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A longitudinal framework was used to examine the competing hypotheses of (a) whether family functioning predicts changes in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms or (b) whether PTSD symptoms predict changes in family functioning. Veterans (N = 311) admitted to a treatment program completed a series of questionnaires at 3 time points: at intake, from intake to completion of a treatment program, and at the 6-month follow-up. Alcohol use and general mental health symptoms were also measured at intake. A cross-lagged panel model using structural equation modeling analyses indicated that family functioning was a moderate predictor of PTSD symptoms at posttreatment and at the 6-month follow-up. PTSD was not a significant predictor of family functioning across time and alcohol use, and general mental health symptoms did not affect the overall findings. Further analyses of PTSD symptom clusters indicated that the avoidance symptom cluster was most strongly related to family functioning. Targeting family relationships for treatment may be important in the future for veterans with PTSD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The study assesses posttraumatic intrusion, avoidance, and social functioning among 214 Israeli combat veterans from the first Lebanon War with and without combat stress reaction (CSR) 1, 2, 3, and 20 years after the war. CSR veterans reported higher intrusion and avoidance than did non-CSR veterans. With time, there was a decline in these symptoms. In addition, intrusion and avoidance were associated with problems in social functioning on a given year, and they longitudinally predicted social dysfunction 2, 3, and 20 years after the war. CSR veterans presented stronger temporal covariations between intrusion-avoidance and social functioning. The findings suggest that CSR is a marker for future psychopathology and point to the role of avoidance in social dysfunction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the association between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology and aggressive behavior among a sample of male Vietnam veterans (N = 1,328). Results indicated that the hyperarousal PTSD symptom cluster evidenced the strongest positive association with aggression at the bivariate level when compared with the other PTSD symptom clusters. When the PTSD symptom clusters were examined together as predictors, hyperarousal symptoms evidenced a significant positive relationship with aggression, and avoidance/numbing symptoms were negatively associated with aggression. Examination of potential mediators indicated that hyperarousal symptoms were directly associated with aggression and indirectly related to aggression via alcohol problems. Reexperiencing symptoms were associated with aggression only indirectly and through their positive association with physiological reactivity and negative association with alcohol problems. Study results highlight the complexity of the relationship between PTSD symptoms and aggression, and suggest possible mechanisms explaining this association. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This meta-analysis synthesized the results from controlled, clinical trials of psychotherapeutic treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psychotherapeutic modalities included behavioral, cognitive, and psychodynamic treatments, in group and individual settings. Participants in the studies included combat veterans from the Vietnam and Lebanon Wars, crime-related victims, and severe bereavement sufferers. The impact of psychotherapy on PTSD and psychiatric symptomatology was significant, d = .52, r = .25, when measured immediately after treatments were administered. Similarly, there was no decay in the effect of treatment at follow-up, d = .64, r = .31. Moreover, for target symptomes of PTSD and general psychological symptomes (intrusion, avoidance, hyperarousal, anxiety, and depression), effect sizes were significant, ranging from r's of .2-.49. Results suggest substantial promise for improving psychological health and decreasing related symptoms for those suffering from PTSD.  相似文献   

This study examined (a) the relationships between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom clusters and marital intimacy among Israeli war veterans and (b) the role of self-disclosure and verbal violence in mediating the effects of PTSD avoidance and hyperarousal symptoms on marital intimacy. The sample consisted of 219 participants divided into 2 groups: ex-prisoners of war (ex-POWs; N = 125) and a comparison group of veterans who fought in the same war but were not held in captivity (N = 94). Ex-POWs displayed higher levels of PTSD symptoms and verbal violence and lower levels of self-disclosure than did controls. Although ex-POWs and controls did not differ in level of marital intimacy, they did, however, present a different pattern of relationships between PTSD clusters and intimacy. In ex-POWs, self-disclosure mediated the relations between PTSD avoidance and marital intimacy. Verbal aggression was also found via indirect effect of hyperarousal on marital intimacy. The results point to the importance of self-disclosure and verbal violence as interpersonal mechanisms for the relations between posttraumatic symptoms on marital intimacy of ex-POWs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated family functioning and relationships between family functioning and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adolescent survivors of childhood cancer. To assess family functioning, 144 adolescent cancer survivors 1 to 12 years post–cancer treatment (M = 5.3 years) and their parents completed the Family Assessment Device (FAD). To assess PTSD, adolescents were administered a structured diagnostic interview. Nearly half (47%) of the adolescents, one fourth (25%) of mothers, and one third (30%) of fathers reported poor family functioning, exceeding the clinical cutoff on 4 or more FAD subscales. Families in which the cancer survivor had PTSD (8% of the sample) had poorer functioning than other families in the areas of problem solving, affective responsiveness, and affective involvement. Three fourths of the adolescents with PTSD came from families with categorically poor family functioning. A surprisingly high rate of poor family functioning was reported in these families of adolescent cancer survivors. Adolescents with PTSD were more than 5 times as likely to emerge from a poorly functioning family compared with a well-functioning one. This study provides evidence that family functioning is related to cancer-related posttraumatic reactions in adolescent survivors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analysis was used to compare 6 models of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, ranging from 1 to 4 factors, in a sample of 3,695 deployed Gulf War veterans (N = 1,896) and nondeployed controls (N = 1,799). The 4 correlated factors-intrusions, avoidance, hyperarousal, and dysphoria-provided the best fit. The dysphoria factor combined traditional markers of numbing and hyperarousal. Model superiority was cross-validated in multiple subsamples, including a subset of deployed participants who were exposed to traumatic combat stressors. Moreover, convergent and discriminant validity correlations suggested that intrusions may be relatively specific to PTSD, whereas dysphoria may represent a nonspecific component of many disorders. Results are discussed in the context of hierarchical models of anxiety and depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attention and memory performances were studied in Persian Gulf War veterans with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnoses. Veterans diagnosed with PTSD showed relative performance deficiencies on tasks of sustained attention, mental manipulation, initial acquisition of information, and retroactive interference. Their performances were also characterized by errors of commission and intrusion. The tendency toward response disinhibition and intrusion on cognitive tasks was correlated positively with re-experiencing symptoms and negatively with avoidance-numbing symptoms. These cognitive deficit patterns are consistent with models of PTSD that emphasize the role of hyperarousal and implicate dysfunction of frontal-subcortical systems. Results suggest that intrusion of traumatic memories in PTSD may not be limited to trauma-related cognitions but instead reflects a more general pattern of disinhibition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship over time of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression symptoms in a sample of Gulf War veterans. A large sample (N?=?2,949) of Gulf War veterans was assessed immediately following their return from the Gulf region and 18–24 months later. Participants completed a number of self-report questionnaires including the Mississippi Scale for Combat–Related PTSD (T. M. Keane, J. M. Caddell, & K. L. Taylor, 1988) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (L. R. Derogatis & N. Melisaratos, 1983) at both time points and an extended and updated version of the Laufer Combat Scale (M. Gallops, R. S. Laufer, & T. Yager, 1981) at the initial assessment. A latent-variable, cross-lag panel model found evidence for a reciprocal relation between PTSD and Depression. Followup models examining reexperiencing, avoidance-numbing, and hyperarousal symptoms separately showed that for reexperiencing and avoidance-numbing symptoms, the overall reciprocal relation held. For hyperarousal symptoms, however, the association was from early hyperarousal to later depression symptoms only. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling was used to examine relationships among prewar factors, dimensions of war-zone stress, and current posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology using data from 1,632 female and male participants in the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (R. A. Kulka et al; 1990). For men, previous trauma history (accidents, assaults, and natural disasters) directly predicted PTSD and also interacted with war-zone stressor level to exacerbate PTSD symptoms for high combat-exposed veterans. Male veterans who entered the war at a younger age displayed more symptoms. Family instability, childhood antisocial behavior and age had indirect effects on PTSD for men. For women, indirect prewar effects emanated from family instability. More attention should be given to critical developmental conditions, especially family instability and earlier trauma exposure, in conceptualizing PTSD in adults. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study tested a family-based skills-building intervention in veterans with chronic combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Veterans and a family member were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 conditions: (a) waiting list, (b) 18 sessions of twice-weekly exposure therapy, or (c) 18 sessions of twice-weekly exposure therapy followed by 16 sessions of behavioral family therapy (BFT). Participation in exposure therapy reduced PTSD positive symptoms (e.g., reexperiencing and hyperarousal) but not PTSD negative symptoms. Positive symptom gains were maintained at 6-month follow-up. However, participation in BFT had no additional impact on PTSD symptoms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite the importance of family context to adolescents' reactions following disaster, little research has examined the role of parents' functioning on adolescents' disaster-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Using data from 288 adolescents (ages 12 to 19 years) and 288 parents exposed to a series of severe tornadoes in a rural Midwestern community, this study tested a conceptual model of the interrelationships between individual and parental risk factors on adolescents' disaster-related PTSD symptoms using structural equation modeling. Results showed that the psychological process of experiential avoidance mediated the relationship between family disaster exposure and PTSD for both adolescents and their parents. Parents' PTSD symptoms independently predicted adolescents' PTSD symptoms. Further, parents' postdisaster functioning amplified the effects of adolescent experiential avoidance on adolescents' disaster-related PTSD symptoms. Findings highlight the importance of family context in understanding adolescents' postdisaster reactions. Clinical implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a large posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression treatment outcome study, thorough diagnostic assessments of veterans at pretreatment, posttreatment, and 3 follow-up times were completed. The research team that reviewed these assessments encountered several challenges in the differential diagnosis of PTSD because of high comorbidity and symptoms shared with or resembling other disorders. For example, how do mental health professionals distinguish symptoms of agoraphobia from avoidance and hypervigilance symptoms of PTSD? When are hallucinations symptomatic of PTSD (e.g., flashbacks) versus a nonpsychotic near-death experience or an independent psychotic disorder? How do mental health professionals differentiate overlapping symptoms of PTSD and depressive disorders? To help make reliable diagnoses, the team developed clarifying questions and diagnostic guidelines, which may prove useful to other clinicians and researchers working with PTSD populations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to describe the use of the testimony method of psychotherapy in a group of traumatized adult refugees from genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina. METHOD: The subjects were 20 Bosnian refugees in Chicago who gave written informed consent to participate in a case series study of testimony psychotherapy. All subjects received testimony psychotherapy, averaging six sessions, approximately 90 minutes, weekly or biweekly. Subjects received standardized instruments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, traumatic events, global functioning, and prior psychiatric history. The instruments were administered before treatment, at the conclusion of the treatment, and at the 2- and 6-month follow-ups. RESULTS: The posttreatment assessments demonstrated significant decreases in the rate of PTSD diagnosis, PTSD symptom severity, and the severity of reexperiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal symptom clusters. Depressive symptoms demonstrated a significant decrease, and there was a significant increase in scores on the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. Two-month and 6-month follow-up assessments demonstrated further significant decreases in all symptoms and an increase in scores on the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study provides preliminary evidence that testimony psychotherapy may lead to improvements in PTSD and depressive symptoms, as well as to improvement of functioning, in survivors of state-sponsored violence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This investigation evaluated the extent and nature of posttraumatic symptomatology (PTS) in children and adolescents 9 months after an industrial fire at the imperial Foods chicken-processing plant in Hamlet, North Carolina, caused extensive loss of life. METHOD: Using a PTS self-report measure plus self- and teacher reports of comorbid symptoms the authors surveyed 1,019 fourth- to ninth-grade students in the community where the fire occurred. RESULTS: Three factors comprising PTS were identified: reexperiencing, avoidance and hyperarousal. Reexperiencing and avoidance were positively correlated; hyperarousal proved weakly correlated with reexperiencing, perhaps because exposure was largely indirect. Using a T score cutoff of 65 on the reexperiencing factor as indicative of PTS 9.7% of subjects met criteria for PTS; 11.9% met criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) using DSM-III-R PTSD criteria. Degree of exposure was the most powerful predictor of PTS. Race (African-American) and gender (female) posed significant risk factors for PTS. Self-reported internalizing symptoms and teacher-reported externalizing symptoms were positively predicted by intercurrent PTS, and independently of PTS, by degree of exposure. Comorbid symptoms showed interesting interactions with exposure, race, and gender. Lack of self-attributed personal efficacy predicted PTS but did not moderate the effects of race or gender on PTS risk. CONCLUSIONS: This study, which used a population-based sampling strategy, strengthens and extends findings from earlier literature on pediatric PTSD in showing that (1) PTS and comorbid internalizing and externalizing symptoms rise in direct proportion to degree of exposure; (2) gender and race show variable effects on risk for PTS and comorbid symptoms; and (3) comorbid symptoms are positively correlated with PTS and may represent primary outcomes of traumatic exposure in their own right.  相似文献   

This study examined parental functioning, parental satisfaction, and concern for offspring during their child's military service, among war veterans, some of whom suffered from acute combat-induced stress reaction (CSR) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition, we examined the additive and interactive contributions of CSR, PTSD and attachment dimensions to parenting measures. The sample consisted of 477 participants divided into two groups: a clinical group of veterans who had been diagnosed with CSR on the battlefield (N = 267), and a matched control group of veterans who did not suffer from CSR (NCSR; N = 210). CSR, PTSD, avoidant-attachment, and anxious-attachment, were all related to lower levels of parental functioning and satisfaction. Veterans who suffered from both CSR and PTSD reported more concern for their offspring during their child's military service compared to veterans with PTSD but without antecedent CSR. Attachment dimensions and specifically attachment-avoidance, made the greatest contribution to parenting measures, followed by posttraumatic symptoms. In addition, attachment-avoidance moderated the relationship between posttraumatic symptoms and parental functioning. Theoretical and clinical implications of these results are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Interviews were conducted with a nationally representative sample of 1,200 male Vietnam veterans and the spouses or coresident partners of 376 of these veterans. The veteran interview contained questions to determine the presence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and items tapping family and marital adjustment, parenting problems, and violence. The spouse or partner (S/P) interview assessed the S/P's view of these items, as well as her view of her own mental health, drug, and alcohol problems and behavioral problems of school-aged children living at home. Compared with families of male veterans without current PTSD, families of male veterans with current PTSD showed markedly elevated levels of severe and diffuse problems in marital and family adjustment, in parenting skills, and in violent behavior. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We tested two empirically validated 4-factor models of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms using the PTSD Checklist: King, Leskin, King, and Weathers' (1998) model including reexperiencing, avoidance, emotional numbing, and hyperarousal factors, and Simms, Watson, and Doebbeling's (2002) model including reexperiencing, avoidance, dysphoria, and hyperarousal. Our aim was to determine which fit better in two groups of military veterans: peacekeepers previously deployed to a war zone (deployed group) and those trained for peacekeeping operations who were not deployed (nondeployed group). We compared the groups using multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. Adequate model fit was demonstrated among the nondeployed group, with no significant difference between King et al.'s (1998) model (separating avoidance and numbing) and Simms et al.'s (2002) similar model involving a dysphoria factor. A better fitting factor structure consistent with Simms et al.'s (2002) model was found in the deployed group. Comprehensive measurement invariance testing demonstrated significant differences between the deployed and nondeployed groups on all structural parameters, except observed variable intercepts (thus indicating similarities only in PTSD item severity). These findings add to researchers' understanding of PTSD's factor structure, given the revision of PTSD that will appear in the forthcoming 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 2010)—namely, that the factor structure may be quite different between groups with and without exposure to major traumatic events. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined the efficacy, speed, and incidence of symptom worsening for 3 treatments of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): prolonged exposure, relaxation training, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR; N=60). Treatments did not differ in attrition, in the incidence of symptom worsening, or in their effects on numbing and hyperarousal symptoms. Compared with EMDR and relaxation training, exposure therapy (a) produced significantly larger reductions in avoidance and reexperiencing symptoms, (b) tended to be faster at reducing avoidance, and (c) tended to yield a greater proportion of participants who no longer met criteria for PTSD after treatment. EMDR and relaxation did not differ from one another in speed or efficacy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors compared longitudinal treatment outcomes for depressed substance-dependent veterans (N = 206) assigned to integrated cognitive–behavioral therapy plus standard pharmacotherapy (ICBT + P) or 12-step facilitation therapy plus standard pharmacotherapy (TSF + P). Drug and alcohol involvement and depressive symptomology were measured at intake and at 3-month intervals during treatment and up to 1 year posttreatment. Participants in both treatment conditions showed decreased depression and substance use from intake. ICBT + P participants maintained improvements in substance involvement over time, whereas TSF + P participants had more rapid increases in use in the months following treatment. Decreases in depressive symptoms were more pronounced for TSF + P than ICBT + P in the 6 months posttreatment. Within both treatment groups, higher attendance was associated with improved substance use and depression outcomes over time. Initial levels of depressive symptomology had a complex predictive relationship with long-term depression outcomes. Early treatment response predicted long-term substance use outcomes for a portion of the sample. Although both treatments were associated with improvements in substance use and depression, ICBT + P may lead to more stable substance use reductions compared with TSF + P. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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