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During 8 sampling campaigns carried out over a period of two years, 72 samples, including influent and effluent wastewater, and sludge samples from three conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), were analyzed to assess the occurrence and fate of 43 pharmaceutical compounds. The selected pharmaceuticals belong to different therapeutic classes, i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, lipid modifying agents (fibrates and statins), psychiatric drugs (benzodiazepine derivative drugs and antiepileptics), histamine H2-receptor antagonists, antibacterials for systemic use, beta blocking agents, beta-agonists, diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and anti-diabetics. The obtained results showed the presence of 32 target compounds in wastewater influent and 29 in effluent, in concentrations ranging from low ng/L to a few μg/L (e.g. NSAIDs). The analysis of sludge samples showed that 21 pharmaceuticals accumulated in sewage sludge from all three WWTPs in concentrations up to 100 ng/g. This indicates that even good removal rates obtained in aqueous phase (i.e. comparison of influent and effluent wastewater concentrations) do not imply degradation to the same extent. For this reason, the overall removal was estimated as a sum of all the losses of a parent compound produces by different mechanisms of chemical and physical transformation, biodegradation and sorption to solid matter. The target compounds showed very different removal rates and no logical pattern in behaviour even if they belong to the same therapeutic groups. What is clear is that the elimination of most of the substances is incomplete and improvements of the wastewater treatment and subsequent treatments of the produced sludge are required to prevent the introduction of these micro-pollutants in the environment.  相似文献   

Occurrence and removal efficiencies of 20 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) including antibiotics, hormones, and several other miscellaneous pharmaceuticals (analgesics, antiepileptics, antilipidemics, antihypertensives, antiseptics, and stimulants) were investigated in five wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) of Ulsan, the largest industrial city of Korea. The compounds were extracted from wastewater samples by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and analyzed by High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). The results showed that acetaminophen, atenolol and lincomycin were the main individual pollutants usually found in concentrations over 10 μg/L in the sewage influent. In the WWTPs, the concentrations of analgesic acetaminophen, stimulant caffeine, hormones estriol and estradiol decreased by over 99%. On the contrary, the antibiotic sulfamethazine, the antihypertensive metoprolol, and the antiepileptic carbamazepine exhibited removal efficiencies below 30%. Particularly, removal of antibiotics was observed to vary between − 11.2 and 69%. In the primary treatment (physico-chemical processes), the removal of pharmaceuticals was insignificant (up to 28%) and removal of majority of the pharmaceuticals occurred during the secondary treatment (biological processes). The compounds lincomycin, carbamazepine, atenolol, metoprolol, and triclosan showed better removal in WWTPs employing modified activated sludge process with co-existence of anoxic-oxic condition. Further investigation into the design and operational aspects of the biological processes is warranted for the efficient removal of PPCPs, particularly antibiotics, to secure healthy water resource in the receiving downstream, thereby ensuring a sustainable water cycle management.  相似文献   

Eight pharmaceuticals, two polycyclic musk fragrances and nine endocrine disrupting chemicals were analysed in several waste water treatment plants (WWTPs). A membrane bioreactor in pilot scale was operated at different solid retention times (SRTs) and the results obtained are compared to conventional activated sludge plants (CASP) operated at different SRTs. The SRT is an important design parameter and its impact on achievable treatment efficiencies was evaluated. Different behaviours were observed for the different investigated compounds. Some compounds as the antiepileptic drug carbamazepine were not removed in any of the sampled treatment facilities and effluent concentrations in the range of influent concentrations were measured. Other compounds as bisphenol-A, the analgesic ibuprofen or the lipid regulator bezafibrate were nearly completely removed (removal rates >90%). The operation of WWTPs with SRTs suitable for nitrogen removal (SRT>10 days at 10 degrees C) also increases the removal potential regarding selected micropollutants. No differences in treatment efficiencies were detected between the two treatment techniques. As in conventional WWTP also the removal potential of MBRs depends on the SRT. Ultrafiltration membranes do not allow any additional detention of the investigated substances due to size exclusion. However, MBRs achieve a high SRT within a compact reactor. Nonylphenolpolyehtoxylates were removed in higher extend in very low-loaded conventional WWTPs, due to variations of redox conditions, necessary for the degradation of those compounds.  相似文献   

The occurrence and removal rate of seven pharmaceuticals (ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, fluoxetine, ofloxacin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin), two metabolites (norfluoxetine, clofibric acid), one degradation product (4-isobutylacetophenone) and 3 estrogens (17α-ethinylestradiol, 17β-estradiol, estrone) were studied in the inlet and outlet of a tertiary sewage treatment plant (STP) in Sweden as well as between different treatment steps in the STP which includes a conventional activated sludge step. Pharmaceuticals in raw household and raw hospital sewage streams leading to the STP were as well investigated. Hydraulic retention times (HRT) of each treatment step was considered for sampling and for the calculation of the removal rates. These rates were above 90%, except for diclofenac, clofibric acid, estrone and ofloxacin. However, only diclofenac and naproxen showed significant effluent loads (> 145 mg/d/1000 inh). Diclofenac was not eliminated during the treatment and in fact even higher concentrations were found at the effluent than in the inlet of the STP. 17α-Ethinylestradiol was not detected in any of the samples. Results indicate that a STP such as the one in Kristianstad, Sweden, with a tertiary treatment is sufficient to remove significantly most of the investigated pharmaceuticals. The chemical treatment improved the removal of several pharmaceuticals especially the antibiotics, which showed step removal rates between 55 and 70%. The expected concentration levels of the pharmaceuticals in the surface water (dilution 1 to 10) close to the outlet of the STP are below the no-observed effect-concentration (NOEC). However, despite that this would imply no important effects in the aquatic environment one cannot rule out negative consequences nearby the STP because most of the NOEC values are derived from acute toxicity data. This may underestimate the real impact of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

In this paper we report on the performances of full-scale conventional activated sludge (CAS) treatment and two pilot-scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) in eliminating various pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) belonging to different therapeutic groups and with diverse physico-chemical properties. Both aqueous and solid phases were analysed for the presence of 31 pharmaceuticals included in the analytical method. The most ubiquitous contaminants in the sewage water were analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs ibuprofen (14.6-31.3 μg/L) and acetaminophen (7.1-11.4 μg/L), antibiotic ofloxacin (0.89-31.7 μg/L), lipid regulators gemfibrozil (2.0-5.9 μg/L) and bezafibrate (1.9-29.8 μg/L), β-blocker atenolol (0.84-2.8 μg/L), hypoglycaemic agent glibenclamide (0.12-15.9 μg/L) and a diuretic hydrochlorothiazide (2.3-4.8 μg/L). Also, several pharmaceuticals such as ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac, ofloxacin and azithromycin were detected in sewage sludge at concentrations up to 741.1, 336.3, 380.7, 454.7 and 299.6 ng/g dry weight. Two pilot-scale MBRs exhibited enhanced elimination of several pharmaceutical residues poorly removed by the CAS treatment (e.g., mefenamic acid, indomethacin, diclofenac, propyphenazone, pravastatin, gemfibrozil), whereas in some cases more stable operation of one of the MBR reactors at prolonged SRT proved to be detrimental for the elimination of some compounds (e.g., β-blockers, ranitidine, famotidine, erythromycin). Moreover, the anti-epileptic drug carbamazepine and diuretic hydrochlorothiazide by-passed all three treatments investigated.Furthermore, sorption to sewage sludge in the MBRs as well as in the entire treatment line of a full-scale WWTP is discussed for the encountered analytes. Among the pharmaceuticals encountered in sewage sludge, sorption to sludge could be a relevant removal pathway only for several compounds (i.e., mefenamic acid, propranolol, and loratidine). Especially in the case of loratidine the experimentally determined sorption coefficients (Kds) were in the range 2214-3321 L/kg (mean). The results obtained for the solid phase indicated that MBR wastewater treatment yielding higher biodegradation rate could reduce the load of pollutants in the sludge. Also, the overall output load in the aqueous and solid phase of the investigated WWTP was calculated, indicating that none of the residual pharmaceuticals initially detected in the sewage sludge were degraded during the anaerobic digestion. Out of the 26 pharmaceutical residues passing through the WWTP, 20 were ultimately detected in the treated sludge that is further applied on farmland.  相似文献   

The occurrence of nineteen pharmaceutically active compounds and personal care products was followed monthly for 12 months after various stages of treatment in an advanced wastewater reclamation plant in Gwinnett County, GA, U.S.A. Twenty-four hour composite samples were collected after primary clarification, activated sludge biological treatment, membrane filtration, granular media filtration, granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption, and ozonation in the wastewater reclamation plant. Compounds were identified and quantified using high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after solid-phase extraction. Standard addition methods were employed to compensate for matrix effects. Sixteen of the targeted compounds were detected in the primary effluent; sulfadimethoxine, doxycycline, and iopromide were not found. Caffeine and acetaminophen were found at the highest concentrations (∼105 ng/L), followed by ibuprofen (∼104 ng/L), sulfamethoxazole and DEET (∼103 ng/L). Most of the other compounds were found at concentrations on the order of hundreds of ng/L. After activated sludge treatment and membrane filtration, the concentrations of caffeine, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, DEET, tetracycline, and 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) had decreased by more than 90%. Erythromycin and carbamazepine, which were resistant to biological treatment, were eliminated by 74 and 88%, on average, by GAC. Primidone, DEET, and caffeine were not amenable to adsorption by GAC. Ozonation oxidized most of the remaining compounds by >60%, except for primidone and DEET. Of the initial 16 compounds identified in the primary effluent, only sulfamethoxazole, primidone, caffeine and DEET were frequently detected in the final effluent, but at concentrations on the order of 10-100 ng/L. Removal of the different agents by the various treatment processes was related to the physical-chemical properties of the compounds.  相似文献   

This work reports a systematic survey of over seventy individual pollutants in a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) receiving urban wastewater. The compounds include mainly pharmaceuticals and personal care products, as well as some metabolites. The quantification in the ng/L range was performed by Liquid Chromatography-QTRAP-Mass Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry. The results showed that paraxanthine, caffeine and acetaminophen were the main individual pollutants usually found in concentrations over 20 ppb. N-formyl-4-amino-antipiryne and galaxolide were also detected in the ppb level. A group of compounds including the beta-blockers atenolol, metoprolol and propanolol; the lipid regulators bezafibrate and fenofibric acid; the antibiotics erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, the antiinflammatories diclofenac, indomethacin, ketoprofen and mefenamic acid, the antiepileptic carbamazepine and the antiacid omeprazole exhibited removal efficiencies below 20% in the STP treatment. Ozonation with doses lower than 90 μM allowed the removal of many individual pollutants including some of those more refractory to biological treatment. A kinetic model allowed the determination of second order kinetic constants for the ozonation of bezafibrate, cotinine, diuron and metronidazole. The results show that the hydroxyl radical reaction was the major pathway for the oxidative transformation of these compounds.  相似文献   

Occurrence and removal of N-nitrosamines in wastewater treatment plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence of nitrosamines in wastewater might pose a risk to water resources even in countries where chlorination or chloramination are hardly used for water disinfection. We studied the variation of concentrations and removal efficiencies of eight N-nitrosamines among 21 full-scale sewage treatment plants (STPs) in Switzerland and temporal variations at one of these plants. N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) was the predominant compound in STP primary effluents with median concentrations in the range of 5-20 ng/L, but peak concentrations up to 1 μg/L. N-nitrosomorpholine (NMOR) was abundant in all plants at concentrations of 5-30 ng/L, other nitrosamines occurred at a lower number of plants at similar levels. From concentrations in urine samples and domestic wastewater we estimated that human excretion accounted for levels of <5 ng/L of NDMA and <1 ng/L of the other nitrosamines in municipal wastewater, additional domestic sources for <5 ng/L of NMOR. Levels above this domestic background are probably caused by industrial or commercial discharges, which results in highly variable concentrations in sewage. Aqueous removal efficiencies in activated sludge treatment were in general above 40% for NMOR and above 60% for the other nitrosamines, but could be lower if concentrations were below 8-15 ng/L in primary effluent. We hypothesize that substrate competition in the cometabolic degradation explains the occurrence of such threshold concentrations. An additional sand filtration step resulted in a further removal of nitrosamines from secondary effluents even at low concentrations. Concentrations released to surface waters were largely below 10 ng/L, suggesting a low impact on Swiss water resources and drinking water generation considering the generally high environmental dilution and possible degradation. However, local impacts in case a larger fraction of wastewater is present cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

We measured six acidic analgesics or anti-inflammatories (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, fenoprofen, mefenamic acid), two phenolic antiseptics (thymol, triclosan), four amide pharmaceuticals (propyphenazone, crotamiton, carbamazepine, diethyltoluamide), three phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals (nonylphenol, octylphenol, bisphenol A), and three natural estrogens (17beta-estradiol, estrone, estriol) in 24-h composite samples of influents and secondary effluents collected seasonally from five municipal sewage treatment plants in Tokyo. Aspirin was most abundant in the influent, with an average concentration of 7300 ng/L (n = 16), followed by crotamiton (921 ng/L), ibuprofen (669 ng/L), triclosan (511 ng/L), and diethyltoluamide (503 ng/L). These concentrations were 1 order of magnitude lower than those reported in the USA and Europe. This can be ascribed to lower consumption of the pharmaceuticals in Japan. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and thymol were removed efficiently during primary + secondary treatment (> 90% efficiency). On the other hand, amide-type pharmaceuticals, ketoprofen, and naproxen showed poor removal (< 50% efficiency), which is probably due to their lower hydrophobicity (logKow < 3). Because of the persistence of crotamiton during secondary treatment, crotamiton was most abundant among the target pharmaceuticals in the effluent. This is the first paper to report ubiquitous occurrence of crotamiton, a scabicide, in sewage. Because crotamiton is used worldwide and it is persistent during secondary treatment, it is a promising molecular marker of sewage and secondary effluent.  相似文献   

Occurrence and fate of TMDD in wastewater treatment plants in Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guedez AA  Püttmann W 《Water research》2011,45(16):5313-5322
The occurrence and fate of 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (TMDD) was investigated in four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Germany. The concentration of TMDD in influents and effluents in the WWTPs ranged from 134 ng/L to 5846 ng/L and from <LOQ to 3539 ng/L correspondingly. Loads determined in influents (10.1 g/d-1142 g/d) and effluents (<LOQ - 425 g/d) indicate that TMDD is partially removed from the wastewater. The elimination rates varied between 33% and 68%. Based on the load analysis, the TMDD effluent discharge of WWTPs investigated varied from 8.29 kg/a to 52.6 kg/a. Day and week profiles were recorded and indicated that TMDD is introduced into the sewage through household and indirect dischargers with high fluctuations. Seasonal variations in the TMDD loads were also analyzed in three of the studied WWTPs. One of the WWTPs demonstrated statistically higher TMDD loads during the warm period (164 g/d) than during the cold period (91.3 g/d), for the others WWTPs any differences could not be established. The input of TMDD during weekends and working days was also studied. The results did not show any significant trend of TMDD discharge into the WWTPs.  相似文献   

In Norway the combined hydraulic capacity of all domestic wastewater treatment plants is relatively equally distributed between three major treatment plant types; mechanical, chemical, and combined chemical and biological. The Western coast from Lindesnes in the south to the Russian boarder in the North is dominated by mechanical treatment plants, constituting approximately 68% of the treatment capacity in that area. In the present study we report concentrations and removal efficiencies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), nonylphenols, phthalates, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found in five Norwegian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) applying different levels of treatment. Concentrations of organic micropollutants in the influents to the WWTPs were generally in the low range of what have been reported by others for domestic wastewater in Europe and North-America. More than 90% removal could be obtained for nonylphenols, PBDEs, and the more hydrophobic 4-6 ring PAHs by chemical precipitation, however, biological treatment appeared to be necessary for efficient removal of the less lipophilic 2 and 3 ring PAHs, the medium- to short-chained nonylphenol ethoxylates and diethyl phthalate. SigmaPCB(7) was removed by more than 90% by combined biological/chemical treatment, while removal efficiency by chemical treatment was not possible to estimate due to low inlet concentrations. Low or insignificant removals of PAHs, phthalates and nonylphenols with their ethoxylates were observed at the mechanical WWTP, which was in accordance with the minuscule removal of TOC.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment have received great attentions from the general and scientific community due to their potential impacts on ecological and human health. We investigated the occurrence of twelve acidic pharmaceuticals and herbicides (salicylic acid, clofibric acid, ibuprofen, gemfibrozil, fenoprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, mefenamic acid, tolfenamic acid, diclofenac, meclofenamic acid and indomethacin) in surface waters of the Yellow River, Hai River and Liao River in north China during the wet and dry seasons and assessed the potential risks to aquatic organisms posed by these acidic compounds. Seven acidic compounds were detected in the rivers, including five non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (salicylic acid, ibuprofen, diclofenac, mefenamic acid and naproxen), and two blood lipid regulators (clofibric acid and gemfibrozil). The concentrations for acidic pharmaceuticals in the Yellow River and Liao River were in most cases higher in the dry season than in the wet season, but the concentrations of acidic compounds in the Hai River were generally higher in July than in November. High concentrations of these detected compounds in the Yellow River, Hai River and Liao River were found more frequently at those sites located in metropolitan areas, lower reaches or river confluences. Only diclofenac and ibuprofen were found to have medium to high risks in the three rivers based on the calculated risk quotients.  相似文献   

The fate of 14 antidepressants along with their respective N-desmethyl metabolites and the anticonvulsive drug carbamazepine (CBZ) was studied in 5 different sewage treatment plants (STPs) across Canada. Using two validated LC-MS/MS analytical methods, the concentrations of the different compounds were determined in raw influent, final effluent and treated biosolids samples. Out of the 15 compounds investigated, 13 were positively detected in most 24-h composite raw influent samples. Analysis showed that venlafaxine (VEN), its metabolite O-desmethylvenlafaxine (DVEN), citalopram (CIT), and CBZ were detected at the highest concentrations in raw influent (up to 4.3 μg L−1 for DVEN). Cumulated results showed strong evidence that primary treatment and trickling filter/solids contact has limited capacity to remove antidepressants from sewage, while activated sludge, biological aerated filter, and biological nutrient removal processes yielded moderate results (mean removal rates: 30%). The more recalcitrant compounds to be eliminated from secondary STPs were VEN, DVEN and CBZ with mean removal rates close to 12%. Parent compounds were removed to a greater degree than their metabolites. The highest mean concentrations in treated biosolids samples were found for CIT (1033 ng g−1), amitriptyline (768 ng g−1), and VEN (833 ng g−1). Experimental sorption coefficients (Kd) were also determined. The lowest Kd values were obtained with VEN, DVEN, and CBZ (67-490 L kg−1). Sorption of these compounds on solids was assumed negligible (log Kd ≤ 2). However, important sorption on solids was observed for sertraline, desmethylsertraline, paroxetine and fluoxetine (log Kd > 4).  相似文献   

Micropollutants as endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC) or pharmaceuticals are of increased interest in water pollution control. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are relevant point sources for residues of these compounds in the aquatic environment. The solids retention time (SRT) is one important parameter for the design of WWTPs, relating to growth rate of microorganisms and to effluent concentrations. If a specific substance is degraded in dependency on the SRT, a critical value for the sludge age can be determined. In WWTPs operating SRTs below this critical value, effluent concentrations in the range of influent concentrations or a distribution according to the adsorption equilibrium have to be expected, whereas in WWTPs operating at SRTs higher than the critical value degradation will occur. Critical SRTs were determined for different micropollutants, indicating that the design criteria based on the sludge age allows an estimation of emissions. Different treatment technologies as conventional activated sludge systems and a membrane bioreactor were considered and no significant differences in the treatment efficiency were detected when operated at comparable SRT. The results of the investigations lead to the conclusion that low effluent concentrations can be achieved in WWTPs operating SRTs higher than 10 days (referred to a temperature of 10 degrees C). This corresponds to the requirements for WWTPs situated in sensitive areas according to the urban wastewater directive of the European Community (91/271/EEC) in moderate climatic zones.  相似文献   

This study aims at evaluating occurrence and treatment efficiency of five estrogenic hormones and ten beta blockers in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). The use of consistent sampling procedures, analytical techniques and data processing enabled to achieve an accurate comparison of the performances of the different treatment processes. First, the occurrence of molecules was evaluated in fourteen rural and urban WWTP located in France. Free and total estrogens were analyzed showing that more than 84% of estrogens in the dissolved phase of influent samples are in the free form. In effluent samples, comparable mean values but higher variation are underlined (RSD from 13 to 54% depending on the estrogen, compared to 11-21% for influents). Most of the target molecules are quantified in 30 influent and 31 effluent samples. Similar occurrence frequencies are obtained for influents from rural (6 WWTP) and urban areas (8 WWTP), except for betaxolol which is only quantified in urban wastewaters. Removal efficiencies of 8 biological treatments were studied: suspended growth biomass (activated sludge) and attached growth systems (biofilter, rotating biological contactor, reed-bed filter, trickling filter). Biological treatments are efficient to remove estrogens from the dissolved phase, with removal rate around 90%. For beta blockers, acebutolol and nadolol are efficiently removed (mean removal rate of 80%), whereas sotalol and propranolol are hardly impacted by biological treatments (removal rate below 20%). Finally, 9 tertiary treatment processes were evaluated. Ozonation, reverse osmosis and activated carbon filtration prove a high removal efficiency for beta blockers (above 80%). On the contrary, high speed chemical settler, sand filtration, silex filtration, microfiltration and UV present generally removal rates below 30% for all beta blockers. The polishing pond studied presents variable removal performances depending on the molecules (up to 75% for propranolol). The role of the hydraulic retention time on the removal efficiencies is confirmed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of fifty-five pharmaceuticals, hormones and metabolites in raw waters used for drinking water production and their removal through a drinking water treatment were studied. Thirty-five out of fifty-five drugs were detected in the raw water at the facility intake with concentrations up to 1200 ng/L. The behavior of the compounds was studied at each step: prechlorination, coagulation, sand filtration, ozonation, granular activated carbon filtration and post-chlorination; showing that the complete treatment accounted for the complete removal of all the compounds detected in raw waters except for five of them. Phenytoin, atenolol and hydrochlorothiazide were the three pharmaceuticals most frequently found in finished waters at concentrations about 10 ng/L. Sotalol and carbamazepine epoxide were found in less than a half of the samples at lower concentrations, above 2 ng/L. However despite their persistence, the removals of these five pharmaceuticals were higher than 95%.  相似文献   

The ozonation of an effluent from the secondary clarifier of two Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants was performed by using alkaline ozone and a combination of ozone and hydrogen peroxide. Alkaline ozonation achieved only a moderate degree of mineralization, essentially concentrated during the first few minutes; but the addition of hydrogen peroxide eventually led to a complete mineralization. The evolution of total organic carbon (TOC) as a measure of the extent of mineralization and the concentration of dissolved ozone were analyzed and linked in a kinetic model whose parameter represented the product of the exposure to hydroxyl radicals and the kinetic constant of indirect ozonation. This rate parameter yielded the highest values during the first part of O(3)/H(2)O(2) runs. The kinetic constant for the decomposition of ozone at the end of the run was also measured and computed for the non-oxidizable water matrix and yielded essentially the same values regardless of whether or not hydrogen peroxide was used. A group of 33 organic compounds, mainly pharmaceuticals and some relevant metabolites present in the wastewater effluents, were evaluated before and after the ozonation process using a liquid chromatography-hybrid triple-quadrupole linear ion trap system (LC-QqLIT-MS). The results demonstrate that the ozonation degrades these compounds with efficiencies of over 99% in most cases, even under low mineralization conditions in alkaline ozonation.  相似文献   

Four Beijing wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were selected to investigate behaviours of nonylphenol polyethoxylates and their metabolites in different wastewater treatment processes. The results showed that the total concentrations of nonylphenolic compounds in the influents of the four WWTPs ranged from 0.115 to 0.347 μmol/L, as well as their removal efficiencies ranging from 75.7% to 90.8%. Both influent concentrations and removal efficiencies of nonylphenol polyethoxylates were correlated to seasons as follows: higher in the summer than in the winter, and influent concentrations were lower during the rain weather. The analysis revealed that 21.8-47.6% of nonylphenol polyethoxylates and their metabolites entering WWTPs were released via effluents and excess sludge, leaving a great part of them for biodegradation. Nonylphenol and short-chain nonylphenol polyethoxylates were disposed to the environment mainly via sewage sludge, while carboxylated nonylphenol polyethoxylates were the most abundant group of nonylphenol polyethoxylates in effluents.  相似文献   

Research has shown that exposure to androgens and progestogens can cause undesirable biological responses in the environment. To date, however, no detailed or direct study of their presence in wastewater treatment plants has been conducted. In this study, nine androgens, nine progestogens, and five estrogens were analyzed in influent and final effluent wastewaters in seven wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) of Beijing, China. Over a period of three weeks, the average total hormone concentrations in influent wastewaters were 3562 (Wujiacun WWTP)-5400 ng/L (Fangzhuang WWTP). Androgens contributed 96% of the total hormone concentrations in all WWTP influents, with natural androgen (androsterone: 2977 ± 739 ng/L; epiandrosterone: 640 ± 263 ng/L; and androstenedione: 270 ± 132 ng/L) being the predominant compounds. The concentrations of synthetic progestogens (megestrol acetate: 41 ± 25 ng/L; norethindrone: 6.5 ± 3.3 ng/L; and medroxyprogesterone acetate: 6.0 ± 3.2 ng/L) were comparable to natural ones (progesterone: 66 ± 36 ng/L; 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-progegnen-3-one: 4.9 ± 1.2 ng/L; 21α-hydroxyprogesterone: 8.5 ± 3.0 ng/L; and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone: 1.5 ± 0.95 ng/L), probably due to the wide and relatively large usage of synthetic progestogens in medical therapy. In WWTP effluents, androgens were still the dominant class accounting for 60% of total hormone concentrations, followed by progestogens (24%), and estrogens (16%). Androstenedione and testosterone were the main androgens detected in all effluents. High removal efficiency (91-100%) was found for androgens and progestogens compared with estrogens (67-80%), with biodegradation the major removal route in WWTPs. Different profiles of progestogens in the receiving rivers and WWTP effluents were observed, which could be explained by the discharge of a mixture of treated and untreated wastewater into the receiving rivers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluated the ecotoxicological potential of the 100 pharmaceuticals expected to occur in highest quantities in the wastewater of a general hospital and a psychiatric center in Switzerland. We related the toxicity data to predicted concentrations in different wastewater streams to assess the overall risk potential for different scenarios, including conventional biological pretreatment in the hospital and urine source separation. The concentrations in wastewater were estimated with pharmaceutical usage information provided by the hospitals and literature data on human excretion into feces and urine. Environmental concentrations in the effluents of the exposure scenarios were predicted by estimating dilution in sewers and with literature data on elimination during wastewater treatment. Effect assessment was performed using quantitative structure-activity relationships because experimental ecotoxicity data were only available for less than 20% of the 100 pharmaceuticals with expected highest loads. As many pharmaceuticals are acids or bases, a correction for the speciation was implemented in the toxicity prediction model.The lists of Top-100 pharmaceuticals were distinctly different between the two hospital types with only 37 pharmaceuticals overlapping in both datasets. 31 Pharmaceuticals in the general hospital and 42 pharmaceuticals in the psychiatric center had a risk quotient above 0.01 and thus contributed to the mixture risk quotient. However, together they constituted only 14% (hospital) and 30% (psychiatry) of the load of pharmaceuticals. Hence, medical consumption data alone are insufficient predictors of environmental risk. The risk quotients were dominated by amiodarone, ritonavir, clotrimazole, and diclofenac. Only diclofenac is well researched in ecotoxicology, while amiodarone, ritonavir, and clotrimazole have no or very limited experimental fate or toxicity data available. The presented computational analysis thus helps setting priorities for further testing.Separate treatment of hospital wastewater would reduce the pharmaceutical load of wastewater treatment plants, and the risk from the newly identified priority pharmaceuticals. However, because high-risk pharmaceuticals are excreted mainly with feces, urine source separation is not a viable option for reducing the risk potential from hospital wastewater, while a sorption step could be beneficial.  相似文献   

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