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杨宪邦 《山西建筑》2009,35(22):14-15
指出治理城市河道是完善整个城市基础设施的一个重要组成部分,通过运用生态理念,分别对水环境治理与保护和河道治理与保护进行了阐述,以期在今后的施工过程中,更多地运用有利于环境保护、有利于生态平衡、有利于景观建设的方法和材料。  相似文献   

Coliform bacteria have long been used to indicate fecal contamination of water and thus a health hazard. In this study, the in-mill water and external effluent treatment systems of seven typical Canadian pulp and paper mills were all shown to support the growth of numerous coliforms, especially Klebsiella Spp., Escherichia coli. Enterobacter spp., and Citrobacter spp. In all mills and most sampled locations, klebsiellas were the predominant coliforms. Although all but one of the mills had no sewage input and most disinfected their feed (input) water, all contained the most typical fecal indicator bacterium, E. coli. Many of the mill coliforms were classified as fecal coliforms by standard "MPN" and metabolic tests, but this was shown to be due to their thermotolerance, not their origin. Mill coliforms were shown not to be just simple transients from feedwater or furnish (wood), but to be continuously growing, especially in some of the primary clarifiers. Isolated mill coliforms grew very well on a sterilized raw combined mill effluent. The fecal streptococci (enterococci), alternative indicators of fecal health hazards, were common in all mills in the absence of sewage. Ten strains of E. coli isolated from four mills were all shown to be non-toxigenic strains of harmless serotypes. No salmonellas were found. Therefore, the use of total coliform, fecal coliform, enterococci, or E. coli counts as indicators of fecal contamination, and thus of health hazard in pulp and paper mill effluents or biosolids (sludges) known to be free of fecal input is invalid.  相似文献   

Contamination from untreated wastewater leakage and related bacterial contamination poses a threat to drinking water quality. However, a quantification of the magnitude of leakage is difficult. The objective of this work is to provide a highly sensitive methodology for the estimation of the mass of untreated wastewater entering karst aquifers with rapid recharge. For this purpose a balance approach is adapted. It is based on the mass flow of caffeine in spring water, the load of caffeine in untreated wastewater and the daily water consumption per person in a spring catchment area. Caffeine is a source-specific indicator for wastewater, consumed and discharged in quantities allowing detection in a karst spring. The methodology was applied to estimate the amount of leaking and infiltrating wastewater to a well investigated karst aquifer on a daily basis. The calculated mean volume of untreated wastewater entering the aquifer was found to be 2.2 ± 0.5 m3 d−1 (undiluted wastewater). It corresponds to approximately 0.4% of the total amount of wastewater within the spring catchment.  相似文献   

张婷 《中国园林》2006,22(12):42-42
2006年11月4日,由新华社瞭望周刊社、清华大学建筑学院和易道环境规划设计公司共同主办的规划论坛——“改变与演变:城市的再生与发展”在清华大学美术学院报告厅举行。来自美国波士顿、英国曼彻斯特及北京、上海、天津、南京、杭州、深圳和厦门的规划专家、学者出席了会议。约  相似文献   

传统的护坡在河道的行洪、排涝、堤防以及水土保持等方面做出了成绩,但我们却忽略了它对生态环境产生不利影响。随着环保意识逐渐加强,生态护坡技术理念应运而生。生态护坡不但具有传统护坡的功效,而且融合了河道的景观、文化和生态多个方面的内涵,共同营造出和谐的生态水利环境,从而实现人与自然的和谐相处。阐述了传统河道整治中护坡形式,介绍了生态护坡技术的发展情况,简述了生态护坡的机理与类型,最后提出了建立合理有效的综合评价指标体系、进行传统护坡生态化改造方案研究的两点建议。  相似文献   

论述了我国城市河流生态景观的建设现状,提出了我国城市河流生态景观设计的原则,结合具体工程实例,介绍了河流生态设计的运用,以保护和恢复河流的生态功能。  相似文献   

The study was designed to test the proposal that Escherichia coli specific bacteriophages might serve as universal faecal pollution indicators in water. A highly specific, sensitive and rapid technique for the detection and quantification of these virus particles was developed. The numerical relationship between E. coli and its parasitic phages was investigated in three different aqueous ecosystems such as sea water in the vicinity of sewage outfalls, river water contaminated by domestic and industrial sewage discharges, and estuarine waters, and found to be very close. In addition, the results obtained indicate that the coliphages are good indicators of the presence of the pathogenic microorganisms studied. In nearly all the water samples tested, the results suggest that coliphages are better indicators of faecal pollution than the classical indicator systems currently employed.  相似文献   

马哲 《山西建筑》2016,(6):191-192
从河道水环境存在的主要问题入手,根据城市河道的治理原则,分析了当前城市河道治理的技术现状,并从整治规划、雨污分流处理、一体化管理等方面,提出了水环境生态治理的相关对策,从而改善河道水质,促进城市水环境的良性发展。  相似文献   

简要分析了水利工程建设对自然生态环境带来的影响,阐述了生态水利工程建设过程中的设计原则,并介绍了利用生态水利对河道进行治理的方案,以实现对水资源合理有效的利用。  相似文献   

通过晋江市河流生态环境所存在的问题和成因分析,结合当前晋江市河道建设中存在的已改建、部分改建、自然状态的三种实际情况,提出了"分河段、分阶段"的生态修复对策和建议,以改善河流生态环境,最终实现河流的生态修复,为今后城市河流生态修复建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

To facilitate the practice improvement by use of simulation tools in construction, the present research generalizes the main characteristics that differentiate a construction system from a manufacturing system in light of simulation modeling. The PROMODEL simulation platform which is influential and popular in manufacturing is chosen for (1) validating the newly developed construction simulation platform called SDESA (the Simplified Discrete-Event Simulation Approach); and (2) identifying the differences between manufacturing and construction simulations by applying PROMODEL alongside SDESA to typical construction systems. In modeling a simple earth-moving operation and a real site operation integrating concreting and waste handling practices, the validity of SDESA is cross checked by the established PROMODEL and SDESA is found to be more flexible and straightforward in addressing construction systems in terms of (1) representing vehicle-loop work flows, (2) modeling resource transit times between various locations on site, (3) deriving resource utilization rates, and (4) learning efforts and application time requirements. The comparisons made can be taken as guidance for helping construction practitioners (1) to distinguish the modeling needs between construction and manufacturing simulations and (2) to select the suitable simulation tools for practice improvement.  相似文献   

Pesticides are used intensively for crop protection in tropical fruit plantations. Assessments of the relative risks posed by pesticides are needed to assist in the development of management plans that minimize ecological impacts. In this study, the risk indicator SYNOPS_2 was used to compare risks to aquatic ecosystems by pesticides commonly used in papaya plantations. Plant interception and spray drift were measured during six applications of three pesticides (chlorothalonil, chloropyrifos, and malathion) using a turbo fan driven sprayer. Plant interception was estimated to be higher (42.6+/-12.7%; p=0.04) in late (8-14 months old) than in early (4 months old) trees (20.1+/-25.3%). Chlorothalonil concentrations of up to 11.0 microg L(-1) were found in water from an adjacent ditch after field application. Concentrations of this pesticide (7.4+/-4.1 microg L(-1)) in runoff water were also significantly (p<0.01) higher than those of malathion (2.4+/-1.9 microg L(-1)) and chlorpyrifos (0.8+/-0.5 microg L(-1)). Good correlation between measured and predicted values (r2=0.56-0.85, p<0.01) showed that SYNOPS_2 is able to describe trends in runoff pollution in papaya plantations. Linear equations were obtained in order to correct numerical disagreement between measured and calculated runoff concentrations. An independent test showed a reasonable agreement between measured chlorothalonil concentrations and the predicted values using the proposed equations. Fifteen pesticides used in papaya cultivation were ranked according to their calculated chronic biological risk index. Pesticides with the highest risk index for non-target organisms were: chlorothalonil for algae, lambda cyahalotrin for Daphnia and fish, and malathion for earthworms. Chlorothalonil was the pesticide with the highest exposure level in water and therefore represents a high risk for aquatic life. Results show that SYNOPS_2 can be used as a pesticide risk indicator on papaya and possibly other tropical fruit plantations.  相似文献   

Most hydrogeological research includes some sort of statistical study, which is generally conducted on the raw measures of chemical variables, though there are several theoretical and practical studies warning against this practice. Arguments refer mainly to the positive character of this type of data, and to the fact that they carry only information about the relative abundance of each component on the whole, what makes techniques based on correlation, like the widely used Principal Component Analysis (PCA), loose their meaning. The solution proposed by Aitchison (1982, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 44(2), 139-177)-based on working with log-ratios of observations-is equivalent to define a new distance between compositions and to adapt usual statistical techniques to it. To illustrate its effect, our study compares the performance of the biplot-a PCA graphical technique-according to the usual Euclidean and to the Aitchison distance. The study is conducted on a set of 14 molarities measured monthly through the years 1997-1999 at 30 different stations along the Llobregat River and its tributaries (Barcelona, NE Spain). Ordinary analysis, implicitly based on an Euclidean distance, presents some deficiencies, mainly because it only captures major ion variations and the inferred relationship between them actually depends on other non-relevant variables, such as water mass. An analysis based on compositional distances captures variations of all the ions; it is robust against the inclusion of non-relevant variables in the analysis; and it offers a way to build factors expressed as equilibrium equations. In our case, two promising factors are extracted, showing the different anthropogenic and geological pollution sources of the rivers.  相似文献   

This paper presents thoughts about a different form of air quality management that focuses on long-term personal exposure of individuals and goes beyond the traditional system of air quality standards. The exposure-based approach is a customer-oriented methodology with the aim of individually lowering the personal intake of chronically acting air pollutants and hence improve human health conditions more directly.  相似文献   

结合国内外高性能混凝土耐久性研究的现状,在近年来基于氨离子渗透的高性能混凝土耐久性预测模型,分析了将抗氯离子渗透性作为评价高性能混凝土耐久性的综合指标的可行性和必要性,对于制定高性能混凝土的耐久性设计规范具有参考意义。  相似文献   

For construction stakeholders to fully embrace sustainability, its long-term benefits and associated risks need to be identified through holistic approaches. Consensus among key stakeholders is very important to the improvement of the ecological performance of industrialized building systems (IBS), a building construction method gaining momentum in Malaysia. A questionnaire survey examines the relative significance of 16 potentially important sustainability factors for IBS applications. To present possible solutions, semi-structured interviews solicit views from experienced IBS practitioners, representing the professions involved. Three most critical factors agreed by key stakeholders are material consumption, waste generation and waste disposal. Using SWOT analysis, the positive and negative aspects of these factors are investigated, with action plans formulated for IBS design practitioners. The SWOT analysis based guidelines have the potential to become part of IBS design briefing documents against which sustainability solutions are contemplated, selected and implemented. Existing knowledge on ecological performance issues is extended by considering the unique characteristics of IBS and identifying not only the benefits, but also the potential risks and challenges of pursuing sustainability. This is largely missing in previous research efforts. Findings to date focus on providing much-needed assistance to IBS designers, who are at the forefront of decision-making with a significant level of project influence. Ongoing work will be directed towards other project development phases and consider the inherent linkage between design decisions and subsequent sustainability deliverables in the project life cycle.  相似文献   

以许昌市清潩河生态河道的治理工程为例,采用了以再生骨料为原料的再生砌块及再生护坡砖,解决了建筑垃圾所带来的环境污染,且两种再生护坡材料所具有的特殊的微观结构,形成了挡而不隔的连续水体,促进了河流的水体交换,改善了清潩河的水生态环境,取得了良好的生态、经济、社会效益,也为今后的生态河道治理提供了新的探索道路。  相似文献   

A detailed knowledge on decay or inactivation kinetics of faecal indicator microorganism in rivers is essential for control of bathing water quality. Both reliable inactivation rate coefficients for such kinetics and the knowledge on pathogen accumulation in benthic biofilms are needed for the assessment of river self purification capability and for being able to make decisions for an optimized water management. Therefore, the inactivation kinetics for main indicator microorganisms like faecal coliforms and intestinal Enterococci in water and on stones of the river Isar (Germany) were measured at artificial sunlight radiation. A flume was built, containing Isar water and sediment. By adding a pulse of pre-treated sewage water, the subsequently change of indicator bacteria levels in the bulk and biofilm phase is measured. Bacterial inactivation was mainly dependent on sunlight intensity. Mean inactivation rate coefficients in the experimental set up with river water obtained for a radiation intensity comparable to average midday sunlight in June in 50 degrees north latitude (I((290-390nm))=40.0W/m(2)) were found to be 21.4d(-1) for faecal coliforms and 20.0d(-1) for intestinal Enterococci. For a radiation intensity conform with the annual mean radiation in Germany (I((290-390nm))=8.0W/m(2)) inactivation rate coefficients were 12.7d(-1) for faecal coliforms and 9.3d(-1) for intestinal Enterococci. A measurement without direct artificial sunlight (I((290-390nm))=0.08W/m(2)) yields inactivation rate coefficients of 3.4d(-1) for faecal coliforms and 1.7d(-1) for intestinal Enterococci, which were similar to those found in wastewater treatment ponds. Due to re-growth and better environmental conditions the concentrations of faecal coliforms and intestinal Enterococci within the biofilm were 10(2) to 10(4) fold higher compared to the bulk water depending on the exposure time.  相似文献   

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