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从20世纪80年代起,我国建筑学者逐渐涉足了POE的研究。我们在看到POE领域取得的众多研究硕果的同时,也不能不看到国内普通建筑师对于POE的相对陌生。文章从反思建筑师业务范围开始,在概述了POE的国内外发展状况后,特别突出介绍了POE在建筑师业务中的重要性。同时,文章描述了我国建筑在巨大建设数量的成就之外所存在的建筑使用状况的隐忧,并分析了POE对于解决上述隐忧的积极作用,进而指出了建筑师POE在当前国内建筑师业务中的迫切性。  相似文献   

建筑学的重要研究方向—— 使用后评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用后评价是指对建筑,建筑综合体及建成环境所开展的一套系统的评价程序与方法。它关注的是建成环境的实际使用状况以及使用者的意见和要求。通过收集使用者的意见和建议,以及将建筑师与规划师的规划设计目标与建筑及其环境的实际使用情况加以比较,使用后评价者能为建筑师与规划师提供极具价值的反馈信息,使建筑师与规划师得以据此有针对性地改进其规划设计工作。本文简要介绍建筑使用后评价的意义和重要性,建筑使用后评价的发展简史以及建筑使用后评价常用的技术和方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results obtained from a post-occupancy evaluation (POE) study conducted in an old fabric building called “La Violeta”. This structure has been recently converted into a contemporary art gallery. La Violeta is located in Puebla City, Mexico. The building dates from the beginning of the 19th century; it was built and used as a textile factory until the first decades of the 20th century. This POE study aims to assess the new use of the building from the users' point of view. Methodology involves historical research of the building, analysis of the conversion strategy, walk through investigation, and a user survey .Questions regarding the re-utilization strategy used in the building and its current use are included in the survey, such as “How do people perceive the space regarding its functionality, accessibility, and comfort?” Although the re-utilization process destroyed several historic elements, the re-use of old industrial spaces that otherwise would be obsolete and disused seems pertinent. Developing small renovation projects as part of an integral and wider project seems feasible. Users perceive the building as comfortable but not properly advertised as an art gallery, and its location is difficult to find.  相似文献   

Research findings point to three methodological shortcomings of current post-occupancy evaluation (POE) tools: (1) contextualizing results, (2) adding instrumental data side by side to survey results and (3) producing meaningful feedback to its key stakeholders. This paper introduces the holistic BOSSA (Building Occupants Survey System Australia) and tools developed under this project's scope in close collaboration with industry. It aims to present and discuss the statistical analysis used in the BOSSA tool, distilling the survey results down to nine indoor environmental quality (IEQ) dimensions and their association with four overall indices. Principal component analysis (PCA) extracted nine IEQ dimensions that were uncorrelated with each other: spatial comfort, indoor air quality, personal control, noise distraction and privacy, connection to the outdoor environment, building image and maintenance, individual space, thermal comfort, and visual comfort. Four separate multiple regression analyses were conducted, one for each global evaluation item as an independent variable: work area comfort, building satisfaction, productivity and health. This statistical analysis provided the rational basis of BOSSA's scoring system, designed to simplify how occupant survey results are communicated to key stakeholders from the property industry and researchers.  相似文献   

The overall intent of this research is to provide architects with information that can be used to improve their performance so as to optimally satisfy the client's requirements and achieve high-quality overall project performance in Nigerian construction industry. Architect performance criteria were identified based on literature within the domain of architect responsibilities. The assessment of architects’ performance was carried out through a questionnaire survey of clients of recently completed building projects in Nigeria. Analysis of data includes comparison of criteria using importance–performance index analysis. Factor analysis was carried out on criteria where architects are falling below average, to group and explore the latent structure of the criteria in the data. The results showed that the architect needs to focus on management skills and ability, buildability, design quality, project communication, project integration and client focus. These results would encourage architects to perform better within their full responsibilities in the building delivery process and deliver high-quality projects within Nigerian construction industry.  相似文献   

周祥 《南方建筑》2006,110(6):20-22
国內对建筑使用后评价POE的理论认识已经有一定的深度,但是实践工作做的并不多。在充分认识建筑使用后评价的基础上,通过对通信综合楼使用后评价的实例研究,探索了建筑使用后评价的相关实践应用。  相似文献   

使用后评估(post-ocupancy evaluation)是依据建筑性能标准对建筑环境进行评价与分析的操作。后评估以建筑使用者及其需求作为评价标准和依据,以期从评价中获取信息和经验为未来创造更好的建筑提供有益的借鉴。就当今建筑设计实践的全过程而言,使用后评估是建筑设计程序中的又一个重要的因素, 它的操作和研究使建成环境和设施更加完善,使建筑设计更加科学和合理。使用后评估分为三个层次,它们是指示性后评估、评价性后评估和诊断性后评估。本文通过对使用后评估理论的梳理,针对清华大学美术学院教学楼进行后评估,将后评估理论进行了实际程序的操作,为我国建筑环境后评估提供了案例研究。  相似文献   

王烟 《南方建筑》2019,(1):82-87
为拓展建筑使用后评价(POE)方法的研究思路,弥补过去人工分析文本评价信息在效率方面的局限,通过对自然语言处理技术最新研究成果的介绍,指出其可为建筑POE 提供的技术支持。利用现有自然语言处理工具对小学儿童的自由报告式环境评价性文本进行建筑POE 案例研究。结合案例,指出词性分词、关键词词云、情感分析及评论观点抽取等技术在建筑POE 应用中的研究方式与步骤,并初步探讨自然语言处理技术在建筑POE 中的局限性和应用前景。  相似文献   


The prevalence of mechanical climatization in office buildings, alongside the dictate to conserve energy, has misguidedly promoted the construction of buildings with non-operable windows. Research shows that such buildings are detrimental to their occupants’ wellbeing and productivity, sometimes causing them to feel overcooled or overheated. This post-occupancy evaluation illustrates such problems through the case study of a courthouse building in a hot arid environment. A strong association is shown between occupant satisfaction, building ventilation and sense of wellbeing at work. A positive correlation was found between satisfaction with personal control, and overall satisfaction survey results show that workers express a willingness to compromise future salary rises in order to receive operable windows. Key lessons for architects are discussed.  相似文献   

介于当下建筑师在绿色建筑设计过 程中的长期角色缺失以及设计后期为了能耗 达标而过分依赖节能设备等现象,由建筑师 主导的、以能耗模拟为途径的节能设计研究 更加刻不容缓。在详细分析由建筑师主导的 节能设计所展现的优势并对能耗模拟工具 进行选择后,提出了建筑师主导下基于能耗 模拟的建筑形体与空间组织节能设计流程。 接下来以北京市门头沟区体育文化中心为例,展示了在方案设计阶段建筑形体与空间组织关系的节能设计思路与过程,详细剖析了建筑师对 整体概念、功能布局和能耗负荷等问题的把控与决策。最后总结了建筑本体设计与节能设计这 两者的协同关系,阐明了建筑师在其中发挥主导角色的重要意义。  相似文献   

As a reformation of work pattern, concurrent engineering (CE) is commonly regarded as a systematic approach to integrated, concurrent design of products and its related processes, including manufacture and support processes. In the past several decades, the application of CE in many industries including construction industry has brought about a great enhancement of productivity. On the other hand, the application of CE has also resulted in a series of problems due to the simultaneous execution of different work phases. Among these problems, performance evaluation in a CE environment is a serious one for decision-makers to determine whether CE should be adopted in their blueprint of innovation. In this paper, a new evaluation method for construction performance in a CE environment based on evidence theory is presented. Compared with existing evaluation methods, it can perfectly deal with some negative influences of CE, such as the diversification of evaluation objectives, incomplete information of evaluation objectives, variance of evaluation indexes. In order to illustrate the viability and adaptability of this method, an example of application is given by this paper.  相似文献   

郭洋  张清 《华中建筑》2010,28(12):19-21
该文以上海发展较成熟的创意产业园M50为例,采用使用后评价(POE)的研究方法,通过问卷调查、自由访谈和量化分析的方法,对产业园内外环境进行了综合评价。从调查结果可以看出,M50创意产业园在使用上存在着交通的可达性较差,绿化景观和公共休息设施不足,标识系统不够完善及室内采光较弱等问题,且使用者在这些方面的满意度也较低。此外,该文进一步探讨和揭示产生这些问题的原因,并尝试提出符合使用者需求的设计建议,为今后创意产业园区的建设提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

风景园林评论是以一定的价值观为基础,对风景园林作品及其所赖以存在的社会环境、风景园林师的创作思想与过程等方面的评判。风景园林作品评论以遵循自然规律,实现人与天调为价值观,其重点涵盖风景园林作品的形成过程、文化语境、艺术审美、使用评价和社会责任五个方面。风景园林作品评论作为信息反馈,是为了创造可持续风景园林作品而存在,是为了促使作品有科学而民主的形成过程,在彰显地域特色的语境下创作,满足使用者的行为需求,并能愉悦心情、感动灵魂,促进社会文明的进步。  相似文献   

随着建筑业的发展,建筑工程项目绩效分析日益受到重视,绩效分析的过程与结论直接影响整体工程建设的成效。文章针对建筑工程施工绩效评价指标具有模糊性,而评价指标可以按重要性分层的特点,运用模糊综判法建立多目标矩阵,对建筑工程施工绩效进行评价,并对评价结果进行量化,提高了评价的科学性与实用性。  相似文献   

在建筑设计的早期阶段,建筑师常常选择可视化的三维设计软件来表达创意,这些软件具有简便的创建各种自由形体的功能。这时的模型通常在尺寸上是粗略的。得到创意之后,通过对模型在真实环境中的性能分析来确定更准确的局部定位,这些概念设计时的信息能够完整的传递从而进一步完成施工图设计,这些就体现了建筑信息模型(BIM)的核心价值。本文将通过三个部分来讨论如何利用Autodesk? Revit? Architecture 2010的Conceptual Design实现可视化模型,参数化调整到施工图转换的过程。第一部分参数化模型的设计和调整将探索形体的建立,如何在软件中实现实时可视以及定性定量的调整。第二部分有理化表面处理将探索对自由曲面分割生成网格,通过对网格的个性化定制获取三维构件组成的表面嵌板。第三部分将调整完成后的形体模型转化为建筑构件模型,从而完成施工图的设计。  相似文献   

Project partnering has gained popularity in the Hong Kong construction industry since its adoption on the North District Hospital project in 1994. An increasing trend in the use of project partnering in building and construction has been observed over the past decade, with a proven track record of success. In order to critically investigate and examine the effectiveness and performance of project partnering as applied in the local building and construction industry, the Construction Industry Institute, Hong Kong (CII–HK) initiated an industry-driven research study in March 2003 to compare the implementation and outcomes of project partnering practices amongst the public, private and infrastructure sectors as well as between building and infrastructure works. This paper summarizes the key findings derived from the CII–HK funded research study completed in late 2004. Based on the case study of six selected projects, a ‘best practice’ partnering framework is developed. While it has been demonstrated that project partnering can provide extensive benefits to the industry across different sectors, it should be noted that partnering is not a panacea to solve all kinds of problems. What it does is to provide an avenue for people to communicate better thus eliminating unnecessary misunderstanding. It is recommended that partnering be adopted across a wider spectrum of the construction industry during the 21st Century to reap sustainable benefits for construction excellence.  相似文献   

通过对国内外现行的具有代表性的建筑环境性能评估体系(LEED、GBTOOL、EcoHomes、CASBEE以及《绿色建筑评价标准》)的深入研究,该文试图从这些评估体系的指标系统中提取出能够为建筑师绿色建筑设计决策过程提供指导的设计策略。首先,从整体上分析研究目前国内外建筑环境性能评估体系的评价因素构成特征;其次,在此基础上将所举评估体系的评价因素指标进行分类,找出有关住宅建筑设计决策的评价因素指标;最后,将这些评价因素指标按特定的框架分类,以形成开放的设计策略体系。  相似文献   

The background to international production theory is presented with a view to relating the eclectic approach to a part of the international construction industry. This sector includes a number of industry participants: consulting engineers, architects, surveyors, contractors and capital goods manufaturers etc. It can be observed that the sector has adapted to changing client requirements, partly triggered by competitive pressures. The nature of these can be predicted to some extent from the brief reviews of some theoretical and empirical work; the latter is drawn mostly from the contracting sector, but it is widened here to include other sector groups. Fieldwork has thus been carried out to interview a total of 20 firms comprising the different parties to the sector. Although consultants were of primary interest, it was considered that a wider selection of parties should be interviewed in order to determine some of the aspects common to each group. There is also a measure of interrelating across each group in carrying out international projects although this is more the case in competitor nations. Questions were framed on their own strengths and weaknesses, and that of their competitors, as well as the opportunities and threats faced. The findings of the survey and that of the earlier review are brought together in order to summarize where the main ‘advantages’ of the firms lie.  相似文献   

The effective measurement and dissemination of the impact of design on building users requires an evaluative shift away from measuring building performance towards measuring the outcomes experienced by people. This agenda shares considerable overlap with the emerging concept of ‘social value’ and it is proposed that social impact valuation methods could fill the post-occupancy quantification gap. A review of the social impact sector identifies Social Return on Investment (SROI) as the most developed method with a robust framework for implementation. SROI generates monetized results, anticipated to enhance transferability compared with typical post-occupancy evaluation summaries and facilitate the dissemination and usefulness of findings within the design and construction industry. An in-depth account is presented of a study that trials the six stage SROI method in three non-clinical healthcare buildings; interviews, focus groups, user surveys and financial valuation techniques are used. The SROI results are summarized and the discussion provides a critical reflection on the application of SROI to the built environment: the technical challenges faced, the modifications made as a result, and the lessons learnt from this process. The conclusion offers practical recommendations for future applications of SROI to the built environment.  相似文献   

国内开展建筑使用后评估的必要性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陆歆弘 《建筑科学》2004,20(4):80-83
建筑使用后评估关注的是建成使用一段时间后建筑物的性能和服务于业主/用户的满意程度,它连接了建筑物的规划设计和使用阶段,为后续建筑的设计提供参考,提高建筑业用户的满意度。本文介绍了建筑使用后评估在国外的发展历史和近期的实践活动,提出了建筑使用后评估在国内开展的必要性,也提出了在国内开展的难点,可作为政府和相关企业的参考。  相似文献   

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