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This study examined whether positive sentiment override (greater positive appraisal of spouse's affiliative behavior than is warranted by observed behavior) occurred more frequently in older compared with middle-aged married couples and whether age differences were mediated by older adults' greater marital satisfaction when controlling for optimism. Participants included 270 middle-aged (40-50 years old) and older (60-70 years old) couples who discussed a marital disagreement and completed an errand task. Couples provided appraisals of their spouse's affiliation, and the authors coded affiliative interactions using the structural analysis of social behavior. Hierarchical multivariate linear modeling indicated that older husbands and wives viewed their spouse's behavior as more positive during disagreement interactions than did independent observers; in the errand task, only older wives demonstrated positive sentiment override. Age differences in positive sentiment override were mediated by marital satisfaction, even when controlling for optimism. The results are consistent with theories of emotion regulation, such as socioemotional selectivity theory, that suggest that older adults are biased toward the positive aspects of close relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Couples presenting for treatment of relationship distress often experience additional problems, including individual psychopathology and intimate partner violence (IPV). Both issues are associated with current and future poor relationship functioning in nontreatment samples, but relatively little is understood about their association with initial presentation and outcomes in couple therapy. The current study examined these associations in a sample of 177 heterosexual couples who received therapy at two Veteran's Affairs clinics. Unlike most studies of couple therapy outcomes, couples were not excluded from treatment specifically because of high levels of psychopathology or IPV. Results of Actor Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) analyses revealed actor and partner effects of depression, actor effects of anxiety, and partner effects of IPV on initial relationship satisfaction, such that greater coexisting difficulties were associated with poorer initial satisfaction. However, improvement in relationship satisfaction over the course of therapy was not associated with psychopathology, and, contrary to hypothesis, was positively associated with men's IPV prior to treatment, even when initial level of satisfaction was controlled. The results suggest that coexisting symptoms of psychopathology or IPV may not necessarily interfere with therapy outcomes and, indeed, therapy may have positive effects for couples with these problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We tested an integrative model of individual and dyadic variables contributing to intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration. Based on the vulnerability-stress-adaptation (VSA) model, we hypothesized that three “enduring vulnerabilities” (i.e., antisocial behavior, hostility, and depressive symptoms) would be associated with a “maladaptive process” (i.e., negative relationship attributions) that would lead to difficulties in couple conflict resolution, thus leading to IPV. Among a community sample of 167 heterosexual couples who were expecting their first child, we used an actor–partner interdependence model to account for the dyadic nature of conflict and IPV, as well as a hurdle count model to improve upon prior methods for modeling IPV data. Study results provided general support for the integrative model, demonstrating the importance of considering couple conflict in the prediction of IPV and showing the relative importance of multiple predictor variables. Gender symmetry was observed for the prediction of IPV occurrence, with gender differences emerging in the prediction of IPV frequency. Relatively speaking, the prediction of IPV frequency appeared to be a function of enduring vulnerabilities among men, but a function of couple conflict among women. Results also revealed important cross-gender effects in the prediction of IPV, reflecting the inherently dyadic nature of IPV, particularly in the case of “common couple violence.” Future research using longitudinal designs is necessary to verify the conclusions suggested by the current results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The systemic-constructivist approach to studying and benefiting couples was derived from qualitative and quantitative research on distressed couples over the past 10 years. Systemic-constructivist couple therapy (SCCT) is the clinical intervention that accompanies the approach. SCCT guides the therapist to work with both the intrapersonal and the interpersonal aspects of marriage while also integrating the social-environmental context of the couple. The theory that underlies SCCT is explained, including concepts such as we-ness and interpersonal processing. The primary components of the therapy are described. Findings described previously in an inaugural monograph containing extensive research demonstrating the long-term utility of SCCT are reviewed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this paper we seek to illuminate connections among basic research findings in cognition and causal inference, clinical research on the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and the practices of clinicians who work with trauma survivors. We examine one particular (and, we believe, important) aspect of PTSD: The creation and maintenance of causal attributions about trauma. We suggest that elements of two principal theories of causal induction (the connectionist model and the "Power PC" causal power model) clarify the role of causal attributions in creating and sustaining the symptoms of PTSD. By exploring the role of causal attributions in creating and sustaining posttraumatic symptoms, we hope to understand better the subjective experience of trauma and its sequelae. We then suggest new directions for clinical research on cognitive restructuring in PTSD patients as well as ideas for optimizing attribution-based therapies for trauma survivors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of experiential avoidance (EA) in relationship adjustment, psychological aggression, and physical aggression among military couples. Method: The sample was composed of 49 male soldiers who recently returned from deployment to Iraq and their female partners. As part of a larger study, participants completed self-report measures of emotional avoidance (EA; Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II), relationship adjustment (Dyadic Adjustment Scale), and conflict (Conflict Tactics Scale–2). Data from men and women were simultaneously modeled with the actor–partner interdependence model. Results: Men's EA was associated with decreases in relationship adjustment and increases in physical aggression perpetration and victimization. For women, relationship adjustment was not associated with EA, but greater EA among women was associated with decreased relationship adjustment for male partners. Associations among EA and psychological aggression were nonsignificant. Conclusions: These data provide evidence that EA may play a critical role in the relationships of couples following deployment and highlight the importance of targeting EA in couple therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development was used to address how cohabitation of unmarried 2-biological-parent families is associated with characteristics of young children's family environment using longitudinal assessments of maternal depression and observed parenting sensitivity collected across the child's first 2 years and mothers' reports of couple relationship conflict and ambivalence. We compared 43 cohabiting 2-biological-parent families and 877 married 2-biological-parent families, all of whom had stable relationships over the child's first 2 years. Demographic factors of lower parental education, non-White race/ethnicity, and low income characterized the cohabiting parents, in comparison with married parents. After controlling for these demographic differences, we found that stably cohabiting mothers reported more depressive symptoms and were less sensitive with their child than were married mothers. Cohabiting couple relationships were characterized by more ambivalence and conflict, each of which partially mediated associations of cohabitation with maternal depression and parenting sensitivity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Premature termination (PT) has been identified as widespread in individual, family, and couple therapy. Unfortunately, research on PT utilizes numerous definitions of PT without providing guidance on which definition may be most clinically useful. The current study investigated seven definitions of PT (three based on therapist ratings and four based on quantitative measures) utilizing a sample of 177 couples seeking treatment at two Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers. Results indicated that PT occurred in 50–80% of couples; however, agreement between the definitions of PT was generally only in the slight to fair range, making it difficult to determine whether a particular couple was ready to terminate treatment. Additionally, many commonly used definitions of PT were unrelated to level or maintenance of relationship functioning following treatment. In contrast, two definitions of PT (ending treatment in the distressed range and therapist-rated likelihood of future unhappiness) significantly predicted larger decreases in relationship satisfaction during the 18 months following therapy, as well as lower levels of satisfaction and relationship stability 18 months after termination. Additionally, long-term relationship functioning was especially poor when both these definitions of PT were met, suggesting that both qualitative and quantitative definitions should inform decisions about termination in couple therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To examine changes in observed communication after therapy termination in distressed couples from a randomized clinical trial. Method: A total of 134 distressed couples were randomly assigned to either traditional behavioral couple therapy (TBCT; Jacobson & Margolin, 1979) or integrative behavioral couple therapy (IBCT; Jacobson & Christensen, 1998). Videotaped samples of each couple's interactions were coded from pre-therapy, post-therapy, and 2-year follow-up assessments. At these 3 time points, each partner chose 1 current relationship problem to discuss. Relationship satisfaction was assessed at 2-year follow-up, and clinically significant treatment response and marital status were assessed 5 years after treatment. Results: Observed negativity and withdrawal decreased from therapy termination through the 2-year follow-up as expected, but problem solving did not change, and observed positivity decreased. IBCT produced superior changes from post-therapy to the 2-year follow-up assessment compared with TBCT. Post-therapy levels and changes in communication over follow-up were associated with wife satisfaction at 2-year follow-up; only post-therapy to 2-year follow-up changes in communication were associated with husband satisfaction at 2-year follow-up. Post-therapy levels of problem solving and changes in wives' positivity from pre-therapy to post-therapy were associated with 5-year relationship outcomes. We found some counterintuitive results with positivity, but they were no longer significant after controlling for withdrawal. Conclusions: We found support for improvements in observed communication following treatment termination, with IBCT demonstrating greater maintenance of communication improvement over follow-up. We found limited evidence of associations between communication and relationship outcomes at 5-year follow-up. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To examine relations among proxy efficacy, exercise self-efficacy, and exercise in cardiac rehabilitation. Participants and Study Design: Twenty-nine cardiac rehabilitation outpatients (24 men and 5 women) enrolled in a 12-week hospital-based program. Measures of proxy efficacy and exercise self-efficacy, obtained in Week 3, were used to predict program attendance and exercise self-efficacy at Week 10. Late program (i.e.. Week 10) exercise self-efficacy and proxy efficacy were also used to predict postprogram exercise intentions. Results: Early program proxy efficacy and attendance predicted late program exercise self-efficacy (adjusted K2 = .71, p  相似文献   

In a laboratory smoking experiment, 25 couples in which 1 or both partners continued to smoke despite 1 of them having heart or lung disease discussed a health-related disagreement before and during a period of smoking. Immediately afterward, the partners used independent joysticks to recall their continuous emotional experience during the interaction while watching themselves on video. Participants in dual-smoker couples reported increased positive emotion contingent upon lighting up, whereas those in single-smoker couples reported the opposite. The results highlight the role of smoking in close relationships, particularly in regulating emotional closeness when both partners smoke. Attention to this fit between symptom and system may be useful in helping couples achieve stable cessation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the alliance and outcome in couple therapy and examine whether the alliance predicted outcomes over and above early change. The authors also investigated partner influence and gender and sought to identify couple alliance patterns that predicted couple outcomes. Method: The authors examined the alliances and outcomes at posttreatment and follow-up of 250 couples seeking treatment for marital distress in a naturalistic setting. The Session Rating Scale was used to measure the alliance; the Outcome Rating Scale and Locke Wallace Marital Adjustment Scale were used to measure outcomes. Couples were White, Euro-Scandinavian, and heterosexual, with a mean age of 38.5 years and average number of years together of 11.8. On a subsample (n = 118) that included couples with 4 or more sessions, the authors investigated the relationship between the alliance and outcome controlling for early change, and patterns of alliance development were delineated. Results: In the full sample, first-session alliances were not predictive of outcomes, but last-session alliances were predictive for both individuals and their partners. In the subsample, third-session alliances predicted outcome significantly above early change (d = 0.25) that exceeded the reliable change index. Couple alliances that started over the mean and increased were associated with significantly more couples achieving reliable or clinically significant change. Gender influences were mixed. Conclusions: Given the current findings suggesting a potential alliance impact over and above symptom relief as well as the importance of ascending alliance scores, continuous assessment of the alliance appears warranted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the course of training at a comparative psychoanalytic institute, the author fixed upon a technical question: how to find optimal psychological distance from her patients. She struggled to integrate the diverse perspectives that the literature provided on this question. She also became aware of a conflictual phantasy of a polarizing internal mother and father that underlay her interest in the question. A dream about her work with a control patient eventually allowed her, with the aid of both supervisor and personal analyst, to work through the phantasy, and to bring her internal "psychic couple" into creative contact with one another. As a result, her capacity to analyze her patient increased. The author concludes that when supervisors and seminar leaders (in addition to the candidate's analyst) make themselves available to unconscious aspects of a candidate's learning process, institutes provide a more spacious container for psychoanalytic development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Deconstructing the emotional relationship between patient and therapist is certainly a formidable task. Using research results from experimental social psychology, psychophysiology, and developmental psychology, this essay focuses on the automatic processes of mimicry, emotional synchrony, and physiological synchrony—all preludes to empathy. For the therapist to achieve an empathic posture, however, she must also imagine the perspective of the patient. Furthermore, to broaden and sharpen her empathic lens, she must tune in to the ubiquitous current of nonverbal communication that is part and parcel of the interactive treatment process. For these reasons, imagery proves to be a crucial element in the transition from simple attunement to empathy. A clinical vignette and a neuroscience perspective on image formation help illustrate the relationship between emotional contagion and imagery. It is suggested that there is a reciprocal relationship between the emotional ambience cocreated by the two participants and image formation. Sensorial images aid in the detection of gross emotional states as well as in the nuancing of their intensity. Affective ambience, on the other hand, seems to affect the selection of one particular image versus another. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Associations between siblings' reciprocal (i.e., play) and complementary (i.e., teaching) interactions in 70 sibling dyads (1st-born siblings' mean age=81.6 months, range=59-119 months; 2nd-born siblings' mean age=56.1 months, range=5-79 months) were examined. Dyads participated in 2 sessions (play, teaching) and completed a sibling relationship quality measure. Findings revealed modest associations across play and teaching sessions; for example, greater learner involvement in the teaching task was associated with more collaboration and less negative affect during play. In addition, the 2nd-born's teaching style was related to perceptions of relationship quality. Results indicate that reciprocal and complementary types of interactions may provide important contexts for development of individual differences in dyadic and individual behaviors and may afford opportunities for siblings to influence one another's development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Relationship satisfaction and adjustment have been the target outcome variables for almost all couple research and therapies. In contrast, far less attention has been paid to the assessment of relationship quality. The present study introduces the Relationship Quality Interview (RQI), a semistructured, behaviorally anchored individual interview. The RQI was designed to provide a more objective assessment of relationship quality as a dynamic, dyadic construct across 5 dimensions: (a) quality of emotional intimacy in the relationship, (b) quality of the couple's sexual relationship, (c) quality of support transactions in the relationship, (d) quality of the couple's ability to share power in the relationship, and (e) quality of conflict/problem-solving interactions in the relationship. Psychometric properties of RQI ratings were examined through scores obtained from self-report questionnaires and behavioral observation data collected cross-sectionally from a sample of 91 dating participants and longitudinally from a sample of 101 married couples. RQI ratings demonstrated strong reliability (internal consistency, interrater agreement, interpartner agreement, and correlations among scales), convergent validity (correlations between RQI scale ratings and questionnaire scores assessing similar domains of relationship quality), and divergent validity (correlations between RQI scale ratings and (a) behavioral observation codes assessing related constructs, (b) global relationship satisfaction scores, and (c) scores on individual difference measures of related constructs). Clinical implications of the RQI for improving couple assessment and interventions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of team-referent attributions on emotions and collective efficacy. A sample of 265 athletes, from 31 interdependent sport teams, completed measures of competition importance, the Sport Emotion Questionnaire (SEQ; Jones, Lane, Bray, Uphill, & Catlin, 2005), and a collective efficacy measure (CEM) immediately prior to competition. Immediately after competition, participants completed self-report measures of performance, the Causal Dimension Scale for Teams (Greenlees, Lane, Thelwell, Holder, & Hobson, 2005), the SEQ, and the CEM. Findings indicated that following team victory attributions of team control were associated with higher levels of postcompetition happiness. Further, an interaction effect for team control and stability demonstrated that if team victory was perceived as stable over time, a team controllable attribution was associated with higher levels of postcompetition collective efficacy. For losing teams, an interaction effect for external control and stability indicated that only when team defeat was not perceived as under the control of others would an unstable attribution favor collective efficacy. This study provides evidence that team-referent attributions contribute to emotions and collective efficacy beliefs in group achievement settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Family context exerts a strong influence on disease management among patients with chronic disease, but it is not clear which aspects of family life are most influential. This study examined the linkages between patient-appraised couple emotion management (conflict resolution, expressiveness, and respect) and disease management (biological, morale/depression, quality of life, and behavioral) among a relatively understudied group, Chinese American patients with type 2 diabetes. Significant main effects were found between patient-appraised couple emotion management, especially conflict resolution, and the morale component of disease management, but not the biological or behavioral components; both diabetes-specific and general relationship qualities (marital satisfaction) were independently linked to disease management. Acculturation did not qualify the findings. Similarities among ethnic groups in family and disease management relationships may be more common than differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined associations between couple communication about cancer and psychological distress and relationship satisfaction of women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. One hundred forty-eight couples completed a videotaped discussion of a cancer-related issue and a general issue. Patients completed measures of psychological distress and relationship satisfaction. Videotapes were coded with the Rapid Marital Interaction Coding System (R. E. Heyman & D. Vivian, 1997). Analyses focused on partner responses to patient self-disclosures. During cancer-issue discussions, patients reported less distress when partners responded to disclosures with reciprocal self-disclosure and humor and when partners were less likely to propose solutions. Fewer links between partner responses to patient self-disclosures and distress were found in general-issue discussions. Results suggest partner responses play a role in women's adaptation to breast cancer. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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