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Rejections of 9 pharmaceuticals and 5 endocrine disruptors by clean and fouled nanofiltration membranes were investigated in this study. Waters containing a cocktail of compounds were filtered by clean and pre-fouled membranes. The rejection of hydrophilic neutral compounds by the clean NF-200 membrane varied from 35 to 70% under steady state conditions while that of NF-90 membrane was in the range of 62-96%. The clean NF-90 membrane rejected nearly all of the hydrophobic neutral compounds (95-98%) predominantly due to size exclusion. Nevertheless, electrostatic repulsion was the main mechanism of rejection of ionic compounds by both membranes (71-94% by NF-200 and 99% by NF-90). Fouling with sodium alginate deteriorated the performance of the NF-200 membrane in rejecting hydrophilic neutral compounds as well as hydrophilic and hydrophobic ionic compounds. In contrast, rejections of hydrophobic neutral compounds by the fouled NF-200 membrane increased by 5-38%. This may be attributed to the incipient interaction of the solutes with the membrane foulant layer resulting in less partitioning and diffusion across the membrane surface. On the other hand, rejections of hydrophobic compounds by NF-90 were not observed to be affected by fouling; however, hydrophilic neutral compounds showed increased rejections by 7-30%.  相似文献   

This study investigates the oxidation of pharmaceuticals, endocrine disrupting compounds and pesticides during ozonation applied in drinking water treatment. In the first step, second-order rate constants for the reactions of selected compounds with molecular ozone (kO3) were determined in bench-scale experiments at pH 8.10: caffeine (650 ± 22 M−1 s−1), progesterone (601 ± 9 M−1 s−1), medroxyprogesterone (558 ± 9 M−1 s−1), norethindrone (2215 ± 76 M−1 s−1) and levonorgestrel (1427 ± 62 M−1 s−1). Compared to phenolic estrogens (estrone, 17β-estradiol, estriol and 17α-ethinylestradiol), the selected progestogen endocrine disruptors reacted far slower with ozone. In the second part of the study, bench-scale experiments were conducted with surface waters spiked with 16 target compounds to assess their oxidative removal using ozone and determine if bench-scale results would accurately predict full-scale removal data. Overall, the data provided evidence that ozone is effective for removing trace organic contaminants from water with ozone doses typically applied in drinking water treatment. Ozonation removed over 80% of caffeine, pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors within the CT value of about 2 mg min L−1. As expected, pesticides were found to be the most recalcitrant compounds to oxidize. Caffeine can be used as an indicator compound to gauge the efficacy of ozone treatment.  相似文献   

The presence and fate of 56 pharmaceuticals, personal care products, endocrine disruptors and illicit drugs (PPCPs) were investigated in the South Wales region of the UK. Two contrasting rivers: River Taff and River Ely were chosen for this investigation and were monitored for a period of 10 months. The impact of the factors affecting the levels of concentration of PPCPs and illicit drugs in surface water such as surrounding area, proximity to wastewater effluent and weather conditions, mainly rainfall was also investigated. Most PPCPs were frequently found in river water at concentrations reaching single microgL(-1) and their levels depended mainly on the extent of water dilution resulting from rainfall. Discharge of treated wastewater effluent into the river course was found to be the main cause of water contamination with PPCPs. The most frequently detected PPCPs represent the group of pharmaceuticals dispensed at the highest levels in the Welsh community. These were antibacterial drugs (trimethoprim, erythromycin-H(2)O and amoxicillin), anti-inflammatories/analgesics (paracetamol, tramadol, codeine, naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac) and antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine and gabapentin). Only four PPCPs out of 56 (simvastatin, pravastatin, digoxin and digoxigenin) were not quantified over the course of the study. Several PPCPs were found to be both ubiquitous and persistent in the aqueous environment (e.g. erythromycin-H(2)O, codeine, carbamazepine, gabapentin and valsartan). The calculated average daily loads of PPCPs indicated that in total almost 6 kg of studied PPCPs are discharged daily into the studied rivers. The illicit drugs studied were found in rivers at low levels of ng L(-1). Average daily loads of amphetamine, cocaine and its main metabolite benzoylecgonine were as follows: 8, 1.2 and 39 gday(-1), respectively. Their frequent occurrence in surface water is primarily associated with their high illegal usage and is strongly associated with the discharge of insufficiently treated wastewater effluent.  相似文献   

Rapid small-scale column tests (RSSCTs) examined the removal of 29 endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceutical/personal care products (PPCPs). The RSSCTs employed three lignite variants: HYDRODARCO 4000 (HD4000), steam-modified HD4000, and methane/steam-modified HD4000. RSSCTs used native Lake Mead, NV water spiked with 100–200 ppt each of 29 EDCs/PPCPs. For the steam and methane/steam variants, breakthrough occurred at 14,000–92,000 bed volumes (BV); and this was 3–4 times more bed volumes than for HD4000. Most EDC/PPCP bed life data were describable by a normalized quantitative structure–activity relationship (i.e. QSAR-like model) of the form:
where TPV is the pore volume, ρmc is the apparent density, CV is the molecular volume, Co is the concentration, 8χp depicts the molecule's compactness, and FOSA is the molecule's hydrophobic surface area.  相似文献   

A 5-month monitoring program was undertaken in South Wales in the UK to determine the fate of 55 pharmaceuticals, personal care products, endocrine disruptors and illicit drugs (PPCPs) in two contrasting wastewater plants utilising two different wastewater treatment technologies: activated sludge and trickling filter beds. The impact of treated wastewater effluent on the quality of receiving waters was also assessed.PPCPs were found to be present at high loads reaching 10 kg day−1 in the raw sewage. Concentrations of PPCPs in raw sewage were found to correlate with their usage/consumption patterns in Wales and their metabolism. The efficiency of the removal of PPCPs was found to be strongly dependent on the technology implemented in the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). In general, the WWTP utilising trickling filter beds resulted in, on average, less than 70% removal of all 55 PPCPs studied, while the WWTP utilising activated sludge treatment gave a much higher removal efficiency of over 85%. The monitoring programme revealed that treated wastewater effluents were the main contributors to PPCPs concentrations (up to 3 kg of PPCPs day−1) in the rivers studied. Bearing in mind that in the cases examined here the WWTP effluents were also major contributors to rivers' flows (dilution factor for the studied rivers did not exceed 23 times) the effect of WWTP effluent on the quality of river water is significant and cannot be underestimated.  相似文献   

The impact of natural organic matter (NOM) and cations on the rejection of five endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) (acetaminophen, carbamazepine, estrone, gemfibrozil, oxybenzone) by nanofiltration (NF) was examined. The water matrices included membrane bioreactor (MBR) effluent, Lake Ontario water and laboratory-prepared waters modelled to represent the characteristics of the Lake Ontario water. The impact of cations in natural waters on compound rejection was also examined by doubling the natural cation concentration (calcium, magnesium, sodium) in both the Lake Ontario water and the MBR effluent. The presence of Suwannee River NOM spiked into laboratory-grade water was found to cause an increase in compound NF rejection. In addition, the presence of cations alone in laboratory-grade water did not have a significant impact on rejection with the exception of the polar compound gemfibrozil. However, when cation concentration in natural waters was increased, a significant decrease in the rejection of EDCs and PhACs was observed. This suggests that the presence of cations may result in a reduction in the association of EDCs and PhACs with NOM.  相似文献   

The occurrence of 31 selected endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in Korean surface waters was investigated. The area was selected since there is a lack of information in the Seoul area on the suspected contamination of rivers by micropollutants, although over 99% of drinking water is produced from surface waters in this area that has a population of approximately 15 million inhabitants. Samples were collected from upstream/downstream and effluent-dominated creeks along the Han River, Seoul (South Korea) and analyzed by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI). Most target compounds were detected in both the Han River samples (63%) and the effluent-dominated creek samples (79%). Iopromide, atenolol, TCPP, TECP, musk ketone, naproxen, DEET, carbamazepine, caffeine, and benzophenone were frequently detected in both river and creek samples, although the mean concentrations in effluent-dominated creek samples (102 ng/L-3745 ng/L) were significantly higher than those in river samples (56 ng/L-1013 ng/L). However, the steroid hormones 17β-estradiol, 17α-ethynylestradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, were not detected (< 1 ng/L) in both the river and creek samples. Numerous target compounds (15) were found to be positively correlated (over 0.8) to the conventional water quality parameters (chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved organic carbon, and ultraviolet absorbance). Results of this study provide increasing evidence that certain EDCs and PPCPs commonly occur in the Han River as the result of wastewater outfalls.  相似文献   

Investigations of environmental pollution by endocrine-disrupting chemicals are now in progress. Up to now, several in vitro bioassays have been developed for evaluation of the endocrine disruptive activity; however, there is still a lack of comparative studies of their sensitivity.In this work comparison of the estrogen screening assay based on β-galactosidase expression and a bioluminescent estrogen screen revealed differences in the sensitivity and specificity of the two tests. With the β-galactosidase screen a slight estrogen-like activity of Delor 103, a commercial mixture of PCB congeners, and a fungicide triclosan was measured whereas no activity was detected using the bioluminescent assay. A bioluminescent androgen test negated previously suggested androgenic potential of triclosan.Further, this work demonstrates the androgenic activity of Delor 103, with an EC50 value of 2.29 × 10− 2 mg/L. On the other hand, chlorobenzoic acids (CBAs), representing potential PCB degradation metabolites, exhibited no androgenic activity but were slightly estrogenic. Their estrogenicity varied with their chemical structure, with 2,3-CBA, 2,3,6-CBA, 2,4,6-CBA and monochlorinated compounds exhibiting the highest activity. Thus the results indicated possible transitions of the hormonal activity of PCBs during bacterial degradation.  相似文献   

Yang B  Ying GG  Zhao JL  Liu S  Zhou LJ  Chen F 《Water research》2012,46(7):2194-2204
We investigated the removal efficiencies of 68 selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) spiked in a wastewater matrix by ferrate (Fe(VI)) and further evaluated the degradation of these micropollutants present in secondary effluents of two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) by applying Fe(VI) treatment technology. Fe(VI)treatment resulted in selective oxidation of electron-rich organic moieties of these target compounds, such as phenol, olefin, amine and aniline moieties. But Fe(VI) failed to react with triclocarban, 3 androgens, 7 acidic pharmaceuticals, 2 neutral pharmaceuticals and erythromycin-H2O.Thirty-one target EDCs and PPCPs were detected in the effluents of the two WWTPs with concentrations ranging from 0.2 ± 0.1 ng L−1 to 1156 ± 182 ng L−1.Fe(VI) treatment resulted in further elimination of the detected EDCs and PPCPs during Fe(VI) treatment of the secondary wastewater effluents. The results from this study clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of Fe(VI) treatment as a tertiary treatment technology for a broad spectrum of micropollutants in wastewater.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) was used to measure the concentrations of 14 pharmaceuticals, 6 hormones, 2 antibiotics, 3 personal care products (PCPs), and 1 flame retardant in surface waters and wastewater treatment plant effluents in South Korea. Tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP), iopromide, naproxen, carbamazepine, and caffeine were quite frequently observed (>80%) in both surface waters and effluents. The analytes of greatest concentration were iopromide, TCEP, sulfamethoxazole, and carbamazepine. However, the primary estrogen hormones, 17alpha-ethynylestradiol and 17beta-estradiol, were rarely detected, while estrone was detected in both surface water and wastewater effluent. The elimination of these chemicals during drinking water and wastewater treatment processes at full- and pilot-scale also was investigated. Conventional drinking water treatment methods were relatively inefficient for contaminant removal, while efficient removal (approximately equal to 99%) was achieved by granular activated carbon (GAC). In wastewater treatment processes, membrane bioreactors (MBR) showed limited target compound removal, but were effective at eliminating hormones and some pharmaceuticals (e.g., acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and caffeine). Membrane filtration processes using reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) showed excellent removal (>95%) for all target analytes.  相似文献   

The efficiency with which a nanofiltration membrane (Desal 5 DK) removes bisphenol A (BPA) was investigated, together with the mechanisms involved. Whereas high retention (>90%) was obtained at the beginning of the filtration, the observed retention coefficient (Robs) decreased to around 50% when the membrane became saturated, due to adsorption of BPA onto the membrane structure. The presence of ions (Na+, Cl) affects the Robs, this effect being attributed to a change in BPA hydrodynamic radius. Moreover, in our operating conditions, the presence of natural organic matter (1 mg/L) in the feed solution does not lead to variation in BPA retention at steady state.  相似文献   

Eight pharmaceuticals, two polycyclic musk fragrances and nine endocrine disrupting chemicals were analysed in several waste water treatment plants (WWTPs). A membrane bioreactor in pilot scale was operated at different solid retention times (SRTs) and the results obtained are compared to conventional activated sludge plants (CASP) operated at different SRTs. The SRT is an important design parameter and its impact on achievable treatment efficiencies was evaluated. Different behaviours were observed for the different investigated compounds. Some compounds as the antiepileptic drug carbamazepine were not removed in any of the sampled treatment facilities and effluent concentrations in the range of influent concentrations were measured. Other compounds as bisphenol-A, the analgesic ibuprofen or the lipid regulator bezafibrate were nearly completely removed (removal rates >90%). The operation of WWTPs with SRTs suitable for nitrogen removal (SRT>10 days at 10 degrees C) also increases the removal potential regarding selected micropollutants. No differences in treatment efficiencies were detected between the two treatment techniques. As in conventional WWTP also the removal potential of MBRs depends on the SRT. Ultrafiltration membranes do not allow any additional detention of the investigated substances due to size exclusion. However, MBRs achieve a high SRT within a compact reactor. Nonylphenolpolyehtoxylates were removed in higher extend in very low-loaded conventional WWTPs, due to variations of redox conditions, necessary for the degradation of those compounds.  相似文献   

Tao S  Xi X  Xu F  Dawson R 《Water research》2002,36(11):2926-2930
A fragment constant method for prediction of toxicity (LC50) to rainbow trout was developed based on the experimental LC50 values of 258 chemicals obtained from the literature. The dataset was randomly divided into a training set and a validation set for purposes of model development and validation. The final model was established using all of the experimental LC50 values by pooling the two sets together. The coefficient of the determination for the final model was 0.9495 with a mean residual of 0.42 log-units. The model's robustness was tested using jackknife tests.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products are omnipresent in wastewater world-wide. In order to predict their sorption quantities onto sludge in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), the solid-water distribution coefficients (Kd values) of selected pharmaceuticals (antiphlogistics, estrogens, lipid regulators, anti-epileptic and cytostatic agents) and polycyclic musk fragrances (HHCB, AHTN) were determined in primary and secondary sludges taken from a German municipal WWTP. For the Kd determination, batches of primary and secondary sludge slurries were spiked with the respective target compounds and slowly stirred under defined conditions (e.g. an argon atmosphere). Finally, the water and solid sludge phases were analysed. The Kd values of pharmaceuticals ranged from <1 to 500 L kg(-1), while those for the polycyclic musk fragrances AHTN and HHCB proved to be up to 5300 and 4900 L kg(-1), respectively. The primary and secondary sludge showed significant differences for some pharmaceuticals such as Diclofenac and Cyclophosphamide due to the different pH and composition of the two sludges. The removal rate from the water phase caused by sorption in a WWTP can be reasonably predicted on the basis of the Kd values.  相似文献   

A declaration of conformity according to European regulation No. 10/2011 is required to ensure the safety of plastic materials in contact with foodstuffs. This regulation established a positive list of substances that are authorized for use in plastic materials. Some compounds are subject to restrictions and/or specifications according to their toxicological data. Despite this, the analysis of PET reveals some non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) produced by authorized initial reactants and additives.Genotoxic and estrogenic activities in PET-bottled water have been reported. Chemical mixtures in bottled water have been suggested as the source of these toxicological effects. Furthermore, sample preparation techniques, such as solid-phase extraction (SPE), to extract estrogen-like compounds in bottled water are controversial. It has been suggested that inappropriate extraction methods and sample treatment may result in false-negative or positive responses when testing water extracts in bioassays. There is therefore a need to combine chemical analysis with bioassays to carry out hazard assessments.Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and antimony are clearly related to migration from PET into water. However, several studies have shown other theoretically unexpected substances in bottled water. The origin of these compounds has not been clearly established (PET container, cap-sealing resins, background contamination, water processing steps, NIAS, recycled PET, etc.).Here, we surveyed toxicological studies on PET-bottled water and chemical compounds that may be present therein. Our literature review shows that contradictory results for PET-bottled water have been reported, and differences can be explained by the wide variety of analytical methods, bioassays and exposure conditions employed.  相似文献   

A photocatalytic reactor membrane pilot system, employing UV/TiO2 photocatalysis, was evaluated for its ability to remove thirty-two pharmaceuticals, endocrine disrupting compounds, and estrogenic activity from water. Concentrations of all compounds decreased following treatment, and removal followed pseudo-first-order kinetics as a function of the amount of treatment. Twenty-nine of the targeted compounds in addition to total estrogenic activity were greater than 70% removed while only three compounds were less than 50% removed following the highest level of treatment (4.24 kW h/m3). No estrogenically active transformation products were formed during treatment. Additionally, the unit was operated in photolytic mode (UV only) and photolytic plus H2O2 mode (UV/H2O2) to determine the relative amount of energy required. Based on the electrical energy per order (EEO), the unit achieved the greatest efficiency when operated in photolytic plus H2O2 mode for the conditions tested.  相似文献   

The ozonation of an effluent from the secondary clarifier of two Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants was performed by using alkaline ozone and a combination of ozone and hydrogen peroxide. Alkaline ozonation achieved only a moderate degree of mineralization, essentially concentrated during the first few minutes; but the addition of hydrogen peroxide eventually led to a complete mineralization. The evolution of total organic carbon (TOC) as a measure of the extent of mineralization and the concentration of dissolved ozone were analyzed and linked in a kinetic model whose parameter represented the product of the exposure to hydroxyl radicals and the kinetic constant of indirect ozonation. This rate parameter yielded the highest values during the first part of O(3)/H(2)O(2) runs. The kinetic constant for the decomposition of ozone at the end of the run was also measured and computed for the non-oxidizable water matrix and yielded essentially the same values regardless of whether or not hydrogen peroxide was used. A group of 33 organic compounds, mainly pharmaceuticals and some relevant metabolites present in the wastewater effluents, were evaluated before and after the ozonation process using a liquid chromatography-hybrid triple-quadrupole linear ion trap system (LC-QqLIT-MS). The results demonstrate that the ozonation degrades these compounds with efficiencies of over 99% in most cases, even under low mineralization conditions in alkaline ozonation.  相似文献   

Definitive data on reproductive impairment of chronically exposed populations may be required to assess the appropriateness of the existing test methods for hazard identification and prioritization of endocrine modulators. Multigeneration toxicity testing protocols for wildlife receptors are lacking. To help address this gap we describe a multigeneration fish assay using the freshwater fish, Japanese medake (Oryzias latipes). This test species has been used for the evaluation of carcinogenic, teratogenic and reproductive effects and is sensitive to estrogen exposure producing ovo-testis, altered biochemical parameters and phenotypic characteristics. Due to the short life cycle, a multigeneration test with medaka can be conducted in 1 year. Endpoints evaluated include: survival, growth, sex ratio, fecundity, embryonic lesion occurrence, embryonic stage development, gonadal and hepatic somatic indices, histopathology and biochemical parameters. As new endpoints are developed they can be incorporated into the protocol. Results of a positive control (17 beta-estradiol) study are presented to give an indication of the baseline associated with various test endpoints and to highlight the importance of nutrition in the experimental design. 17 beta-Estradiol treatment induced vitellogenin production in male and female medaka, feminized males, and disrupted egg production. The proposed protocol provides researchers with an effective multigeneration fish test that can be used to examine potential effects of stressors at the population, individual, cellular and subcellular level.  相似文献   

Lim MH  Snyder SA  Sedlak DL 《Water research》2008,42(12):2943-2952
Wastewater-derived contaminants (WWDCs), such as steroid hormones, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, have been detected in surface waters at concentrations that pose potential risks to aquatic ecosystems. To assess the factors controlling biotransformation of these compounds in effluent-dominated surface waters (i.e., surface waters containing a high proportion of wastewater effluent), microcosm experiments were conducted with 10 pharmaceuticals and five steroids typically detected in wastewater effluent. Some of the compounds underwent rapid biotransformation under all conditions (estrone, 17beta-estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and triclosan), while carbamazepine was always resistant to biotransformation. For the remaining compounds, the rate of biotransformation was related to the amount and type of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC). The rates of biotransformation of these WWDCs increased as the initial concentration of wastewater BDOC increased, indicating a relationship between microbial activity and biotransformation rate. Furthermore, BDOC derived from aquatic plants resulted in a better ability to remove certain recalcitrant compounds (gemfibrozil and sulfamethoxazole) as compared to that derived from wastewater effluent. These observations indicate that for each source of BDOC, it may be possible to use BDOC for predicting the rate of biotransformation of WWDCs in surface waters.  相似文献   

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