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3780点FFT处理器的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
3780点FFT模块是地面数字多媒体/电视广播传播系统(DMB—T)中的重要模块之一,由于该模块不能直接利用现已成熟的基-2和基-4的算法,故给出了三种实现3780点FFT的算法和处理器结构,分别是内插成4096点的FFT算法、混合基FFT算法和综合分解算法,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

针对中国标准地面数字电视(DTMB)系统,提出了一种3 780点FFT处理器的复用结构设计方法.采用流水线结构,对3780点进行层层分解,并在DTMB系统中充分复用该处理器的设计.仿真表明,该设计大大降低了所需逻辑资源.适用于符合国家标准要求的调制与解调系统.  相似文献   

于建 《电讯技术》2020,(3):338-343
在基于正交频分复用(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,OFDM)的无线系统中,快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform,FFT)作为关键模块,消耗着大量的硬件资源。为此,针对于IEEE802. 11a标准的无线局域网基带技术,提出了一种低硬件开销、低功耗的基-24算法流水线架构FFT处理器设计方案。在硬件实现上,采用单路延迟负反馈(Single-path Delay Feedback,SDF)流水线架构;为了降低硬件资源消耗,基于新型的改良蝶形架构利用正则有符号数(Canonical Signed Digit,CSD)常数乘法器替代布斯乘法器完成所有的复数乘法运算。设计采用QUARTUS PRIME工具进行开发,搭配Cyclone 10 LP系列器件,编译结果显示该方案与其他已存在的方案相比,至少节约硬件成本25%,降低功耗18%。  相似文献   

应用于超宽带系统中的低功耗、高速FFT/IFFT处理器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种应用于超宽带(UWB)无线通信系统中的FFT/IFFT处理器.采用8×8×2混合基算法进行FFT运算,实现了2路64点或者1路128点FFT功能,并为该算法提出了一种新型的8路并行反馈结构.该结构提高了处理器的数据吞吐率,降低了芯片功耗.为了减少处理器中的乘法数目,提高时序性能,提出了改进型移位加算法.设计的FFT/IFFT处理器采用SMIC 0.13μm CMOS工艺制造,芯片的核心面积为1.44mm2.测试结果表明,该芯片最高数据吞吐率到达1Gsample/s,在典型的工作频率500Msample/s下,芯片功耗为39.6mW.与现有同类型FFT芯片相比,该芯片面积缩小了40%,功耗减少了45%.  相似文献   

A VLSI array processor for 16-point FFT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An implementation of a two-dimensional array processor for fast Fourier transform (FFT) using a 2-μm CMOS technology is presented. The array processor, which is dedicated to 16-point FFT, implements a 4×4 mesh array of 16 processing elements (PEs) working in parallel. Design considerations in both the chip level and the PE level are examined. A layout design methodology based on bit-slice units (BSUs) results in a very simple design, easy debugging, and a regular interconnection scheme through abutment. It contains about 48,000 transistors on an area of 53.52 mm2, excluding the 83-pad area, and operation is on a 15-MHz clock. The array processor performs 24.6 million complex multiplications per second, and computes a 16-point FFT in 3 μs  相似文献   

江斌  黄华灿 《电子技术》2008,45(4):37-39
文章通过采用三级流水线设计方式的基-4碟形单元,实现了按时问抽取的,位长为8bit的64点复数FFT/IFFT的设计.并且通过simulink仿真,采用VHDL语言描述,最后通过Quartus得以验证.  相似文献   

设计了一种应用于超宽带(UWB)无线通信系统中的FFT/IFFT处理器。该处理器采用基24算法进行FFT运算,利用8路并入并出的流水线结构实现该算法,提高了处理器的数据吞吐率,降低了芯片功耗。提出了一种新颖的数据处理方式,在保证信噪比的情况下节约了逻辑资源。在乘法器的设计环节,针对UWB系统的具体特点,在结构上对乘法器进行了改进和优化,提高了乘法器的性能。最后,设计的FFT/IFFT处理器采用TSMC 0.18μm CMOS标准工艺库综合,芯片的内核面积为0.762mm2(不含测试电路)。在1.8V,25℃条件下,最大工作时钟317.199MHz,在UWB典型的工作频率下,内核功耗为33.5304mW。  相似文献   

设计了一种应用于802.11a的64点FFT/IFFT处理器.采用单蝶形4路并行结构,提出了4路并行无冲突地址产生方法,有效地提高了吞吐率,完成64点FFT/IFFT运算只需63个时钟周期.提出的RAM双乒乓结构实现了对输入和输出均为连续数据流的缓存处理.不仅能实现64点FFT和IFFT,而且位宽可以根据系统任意配置.为了提高数据运算的精度,设计采用了块浮点算法,实现了精度与资源的折中.16位位宽时,在HJTC 0.18μmCMOS工艺下综合,内核面积为:0.626 7 mm2,芯片面积为:1.35 mm×1.27 mm,最高工作频率可达300 MHz,功耗为126.17 mW.  相似文献   

A 1-GS/s FFT/IFFT processor for UWB applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present a novel 128-point FFT/IFFT processor for ultrawideband (UWB) systems. The proposed pipelined FFT architecture, called mixed-radix multipath delay feedback (MRMDF), can provide a higher throughput rate by using the multidata-path scheme. Furthermore, the hardware costs of memory and complex multipliers in MRMDF are only 38.9% and 44.8% of those in the known FFT processor by means of the delay feedback and the data scheduling approaches. The high-radix FFT algorithm is also realized in our processor to reduce the number of complex multiplications. A test chip for the UWB system has been designed and fabricated using 0.18-/spl mu/m single-poly and six-metal CMOS process with a core area of 1.76/spl times/1.76 mm/sup 2/, including an FFT/IFFT processor and a test module. The throughput rate of this fabricated FFT processor is up to 1 Gsample/s while it consumes 175 mW. Power dissipation is 77.6 mW when its throughput rate meets UWB standard in which the FFT throughput rate is 409.6 Msample/s.  相似文献   

提出了一种适合于DTMB接收机使用的FFT处理器的设计方法.该处理器基于混合基算法,素因子分解法和WFTA算法,采用动态截位法来保证精度与减小功耗和面积.FPGA验证表明:在输入输出均为13位时,该处理器的信噪比达到了60.4dB,运行最高频率达到84.48MHz,满足了DTMB接收机对FFT处理器的精度要求和速度要求.  相似文献   

A low-power, high-performance, 1024-point FFT processor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an energy-efficient, single-chip, 1024-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) processor. The 460000-transistor design has been fabricated in a standard 0.7 μm (Lpoly=0.6 μm) CMOS process and is fully functional on first-pass silicon. At a supply voltage of 1.1 V, it calculates a 1024-point complex FFT in 330 μs while consuming 9.5 mW, resulting in an adjusted energy efficiency more than 16 times greater than the previously most efficient known FFT processor. At 3.3 V, it operates at 173 MHz-which is a clock rate 2.6 times greater than the previously fastest rate  相似文献   

侯春萍  金婕  刘丽 《电子学报》2004,32(7):1188-1190
本文提出了一种新颖的FFT/IFFT处理器结构,并用可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)实现了该结构.这种新型结构有效地结合了传统流水线结构和循环结构的优点,并恰当地满足了802.11a 协议要求的速率,达到了实现面积远小于其它结构的目的.在本文中,用CPLD分别实现了这种新型结构和传统流水线结构,仿真结果证明所提出的新型结构在占用面积上具有较大的优越性.  相似文献   

流水线结构FFT/IFFT处理器的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对实时高速信号处理的要求,设计并实现了一种高效的FFT处理器。在分析了FFT算法的复杂度和硬件实现结构的基础上,处理器采用了按频率抽取的基—4算法,分级流水线以及定点运算结构。可以根据要求设置成4P点的FFT或IFFT。处理器可以对多个输入序列进行连续的FFT运算,消除了数据的输入输出对延时的影响。平均每完成一次N点FFT运算仅需要Ⅳ个时钟周期。整个设计基于Verilog HDL语言进行模块化设计。并在Altera公司的Cyclone Ⅱ器件上实现。  相似文献   

提出了一种可配置高精度FFT/IFFT处理器的设计.设计中采用单蝶形混合基串行结构,降低了系统的复杂性,节省了一定的资源.提出了一种新颢的块浮点算法,有效避免了溢出问题并且提高了精度.运算点数可以通过对产生地址计数器的位选择配置为64、128、256、512、1024,实部、虚部均为16bit数据,不仅可以实现FFT运算,还可以实现IFFT运算.在SMIC0.13μm CMOS工艺下综合的面积为1.55mm<'2>,最高频率为210MHz.测试结果显示了本设计的高精度特性.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present 64/128/256/512‐point inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT)/FFT processor for single‐user and multi‐user multiple‐input multiple‐output orthogonal frequency‐division multiplexing based IEEE 802.11ac wireless local area network transceiver. The multi‐mode processor is developed by an eight‐parallel mixed‐radix architecture to efficiently produce full reconfigurability for all multi‐user combinations. The proposed design not only supports the operation of IFFT/FFT for 1–8 different data streams operated by different users in case of downlink transmission, but also, it provides different throughput rates to meet IEEE 802.11ac requirements at the minimum possible clock frequency. Moreover, less power is needed in our design compared with traditional software approach. The design is carefully optimized to operate by the minimum wordlengths that fulfill the performance and complexity specifications. The processor is designed and implemented on Xilinx Vertix‐5 field programmable gate array technology. Although the maximum clock frequency is 377.84 MHz, the processor is clocked by the operating sampling rate to further reduce the power consumption. At the operation clock rate of 160 MHz, our proposed processor can calculate 512‐point FFT with up to eight independent data sequences within 3.2~μs meeting IEEE 802.11ac standard requirements. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A chip architecture designed to compute a 16-point discrete Fourier transform (DFT) using S. Winograd's algorithm (1978) every 457 ns is presented. The 99500-transistor 1.2-μm chip incorporates arithmetic, control, and input/output circuitry with testability and fault detection into a 144-pin package. A throughput of 2.3×1012 gate-Hz/cm2 and 79-million multiplications/s is attained with 70-MHz pipelined bit-serial logic. Combined with similar chips computing 15- and 17-point DFTs, 4080-point DFTs can be computed every 118 μs. Using the 16- and 17-point chips, 272×272-point complex data imagery can be transformed in 4.25 ms. A 24-bit block floating-point data representation combined with an adaptive scaling algorithm delivers a numerical precision of 106 dB (17.6 bits) after computing 4080-point DFTs  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel 128/64 point fast Fourier transform (FFT)/ inverse FFT (IFFT) processor for the applications in a multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing based IEEE 802.11n wireless local area network baseband processor. The unfolding mixed-radix multipath delay feedback FFT architecture is proposed to efficiently deal with multiple data sequences. The proposed processor not only supports the operation of FFT/IFFT in 128 points and 64 points but can also provide different throughput rates for 1-4 simultaneous data sequences to meet IEEE 802.11n requirements. Furthermore, less hardware complexity is needed in our design compared with traditional four-parallel approach. The proposed FFT/IFFT processor is designed in a 0.13-mum single-poly and eight-metal CMOS process. The core area is 660times2142 mum2 , including an FFT/IFFT processor and a test module. At the operation clock rate of 40 MHz, our proposed processor can calculate 128-point FFT with four independent data sequences within 3.2 mus meeting IEEE 802.11n standard requirements  相似文献   

为了满足基于嵌入式处理器的音频解决方案的需要,提出了一种嵌入式处理器中高精度、多功能的定点化运算单元(FPU)。FPU由移位、舍入、饱和3个部分组成。通过对FPU的实现和验证,证明FPU能够显著提高嵌入式处理器定点化操作的速度。  相似文献   

根据数字电视地面广播TDS-OFDM通信系统的特点,提出了一种基于时频域数据辅助的OFDM系统信道信噪比估计方法.该方法利用系统传输参数信令(TPS)作频域自相关估计系统噪声功率.同时充分利用PN码自相关特性在时域估计出各子载波信道传输系数,从而估计出各表征各子载波信道状态的的信噪比.仿真结果验证了该估计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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