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基于本体化知识模型的知识库构建模式研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在研究了知识模型及知识库相关理论和技术的基础上,结合本体论,提出了一种基于本体的知识模型,并从领域知识、推理/方法知识和任务知识三个角度给出了本体化知识模型基于BNF范式的表达式;基于所建立的本体化知识模型,在对知识进行可拓性分析的基础上,提出了一种知识库结构模式,对于知识模型与知识库的匹配问题进行了讨论,并在理论研究的基础上,给出了利用SQLServer数据库系统建立的知识库示例。  相似文献   

为提高输入法的智能性,对供输入法使用的搭配知识库进行了研究.介绍了汉字语法语义智能输入法及其改进的功能,在对语料库中搭配知识分析的基础上,结合输入法中搭配知识的使用,对现有的统计语言模型进行了改进,并给出了词语搭配知识库,语法搭配知识库和语义搭配知识库的关键结构,利用改进后的统计语言模型和语法语义搭配知识,对各搭配知识库进行了算法实现,最后给出了各个搭配知识库的部分实验结果并对其进行了分析.  相似文献   

关系数据库表示规则知识的理论与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识库及其组织结构在智能系统中具有相当重要的作用。针对当前知识库的难点问题,结合实际应用,给出了一种基于关系型数据库的简便通用的知识库结构设计,利用表记录项中的复合数据表示复杂信息,同时,提出了一种编码方法来保证知识的管理与检索。最后给出了一个实例,表明该方法可以完善地表达事实——规则知识体系,具有很好的普适性。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于知识Petri网和归结规则的推理方法.通过知识Petri网描述命题逻辑知识库,将归结规则映射到知识Petri网上,根据库所和变迁的连接关系,定义了知识Petri网中的归结结构.利用归结结构,给出了基于知识Petri网的归结推理算法和扩展知识库的推理算法,并利用Wumpus实例验证了推理算法.该推理方法是可靠且完备的,能够利用知识Petri网的网络结构降低计算复杂性.  相似文献   

在专家系统中利用关系数据库来表达知识   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
在专家系统中,传统的知识表达方式具有很大的局限性,知识的重复利用率不高,并且无法给出知识的关系。为了解决这个问题,文章利用关系数据库的特点,将知识存贮在数据库中,并结合推理机的工作原理,阐明了如何利用标准数据查询语言(SQL)来对知识库进行正向推理及反向推理。从而提高了推理机的效率,减少知识获取的开销,增强知识库的可维护性和扩展性。  相似文献   

知识求精是知识获取的一个重要方面,本文主要介绍了知识库求精的一些概念、理论与方法,给出了在MIKRS系统中所实现的知识库调试和求精的思想及描述算法,并在文章的最后给出了系统运行的一个实例。  相似文献   

一个基于开放式结构的工艺设计知识库系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据工艺设计知识库的开放性要求,提出了一个基于开放式结构的层次化知识库模型。在此基础上构造了工艺设计知识库及其管理系统,并给出了工艺知识的综合表示方法和知识库的维护算法。  相似文献   

该文针对摩托车概念设计知识经验的特点,把设计知识分为实例知识和规则知识,规则知识又可以分为选择性知识、参数性知识和过程性知识,应用面向对象的思想实现了知识的表示并构建了层次知识库,同时应用了元知识的思想实现各个子知识库之间的管理和知识的利用;最后在VC++6.0的环境下开发了知识库管理系统并给出应用实例。  相似文献   

一类树型知识库的更新算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马绍汉  陶雪红 《软件学报》1999,10(11):1174-1179
知识库的更新意即向知识库中添加新知识,同时为维护相容性而删除旧知识.已有的知识库更新方法在通常情况下都是难解的.该文从限制问题的结构出发,给出了一种当知识库对应的约束图为树时的多项式时间更新算法.在树型约束图中,算法通过一个自底向上的过程,得到更新后的知识库.  相似文献   

介绍了主观题自动批阅系统(简称AATS)知识库在整个系统中的角色及其功能需求;阐述了具体领域学科的知识特点,提出按学科功能模块分类的树状结构模式来组织知识库,并把义项作为知识库的基本组成单位,进而定义知识库义项的概念表达式为一个有序四重组;给出AATS知识库的XML文档的DTD文件。实验表明,AATS知识库的这种结构组织模式可使主观题自动批阅的准确率大大提高。  相似文献   

Jon Young 《AI & Society》1989,3(2):80-87
It is held that the quality of the working environment afforded to an individual critically affects the health and well-being of that individual. This has consequences for both the quality of work which that individual can actually perform, and for the quality of the society in which that individual has a place. Conceptions of a fit working environment have led to the idea of a human-centred system, and this idea is applicable to the area of knowledge-based systems (KBS). A system structure is discussed, which permits a human-centred approach to be adopted towards KBS design. It is held that the performance of such a system will generally exceed that of unaided KBS operation.  相似文献   

There is a need to integrate knowledge based systems (KBS) with information systems (IS) technical solutions, which implies that KBS and IS development methodologies should be less isolated from each other. KBS and IS development methodologies are generally examined in terms of their similarities and differences. There is divergence at the feasibility and analysis stages, convergence at the design and coding stages, divergence during testing, convergence at the implementation stage, and divergence during maintenance. There are more similarities than there are differences between IS and KBS methodologies, particularly during the strategic planning stage. It is argued that linking KBS strategic planning to the planning element of an IS methodology will go further towards ensuring that the whole of the business is considered, leading to better integrated IS/KBS solutions. Application selection activities of two well-known KBS methodologies are briefly analysed. We show that these activities, which precede the feasibility study, do not consider the strategic aspects of the use of KBS (and IS in general) in business organizations. It is argued that a KBS strategy should be formulated in relation to the IS strategy and the business strategy, therefore increasing the convergence between IS and KBS methodologies.  相似文献   

The fact that knowledge-based systems (KBS) may have considerable impact when introduced into an organisation is beyond dispute. The assessments of this impact in the literature, however, are not satisfactory. They overlook the main discriminating characteristic of KBS, i.e. the fact that KBS claim to store and handle knowledge. The article explores ways for bringing ‘knowledge’ into discussions of the impact of KBS. A knowledge perspective is developed which does justice to the impact of KBS on both articulated and tacit knowledge at the strategic, tactical and operational level. Possible applications of this perspective are explored with illustrations from an empirical investigation of KBS in 17 organisations.  相似文献   

可计算大容量知识库系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对AI应用系统中大容量知识库系统建设涉及的知识表示和组织存储这两个相关联的核心问题进行了研究,提出了基于广义规则的知识表示模式、森林状的逻辑组织结构以及统一的数据存储结构,初步形成了一种大容量知识库系统的设计方案,在此基础上进行了相关实验和分析。  相似文献   

A knowledge-based system (KBS) for fault diagnosis and supply restoration in an electrical power distribution system is introduced to complement the teaching of the related theory in a senior-year course. The KBS communicates with a power-system simulator which enables the setup of various scenarios. Through the KBS, the students strengthen their understanding of generic diagnostic rules, restoration algorithms, knowledge acquisition and inference mechanisms. Six training scenarios are described to illustrate how the concepts of fault diagnosis, supply restoration and various features of the KBS can be taught.  相似文献   

Abstract: There has been a growing desire for methodological support for the development of knowledge-based systems, and the KADS methodology is probably the most widely known methodology in Europe. However, KADS has been criticised for the overhead which it places on small and medium-sized KBS projects where the risks of KBS development becoming unmanageable are relatively low. This paper describes the use of 'pragmatic KADS', an attempt to extract the most useful elements from the KADS methodology, in the development of the COURSE SELECTOR KBS, which assists undergraduate students to choose courses which comply with University regulations and timetabling restrictions. This KBS was built in six man-weeks. The paper describes the three major phases of a KBS project, giving a brief outline of the KADS approach to each of these stages, and then discusses the techniques which were actually used for COURSE SELECTOR. It concludes with a recommendation of techniques for future small KBS projects.  相似文献   

As expert-system technology gains broader acceptance, the need to build and maintain large-scale knowledge-based systems (KBSs) will assume greater importance. Traditional approaches to KBS verification generally contain no predicate/transition (PrT) net models, thus making them slow for the large-scale KBS with chained errors. This paper proposes an attractive alternative to KBS verification, in which the KBS is modeled as a PrT-net model. Then, the least fixpoint semantics of the PrT-net model can be introduced into the KBS for the purpose of speeding up the computations of the KBSs. The significance of this paper is that seven propositions are formulated to detect errors of redundancy, subsumption, unnecessary condition, circularity, inconsistency, dead end, and unreachable goal. Thus, the performance of a computer-aided-design tool for KBSs can be improved to some extent. Meanwhile, specification languages, including Programming in Logic, Frame-and-Rule-Oriented Requirements Specification Language, and the like, are suitable to this approach.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article describes the development of a knowledge-based system (KBS) for guiding both technical and non-technical managers in estimating the risks inherent in proposed KBS development projects. The work described here is part of an ongoing research project studying the use of KBS both to teach and to do KBS development. So far, as part of this research project, over the past two years close to 150 non-technical and technical full-time business managers have developed some 75 KBS prototypes in conjunction with an MBA course in strategic planning. Based on replies to a survey of this test group, 17% of the KBS developed were reportedly used at work, 14% led to promotions, pay raises, or new jobs, and 14% led to participation in other KBS development projects at work. All but two of the survey respondents reported that their work on the KBS development project led to a substantial increase in their job knowledge or performance. The KBS work described here extends research work described by Cullen and Bryman [1988], Slagle and Wick [1988], Cohen and Howe [1988], Dologite [1988, 1989], and Mockler [1989(A) and (B)].  相似文献   

As the field of verification and validation for knowledge-based systems (KBSs) has matured, much information, technology, and theory has become available. Though not all of the problems with respect to KBSs have been solved, many have been identified with solutions that can be used in an analogous manner in situations where the application is not necessarily a traditional KBS. As one example, the “active” component in an active database (ADB) consists of rules that execute as a result of database accesses and updates. In this paper, we demonstrate that anomalies found to impact the correctness of a KBS can also exist in ADBs. We first compare the rule structure of a KBS with the rule structures of various ADBs. To show their existence, we convert the rule syntax of the ADBs into a consistent format for analysis and anomaly detection. Once converted, we apply KBS verification techniques to isolate these anomalies. Due to the more increasing use of triggered rules in ADBs, this work illustrates the danger these anomalies can pose and the ever increasing need for ADB verification techniques to exist.  相似文献   

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