a 14-DOF dual arm slave robot.  相似文献   

安其昌  张景旭  杨飞  赵宏超 《红外与激光工程》2018,47(8):818002-0818002(6)
为了更好地对稀疏孔径大口径望远镜进行装调,利用旋量理论对串联机械臂在系统装调中的应用进行了研究。首先,利用旋量理论分析了串联机械臂进行稀疏孔径望远镜装调的基本原理。其次,结合旋量理论与基本的几何关系分析了稀疏孔径望远镜装调原理,并对子孔径测量过程进行了误差分析。之后,对串联机械臂携带点光源显微镜(PSM)进行装调的可行性进行了分析与实验,证明了处于串联机械臂携带状态的点光源显微镜与位于实验室环境下像点稳定性相近。最后,分析了串联机械臂结合点光源显微镜在大口径稀疏孔径望远镜装调检测中的应用。  相似文献   

为了提高人类的负重能力,并降低人类在行进中的能量消耗,设计了一种液压驱动的可穿戴外骨骼机器人,进行了机构设计并确定了液压系统的关键参数,其中腿机构设计是关键部分。通过数学公式分析了外骨骼机器人腿部受力,并对外骨骼机器人简化模型进行虚拟仿真,确定各关节运动所需的力矩。在此基础上,完成了机器人机构和液压系统设计。最后通过虚拟样机技术,验证了机构设计参数选取的合理性及所确定的液压系统满足设计要求。  相似文献   

为了提高WebGIS系统地图图像数据响应效率,将Ajax技术运用于WebGIS系统开发中,重点分析了基于Ajax的数据交互及方法实现,Ajax的动态数据请求在很大程度上解决了WebGIS数据显示不流畅的问题,具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

Many enterprises experience difficulty in training people to work with expensive equipment, which is needed for carrying out profitable work tasks (e.g., production line robots). Similar problems are found when work is of a complex and safety-critical nature (e.g., nuclear environments, explosive placement, surgery). A common problem faced by educational institutions concerns the limited availability of expensive robotics equipment, with which students in the didactic program can work, in order to acquire valuable "hands on" experience. This paper describes a method of education and training involving off-line usage of virtual reality environments for task planning. When tasks are developed to the satisfaction of the trainee, they are exported to remote physical hardware, via the Internet, for real-world execution. Development of the system and the training experiments is discussed, along with some of the issues raised for telerobotics and solutions to the problem of detecting collisions in the virtual world. The approach has been shown to be viable, and increases the education and training possibilities for key workers while maintaining a low cost of ownership. The downtime of mission critical equipment is minimized while the gaining of valuable experience is maximized.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the design and properties of an intelligent optimal control for a nonlinear flexible robot arm that is driven by a permanent-magnet synchronous servo motor. First, the dynamic model of a flexible robot arm system with a tip mass is introduced. When the tip mass of the flexible robot arm is a rigid body, not only bending vibration but also torsional vibration are occurred. In this paper, the vibration states of the nonlinear system are assumed to he unmeasurable, i.e., only the actuator position can be acquired to feed into a suitable control system for stabilizing the vibration states indirectly. Then, an intelligent optimal control system is proposed to control the motor-mechanism coupling system for periodic motion. In the intelligent optimal control system a fuzzy neural network controller is used to learn a nonlinear function in the optimal control law, and a robust controller is designed to compensate the approximation error. Moreover, a simple adaptive algorithm is proposed to adjust the uncertain bound in the robust controller avoiding the chattering phenomena. The control laws of the intelligent optimal control system are derived in the sense of optimal control technique and Lyapunov stability analysis, so that system-tracking stability can be guaranteed in the closed-loop system. In addition, numerical simulation and experimental results are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

随着科技的飞速发展,企业的生产能力大幅提高,传统的人工码垛已经不能满足企业对物流的需求,码垛机器人技术应运而生。高效率的码垛能够大大节省物流时间,提高工作效率。系统利用四轴码垛机械臂仿真控制软件实际控制一台小型的关节型四轴码垛机械臂。机械臂利用舵机作为执行元件,DSP作为控制器控制舵机运动。仿真控制软件根据规划的路径计算出码垛过程中舵机运行的角度,通过串口通信将角度数据传递给DSP,DSP控制舵机的运行并带动码垛机械臂实现码垛功能。  相似文献   

Robot error compensation is a technique for enhancing the positioning accuracy of the system. This paper presented an error measuring technique for serial robots based on the multi-hole measuring method, combined with the intelligent particle swarm optimisation (PSO) to obtain the optimal solution of the robot's error compensation values, thereby improving the positioning accuracy of the robot. In the experiment, the robot error was measured using self-made multi-hole measuring plates and probes, and the experimental data were combined with PSO for the error comprehensive analysis. The results showed that on this type of serial robot, the multi-hole measuring method and PSO algorithm had obvious error compensation effects, which effectively improved the positioning accuracy of the robot, with the error reduced by 35% after compensation.  相似文献   

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