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The study was based on a cross-sectional design of children from six to nine year olds. Indigenous children were those whose parents had all surnames of this ethnic origin. Non-indigenous children were those with Hispanic surnames. Participants belonged to one of the three social vulnerability groups: high vulnerability (extreme poverty) living in rural communities in a southern region of the country (n = 184); medium vulnerability living in urbanized settings in the same region (n = 248); low vulnerability living in Santiago of Chile (n = 336). Food intake was estimated using a 24-hours recall questionnaire. Total energy intake was similar in the two ethnic groups in all vulnerabilities. It was observed that energy and macronutrient intake increased with the improvement of the social vulnerability: High 1679 kcal. with a standard deviation (SD) of 461, Medium 1878 (SD 484), Low 1894 (SD 495). Children in the high social vulnerability group had a total energy intake below the WHO/FAO recommendations. Consumption of milk, meat, vegetables and fruits was insufficient in all social vulnerability levels but it was closer to the recommendation in the low vulnerability group. Bread accounted for almost 50% of the total energy intake in the high and medium vulnerability groups. It is concluded that differences in the access to an adequate feeding are related to social vulnerability and not ethnicity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare growth curves of stature in indigenous and non-indigenous children belonging to two levels of poverty and to establish the onset and evolution of the deficit. Children of indigenous and non-indigenous background living in communities of extreme and low poverty in Chile were studied and their height-for-age Z-score from birth until 6 year of age were compared. Mean weight at birth was within normal range, and no differences were found in ethnicity and levels of poverty. Length at birth was below the reference with the exception of the non indigenous newborn from counties of low poverty. Deficit in growth showed an early start, furthermore in indigenous children belonging to the extreme poverty, is from birth and progress through the 18 months. At 72 months the deficit reached -1.1 z scores in the indigenous of the extreme poverty versus -0.7 in the non indigenous group. Children from the low poverty had a Z-score of -0.4 z scores at 72 months without differences between ethnias. Indigenous of the extreme poverty had less accumulative growth while the indigenous of the low poverty areas growth satisfactory without differences with the non indigenous.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify dietary patterns in girls and to assess their association with obesity or overweight. A school-based sample of 108 girls between 8 and 11 years of medium-high socioeconomic level was selected in Santiago, Chile. The body mass index was calculated and a quantified food frequency and physical activity questionnaires (validated in the FAO/MINEDUC/INTA Project Nutritional Education in primary schools) were applied. Four distinct dietary factors or patterns were obtained explaining 54% of the total variation using factorial analysis. The first factor was characterized by an energy-dense diet (high consumption of fat foods, ice creams, chocolates, French fries, snacks). The second factor represented a healthy diet (dairy products, fruits and salads). The third factor represented intake of soft drinks (either with or without sugar). The fourth factor represented a diet rich in calories and sugars (bread, sausages, sweets). The association between the four dietary factors and overweight/obesity was assessed through logistic regression models. The first factor, energy-dense foods, was the only one significantly associated with the presence of obesity (OR = 1.86; 95% CI: 1.12 - 3.09). The results of this research about dietary patterns are consistent with studies carried out in other countries.  相似文献   

Gasification reactivities of raw and acid-washed coal chars obtained from the three most important coal-bearing regions in Chile have been determined in 0.1 MPa of oxygen using a thermobalance. Oxygen chemisorption capacities of the demineralized chars were also measured gravimetrically at 373 K in 0.1 MPa of oxygen. The subbituminous coals of Catamutun and Peckett are more reactive than the bituminous coals of Lota and Trongol due to the catalytic effect of their inorganic constituents. However, in the absence of catalytically significant mineral matter, coal rank is not an important parameter of char reactivity. The reactivity of chars based on carbon active surface areas, estimated from gravimetric chemisorption measurements, agreed very well with the previously reported value based on active surface areas obtained in a volumetric system. These results supply additional evidence that active surface area is the fundamental parameter that can explain most of the observed differences in the kinetic behaviour of coal chars and carbons in general.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the association between maternal age and growth of infants born preterm through the first 4 mo. of age. We prospectively studied 80 infant born at the hospital Herminda Martin in Chilean between January and September 1995 with birthweight < 2500 g and gestational age < or = 36 weeks; those born small for date, with congenital malformations or developing chronic diseases were excluded. The modified Graffar was applied to study socioeconomic status and growth, morbidity and type of feeding was monthly registered at Primary Care Centers where they were controlled. The maternal height was categorized as small (< -1 SD, n = 14), normal (> -1 SD and < +1 SD, 147.6-161.8 cm, n = 52) or tall (> +1 SD, n = 14). Sons from tall mothers presented better W/A z score at 4 mo than those from normal or small mothers (0.85 +/- 0.8 vs 0.31 +/- 0.6, p < 0.03 and 0.85 +/- 0.8 vs 0.15 +/- 0.8, p < 0.04). Length gain through the 4 mo was also better of infants with tall mothers (15.3 +/- 1.4 vs 13.7 +/- 2.3 and 13.6 +/- 2.2 cm, ANOVA p < 0.04), reaching better z-scores (0.2 +/- 0.3 vs -0.7 +/- 0.6 and -0.9 +/- 0.9, ANOVA p < 0.0001). The maternal schooling > 8 y was also associated to infant growth: those with tall mothers presented better L/A z-score at 4 mo than those with normal or small mothers (0.27 +/- 0.3 vs -0.89 +/- 0.7 and -0.85 +/- 0.5 p < 0.001). Exclusive breast milk was present in 7% of tall, 25% of normal and 0% of small mothers. No differences in morbidity were observed between groups. We conclude that Chilean infants born preterm from mothers > 1.61 m present a better growth that those with smaller mothers since the first 4 months of age.  相似文献   

Zinc and copper levels were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, in the hair and plasma of 81 Chilean infants of both sexes, comprised within an age range of two to 36 months, after routine clinical examination at a Peripheral Health Service. The children were eutrophic, free from chronic pathologies, and their birth weights were over 2,500 grams. The infants were distributed within seven age groups and the mineral levels found were correlated mainly with age and sex.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of knowledge on food and nutrition in students graduating from high school in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago. The sample included 272 students of both sexes and type of school (public and private) and from high, medium and low socioeconomic level (SEL), measured through the Graffar Modified Scale. The degree of knowledge on food and nutrition was measured through a test of 48 items based on curriculum program objectives. The test covered three areas: Area 1, Food and Requirements; Area 2, Food, Personal and Environmental Hygiene, and Area 3, Nutritional Physiology. Students showed a good achievement of the food and nutrition objectives that are considered essential for obtaining and adequate nutrition and health status. Students from high SEL registered a significantly higher degree of knowledge on food and nutrition than students from other strata (p less than 0.001). However, sex and type of school had no effect on the degree of food and nutrition knowledge. This study is a contribution to the better understanding of factors affecting the food and nutrition knowledge, and provides good foundations for further studies.  相似文献   

Actually it is possible to find a great offer of pre-cut vegetables in the Chilean market. These products present certain advantages, such as saving time in their preparation at home. The microbiological quality of some of these vegetables, pre-cut celery and pre-cut cabbage was assayed. Two different types of the products were studied. The traditional pre-cut vegetable and another one, which is also pre-cut but it is labeled as "ready-to-eat" (minimally processed). The last one could be consumed without previous washing or disinfecting. The assayed microbiological parameters were: total plate count, Enterobacteriaceae count, total coliforms and fecal coliforms most probable number, investigation of Escherichia coli and absence or presence of Salmonella. The effect of washing and washing and disinfecting on the natural microflora was also carried out. A disinfectant product for home use was obtained from the market. When comparing the obtained results for the two vegetables from both types, a high level of total plate count, Enterobacteriaceae count and total coliforms most probable number was observed. Fecal coliforms were detected only in samples of the traditional type in both vegetables. In each case E. coli was identified. No samples showed presence of Salmonella. Washing and washing and disinfecting effect was low. The maximum reduction of the present microflora of both vegetables was only up to 2 logarithm cycles.  相似文献   

Water activity, moisture content, pH, total sugars and sodium chloride content of commercial foods with reduced water content found in Chilean supermarkets were determined. The sample included meat, dairy, fruits and confectionary products. Principles involved in the reduction of water activity are discussed for each case.  相似文献   

For social programs in Colombia, like those administered by the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), it's important to know what native foods minority groups consume. This research obtained information on native foods consumed by indigenous and afro-descendents living in 10 Colombian departments: Cauca, Nari?o, Amazonas, Chocó, Guainia, Vichada, Magdalena, Guajira, Cesar y Vaupés. A questionnaire was applied to key informants (individually or in groups), addressing the following topics: personal information on the informant, name and type of food, if consumed by indigenous and/or afro-Colombians, climate where produced, time of year when harvested, if consumed raw or cooked, preparations, properties ascribed to the food, and current production, use and availability. Key informants included participants in ICBF's programs, indigenous authorities, teachers, traditional healers, and others, under the supervision of professionals from ICBF's mobile unit in each department. Bibliography (n = 123 documents) was compiled and reviewed. In the departments selected, 13 municipalities were visited, 139 individuals were interviewed and at least 92 new foods (i.e., not currently included in the Colombian Food Composition Table) were identified. Among the 92, the scientific name was obtained for 62 foods. Of these, 2 were classified as other, 18 as meats, 3 as insects, and 39 as plants. Among the plants, informants mentioned fruit (n=29), leaves (n=4), seed (n=3) and roots (n=3). Indigenous and afro-descendent communities in Colombia report consuming dozens of foods that are not currently in the Colombian Food Composition Table.  相似文献   

探讨了红花籽油(简称红花油)用于烹调使用的温度及烹调温度对酸价和过氧化值的影响.实验结果表明:热食用红花油在一定温度范围和时间内酸价和过氧化值的变化对质量影响不大,但长时间高温(280℃以上)加热会使其酸价升高、粘度增大、分解加速,不能食用.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of Lactobacillus spp. in colostrum samples from 116 Chilean mothers was analyzed by PCR and 16S rDNA sequencing. Lactobacilli were isolated in 55.3% of the samples, with concentrations of 3.33 +/- 0.55 (log CFU/ml). The predominant species were L. plantarum (64%), L. fermentum (16%) and L. pentosus (9%). 28% of the isolated strains were resistant to gastric pH and bile salts, suggesting that they could be used as probiotics.  相似文献   

Nutritional treatment is one of the most important components of multidisciplinary anti-cancer therapy. Home enteral nutrition is considered as a safe procedure, however, it may be associated with the risk of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea. It is uncertain whether diarrhoea is the result of the enteral formula administration or gut dysbiosis. One of the methods which may be used to alter the composition of gut microbiota is the administration of a probiotic strain. Lactobacillus plantarum 299v ingestion was found to diminish the adverse events of irritable bowel syndrome and Clostridium difficile infection - entities that share the symptoms with enteral nutrition side effects. Therefore, the primary aim of this study is to determine the effect of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v on prevention of weight loss of cancer patients receiving home enteral nutrition. The secondary aims are to evaluate the role of this probiotic strain in the improvement of nutritional status, enteral nutrition tolerance, and patients’ quality of life. Forty patients with cancer receiving home enteral nutrition will be enrolled in this clinical trial and randomized to receive one capsule of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (Sanprobi IBS®) twice a day or placebo for 12 weeks in a double-blind manner. Laboratory tests (the level of albumin, total protein, transferrin, and total lymphocyte count), anthropometric parameters (body mass, the content of fat mass, muscle mass, and total body water), Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS 2002), enteral nutrition tolerance as well as quality of life will be measured. Measurements will be obtained at the baseline and after 4 and 12 weeks of treatment. The adverse events observed during administration of enteral nutrition have an negative impact on enteral formula tolerance and as a consequence patients’ quality of life. The previous studies have demonstrated that probiotics may reduce the gastrointestinal symptoms related to enteral nutrition. Thus, administration of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v may be effective in improvement of nutritional status, enteral nutrition tolerance, and quality of life of cancer patients receiving home enteral nutrition. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03940768 .  相似文献   



Chile has experienced the nutritional transition due to both social and economic progress. As a consequence, higher rates of overweight and obesity have been observed in children. In western countries, researchers have tried to determine pathways by which parents influence their children's eating behavior; up to now findings have been inconsistent. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cross-sectional and retrospective relationship between maternal attitudes and child-feeding practices and children's weight status in children who had been subject of an obesity prevention intervention for two years.  相似文献   

介绍了XLY—Ⅱ型砝码-杠杆式恒压毛细管流变仪的改进情况,将人工加码方式改为通过调节变荷手轮来调整需要加挂砝码的多少;手摇式千斤顶支起杠杆改为方便使用的液压驱动;工作台人工左右移动改为前后液压移动。利用电脑对实验结果进行记录采集及后续处理,以取代原配的老式指针式记录仪。  相似文献   

Although in medical research the use of longitudinal data to analyze short time periods is frequently required, it does not permit the use of classic statistical methods for chronological series. The objective of this study is to present the possibility and plausibility of using the STATIS method (Structuration des Tableaux A Trois Indices de la Statistique), an explorative method for data analysis, in a study of the body composition of a sample of 57 women over 68 years of age in Santiago, Chile who were observed over a period of 30 months. The variables analyzed (measured every 6 months) were the following anthropometric measurements: weight, height, arm circumference, calf circumference, waist circumference, hip circumference and knee height. The results obtained suggested a regular chronological evolution during the first 24 months of observation with a change in structure after 30 months of the study, thereby classifying subjects according to body composition.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths in the world, with variations across geographical regions and ethnicities. Emerging evidence indicates that miRNA expression is dysregulated in GC and its polymorphisms may contribute to these variations, which has yet to be explored in Latin American populations. In a case-control study of 310 GC patients and 311 healthy donors from Chile, we assessed the association of 279 polymorphisms in 242 miRNA genes. Two novel polymorphisms were found to be associated with GC: rs4822739:C>G (miR-548j) and rs701213:T>C (miR-4427). Additionally, rs1553867776:T>TCCCCA (miR-4274) and rs12416605:C>T (miR-938) were associated with intestinal-type GC, and rs4822739:C>G (miR-548j) and rs1439619:T>G (miR-3175) with TNM I-II stage. The polymorphisms rs6149511:T> TGAAGGGCTCCA (miR-6891), rs404337:G>A (miR-8084), and rs1439619:T>G (miR-3175) were identified among H.pylori-infected GC patients and rs7500280:T>C (miR-4719) and rs1439619:T>G (miR-3175) were found among H. pylori cagPAI+ infected GC cases. Prediction analysis suggests that seven polymorphisms could alter the secondary structure of the miRNA, and the other one is located in the seed region of miR-938. Targets of miRNAs are enriched in GC pathways, suggesting a possible biological effect. In this study, we identified seven novel associations and replicated one previously described in Caucasian population. These findings contribute to the understanding of miRNA genetic polymorphisms in the GC pathogenesis.  相似文献   

This contribution is focused on the study of the mineralogical changes occurring in the ceramic body after heating ceramic clays. Chile has an important local ceramic industry. Five deposits of clays with industrial applications were studied. The clays came from San Vicente de Tagua-Tagua (SVTT), Litueche (L), Las Compañías-Río Elqui (LC), La Herradura-Coquimbo (LH) and Monte Patria-Coquimbo (MP). The samples were heated to 830, 975, 1080 and 1160 °C keeping at the maximum temperature for 35 min. The bending strength of each ceramic body was determined at 1100 °C. Mineralogical analysis of the fired samples was carried out by X-ray diffraction. The SVTT contained quartz, spinel, cristobalite, microcline, albite, anorthite, hematite and enstatite; the LC clays quartz, mullite, spinel, microcline, albite, anorthite, hematite, diopside, enstatite, illite/muscovite and talc; the LH clays quartz, cristobalite, microcline, albite, anorthite, hematite, diopside, illite and augite; the MP clays quartz, cristobalite, microcline, albite, anorthite, hematite, diopside, gehlenite, enstatite and wollastonite and the L clays quartz, microcline and mullite. The persistence of illite at at least 900 °C was observed for LC and LH. SVTT and LH showed the required specifications for earthenware. The L clays were refractory clays with very low bending strength.  相似文献   

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