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背射馈源卡氏天线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背射馈源卡氏天线将背射原理和聚焦原理综合于同一个天线系统之中 ,这就使小口径天线 (与天线波长比 )具有大型卡氏天线的电性能。现介绍的背射馈源卡氏天线其口径为 11.7λ,工作于 Ka波段 ,通过组合馈源的偏置实现了 - 3d B波束交叉的圆锥扫描。天线效率达 4 0 % ,最大旁瓣电平≤ - 19d B,半功率波束宽度为 5 .8°,E面和H面的辐射对称性良好。该天线的独特之处在于慢波结构采用介质敷层金属杆 ,从而提高了结构的工程可靠性和天线的动态稳定性 ,使它能适应恶劣的工作条件  相似文献   

本文提出来一种应用于直升机防撞雷达的高口面效率W波段单脉冲双反射面卡塞格伦天线。口面分析方法的提出解决了W波段反射面天线口面相位分布不均匀的缺陷,从而有效的提高了口面的利用效率。利用该方法,本文研究并制作了口径为135mm、焦距为40.5mm的W波段卡赛格伦天线,并且设计了由四个E面多缝隙电桥和四个四分之一波导波长延迟线级联构成的和差网络。经测试,该单脉冲天线在93GHz具有38.6dBi的和波束增益,相应的口面效率为54.7%;差波束的零深优于-22dB,副瓣电平小于-18dB。测试结果与基于口面分析方法的仿真结果吻合,从而证明了本文所研究天线可以应用于高口面效率的W波段单脉冲系统中。  相似文献   

Broadband VSWR measurements are reported on a smallF-number Cassegrain antenna. Cyclical variations of VSWR between 1.00 and 1.25 with a 350-MHz frequency interval between unity VSWR values were observed over the 8.5-12.4 GHz frequency range. These variations correspond to a change in the power transmission ratio of 1.231 percent between the unity and 1.25 values of VSWR.  相似文献   

Using evolutionary programming (EP), monopulse Cassegrain antennas with four feeds can be designed for the desired sum gain, side lobe level and minimum possible antenna size. A method is proposed to achieve the optimum monopulse difference pattern. cosq(θ) type feeds are considered as the feed system and the final designs have been checked using real feeds. Proper cost functions are proposed to achieve the desired gain, side lobe level and optimum slope in the difference pattern, taking into account the feasibility of the feed system. The effects of the parameters involved in the optimization are investigated.  相似文献   

The physical optics analysis of the scattering from the subreflector of an offset Cassegrain microwave antenna is formulated in a novel way using the geometrical properties of the conic sections. The resulting integral is computed by means of an algorithm involving quadratic approximation of the phase and polynomial approximation of the remainder of the integrand. The formulation allows for displacement of the phase center of the feed pattern representation. Examples are presented which provide a comparison with previously reported results obtained using the geometrical theory of diffraction rather than physical optics.  相似文献   

针对采用旋转副镜方式切换频段的大型卡塞格伦天线,提出根据等光程条件和主反射镜的射线描迹对副反射镜进行二次赋形,以修正偏轴对光程造成的影响。通过物理光学法计算了二次赋形后的卡塞格伦天线及正馈和偏焦的对称型卡式天线远场方向图,并比较了馈源相心在不同横偏距离时二次赋形后的天线方向图。结果表明:副反射镜的二次赋形有效地修正了偏轴对天线辐射方向图的影响。  相似文献   

本文根据几何光学理论,介绍了副面修正双反射面天线组合馈源相位中心的计算方法.并利用并矢反射系数,导出了包括差波束在内的副面散射场及天线口径分布,因而解决了副面修正天线性能参数的计算问题.  相似文献   

本文对卡塞格伦光学天线系统的传输理论进行了分析,在此基础上对卡塞格伦光学天线的传输特性进行了仿真实验分析,通过实验发现偏轴将直接影响卡塞格伦天线的传输效率和藕合效率,期望本文的研究能够为卡塞格伦光学天线特性问题的研究提供可行的思路和方法。  相似文献   

A dual-frequency Cassegrain reflector antenna has been investigated in which the secondary mirror is constructed from a stack of waveguides. The secondary mirror behaves as a highpass filter, giving access to the prime-focus feed position at the higher-frequency band. The copolar and crosspolar radiation patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

An X-band 8.5-ft brassboard antenna system was designed and developed which required a 70% total antenna efficiency and a 25 dB isolation between the circularly polarized transmit and receive ports. To maximize the aperture efficiency, a shaping technique was used to generate a specially contoured subreflector and main reflector. To reduce cost, a configuration was chosen such that the shaped main reflector could be matched with negligible phase error using a commercially available paraboloid. The antenna gain of this shaped system with an electrically small subreflector (10.7 λ) is 0.75 dB higher than that of a conventional system using the same paraboloid and a matching hyperbolic subreflector. Measured results demonstrated that even for a small system the antenna performance can be appreciably improved at low cost by using a shaped subreflector  相似文献   

For an enclosed Cassegrain antenna, the loss of peak gain and beam deviation due to structural deformations of the primary reflector and rigid body displacements of the secondary reflector and of the feed are computed from the combined changes in the radio frequency (RF) path length. As the antenna moves in elevation, the position of the secondary reflector may be adjusted mechanically to minimize the loss of peak gain; a general method for the computation of the magnitude of such adjustments and of their effects on the gain and pointing of the system is presented. Numerical results are obtained for a particular case of a 45-ft diameter antenna designed for operation at 95.5 GHz RF for which the computed peak gain of the antenna varies significantly with the elevation angle. The results indicate that the loss of peak gain as the antenna moves in elevation can be substantially reduced by mechanical adjustment of the position of the secondary reflector.  相似文献   

对卡塞格伦光学天线光传输特性进行了理论分析,重点研究了影响光学天线光传输质量的几个重要因素,并进行了测试结果与仿真验证。为实际研究大气激光通信系统中光学天线的光传输特性提供了理论依据,具有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

In this communication a note on the coupling efficiency between an antenna and a Gaussian beam is presented. The calculations of the coupling efficiency from both methods, a nomorlized inner product between the antenna radiation pattern and the Gaussian-beam pattern or alternatively, between the electric field at the antenna aperture and a two-dimensional field representation of a Gaussian beam, are compared for different aperture size in wavelength. How a correct solution can be gotten is stated.  相似文献   

Hay  S.G. 《Electronics letters》1987,23(15):789-791
A method of designing multiple-beam antennas based on shaping the subreflector of an offset Cassegrain antenna is described. It is applied to a compact system having a diameter of 300? that is required to produce beams up to 4-6°either side of boresight. The performance is shown to be only slightly less than that obtainable by also shaping the main reflector, indicating that efficient multiple-satellite-access antennas can be designed without specially shaped main reflectors.  相似文献   

基于空间光通信卡塞格伦天线弊端的探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
对于任何通信系统而言,天线能否正确发射和接收有效信号是人们最为关心的问题。对于点对点的激光通信系统而言,由于激光与电波迥然不同的特点,在天线系统的设计上更需严格要求。在空间光通信系统中,光学天线是一个物镜系统,通过折射、反射和折射一反射光学系统实现,目前应用比较广泛的是牛顿系统、格林系统以及卡塞格伦系统。讨论了卡塞格伦天线系统.该系统的结构(双反射式)决定了存在遮挡比造成光能量浪费的潜在问题,也就是所谓的渐晕现象。另一个问题是像差,也就是卡塞格伦天线系统要获得良好的像质必须以牺牲视场为代价。基于这两点提出了减小渐晕的几种新方案,并从减小像差上进行了理论分析。  相似文献   

Radiation patterns have been measured at 20.0, 22.0 and 25.2 GHz for a parabolic reflector illuminated from the prime focus by a linearly polarised feed radiating through a sub-reflector built from a stack of dielectric filled waveguides. The influence of the intervening guides on the radiation patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

The blocking efficiency of a Cassegrain antenna system can be improved considerably by shaping the main and the subreflector in such a way that the power, which is normally lost by scattering against the blocking obstacles, arrives at the aperture in the correct phase and direction and with the correct amplitude. It is explained that shadows of (nearly) spherical waves on the aperture can be made to disappear entirely. A practical example is described.  相似文献   

Pace  J.R. 《Electronics letters》1968,4(23):500-501
The problem of aperture blockage by a subreflector in a Cassegrainian antenna system is discussed. The Lorentz reciprocity theorem is used to derive an expression for the far field radiated by the Cassegrain system. It is suggested that the field scattered by the subreflector can be computed using Keller's geometrical theory of diffraction.  相似文献   

It is shown that the aperture efficiency of a classical Cassegrain antenna can be considerably improved if the radiation pattern of the feed is optimally shaped. The corresponding optimum field distribution Over the aperture of the feed consists of a circular main lobe which is surrounded by concentric sidelobe rings. This optimum field distribution with one sidelobe ring included is realized by shaping of a dielectric lens which is positioned in the aperture of a corrugated horn antenna. The design can provide a theoretical aperture efficiency of 90.5 percent when subreflector diffraction and aperture shadowing are neglected, i.e., an improvement of 0.4 dB compared to an optimum conventional feed. Measurements of a model at 22.8 GHz gave a practical result of 85.6 percent. If the model is used to feed a 30 m radiotelescope the overall antenna efficiency becomes about 71 percent.  相似文献   

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