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Although silane treatment has been studied as a simple and powerful tool to modify the surface of silica particle, there are still several difficulties in terms of controlling surface functionality and size of nanoparticles. Here we develop a growing method to overcome above drawback. The method was processed by continuously injecting precursor using syringe pump. According to the continuous injection, the concentration of precursors in media are properly controlled, and then the continuous injection of precursor promotes the growth of silica particles. When the functional silanes (silane coupling agents) are used, the method can control the amount of surficial functional groups on the silica particle, and can adjust diameter of the particle simultaneously. Furthermore, well-controlled functional silica particles made by growing method are used for catalytic reaction, Knoevenagel reaction, as a solid state catalyst.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing (AM) has attracted much attention worldwide in various applications due to its convenience and flexibility to rapidly fabricate products, which is a key advantage compared to the traditional subtractive manufacturing. This discrete element method (DEM) study focusses on the impact of particle polydispersity during the particle spreading process on parameters that affect the quality of the final product, like packing and bed surface roughness. The particle systems include four lognormal particle size distribution (PSD) widths, which are benchmarked against the monodisperse system with the same mean particle diameter. The results reveal that: (i) the solid volume fraction of the initial packed particle bed in the delivery chamber increases then plateaus as the PSD width increases; (ii) regardless of PSD width, the solid volume fraction of the particle bed increases with spreading layer height before compression, but decreases with layer height after compression; (iii) the bed surface roughness increases with PSD width or layer height both before and after the compression of the spreading layer; (iv) the extent of increase in solid volume fraction during compression is correlated with the extent of decrease in bed surface roughness; and (v) the broader PSDs exhibit larger fluctuations of solid volume fraction of the particle bed and bed surface roughness due to greater variability in the arrangement of particles of different sizes. The results here have important implications on the design and operation of particle-based AM systems.  相似文献   


Three electrical elements (i.e., resistance, capacitance, and relaxation frequency) of electrical double layer (EDL) formed around particles have been extracted by a measuring–fitting combination for a novel noninvasive online measurement technique of particle size and concentration in a liquid–particle mixture. The measuring–fitting combination means measuring the impedances with electrical-impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method, and fitting the equivalent circuit with Levenberg–Marquardt method. The liquid–particle mixture in the impedance measurement is made of sodium chloride solution and stainless particles; the equivalent circuit is established corresponding to the contents in the liquid–particle mixture. As a result, the influence of the particle size and concentration on the electrical elements in the EDL which are the resistance, capacitance, and relaxation frequency in the EDL are clarified and discussed. This method is useful for determination of the particle size and concentration in liquid–particle mixture.  相似文献   

磁粉表面改性及粒度对注射成形粘结NdFeB磁体性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
注射成形粘结NdFeB磁体满足了市场时磁体小型化、轻型化及高性能化的要求,因而有着广泛的应用前景。本文研究了磁粉特性对注射成形粘结磁体性能的影响,结果表明:采用硅烷对磁粉进行表面改性,能有效提高NdFeB磁粉的抗氧化性及相应粘结磁体的磁学及力学性能;同时NdFeB磁粉粒径太粗太细均不利于磁体性能的提高 其最佳粒径范围是60~100μm。  相似文献   

硅溶胶中二氧化硅粒径及比表面积测定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
硅溶胶中二氧化硅粒度大小与尺寸分布对其性能有重大影响,为此提出了二氧化硅粒径与比表面积应成为交的重要性能指标,并对二氧化硅粒径比表面积的测定方法做了讨论。  相似文献   


The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of spark plasma sintering consolidated SiCp/Al composites with various size distributions was investigated with the combination of experimental measurements and modelling analyses. The CTE of the composites decreased with increasing particle volume fraction, and large particles played a major role in the decline of CTE. The measured CTE lay between the predictions of Kerner model and Schapery lower bound, but the possible formation of percolating particle network and the influence of matrix plasticisation led to the slight deviation of the experimental values from model predictions. A CTE peak appeared for all the composites with increasing temperature to about 250–300°C due to the action of matrix plasticisation filling the microvoids in the composites. The composites with mixed particles of substantially different sizes were prone to concentrate thermal stresses on large particles, which induced an early appearance of matrix plastic deformation that can result in a comparably low CTE peak temperature.  相似文献   

Experiments on the growth of mixed rare earth (didymium—a combination of La, Nd, Pr and Sm) molybdates in silica gel medium are reported. The optimum conditions conducive for the growth of these crystals are described and discussed. Concentration programming is reported to enhance the size of crystals by two-fold; the maximum size obtained being about 1 mm3. EDAX results suggest the crystals to be heptamolybdates of type R2Mo7O24, bearing composition La1.23Nd0.43Pr0.29 Sm0.05Mo7024. The didymium molybdate crystals assume morphologies corresponding to those of spherulites, platelets, cuboids and coalesced crystals. Twinned structure in didymium molybdate crystals are also reported. It is explained that spherulitic morphologies result from aggregates of crystals joining in a spherical envelope. It is suggested that the crystals of didymium molybdates grow by two-dimensional spreading and piling up of layers.  相似文献   

The in vivo biodistribution and urinary excretion of spherical mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) are evaluated by tail-vein injection in ICR mice, and the effects of the particle size and PEGylation are investigated. The results indicate that both MSNs and PEGylated MSNs of different particle sizes (80-360 nm) distribute mainly in the liver and spleen, a minority of them in the lungs, and a few in the kidney and heart. The PEGylated MSNs of smaller particle size escape more easily from capture by liver, spleen, and lung tissues, possess longer blood-circulation lifetime, and are more slowly biodegraded and correspondingly have a lower excreted amount of degradation products in the urine. Neither MSNs nor PEGylated MSNs cause tissue toxicity after 1 month in vivo.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on how crushed concrete aggregate fines affect rheological properties of cement paste. The fines (≤250 μm) were produced by high-speed vertical shaft impact (VSI) crushing of rock types from 10 different quarries representing a wide range of local Norwegian geological variety with respect to rocks of different mineralogy and mechanical properties (mono- and multimineralic igneous (intrusive and extrusive), metamorphic and sedimentary rocks). The results show that the rheological properties of cement paste are governed mainly by the specific surface of the fines calculated from SediGraph measurements, and their surface properties causing different interaction with the superplasticiser (SP) molecules, as detected by zeta potential measurements. The rheology of cement paste is proportional to the specific surface and can be controlled by both altering particle size distribution (PSD) and volume fraction of crushed fines. The effect depends on the SP dosage and total surface of the fines present in the mix. The effect of the shape of the VSI crushed fine particles is of less importance at constant PSD for the materials studied here, because VSI crushing effectively normalised the equi-dimensionality of the grains, i.e. created similar particle shapes.  相似文献   

Effect of powder particle size on green properties and stress wave   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the powder metallurgy (PM) industry, high velocity compaction (HVC) technique is a new way to obtain higher density parts. In this study, three reduced pure iron powders with different particle sizes were pressed by HYP35-2 High Velocity Compaction Machine. A computer controlled universal testing machine was used to measure the bending strength of the green body. The relationships among the particle size, the impact velocity, the green density, the stress wave, the bending strength and the radial springback were discussed. The results show that the powder of −200 mesh is the best option among the three powders for the HVC process. At the identical impact velocity, the green density for the powder of −200 mesh is higher than the other two types of powders, while the bending strength and the radial springback for the powder of −300 mesh is the highest. In addition, the stress waves exhibit similar, pulsed waveforms. As the impact velocity rises up, the duration of the first peak decreases gradually, while that of the stress wave increases slowly. The response time for the powder of −200 mesh is shorter than the other two types of powders.  相似文献   

已有研究在Terfenol-D颗粒粒径及粒度分布对树脂基磁致伸缩复合材料性能的影响规律上存在分歧。本文中以Terfenol-D为磁致伸缩颗粒,以不饱和聚酯树脂为基体,采用5 种窄分布颗粒(30~53μm、53~150μm、150~300μm、300~450μm、450~500μm)和1种宽分布颗粒(30~500μm)制备颗粒体积分数为20 %的磁致伸缩复合材料,并测试其动静态磁致伸缩系数、磁机械耦合系数、弹性模量及抗压强度等性能参数。在窄分布颗粒制备的试样中,以53~150μm制备的复合材料的磁致伸缩性能最佳;而采用宽分布颗粒制备的试样其性能优于窄分布颗粒制备的试样。该结果表明,增大颗粒粒径同时具有积极作用与消极作用, 其对复合材料磁致伸缩性能的影响取决于哪一个居主导地位。   相似文献   

Using nanoparticles to impart extrinsic rippling in graphene is a relatively new method to induce strain and to tailor the properties of graphene. Here, we study the structure and elastic properties of graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition and transferred onto a continuous layer of SiO2 nanoparticles with diameters of around 25 nm, prepared by Langmuir–Blodgett technique on Si substrate. We show that the transferred graphene follows only roughly the morphology induced by nanoparticles. The graphene membrane parts bridging the nanoparticles are suspended and their adhesion to the atomic force microscope tip is larger compared to that of supported graphene parts. These suspended graphene regions can be deformed with forces of the order of 10 nN. The elastic modulus of graphene was determined from indentation measurements performed on suspended membrane regions with diameters in the 100 nm range.  相似文献   

含纳米颗粒V2O5溶胶凝胶的制备技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以片状工业V2 O5晶体为原料 ,采用无机途径的溶胶 -凝胶法成功地制取了V2 O5溶胶和凝胶。测试了V2 O5溶胶中颗粒大小 ,并研究了其粘度和 pH值的变化。结果表明 :溶胶中V2 O5颗粒呈针状 ,其径向尺寸为 5 0~ 60nm ;当V2 O5溶胶浓度在 2 0 g/L以上时极易形成凝胶 ,其粘度随放置时间增大较快 ,约 10天以后即失去流动性 ,其 pH值也同时发生类似的变化  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a Galerkin‐based smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) formulation with moving least‐squares meshless approximation, applied to free surface flows. The Galerkin scheme provides a clear framework to analyse several procedures widely used in the classical SPH literature, suggesting that some of them should be reformulated in order to develop consistent algorithms. The performance of the methodology proposed is tested through various dynamic simulations, demonstrating the attractive ability of particle methods to handle severe distortions and complex phenomena. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, the effect of SiC particle size and its amount on both physical and mechanical properties of Al matrix composite were investigated. SiC of particle size 70 nm, 10 μm and 40 μm, and Al powder of particle size 60 μm were used. Composites of Al with 5 and 10 wt.% SiC were fabricated by powder metallurgy technique followed by hot extrusion. Phase composition and microstructure were characterized. Relative density, thermal conductivity, hardness and compression strength were studied. The results showed that the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicated that the dominant components were Al and SiC. Densification and thermal conductivity of the composites decreased with increasing the amount of SiC and increased with increasing SiC particle size. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies showed that the distribution of the reinforced particle was uniform. Increasing the amount of SiC leads to higher hardness and consequently improves the compressive strength of Al–SiC composite. Moreover, as the SiC particle size decreases, hardness and compressive strength increase. The use of fine SiC particles has a similar effect on both hardness and compressive strength.  相似文献   

Ammonium hydrogen tartrate single crystals have been prepared by the reaction of NH4Cl and tartaric acid in silica gel. The morphology of some as-grown symmetrical crystals has been studied by optical microscopy. The growth morphology studies indicate that the grown crystals are needle-shaped, orthorhombic disphenoidal and tetrahedral disphenoidal. The growth mechanism has been assessed.  相似文献   

The fluidization of quartz in the fluidized bed has great influence on the combustion and gasification of refuse-derived fuel (RDF). The combined computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM) approach was used to explore the gas-solid hydrodynamics and mixing characteristics in a three-dimensional fluidized bed. All numerical analyses were performed referring to the experiments (Goldschmidt, Beetstra, and Kuipers 2004 Goldschmidt, M. J. V., R. Beetstra, and J. A. M. Kuipers. 2004. Hydrodynamic modelling of dense gas-fluidised beds: Comparison and validation of 3D discrete particle and continuum models. Powder Technology 142 (1):2347. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2004.02.020[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The simulation results indicated that the quartz volume fraction agrees well with the experimental data. Furthermore, the cylinder-shaped RDF particles can mix well with the quartz particles as they were added from upside. For binary systems, it is necessary to investigate solid flow characteristics as well as pressure drops and examine the influence of superficial gas velocity on the solid mixing. Two main parameters are discussed: mixing degree and the time required to reach the steady state. It is also found that inlet gas velocity and particle properties (particle density ratio, shape and size) are significant factors on particle mixing in a fluidized bed.  相似文献   

Objective of this study was the investigation of measurement techniques to determine the quality of the dispersion process of nanoparticles in polymer composites. In order to prepare the matrix suspension, alumina nanoparticles were dispersed applying shear mixing techniques in a high performance laboratory kneader. The product quality in liquid state was determined by means of dynamic light scattering (DLS) and centrifugal sedimentation analysis (CSA). However, particle measurements in carrier fluids like epoxy resin are complex and challenging. Measuring values like particle size distribution and grade of homogeneousness are strongly influenced by the sample preparation and adjustments of the measuring device. Within this study the machine settings and the formulation was analysed systematically. Hereby an identification of the key parameters and an optimisation of the measuring process were possible. Additionally, the composite was cured and analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Finally all measuring techniques were evaluated and compared among each other. Thus, DLS is the fastest method to measure spherically particles in the liquid matrix, CSA allows a certain deviation from the spherical shape and SEM gives a qualitative impression of the final particle size in cured composite condition.  相似文献   

以稻壳纤维(Rice husk fiber,RHF)为增强材料,以水泥为基体,制备了RHF/水泥基复合材料。研究了粒径对RHF在水泥基体中分散性能的影响;并以RHF粒径和掺入质量比为考察因素,采用响应曲面法,以RHF/水泥基复合材料的密度、抗折强度、含水率、吸水率和导热系数为响应值,建立数学模型,对RHF/水泥基复合材料的成型工艺进行优化设计。结果表明:RHF的粒径越小,在水泥基体中分散性能越好,粒径为150 μm的RHF分散系数达到最大值,为0.981;响应曲面模型分析表明RHF的粒径为150 μm、掺入质量为水泥质量的3%时,RHF/水泥基复合材料的性能达到最优,此时RHF/水泥基复合材料的密度为1 559.26 kg/m3,抗折强度为9.38 MPa,含水率为7.05%,吸水率为16.71%,导热系数为0.50 W/(m·K),达到了建筑行业标准JC/T 411-2007的要求。  相似文献   

In this present work, amorphous silica is synthesized by simple solution method using sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) as raw material. The synthesized silica is dispersed in various dispersing agent obtained from local paint industry and used for painting application. XRD analysis revealed the existence of amorphous silica with a peak at 2θ value of 23° and the SEM analysis exemplified silica nanoparticles demonstrating spherical morphology with agglomeration. Different dispersing agents (as indicated by the codes given by paint industry) were used for the dispersion of SiO2 by beads milling process and its effects were studied. Among the several dispersing agents used amorphous silica dispersed in SND 504 (Sodium salt of polymeric carboxylic acid with water) dispersing agent exhibit better dispersion compared to the other dispersing agents. Further, 10 wt% of SND 504 dispersing agent was optimized with the particle size to 384 nm and zeta potential value of −24.69 mV. The contact angle measurement of the dispersed silica reveals the superior hydrophobic behaviour of SiO2, especially with 10 wt% SND 504 dispersing agent. The critical surface tension of SiO2 with 10 wt% SND 504 dispersing agent reveal low value compared to other concentration of dispersant. Thus, the dispersed silica nanoparticles with enhanced hydrophobicity can be effectively used for painting applications as fillers. Silica dispersed in 10 wt% SND 504 dispersing agent show superior anti-bacterial activity compared to the bare silica which is also reported.  相似文献   

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