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The inocula requirements and other experimental conditions for the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) procedure have been investigated and optimized to facilitate its use as a routine parameter for characterizing treatment plant performance. Initial inocula of unfiltered secondary effluent, commercial biochemical oxygen demand seed, mixed-liquor suspended solids (MLSS), and incubation temperatures of 20 and 37°C were examined using standard solutions of known DOC, treatment plant effluents, and ozonated treatment plant effluents. Among all inocula tested, MLSS provides the fastest BDOC exertion rate. It is possible to measure BDOC within five days using a larger volume of MLSS inoculum. The results from this research may be used to support the development of a standard BDOC method for water quality assessment.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the removal of viable Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and changes in zeta potential during alum coagulation and sedimentation. Experiments were designed to evaluate oocyst removal and oocyst zeta potential at three initial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and a wide range of alum doses and coagulation pH values. The study showed that changes in the initial DOC concentration affected the zeta potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and the removal of oocysts. Oocysts did not appear to be removed by a charge neutralization mechanism under the conditions used in this research. Sweep flocculation appeared to be the primary removal mechanism at the lowest DOC concentration tested in this study. For the highest DOC concentration tested, optimal coagulation conditions for oocyst removal coincided with optimal coagulation conditions for natural organic matter (NOM) removal, suggesting that NOM played a key role in the interaction between oocysts and the aluminum hydroxide precipitate.  相似文献   

Characteristics and Reactivity of Algae-Produced Dissolved Organic Carbon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Algae (green, blue–green, and diatom) grown in inorganic media produced particulate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). DOC produced by a green-alga contains 25% hydrophobic acids. DOC from all algae had specific ultraviolet absorbance values less than 2.0?m?1?(mg/L)?1. Algae-produced DOC was biologically labile; greater than 60% degraded in bioreactors within 5 days. The biodegradable material likely included carbohydrates, amino acids, and amino sugars, which were present in hydrophobic acid isolates. Chlorination of algal DOC formed disinfection by-products; DOC from the green alga, Scenedesmus quadricauda, produced chloroform [0.53?micromole?per?mg?carbon?(μmol/mg?C)], dichloroacetic acid (0.27?μmol/mg?C), and trichloroacetic acid (0.14?μmol/mg?C). This work complements other studies, which focused on algal total organic carbon (DOC and cellular material), and clearly demonstrates the importance of identifying algae-derived sources of DOC in water supplies and removing such DOC in water treatment plants prior to chlorination.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the surface wave propagating faster than the fluid that induced it is studied experimentally and numerically. The study focuses on the importance of the wave phenomenon for the urban hydrology system, where it can determine the impact of combined sewer overflows on the environment and the operation of a novel urine (anthropogenic nutrient solution) separation system. Urine would be stored decentrally and released during the night hours so that a wave would form in the sewer. The full-scale experiments were carried out in a 2-km section of a main sewer. The wave was induced with the aid of fire hydrant water traced by salt. Five measurements and sampling stations were operated downstream through which the transport of both fluid and compounds were analyzed. Numerical simulations of the results are discussed focusing on the reliability of friction approaches and dispersion prediction. Although difficult to model with commercial tools, it was shown that the wave phenomenon has no adverse effects on the practicability of the urine separation system, but can lead to the release of undiluted wastewater during a rain event.  相似文献   

The 2007 edition of the ASCE MOP 60-WEF FD 5 Manual recommends the tractive force (TF) method for self-cleansing design for gravity sanitary sewers. TF design is a major improvement over traditional methods to achieve self-cleansing in gravity sewers. This approach results in a self-cleansing pipe slope value (Smin) for the design minimum flowrate (Qmin) in each sewer reach. Qmin is the predicted largest 1-h flowrate in the reach during the lowest flow week over the sewer design life. Past design practices seldom included accurate estimation of Qmin values, but good estimates of Qmin are crucial for TF design. Design equations and plots have been developed to assist in obtaining Smin values for given Qmin values. As compared to traditional minimum slopes, Smin slopes via the TF method are flatter for sewers carrying typical to larger Qmin values and steeper for sewers carrying smaller Qmin values.  相似文献   

Recent advances in optical sensors and computing technologies have led to the development of inspection systems for underground facilities such as water lines, sewer pipes, and telecommunication conduits. It is now possible for inspection technologies that require no human entry into underground structures to be fully automated, from data acquisition to data analysis, and eventually to condition assessment. This paper describes the development of an automated data interpretation system for sanitary sewer pipelines. The interpretation system obtains optical data from the Sewer Scanner and Evaluation Technology (SSET), which is known to be the current leading-edge technology in inspecting sanitary sewer pipelines. The proposed system utilizes artificial neural networks to recognize various types of defects in sanitary sewer pipelines. The framework of this system includes modification of digital images for preprocessing, image feature segmentation, utilization of multiple neural networks for feature pattern recognition, and the fusion of multiple neural networks via the use of fuzzy logic systems.  相似文献   

Municipal wastewater collection systems, due to the nature of their functions, carry varying concentrations of odorous gases. The production rate and transport of these gases within and out of sewer systems depend on air flow rate in the system piping. However, municipal sewers are generally designed to only transport sewage flow without giving consideration to the air flow field. As a consequence, the movement of air into, along, and out of collection systems is for the most part uncontrolled. The purpose of this paper therefore is to provide a new design protocol based on system theoretic techniques to be used by municipal engineers and environmentalists involved in odor control and sewer foul air transport studies. The modeling formulation accounts for combined wastewater drag and pressure-induced air flows, and manhole pressurization. The developed framework is applied to both hypothetical and real sewer systems to only illustrate the applicability of the modeling formulation.  相似文献   

Sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) are becoming of increasing concern as a health risk. Utilities and regulators have taken preventive measures but many overflows still occur and are not identifiable, especially in access-challenged locations. Several mathematical approaches are presented for detecting if a disruption in the system is impending or occurring based on measurements at one or more locations in the system. Time series analysis and neural networks are used as prediction tools for expected depths and flows for single measurement locations and a neural network is developed for a multiple monitor system. Control limit theory is applied in all cases for identifying significant deviations of measured values from the expected values that suggest a SSO is occurring. Data from Pima County Wastewater Management’s monitoring system are used in two case studies.  相似文献   

A pilot scale investigation was undertaken at the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) for approximately 12 months to evaluate the feasibility of using cross-flow microfiltration for the treatment of primary sewage effluent simulating combined and sanitary sewer overflows. Ceramic membranes of various pores sizes (0.05–1.4?μm) were tested to understand the impact of cross-flow velocity, transmembrane pressure, and feed suspended solids on permeate water quality and permeate flux rate. A 0.2?μm membrane operated with a 1.8?m/s cross-flow velocity, a transmembrane pressure below 2.1 bar and a backpulse frequency of 60 s showed the best performance among the conditions evaluated in this study. The 0.2?μm membrane consistently met water quality objectives for fecal coliforms, E Coli, enterococci, BOD5, and suspended solids independent of the feed concentration, suggesting that direct discharge to surface water may be feasible. Feed suspended solids concentration and temperature influenced membrane permeate flux. Membrane cleaning with alkaline sodium hypochlorite solution is recommended as the first step followed by nitric acid cleaning if needed.  相似文献   

活性炭去除工业钽液中有机物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了活性炭去除工业钽液中的有机物,以降低产品氟钽酸钾晶体含碳量的研究。结果表明,活性炭可有效地降低钽液中的有机物含量(COD值),从而降低氟钽酸钾产品的含碳量,氟钽酸钾晶体的含碳量由原来的0.0025%~0.0030%降低到现在的0.0010%~0.0015%,穿漏吸附倍数达到了70以上。另外,研究表明,钽液COD值与氟钽酸钾晶体含碳量成线性关系,氟钽酸钾晶体中含碳量随钽液COD值的降低而降低,COD值低于8mg/L时,氟钽酸钾含碳量降低到0.0015%以下。  相似文献   

吸附法脱除硫酸锰溶液中残余有机物   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
探讨粉煤灰、活性炭和膨润土等吸附剂对硫酸锰溶液中残余少量有机物的吸附效果,并以膨润土为吸附剂进行单因素试验,考察了膨润土用量、吸附时间、pH和温度对吸附效果的影响。结果表明,使用膨润土吸附剂,在溶液pH为7.0,25℃,吸附时间30min,膨润土用量10.0g的条件下,硫酸锰溶液的COD去除率可达32.4%;改性膨润土较未改性原土脱除溶液中有机物的效果更好,且酸化改性膨润土优于热化改性膨润土,COD去除率达到40.8%。  相似文献   

This work considers the mechanisms of mass transfer in a process of dispersed sorbent injection. During experiments, an air supply was dosed with toluene vapor, at partial pressures between 4 and 15 Pa. Powdered activated carbon (PAC) was added to remove the toluene from the air, and the resulting mixture was passed through a 3-m-long, tubular, aluminum test section. Toluene concentrations were measured at seven axial locations within the test section. Comparing the measurements with mathematical models indicated the importance of adsorption kinetics. At reduced toluene inlet concentrations the PAC removed a slightly bigger fraction of toluene from the air stream. This fraction increased with PAC concentration. The effect on removal of varying the air temperature between 25 and 85°C was small. Alternative models incorporating either pore diffusion or surface diffusion were fitted to the results. The quality of the fits was fair only, but sufficient to show that the pore diffusivity that gave the best fit was far larger than would be expected from the Knudsen diffusivity in the pores. That is, surface diffusion was an important part of the intraparticle mass transfer.  相似文献   

Design of Sewer Line   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sewerage involves the major portion of the cost of a wastewater system. In the design of a sewerage system the sewer line is the basic unit occurring repeatedly in the design process. Any savings during the design of this unit will affect the overall cost of the sewerage system. A survey of the literature showed that the present status of sewer line design algorithms use linear programming and dynamic programming. The linear programming, using piecewise linearization of the objective function and constraints in every cycle, requires substantial computer time. On the other hand, dynamic programming algorithms are subjected to the “curse of dimensionality,” thus requiring large amounts of computer memory. In this paper, using a dimensionally consistent resistance equation, the sewer line design problem is formulated as a minimization of the cost function subjected to tight and loose constraints. The problem is solved by iterative application of the Lagrange-multiplier method.  相似文献   

The leachate from a Hong Kong landfill, containing 15,700 mg∕L of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 2,260 mg∕L of ammonia nitrogen (NH3–N), was first treated in a UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge blanket) reactor at 37°C. The process on average removed 90.4% of COD with 6.6 days of hydraulic retention at an organic loading rate of 2.37 g of COD∕L?day. The UASB effluent was further treated by the Fenton coagulation process using H2O2 and Fe2+. Under the optimal condition of 200 mg of H2O2∕L and 300 mg of Fe2+∕L and an initial pH of 6.0, 70% of residual COD in the UASB effluent was removed, of which 56% was removed by coagulation∕precipitation and only 14% by free radical oxidation. It is obvious that H2O2 and Fe2+ had a strong synergistic effect on coagulation. The average COD in the final effluent was 447 mg∕L. Removing each gram of COD required 0.28 g of Fe2+ and 0.18 g of H2O2.  相似文献   

A laboratory investigation explored treatment of wastewaters containing nitrobenzene, biphenyl, and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by two aerobic reactors, with and without acidogenic pretreatment. A sequencing batch operation was adopted for both acidogenic-aerobic and aerobic systems. Results indicated that nitrobenzene, biphenyl, and PAHs such as naphthalene and anthracene could be effectively removed by the acidogenic-aerobic system with removal efficiencies of more than 98% for nitrobenzene, 97% for biphenyl, and 96% for the PAHs, with a hydraulic retention time of the acidogenic stage at as low as 8 h. The acidogenic-aerobic system was therefore found to be effective in treating wastewaters containing such complex organics. The relatively low hydraulic retention time required for the acidogenic stage makes the process a potentially cost-effective technology.  相似文献   

This paper describes the simultaneous removal of organic matter and nitrogen compounds carried out using an autoaerated multispecies biofilm growing on gas-permeable hollow-fiber membranes. In order to perform the aerobic heterotrophic oxidation and nitrification processes, the biofilm absorbs atmospheric oxygen through the inside walls of hollow fibers and consumes substrate from the bulk liquid. A mass balance calculated the consumed oxygen. Depending on the removed organic and nitrification rates, the oxygen flux through the hollow fibers can reach up to 90% of the total oxygen consumed, whereas the remaining 10% pertains to the dissolved oxygen from the influent wastewater. Without the biofilm the oxygen transfer rate through clean hollow fibers is 3.5?g?m?2?day?1, whereas the oxygen transfer rate through the biomembrane (hollow fiber+biofilm) achieves a maximum value of 25?g?m?2?day?1. The enhanced oxygen transfer using the biological pathway may be attributed, among many other factors, to the mobility of the microorganisms generating microturbulence, which produces more active bioturbulent diffusiveness than the molecular diffusion in the biofilm. It has also shown that the oxygen utilization efficiency was affected by the substrate utilization rate.  相似文献   

活性碳吸附法脱除铟萃余液中有机物的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过分析有机物对锌湿法冶炼中电解析出状况的影响及活性碳吸附有机物的机理,结合工业化试验和生产实践,为脱除铟萃余液中残留有机物提供了解决途径。  相似文献   

A hybrid bioreactor, combining an activated sludge process (ASP) and a rotating drum biofilter (RDB), was developed and evaluated for the treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in waste gas streams. The effects of the influent VOC concentration and the organic loading rate on the VOC removal efficiency and on the pattern of biomass accumulation were investigated. Toluene was used as the model VOC, the flow rate of the waste gas stream was 0.59 L/s, and the empty-bed retention time (EBRT) in the ASP portion was 46 s with an actual retention time of about 2 s. The EBRT in the RDB portion was 38 s based on the drum volume. When the VOC feed concentration increased from 221 to 884 mg toluene/m3 (from 57.2 to 229 ppm), correspondingly the organic loading rate of the hybrid bioreactor increased from 1.58 to 6.32 kg chemical oxygen demand/m3/day (from 0.505 to 2.02kg?toluene/m3/day) based on the drum volume, both the ASP and RDB decreased, and the overall toluene removal efficiency declined from 99.8 to 74.1%. Biomass accumulation at different medium depths became more even when the organic loading rate was increased. Part of the applied VOC was biodegraded by the ASP, which suggests that this hybrid bioreactor could achieve longer runs between medium cleanings and higher VOC removal efficiencies than a single RDB bioreactor without an ASP portion at the same organic loading rate.  相似文献   

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