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Fuel poverty can be defined as ‘the inability to afford adequate warmth in the home’ and it is the result of the combination of three factors: low household income, lack of energy efficiency and high energy bills. Within this context, the present research is aimed at characterizing, for the first time, the housing stock of fuel-poor households in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. Fuel poverty incidence was established and households were divided into six different groups according to their relative position regarding fuel and monetary poverty. The housing stock of each group is characterized and those households most in need are identified. These results enable energy retrofitting priorities to be established, focusing on the needs of the different household groups and accounting for their housing stock characteristics. This allows Spanish energy retrofitting policies to be assessed for their capability of tackling fuel poverty and makes it possible to suggest some improvements.  相似文献   

In this paper, the causal feedback relationships among the components that make up the working mechanism of water supply systems management, including key factors and their relationship to the management of water pipes, were identified based on the conceptual framework established for water supply systems management. Subsequently, a system dynamics computer simulation model, which can be used to aid efficient management of water supply systems, was developed. The computer model consisted of water supply, pipe maintenance, and water supply business finance sub-models. The model was verified using historical data from a water supply service case study. Using the verified model, long-term managerial and operating conditions of the case study system were predicted under optimistic, basic, and pessimistic management condition scenarios. In addition, sensitivity analyses on major indicators of the case study system have been presented to show that the developed model can facilitate identification of the best policy for achieving a specific management objective of a water supply system.  相似文献   

大型公共建筑节能监管制度设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金振星  武涌  梁境 《暖通空调》2007,37(8):19-22
通过大型公共建筑节能监管的目标识别、监管手段的选择,提出了由能耗统计、能源审计、用能定额和超定额加价四项制度构成的大型公共建筑节能监管制度;运用比较竞争理论和信息公开政策工具引入能效公示制度,论证能效公示制度对由能耗统计、能源审计、用能定额和超定额加价四项制度构成的节能监管效果的放大作用,确定我国大型公共建筑节能监管的关键是建立以能效公示制度为核心,以能耗统计为数据基础,以能源审计为技术支撑,以用能定额为用能标杆,以超定额加价为价格杠杆等的运行节能监管体系。  相似文献   

The energy supply of buildings in urban contexts is undergoing significant changes. The increase of renewable sources for electrical and thermal energy generation will require flexible and secure supply systems. To reflect and consider these changes in energy systems and buildings, dynamic simulation is one key element. Sparse and limited access to detailed building information as well as computing time are challenges for building simulation on urban-scale. In addition, data acquisition and modelling for building performance simulation (BPS) are time-consuming and error-prone. To enable the use of BPS on urban-scale, this paper presents TEASER, an open framework for urban energy modelling of building stocks (open-source at https://github.com/RWTH-EBC/TEASER). TEASER provides an interface for multiple data sources, data enrichment and export of ready-to-run Modelica simulation models. The paper presents TEASER's methodology and package structure. Three use cases show TEASER's capabilities on the building, neighbourhood and urban scales.  相似文献   

In this study, computational algorithms for the simulations of the operations of pumps for water distribution storage tanks were developed. The developed algorithms include pump operating rules for different electricity price schemes and operating situations such as normal and emergency conditions. The algorithms were programmed into System Dynamics modelling modules that can be used as basic building blocks when an SD model is constructed for the simulations of complex real-world water supply systems. Based on the basic SD modelling modules, a dynamic computer simulation model was developed for the simulations of the water supply system in Young-Jong island in South Korea where multiple local water sources are to be utilised. The developed model dynamically simulated the water levels in the water distribution storage tanks and estimated the pumping costs of the system according to the normal and emergency operational scenarios. During the emergency situation it was assumed that the local water sources will not be able to supply the assigned portion of demand. STELLA system dynamics modelling software was used for the modelling.  相似文献   

认为目前的节能评价体系用"年空调总用电量"、"单位空调面积耗电量"不能全面、正确地评价集中空调系统。提出了新的集中空调能效自动跟踪评价系统,该系统对集中空调系统的实时制冷量、各空调用电设备的实时功率、实时用电量、实时能效、历史平均综合能效、实时负荷率、历史平均负荷率等数据进行跟踪、监测、统计并显示。以工程实例说明新的评价系统的应用。  相似文献   

对中心城市公共租赁住房政策及实施的再评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取较早实施公共租赁住房的深圳,较具代表性的北京、重庆和上海四大中心城市,以其公租房政策演进为研究对象,分析比较自2010年6月以来各市在供给对象的范围、租金价格的确定、管理主体的确定等七个方面的发展变化;对中央政府公租房政策进行分析;研究公租房实施必须解决的现实问题,包括住房保障立法、资金的筹集和房源的筹集等方面。  相似文献   

How can programme design and strategy drive the decision actually to undertake retrofit upgrades? The US Better Buildings Neighborhood Program (BBNP) and the UK Green Deal both represent ambitious efforts to drive domestic retrofit markets. These programmes are compared and the differences in their conversion rates explored in the context of marketing, outreach and workforce engagement strategies. The impact of financial incentives is also explored. This paper supports the consensus that the US BBNP was successful against most of its stated objectives. The UK Green Deal, while slow to start, was gaining momentum before it was effectively ended. Semi-structured interviews with programme organizers give evidence that the Green Deal would have benefited from a more active approach to marketing and outreach, specifically emphasizing the distinction between the two. Marketing generates interest, but local outreach through word of mouth and personal referrals is needed to drive upgrades. The Green Deal did not sufficiently engage the workforce through an ongoing communication strategy and should have better facilitated both technical and non-technical skills development. The interest rate of the Green Deal is shown to be but one factor influencing participation, and can be effectively balanced through programme design in other areas.  相似文献   

The energy issue is always an important factor in sustainable housing developments. Over the years, a number of energy-saving techniques have been developed to reduce consumption of primary energy and utilise renewable energy in architectural designs. However, the real situation regarding energy-efficient buildings has improved rather slowly during the recent decades, both in the developing and developed countries. Hammarby Sjöstad is one of the largest urban housing developments in Europe but is built to standards twice as strict as those currently being applied for new housing, including energy consumption. Eco-villages are small-scale housing developments, usually in the suburbs, where residents also try to create highly specific ecological environments. There are two basic paradigms to solve the current housing problem: top-down (provider paradigm) or bottom-up (support paradigm). This paper analyses the differences between these, especially from an energy efficiency perspective. Housing development is a gaming process between diverse stakeholders. All the stakeholders try to choose different actions in an attempt to maximise their returns. If the proposals made by the architects and engineers are not consistent with the interests of other stakeholders, they have little chance of being applied in actual projects. This paper describes systematic development strategies for the energy-efficient housing project Jun Lin Zijin, a Chinese residential and commercial project furthering the progress of design and construction.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the recent evolution, at a time of turmoil within global financial markets, of Australia's housing system and considers the effectiveness of housing assistance responses formulated to assist lo- income Australians. Following the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), housing was recast in the public and political consciousness and received substantial policy attention. In this era of rapidly declining housing affordability as well as threats to the supply of housing finance, the Australian Government renewed its approach to housing assistance. The paper examines housing assistance in Australia and assesses individual outcomes in terms of a ‘wellbeing dividend’. It draws upon on a survey of 1700 low-income households to examine individual outcomes for health and wellbeing across three of Australia's major forms of housing assistance. The research clearly shows that while housing assistance makes a positive contribution to wellbeing, not all forms of assistance are equal.  相似文献   

对于冬季仍然要送入冷风来消除室内余热的场所,变频变风量运行不但可以节约风机的运行费用,还可以节省空调系统用于制冷的能量。本文基于Matlab/Simulink仿真平台,模拟了地铁车站冬季最冷天的空调运行能耗。结果证明,变频变风量系统冬季直接用室外冷源制冷节能效果明显。  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to propose an analysis of energy consumption of a standard building in different climates. The analysis is developed by simulating the dynamic behaviour of the building subjected to different climatic conditions according to the considered location. Simulations are performed by means of an in-house developed code, validated by comparison with the outcomes from leading software, particularly TRNSYS and EnergyPlus. The use of a self-developed code guarantees a high flexibility and allows the implementation of new capabilities if necessary. The impact on the energy consumption of various parameters, namely internal and external wall insulation, window surface areas, thermal capacity and orientation, is investigated. Results show that the insulation of external walls has a fundamental role in reducing energy consumption, because it allows to exploit the thermal capacity of the walls. This is particularly useful for buildings which necessitate to keep the internal temperature constant.  相似文献   

大型公共建筑节能监管体系技术实现路线研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁境  武涌  金振星 《暖通空调》2007,37(8):13-18,138
从大型公共建筑节能监管体系各环节制度的设计目的入手,分析了监管体系各环节对技术路线的基本要求,在此基础上构建了监管体系建设的技术实现路线和相应的控制指标,同时基于国内外对相关工具的研究,对监管体系的技术支撑工具设计思路进行了初步探讨,旨在为我国大型公共建筑节能监管体系的建立和实施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

建立深圳市商品住宅价格系统动力学模型,对仿真结果进行短期和长期分析,明确商品住宅价格、人均可支配收入、商品住宅开发投资、GDP 等主要指标的变化趋势以及影响商品住宅价格变化的时间顺序,探索商品住宅价格上涨的主要原因。选择中长期贷款利率、税率和基建投资比例、人口自然增长率和基准地价等指标,进行单一指标和多项指标政策实验,寻求商品住宅价格宏观调控的有效手段。研究结果表明:人口自然增长率、税率和基准地价等指标对商品住宅价格、房价收入比的影响更加显著;多项指标政策综合调控效果比单一指标政策更加显著,但不一定优于单一指标调控效果的简单叠加。  相似文献   

尹波  武涌 《暖通空调》2007,37(8):28-32
从我国大型公共建筑节能管理的工作内容入手,介绍了我国大型公共建筑节能考核体系的设计原理和依据,构建了一套适合我国国情的大型公共建筑节能考核体系。同时分析了考核体系在大型公共建筑节能过程控制和目标管理中的实施机制,最后,对考核体系实施的保障措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The 1997–2010 UK government's priorities for education and improved social equality led to the development of two major school building programmes: the Academies programme and Building Schools for the Future (BSF). Political concerns for social, economic and environmental sustainability were increasing during the same period, leading to stated new aspirations from 2004 for the schools to be ‘models of sustainable development’. The key political discourses for ‘sustainable schools’ during this era are examined. While some aspects of the initial focus on social equity were retained, there was a rapid shift in emphasis towards environmental sustainability, and specifically carbon reduction. The impacts of these shifting discourses are then considered on four school building projects, examining the technical decisions made and their intended and unintended consequences. Within the diversity and complexity of individual building projects, the paper also exposes both the changing priorities within the construction sector during this period and the impacts of some specific policy tools. The considerable interpretive flexibility in the implementation of the policies is demonstrated, along with variability in their outcomes. Built environment policy should be understood as a continuous process that shapes and reshapes what happens.  相似文献   

界定了节能省地型住宅发展系统的概念和运行框架构造,运用系统动力学理论,明确其总体框架和因果反馈回路,构建了系统动力学模拟模型;借助计算机工具以重庆市为例进行模拟实证分析,得出决策者们关心的趋势性结论:提出具有参考价值的政策建议,为决策制订提供支持和帮助.  相似文献   

Currently, energy simulations (ES) utilize various outdoor variables such as outside surface, ground surface, sky, and air temperature, using coefficients or simplified equations. These variablesuse empirical correlations that are sometimes insufficient in certain location. Variables such as air temperature at the base of the layer are informed from weather data that may not accurately represent the physical microclimate of the site, and may therefore reduce the accuracy of simulation results. This research investigates utilizing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with Monte Carlo stochastic model to predict site specific temperature parameters for energy simulation. This will allow more realistic and robust energy simulation results for specific site conditions.  相似文献   

北京市《公共建筑节能评审标准》简介   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
薛志峰  江亿 《暖通空调》2005,35(5):46-53
北京市大型公共建筑单位建筑面积的全年耗电量高达100~350 kWh/(m2·a),是普通居民住宅的10~15倍,节能潜力达到30%~50%。不节能的原因之一是设计方案本身存在问题,强制性的节能设计标准没有得到执行。解决的途径是通过大型公共建筑的节能评审标准对设计方案进行节能审查和评估。所介绍的节能评审标准是对大型公共建筑能源需求、转换和消耗过程中建筑本身、能源转换和设备系统、可再生能源三个环节的多项指标给出定量的详细模拟计算结果,从而对设计方案的节能性给出全面评价,作为政府审批固定资产投资项目、鼓励和奖励节能设计的依据。  相似文献   

我国建筑节能的障碍及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了我国建筑节能的形势和特点,分析了当前遇到的各种障碍,在此基础上提出了推动我国建筑节能工作的原则以及近期应该优先实施的建筑节能政策建议。  相似文献   

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