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Fieldbus, industrial Ethernet that is simple, reliable, economical, and practical, is widely used in Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECSs). These techniques belong to the field of networked control systems. Network embedding to Wind Energy Conversion Systems brings many new challenges. Implementing a control system over a communication network causes inevitable time delays that may degrade performance and can even cause instability. This work addresses challenges related to the reliable control of wind energy conversion systems, based on the theoretical framework of networked control systems. A type of WECS with network-induced delay and packet dropout is modeled and adjustable deadbands are explored as a solution to reduce network traffic in WECSs. A method to study the reliable control of WECSs is presented, which takes into account system response as well as the network environment. After detailed theoretical analysis, simulation results are provided, which further demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

An adaptive nonlinear controller for wind energy doubly fed induction machines is introduced in this paper. The proposed controller is based on the feedback linearization technique and includes a disturbance observer for estimation of parameter uncertainties. Estimated uncertainties values are injected in order to construct the control law, improving in this way the system's performance. The controller behavior, when tracking power references, is tested with realistic Electromagnetic Transients for dc /Power Systems Computer-Aided Design simulations. In addition, the controller performance is checked in the presence of parameter uncertainties and nearby faults.   相似文献   

Jack W. Reed 《Energy》1979,4(5):811-822
Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) are solar systems because the sun drives the atmospheric circulation. About 20 TW of wind energy flows poleward annually, over land in temperate latitudes, in the 500 m deep atmospheric boundary layer. An average 500 GW of electricity could be generated by massive exploitation of the U.S. Great Plains wind field.There are, however, large fluctuations in available wind power. There are frequent 20% variations in annual supply; annual periodicity brings most wind power during the spring; there are storm cycles; and there is a diurnal cycle. Gusts and turbulence also require filtering to meet normal power requirements. Several schemes are evolving to tame this erratic wind power supply.Modern technology is refining horizontal-axis turbines of a wide size range. Progress is also being made toward producing an economical vertical-axis turbine. Standards for turbine performance evaluation and installation site selection are now being developed. Yet it will be a few years before proven systems can significantly affect national energy supplies.Eventually, mass-produced WECS may cost $1000 per installed, rated kW, but the wind does not often flow at turbine-rated speed. With some storage or filtering, problems with wind variability may be overcome. Then WECS electricity production may be as economical as other electric generators. No serious hazards or environmental impacts should slow WECS development.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of controlling power generation in variable-speed wind energy conversion systems (VS-WECS). These systems have two operation regions depending on the wind turbine tip-speed ratio. They are distinguished by minimum phase behavior in one of these regions and a nonminimum phase in the other one. A sliding mode control strategy is then proposed to ensure stability in both operation regions and to impose the ideal feedback control solution despite model uncertainties. The proposed sliding mode control strategy presents attractive features such as robustness to parametric uncertainties of the turbine and the generator as well as to electric grid disturbances. The proposed sliding mode control approach has been simulated on a 1.5-MW three-blade wind turbine to evaluate its consistency and performance. The next step was the validation using the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) wind turbine simulator called the fatigue, aerodynamics, structures, and turbulence code (FAST). Both simulation and validation results show that the proposed control strategy is effective in terms of power regulation. Moreover, the sliding mode approach is arranged so as to produce no chattering in the generated torque that could lead to increased mechanical stress because of strong torque variations.  相似文献   

在实际的变速变桨风力机系统中,模型的强非线性、满负载工况下不稳定的风速及系数参数测量误差的存在,使传统的控制方法难以取得满意的控制效果,因此针对满负载工况下的风能转换系统提出了一种基于多变量动态矩阵控制的控制策略,先构建风能转化系统模型,将时变非线性模型在平衡点处线性化,得到其输入输出偏移量的线性化模型;再利用动态矩阵算法,间接控制发电机转速与功率在额定值处稳定;最后在风轮与电机转动惯量测量误差为40%的情况下进行仿真。结果表明,所得动态矩阵控制器具有较小的波动与较好的鲁棒性,能有效减小系统参数误差的影响,可在安全的工作范围内提供期望的性能,有助于提高电力系统的效率和电能质量。  相似文献   

Without storage provision, a wind energy conversion system (WECS) does not have fault ride-through capability for most temporary faults on the utility feeder. This paper proposes a hybrid valve switching and control strategy for a voltage-sourced converter (VSC) used for interfacing a WECS to the utility grid. The hybrid control of the VSC ensures continuous operation of the system in the presence of temporary single line to ground faults on the utility feeder without the need for a storage provision. The fast acting hybrid control also limits reactive fault current contribution by the converter, and therefore, avoids problems associated with overcurrent protection of the feeder. The hybrid valve switching and control of the VSC consists of: 1) sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) based valve switching and current-controlled voltage-source operation of the VSC during normal system operating conditions and 2) hysteresis space vector modulation (HSVM) based switching together with controlled current-source operation of the VSC during temporary fault conditions. The hybrid control of the VSC isolates the WECS from the grid side disturbances to ensure uninterrupted operation of the unit. Simulation studies of the grid-interactive WECS in PSCAD/EMTDC confirm the validity of the proposed hybrid control scheme.   相似文献   

A strategy for controlling wind farms composed of variable-speed machines is considered in this paper. It is shown that mechanical efforts produced by wind gusts on individual machines can be reduced by means of a supplementary control signal coming from a centralized controller. This is done while the total wind farm power output is kept at the same value as in the absence of the proposed controller.   相似文献   

This paper deals with control of voltage and frequency of an autonomous wind energy conversion system (AWECS) based on capacitor-excited asynchronous generator and feeding three-phase four-wire loads. The proposed controller consists of three single-phase insulated gate bipolar junction transistor (IGBT)-based voltage source converters (VSCs) and a battery at dc link. These three single-phase VSCs are connected to each phase of the generator through three single-phase transformers. The proposed controller is having bidirectional flow capability of active and reactive powers by which it controls the system voltage and frequency with variation of consumer loads and the speed of the wind. VSCs along with transformer function as a voltage regulator, a harmonic eliminator, a load balancer, and a neutral current compensator while the battery is used to control the active power flow which, in turn, maintains the constant system frequency. The complete electromechanical system is modeled and simulated in the MATLAB using the Simulink and the power system blockset (PSB) toolboxes. The simulated results are presented to demonstrate the capability of the proposed controller as a voltage and frequency regulator, harmonic eliminator, load balancer, and neutral current compensator for different electrical (varying consumer loads) and mechanical (varying wind speed) dynamic conditions in an autonomous wind energy conversion system.  相似文献   

针对大规模风电并网给电力系统带来的有功平衡困难,结合实际运行中偏保守的调度策略,提出一种基于极端风险假设的风电并网调峰充裕度评估方法。假设风功率预测完全不可靠,分析了含风电系统的最大调峰需求;假设各时段风功率为零,进行日前机组组合,确定峰荷时段的最大开机方式,再结合机组调峰深度,分析了调峰容量的供给。应用序贯蒙特卡洛模拟技术进行调峰充裕度评估。算例表明,随着规划风电规模的扩大,系统调峰充裕度指标迅速恶化。将风电装机容量分散到具有相关性的多风电场将显著减轻系统的调峰压力  相似文献   

采用电压外环和电流内环的控制方法,设计了风/柴/储能发电系统储能装置控制器电路,该控制器适用于连接在系统直流母线上蓄电池等储能装置的控制。在Matlab环境下,对该控制器进行了仿真,结果表明,该控制器能确保储能装置稳定运行,满足风/柴/储能风力发电系统对电压稳定的要求。  相似文献   

The 2P and 4P harmonics of the torque supplied by a two blade vertical axis wind turbine propagates in the drive train of the wind turbine and deteriorates the quality of the electric power transmitted to the network. This paper shows how the torque ripple propagates and how it can be eliminated by electrical instead of mechanical means. This elimination is obtained by using a converter-fed synchronous generator and by adopting suitable control strategies.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,新能源得到越来越广泛的应用。下面简要介绍一下为解决边远地区用电问题而设计的3种风力发电系统的配置情况。1 系统配置(1)风蓄互补系统风蓄互补系统就是利用风力发电机、蓄电池对系统进行供(蓄)电,从而满足用户的用电要求。其基本原理是:通过风力发电机将自然风能转换成电能,经系统控制,在输出端输出220 V,50 Hz的交流电;若风力发电超出了用电要求(电能过剩),蓄电池则可以将多余的电能储存起来,在风况不好时再对用户供电,从而达到几个无风日连续供电的目的。该系统的特点是投资少,见效快。但在个别风况不…  相似文献   


The goal of this study is to investigate how co-operation between industry and district heating companies can improve profitability of biofueled cogenerative investments in small to medium-sized applications. Currently advanced biomass gasification and gas turbine combined cycle has been found to be a promising cogenerative conversion technology for the recovery of heat present in biomass fuel. Increased biofuel based cogenerative power production in the future is clearly dependent on the improvement of both performance and investment costs of new high performance technology, and on the nature of policy instruments designed to promote the technology. The use of biofuels for cogeneration on a large scale is focused mainly on forest industry sites, where considerable quantities of biomass are available. While cogeneration provides several environmental benefits by making use of waste heat and waste products, air pollution is a concern any time fossil fuels or biomass are burned.  相似文献   

分布式风-光互补能源利用系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出充分利用风能和太阳能的互补性,设计了风能和太阳能联合供能系统在运行中能量产生、储备、利用等各个环节的工作方式,实现可靠、高效地运行,为用户提供了生活用电与供热。该系统很好地利用了风-光可再生资源在季节、天气、地域上的互补性,可拓展风能和太阳能经济利用的范围。该系统在风-光丰富的广大农村地区具有很好的应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

A method for determining the costeffectiveness of wind energy and the economic limitations of penetration into electrical power systems is presented. It is based on a Monte-Carlo approach which simulates the hour-by-hour operation of the power system. The hourly random variations in wind and load are modeled in addition to the operating constraints inherent in conventional generation. The economic assessment is based on a selected one-year simulation period, Two examples of the application of this method are given.  相似文献   

Due to randomness of wind generator's availability, power system planners have big concern on EEG (expected energy generation) and system reliability of power system with wind generators. This paper presents a methodology to evaluate the EEG as well as overall LOLP (loss of load probability), which is an index for system reliability of multi-area interconnected systems with wind generators, as well as conventional fossil fuel based generating units. The proposed model is also capable of tracking the energy export incorporating the multi-state probability model for wind generator which output varies with time and season.  相似文献   

This paper presents the output power control of a wind energy conversion system (WECS) based on a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). It is assumed that the considered wind module integrates a stand-alone hybrid generation system, jointly with a battery bank, a variable ac load, and other generation subsystems. The operation strategy of the hybrid system determines two possible operation modes for the WECS, depending on the power requirements of the load and the wind availability. The paper deals with the design of a combined high-order sliding mode (HOSM) controller for the power control of the WECS on both operational modes. The main features of the obtained controller are its chattering-free behavior, its finite-time reaching phase, its simplicity, and its robustness with respect to external disturbances and unmodeled dynamics. The performance of the closed-loop system is assessed through representative computer simulations.   相似文献   

This work is an analysis of wind turbine characteristics and wind energy characteristics of four regions around Elazig, Turkey, namely Maden, Agin Elazig and Keban. Wind speed data and wind direction in measured hourly time-series format is statistically analyzed based on 6 years between 1998 and 2003. The probability density distributions are derived from time-series data and distributional parameters are identified. Two probability density functions are fitted to the measured probability distributions. The wind energy characteristic of all the regions is studied based on the Weibull and the Rayleigh distributions. Using the Weibull probability density function, we estimated the wind energy output and the capacity factor for six different wind turbines between 300 and 2300 kW during the six years. It was found that Maden is the best region, among the regions analyzed, for wind energy characteristic and wind turbine characteristic.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive overview study of the DDPMSG (direct driven permanent magnet synchronous generator) for wind energy generation system. Wind turbine controls are provided. The PMSG (permanent magnet synchronous generator) is introduced as construction and model. Configurations of different power converters are presented for use with DDPMSG in wind systems at variable speed operation and maximum power capture. Control techniques for the system are discussed for both machine-side and grid-side in details. Grid integration is provided with focus on how to insure power quality of the system and the performance at disturbances.  相似文献   

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