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The net-zero emissions building (nZEB) performance is investigated for building operation (EO) and embodied emissions in materials (EE) for Norway's cold climate. nZEB concepts for new residential and office buildings are conceived in order to understand the balance and implications between operational and embodied emissions over the building's life. The main drivers for the CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions are revealed for both building concepts through a detailed emissions calculation. The influence of the CO2e factor for electricity is emphasized and it is shown to have significant impact on the temporal evolution of the overall CO2e emissions balance. The results show that the criterion for zero emissions in operation is easily reached for both nZEB concepts (independent of the CO2e factor considered). Embodied emissions are significant compared to operational emissions. It was found that an overall emissions balance including both operational and embodied energy is difficult to reach and would be unobtainable in a scenario of low carbon electricity from the grid. In this particular scenario, the net balance of emissions alone is nonetheless not a sufficient performance indicator for nZEB.  相似文献   

In this study the life cycle primary energy use and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of an eight-storey wood-framed apartment building are analyzed. All life cycle phases are included, including acquisition and processing of materials, on-site construction, building operation, demolition and materials disposal. The calculated primary energy use includes the entire energy system chains, and carbon flows are tracked including fossil fuel emissions, process emissions, carbon stocks in building materials, and avoided fossil emissions due to biofuel substitution. The results show that building operation uses the largest share of life cycle energy use, becoming increasingly dominant as the life span of the building increases. The type of heating system strongly influences the primary energy use and CO2 emission; a biomass-based system with cogeneration of district heat and electricity achieves low primary energy use and very low CO2 emissions. Using biomass residues from the wood products chain to substitute for fossil fuels significantly reduces net CO2 emission. Excluding household tap water and electricity, a negative life cycle net CO2 emission can be achieved due to the wood-based construction materials and biomass-based energy supply system. This study shows the importance of using a life cycle perspective when evaluating primary energy and climatic impacts of buildings.  相似文献   

Different designs and concepts of low-energy and zero-emission buildings (ZEBs) are being introduced into the Norwegian market. This study analyses and compares the life cycle emissions of CO2 equivalents (CO2e) from eight different single-family houses in the Oslo climate. Included are four ZEBs: one active house, two passive houses, and a reference house (Norwegian building code of 2010). Monthly differences in CO2e emissions are calculated for the seasonally sensitive Norwegian context for electricity generation and consumption. This is used to supplant the previous applied symmetric weighting approach for CO2e/kWh factors for import and export of electricity for the ZEB cases. All the ZEBs have lower use-stage emissions compared with the other buildings or the reference case. Embodied impacts are found to be 60–75% for the analysed ZEB cases, confirming the importance of embodied impacts in Norwegian ZEBs. The lowest total emissions were from the smallest ZEB, emphasizing area efficiency. The highest emissions were from the reference case. By abandoning the symmetric approach, a new perspective was developed for assessing the performance of ZEBs within the Norwegian context. One of four ZEB cases managed to balance out its annual energy-related emissions.  相似文献   

This study determined cost optimal and nearly zero energy building (nZEB) energy performance levels following the REHVA definition and energy calculation methodology for nZEB national implementation. Cost optimal performance levels – meaning the energy performance leading to minimum life cycle cost – were calculated with net present value method according to the cost optimal draft regulation. The seven-step procedure was developed to conduct cost optimal and nZEB energy performance levels calculations in systematic and robust scientific fashion. It was shown that cost optimal primary energy use can be calculated with limited number of energy simulations as only four construction concepts were simulated and cost calculated. The procedure includes the specification of building envelope components based on specific heat loss coefficient and systems calculation with post processing of energy simulation results, without the need to use iterative approach or optimization algorithm. Model calculations were conducted for Estonian reference detached house to analyse the difference between the cost optimal and nZEB energy performance levels. Cost optimal energy performance level of Estonian reference detached house was 110 kW h/(m2 a) primary energy including all energy use with domestic appliances and it was significantly lower than the current minimum requirement of 180 kW h/(m2 a).  相似文献   

In several housing development projects in Norway the requirements related to the mandatory connection to district heating plants have shown to be a barrier for building low-energy residential buildings. The developers have considered the costs related to both low-energy measures and a space heating system that can utilize district heat to be too high to give the project acceptable profitability. In these projects the developers wanted to use a cheaper electric space heating system. Based on models representative for the range of the Norwegian district heating plants, calculations show that the CO2 emissions related to heating in residential buildings with an energy standard in accordance with the new building regulations and that are connected to the district heating grid, are lower than for similar buildings with a low-energy standard and with heating based on electricity. However, in a long term perspective the differences are marginal when considering the national annual CO2 emissions. Similarly, increased peak power demand due to electricity-based heating may also be regarded as marginal when compared to the present maximum peak power capacity in Norway.  相似文献   

To meet the net zero emission target by 2045, Germany has planned to phase out coal from electricity production by 2038 and increase electricity production from alternative sources through technological advancements. We examine the impacts of related measures on CO2 emissions, electricity security, and economic output at national and regional levels using a regionalized dynamic computable general equilibrium model. Our results reveal that phasing out coal from the electricity mix reduces electricity generation and increases imports but only slightly reduces electricity supply and economic output. The reduction in CO2 emissions in Germany is significant but insufficient to reach the 2045 net zero emission target. Additional technology advancements in alternative electricity productions accompanying the phase-out may have limited effects on the supply of electricity, economic outputs, and CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

A 100-year lifecycle carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions analysis is reported for a two-bedroom, 65 m2 floor area, semi-detached house in south-east England. How the balance between the embodied (ECO2) and operational CO2 emissions of the building are affected by the inclusion of thermal mass and the impacts of climate change is quantified. Four ‘weights’ of thermal mass were considered, ranging from lightweight timber frame to very heavyweight concrete construction. For each case, total ECO2 quantities were calculated and predictions for operational CO2 emissions obtained from a 100-year dynamic thermal modelling simulation under a medium-high emissions climate change scenario for south-east England. At the start of the lifecycle, the dwellings were passively cooled in summer, but air conditioning was installed when overheating reached a certain threshold. The inclusion of thermal mass delayed the year in the lifecycle when this occurred, due to the better passive control of summertime overheating. Operational heating and cooling energy needs were also found to decrease with increasing thermal mass due to the beneficial effects of fabric energy storage. The calculated initial ECO2 was higher in the heavier weight cases, by up to 15% (4.93 t) of the lightweight case value, but these difference were offset early in the lifecycle due to the savings in operational CO2 emissions, with total savings of up to 17% (35.7 t) in lifecycle CO2 found for the heaviest weight case.  相似文献   

Tourism is the most developed economic sector in the Balearic Islands. The great rise in construction activities within the last 50 years, the increase in energy use, in CO2 emissions and in waste production due to tourism, as well as an electrical energy production system mainly based on coal and fossil fuels is not an environmentally sustainable scenario. The aim of this study is to identify the processes that have had the greatest impact on the life cycle of a tourist building. In order to do this, the energy uses, CO2 emissions and waste materials generated have been estimated, assuming a life cycle of 50 years, within a sample of hotels from the Balearic Islands. The results show that the operating phase, which represents between 70% and 80% of the total energy use, is the one with the greatest impact; that the energy use due to the manufacture of materials represents a fifth of the total and that electric consumption is the main cause of CO2 emissions because of the regional energy system.  相似文献   

This paper presents two case studies of performance improvement alternatives. The first one is the 52.5 MWe cogeneration plant at the Suvarnabhumi Airport, and the second is the 9.9 MWe cogeneration plant of the government office building complex. Both plants are located in Bangkok. Performance improvements assume changing system design and operational plans during on-peak and off-peak periods with applying chilled water storage for more flexible operation. Such analysis gives opportunity for improvement of plant efficiency, primary energy saving, emission reduction and economical benefits. In case study 1, the selection of new prime mover results in overall efficiency improvement from 48% to 61%, 24% increase of primary energy saving, and 27% improvement of CO2 emission reduction. Significant amount of primary energy is saved 1451 TJ/a and CO2 emission reduction is 129,271 tCO2/a. The profit is increased to 24.80 Million US$/a and the payback period is 4.77 years. In case study 2, the application of chilled water storage leads to maximum profit of 2.63 Million US$/a. The results show that the selection of plant components should be made very carefully in the design stage, as well as that permanent control and optimization of plant operation in the exploitation phase is essential. Economic aspects of cogeneration plants are more sensitive to changeable input parameters than classical separate heat and power generation since cogeneration plants are more complex in the aspects of process configuration and products costs/values (electricity, steam, hot water, and chilled water). Having in mind the future development of the natural gas distribution network in Thailand, it can be estimated that the potential of power generation in public buildings is around 1.3 GWe. Comparing the Thailand total primary energy supply for commercial buildings, it means reduction of about 9.1%.  相似文献   

The space heating demand of residential buildings can be decreased by improved insulation, reduced air leakage and by heat recovery from ventilation air. However, these measures result in an increased use of materials. As the energy for building operation decreases, the relative importance of the energy used in the production phase increases and influences optimization aimed at minimizing the life cycle energy use. The life cycle primary energy use of buildings also depends on the energy supply systems. In this work we analyse primary energy use and CO2 emission for the production and operation of conventional and low-energy residential buildings. Different types of energy supply systems are included in the analysis. We show that for a conventional and a low-energy building the primary energy use for production can be up to 45% and 60%, respectively, of the total, depending on the energy supply system, and with larger variations for conventional buildings. The primary energy used and the CO2 emission resulting from production are lower for wood-framed constructions than for concrete-framed constructions. The primary energy use and the CO2 emission depend strongly on the energy supply, for both conventional and low-energy buildings. For example, a single-family house from the 1970s heated with biomass-based district heating with cogeneration has 70% lower operational primary energy use than if heated with fuel-based electricity. The specific primary energy use with district heating was 40% lower than that of an electrically heated passive row house.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates two smart energy management models for the Spanish electricity system in terms of power consumption savings, CO2 emissions, and dependence upon primary energy from abroad. We compare a baseline scenario with two alternatives. The first model entails the reduction of the power demand through energy savings measures, smart meters, and self-supply. The second model entails the application of all measures included in first scenario, plus measures oriented to electric vehicles. For each model a sensitivity analysis was performed. Results show that both models can result in reductions of peak loads, CO2 emissions, and energy dependence.  相似文献   

Cooling of buildings in the UK is responsible for around 15 TWh per year of energy demand, largely powered by electricity with highly related CO2 emissions. The Greater London Authority wished to understand the potential impact of London's growing need for cooling on UK CO2 emissions in the period up to 2030. This paper describes a model developed to analyse the cooling requirements for London's key building stock and assess how these would be affected by change in system mix, improvements in system efficiencies, and by varying degrees of climate change.The analysis showed that, if left unchecked, the growth in active cooling systems in London could lead to a doubling of CO2 emissions from this source by 2030. This growth will be due to increase in building stock, increase in market share of cooling systems, and climate change. The last of these is difficult to predict, but by itself could add 260,000-360,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions by 2030. This increase can be strongly mitigated, or even offset, by improvements in system efficiency. The difference between no efficiency improvements, and an assumed 1-3% annual efficiency improvement is around 340,000 tonnes by 2030.  相似文献   

Applied Energy     
It is acknowledged that the conventional design methods can easily lead to oversized system or unsatisfactory performance for different design conditions. Most existing studies on design optimization of net zero energy building ( nZEB) are conducted based on deterministic data/information. However, the question is:How is the actual performance of a design nZEB in different years considering uncertainties? This study, therefore, proposed a robust design method for sizing renewable energy systems in nZEB concerning uncertainties in renewable resources and demand load. The proposed robust design method is applied to the planning of renewable energy system for the Hong Kong Zero Carbon Building. The annual performance of nZEB under the optimal design options are systematically investigated and compared using the proposed robust design method and the deterministic method. It is meaningful to obtain a fitting formula to identify the relationship between the probability of achieving annual zero energy balance and the design mismatch ratio. On the basis of Monte Carlo uncertainty propagation methods, the uncertainty of nZEB performance is quantified which provides flexibility for designers in selecting appropriate design options according to the required probability of achieving nZEB during the design stage.  相似文献   

Near-zero energy buildings( nZEBs) are considered as an effective solution to mitigating CO_2 emissions and reducing the energy usage in the building sector. A proper sizing of the nZEB systems( e. g. HVAC systems,energy supply systems,energy storage systems, etc.) is essential for achieving the desired annual energy balance,thermal comfort,and grid independence. Two significant factors affecting the sizing of nZEB systems are the uncertainties confronted by the building usage condition and weather condition,and the degradation effects in nZEB system components. The former factor has been studied by many researchers; however,the impact of degradation is still neglected in most studies. Degradation is prevalent in energy components of nZEB and inevitably leads to the deterioration of nZEB life-cycle performance. As a result,neglecting the degradation effects may lead to a system design which can only achieve the desired performance at the beginning several years. This paper,therefore,proposes a life-cycle performance analysis( LCPA) method for investigating the impact of degradation on the longitudinal performance of the nZEBs. The method not only integrates the uncertainties in predicting building thermal load and weather condition,but also considers the degradation in the nZEB systems. Based on the proposed LCPA method,a two-stage method is proposed to improve the sizing of the nZEB systems.The study can improve the designers "understanding of the components"degradation impacts and the proposed method is effective in the life-cycle performance analysis and improvements of nZEBs. It is the first time that the impacts of degradation and uncertainties on nZEB LCP are analysed. Case studies showthat an nZEB might not fulfil its definition at all after some years due to component degradation,while the proposed two-stage design method can effectively alleviate this problem.  相似文献   

This study deals with energy and exergy analyses of ice rink buildings. An ice rink building with a net area of 648 m2, which is considered to be closed type and located in Turkey, is assessed. Based on the capacity of the ice rink area, the refrigeration system consists of two circuits with the same basic system components, where two types of refrigerants R-134A and R-744 (CO2) are used. Exergy analysis is based on Lowex approach, while the effect of varying reference (dead) state temperatures on the system exergy efficiency is investigated. It includes exergy transmission load, air infiltration load, exergy load room, exergy demand distribution, exergy load generation, total exergy system efficiency and exergy flexibility factor. Total exergy input rate is calculated to be 253.66 kW, while exergy destruction rate is 227.45 kW. The minimum and maximum exergy efficiency values are found to be 1.72% and 19.05% for reference state temperatures of 10 °C and −10 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

Solutions to sustainability challenges often focus on low-carbon energy transition. This paper highlights the Russian electric power industry's barriers to and drivers for achieving zero emissions by 2060. The methods used include policy analysis and an econometric analysis of variables that affect and are affected by per capita electricity consumption in 1990–2021. The results show that while renewables lower overall electricity use, economic growth, financial development, and CO2 emissions increase use. A bidirectional causality exists from trade openness and CO2 emissions to electricity consumption. A sustainable energy transition framework is proposed based on consolidating selected policy tools.  相似文献   

Energy usage and energy efficiency are of increasing concern in Mexico, electricity generation principally depends upon fossil fuels. On one hand, the stocks of these fuels have been confirmed to be critically limited. On the other hand, in process of electricity generation by means of these fuels, a number of poisonous by-products adversely affect the conservation of natural eco-system.This paper focuses on estimation of energy consumption, energy savings, reduction of emissions of CO2 for use of urban and rural household appliances in Mexico between 1996 and 2021.The analysis concentrates on six major energy end uses in the residential sector: refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, TV set, iron and heater.It is estimated that by 2021 there will be a cumulative saving of 22,605 GWh, as a result of the implementation of government programs on energy efficiency that represents a cumulative reduction of CO2 emissions of 15,087 Tg CO2.It means that Mexico can reduce in 5650 MW the generation capacity of national electricity system, which is to avoid burning 40.35 MM barrels of oil.The findings can be useful to policy makers as well as household appliances users.  相似文献   

Electrically driven heat pumps achieve good efficiencies for space heating. If heat pumps are driven directly by a combustion engine instead of an electric motor, losses attributed to the production and transport of electricity are eliminated. Additionally, the use of the combustion engine's heat leads to a reduced temperature difference across the heat pump. This article presents annual efficiencies of these systems and compares internal combustion engine and electrically driven heat pumps in terms of primary energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Because heat pump performance depends strongly on the heating circuit's flow temperature level, the comparison is performed for air-to-water and geothermal heat pump systems in two cases of maximum flow temperatures (40 °C and 60 °C). These temperature levels represent typical modern buildings with large heating surfaces and older buildings with high-temperature radiators, respectively. In addition to the different heat pump setups, conventional space heating systems are included in the comparison. The calculations show that natural gas-driven heat pumps achieve about the same efficiency and CO2 emissions as electrically driven heat pumps powered with electricity from the most modern natural gas-fired combined cycle power plants. The efficiency of such systems is about twice that of conventional boiler technologies.  相似文献   


In power grids, a significant amount of the generated power in power plants is wasted in the grid between power plants and consumers. The amount depends on different factors. With regard to the vital role of electricity in economic and social development alongside with high investment costs in electricity generation, transmission and distribution, practical solutions for decreasing grid losses and enhancing the efficiency of existing facilities are crucial. Due to the global environmental situation and significant effects of energy consumption on the environment, the general trend is towards the deployment of methods which are more efficient and less fuel consuming. In addition, more implementation of monitoring and controlling equipment and instalment of more efficient equipment in electricity transmission and distribution sectors reveal the effort towards the reduction of pollutants. These facts reveal the importance of this issue amongst authorities in the power industry. In this research through the assessment of power grid losses and studying different types of power plants in Iran, the amount of electricity generation and grid loss are studied. In addition, the impact of different power plants on the amount of environmental pollutants especially CO2 is presented. Also, some solutions to reduce CO2 emission are provided.  相似文献   

A standard UK supermarket design is used to simulate the energy performance, and subsequent CO2 emissions, of a modern-day UK supermarket building. Retrofit measures are proposed to reduce these CO2 emissions by over 50%, mostly due to demand-side measures but also accounting for likely onsite supply-side solutions. The influence of refrigeration and lighting in such buildings is explored and the possible use of heat recovery systems discussed. The air-tightness of supermarket buildings is also highlighted as a potential area for significant energy savings. Finally, the reliance on grid electricity is demonstrated for non-domestic buildings with a high electrical energy use. A combined approach of energy efficiency and low-carbon offsite electrical generation is suggested from the described case study as the most successful strategy to achieve large carbon savings (i.e. >50%) in existing supermarket buildings.  相似文献   

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