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This paper describes a microfluidic device, fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane), that is used for potentiometric titrations. This system generates step gradients of redox potentials in a series of microchannels. These potentials are probed by microelectrodes that are integrated into the chip; the measured potentials were used to produce a titration curve from which the end point of a reaction was measured.  相似文献   

This work describes the fabrication and evaluation of a poly(dimethyl)siloxane (PDMS)-based device that enables the discrete injection of a sample plug from a continuous-flow stream into a microchannel for subsequent analysis by electrophoresis. Devices were fabricated by aligning valving and flow channel layers followed by plasma sealing the combined layers onto a glass plate that contained fittings for the introduction of liquid sample and nitrogen gas. The design incorporates a reduced-volume pneumatic valve that actuates (on the order of hundreds of milliseconds) to allow analyte from a continuously flowing sampling channel to be injected into a separation channel for electrophoresis. The injector design was optimized to include a pushback channel to flush away stagnant sample associated with the injector dead volume. The effect of the valve actuation time, the pushback voltage, and the sampling stream flow rate on the performance of the device was characterized. Using the optimized design and an injection frequency of 0.64 Hz showed that the injection process is reproducible (RSD of 1.77%, n = 15). Concentration change experiments using fluorescein as the analyte showed that the device could achieve a lag time as small as 14 s. Finally, to demonstrate the potential uses of this device, the microchip was coupled to a microdialysis probe to monitor a concentration change and sample a fluorescein dye mixture.  相似文献   

A biomimetic model is described for the detection of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release from red blood cells (RBCs) as they traverse fused-silica tubing ranging in i.d. from 25 to 75 microm. A continuous flow system is employed to create stress on the RBCs once they have entered the microbore tubing. This stress induces release of RBC-derived ATP, which is known to stimulate nitric oxide production in endothelial cells, resulting in eventual dilation of arterial smooth muscle. In this study, the RBCs were subjected to variations in tubing length and inside diameter. In a 25-microm-i.d. tube, the amount of ATP released from the RBCs increased from 3.74 +/- 0.56 to 9.55 +/- 0.73 microM as the tubing length was increased from 35 to 100 cm. In addition, for a 100-cm-length tube, the amount of ATP released from the RBCs increased from 3.03 +/- 0.49 to 9.55 +/- 0.73 microM as the inside diameter of the tubing decreased from 75 to 25 microm. To demonstrate that the erythrocytes were not being lysed inside the fused-silica tubing, dog RBCs, which are known to contain amounts of ATP similar to those of rabbit but do not release that ATP under physiological conditions, were investigated. It was determined that the dog RBCs released < 1 microM of ATP when passed through tubing with a 25-microm i.d. and a length of 100 cm.  相似文献   

Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) has become one of the most widely used materials for microchip capillary electrophoresis and microfluidics. The popularity of this material is the result of its low cost, simple fabrication, and rugged elastomeric properties. The hydrophobic nature of PDMS, however, limits its applicability for microchip CE, microfluidic patterning, and other nonelectrophoresis applications. The surface of PDMS can be made hydrophilic using a simple air plasma treatment; however, this property is quickly lost through hydrophobic recovery caused by diffusion of unreacted oligomer to the surface. Here, a simple approach for the generation of hydrophilic PDMS with long-term stability in air is presented. PDMS is rendered hydrophilic through a simple two-step extraction/oxidation process. First, PDMS is extracted in a series of solvents designed to remove unreacted oligomers from the bulk phase. Second, the oligomer-free PDMS is oxidized in a simple air plasma, generating a stable layer of hydrophilic SiO2. The conversion of surface-bound siloxane to SiO2 was followed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. SiO2 on extracted-oxidized PDMS was stable for 7 days in air as compared to less than 3 h for native PDMS. Furthermore, the contact angle for modified PDMS was reduced to <40 degrees and remained low throughout the experiments. As a result of the decreased contact angle, capillary channels self-wet through capillary action, making the microchannels much easier to fill. Finally, the modification significantly improved the performance of the devices for microchip electrophoresis. The electroosmotic flow increased from 4.1 x 10(-4) to 6.8 x 10(-4) cm(2)/V.s for native compared to oxidized PDMS. Separation efficiencies for electrochemical detection also increased from 50 000 to 400 000 N/m for a 1.1-nL injection volume. The result of this modification is a significant improvement in the performance of PDMS for microchip electrophoresis and microfluidic applications.  相似文献   

Solvent compatibility of poly(dimethylsiloxane)-based microfluidic devices   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes the compatibility of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) with organic solvents; this compatibility is important in considering the potential of PDMS-based microfluidic devices in a number of applications, including that of microreactors for organic reactions. We considered three aspects of compatibility: the swelling of PDMS in a solvent, the partitioning of solutes between a solvent and PDMS, and the dissolution of PDMS oligomers in a solvent. Of these three parameters that determine the compatibility of PDMS with a solvent, the swelling of PDMS had the greatest influence. Experimental measurements of swelling were correlated with the solubility parameter, delta (cal(1/2) cm(-3/2)), which is based on the cohesive energy densities, c (cal/cm(3)), of the materials. Solvents that swelled PDMS the least included water, nitromethane, dimethyl sulfoxide, ethylene glycol, perfluorotributylamine, perfluorodecalin, acetonitrile, and propylene carbonate; solvents that swelled PDMS the most were diisopropylamine, triethylamine, pentane, and xylenes. Highly swelling solvents were useful for extracting contaminants from bulk PDMS and for changing the surface properties of PDMS. The feasibility of performing organic reactions in PDMS was demonstrated by performing a Diels-Alder reaction in a microchannel.  相似文献   

Chemiluminescence (CL) detection integrated with a microchip capillary electrophoresis (MCE) system that was fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane) was demonstrated for chemical and biochemical analyses. Two model CL systems were involved here: metal ion-catalyzed luminol-peroxide reaction and dansyl species conjugated peroxalate-peroxide reaction. Different strategies based on three chip patterns (cross, cross combining with Y, and cross combining with V) to perform on-line CL detection for MCE were evaluated and compared in terms of sensitivity, reproducibility, and peak symmetry. The chip pattern of cross combining with Y proved to be promising for the luminol-peroxide CL system, while the chip pattern of cross combining with V was preferred for the peroxalate-peroxide system where CL reagent could not be effectively transported by electroosmotic flow. A detection limit down to submicromolar concentrations (midattomole) was achieved with good reproducibility and symmetric peak shape. Successful separation of three metal cations such as Cr(III), Co(II), and Cu(II) and chiral recognition of dansyl phenylalanine enantiomers within 1 min revealed distinct advantages of combining MCE with CL detection for rapid and sensitive analyses.  相似文献   

Intracellular nitric oxide (NO) production in a microfluidic endothelium is detected using fluorescence microscopy. Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (bPAECs) were loaded with the fluorescence probe diaminodifluorofluorescein diacetate (DAF-FM DA), and the subsequent fluorescent DAF-FM DA/NO adduct was measured. Solutions of bradykinin, a well-known stimulus of endothelium-derived NO, activated nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the immobilized bPAECs. This activation was inhibited using l-nitro arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a competitive inhibitor of NOS. Importantly, the NO production was also stimulated with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) using concentrations as low as 1 microM. Previous reports on stimulating NO production using an immobilized endothelium in microfluidic channels were limited by the requirement of ATP concentrations of at least 100 microM, a value that is not physiologically relevant. The ability to monitor NO production with ATP concentrations that are similar to in vivo levels of ATP in the microcirculation represents a major advance in the use of microfluidic technology as an in vitro model of the microcirculation.  相似文献   

Kim SJ  Song YA  Skipper PL  Han J 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(23):8011-8019
We developed a drop-on-demand microdroplet generator for the discrete dispensing of biosamples into a bioanalytical unit. This disposable PDMS microfluidic device can generate monodisperse droplets of picoliter volume directly out of a plane sidewall of the microfluidic chip by an electrohydrodynamic mechanism. The droplet generation was accomplished without using either an inserted capillary or a monolithically built-in tip. The minimum droplet volume was approximately 4 pL, and the droplet generation was repeatable and stable for at least 30 min, with a typical variation of less than 2.0% of drop size. The Taylor cone, which is usually observed in electrospray, was suppressed by controlling the surface wetting property of the PDMS device as well as the surface tension of the sample liquids. A modification of the channel geometry right before the opening of the microchannel also enhanced the continuous droplet generation without applying any external pumping. A simple numerical simulation of the droplet generation verified the importance of controlling the surface wetting conditions for the droplet formation. Our microdroplet generator can be effectively applied to a direct interface of a microfluidic chip to a biosensing unit, such as AMS, MALDI-MS or protein microarray-type biochips.  相似文献   

A microchip in poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) for in-line solid-phase extraction-capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SPE-CE-ESI-TOF-MS) has been developed and evaluated. The chip was fabricated in a novel one-step procedure where mixed PDMS was cast over steel wires in a mold. The removed wires defined 50-microm cylindrical channels. Fused-silica capillaries were inserted into the structure in a tight fit connection. The inner walls of the inserted fused-silica capillaries and the PDMS microchip channels were modified with a positively charged polymer, PolyE-323. The chip was fabricated in a two-level cross design. The channel at the lower level was packed with 5-microm hyper-cross-linked polystyrene beads acting as a SPE medium used for desalting. The upper level channel acted as a CE channel and ended in an integrated emitter tip coated with conducting graphite powder to facilitate the electrical contact for sheathless ESI. An overpressure continuously provided fresh CE electrolyte independently of the flows in the different levels. Further studies were carried out in order to investigate the electrophoretic and flow rate properties of the chip. Finally, six-peptide mixtures, in different concentrations, dissolved in physiological salt solution was injected, desalted, separated, and sprayed into the mass spectrometer for analysis with a limit of detection in femtomole levels.  相似文献   

Yan J  Yang X  Wang E 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(16):5385-5388
An easy but effective technique is described here for quick fabrication of low-cost electrochemiluminescence detection cells for capillary electrophoresis. The technique is based on molding of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) with a capillary column inserted into a pipet tip. Two access holes are left in the PDMS slab; they provide neat accommodations for the separation capillary and the working electrode made with the same type of tip. Since the access holes are well-aligned, the electrode and the capillary are automatically aligned; thus, end-column detection is easily obtained. Fabrication of the detection cell is straightforward; no micromechanical operation is included. Also the principle for the procedure makes it possible to efficiently batch production detection cells with good reproducibility. Because of the end-column scheme, the cell can be adopted for electrophoresis with electrochemical detection as well.  相似文献   

Sui G  Wang J  Lee CC  Lu W  Lee SP  Leyton JV  Wu AM  Tseng HR 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(15):5543-5551
An improved approach composed of an oxidation reaction in acidic H2O2 solution and a sequential silanization reaction using neat silane reagents for surface modification of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) substrates was developed. This solution-phase approach is simple and convenient for some routine analytical applications in chemistry and biology laboratories and is designed for intact PDMS-based microfluidic devices, with no device postassembly required. Using this improved approach, two different functional groups, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and amine (NH2), were introduced onto PDMS surfaces for passivation of nonspecific protein absorption and attachment of biomolecules, respectively. X-ray electron spectroscopy and temporal contact angle experiments were employed to monitor functional group transformation and dynamic characteristics of the PEG-grafted PDMS substrates; fluorescent protein solutions were introduced into the PEG-grafted PDMS microchannels to test their protein repelling characteristics. These analytical data indicate that the PEG-grafted PDMS surfaces exhibit improved short-term surface dynamics and robust long-term stability. The amino-grafted PDMS microchannels are also relatively stable and can be further activated for modifications with peptide, DNA, and protein on the surfaces of microfluidic channels. The resulting biomolecule-grafted PDMS microchannels can be utilized for cell immobilization and incubation, semiquantitative DNA hybridization, and immunoassay.  相似文献   

Luo Y  Huang B  Wu H  Zare RN 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(13):4588-4592
The electroosmotic flow (EOF) in a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) separation channel can be altered and controlled by adding a carboxylic acid to the prepolymer prior to curing. When the prepolymer is doped with 0.5 wt % undecylenic acid (UDA), the electroosmotic mobility in a modified PDMS channel rises to (7.6 +/- 0.2) x 10(-4) cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) (in HEPES buffer at pH 8.5), which is nearly twice that in the native PDMS channel. Because this modification does not significantly change the hydrophobicity of the PDMS surface, it is possible to combine the modified PDMS with a dynamic coating of n-dodecyl beta-d-maltoside (DDM), which prevents protein sticking (see Huang, B.; Wu, H. K.; Kim, S.; Zare, R. N. Lab Chip 2005, 5, 1005-1007). The modified PDMS channel with a dynamic coating of DDM generates an electroosmotic mobility of (5.01 +/- 0.09) x 10(-4) cm(2) V(-1) s(-1), which shows excellent reproducibility both in successive runs and during storage in water. Combining this surface modification and the dynamic coating of DDM is an effective means for both providing stable EOF in the PDMS channels and preventing protein adsorption on the channel walls. To demonstrate these effects, we show that the electrophoretic separation of immunocomplexes in free solution can be readily accomplished in a microfluidic chip made of UDA-doped (0.5 wt %) PDMS with a dynamic coating of DDM.  相似文献   

This paper reports the application of ampholyte-based isoelectric focusing in poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) using methylcellulose (MC) to reduce electroosmosis and peak drift. Although the characteristics of PDMS make it possible to fabricate microfluidic chips using soft lithography, unstable electroosmotic flow (EOF) and cathodic drift are significant problems when this medium is used. This paper demonstrates that EOF is greatly reduced in PDMS by applying a dynamic coat of MC to the channel walls and that higher concentrations of MC can be used to increase the viscosity of the electrode solutions in order to suppress pH gradient drift and reduce "compression"of the pH gradient. To illustrate the effect of MC on performance, several fluorescent proteins were focused in microchip channels 5 microm deep by 300 microm wide by 2 cm long in 3-10 min using broad-range ampholytes at electric field strengths ranging from 25 to 100 V/cm.  相似文献   

The physical and mechanical properties of polyepoxy DGEBA /DDA/Diuron networks toughened with Poly(dimethylsiloxane) particles have been studied. Blends have been realized with two kinds of dispersion tools: a high-speed stirrer and a twin-screw extruder. The dispersion state quality is discussed using transmission spectroscopy image analysis. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) suspension in an epoxy prepolymer was used as a toughening agent. Different particle quantities were introduced: 4, 8, 15% by weight. Static mechanical tests were performed in tension and compression on these poly(dimethylsiloxane) modified materials. A slight decrease of Young's modulus and an increase in plastic deformation capacity were noticed as the volume fraction of the modifier increased. Using linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), an improvement in the fracture properties (KIC, GIC) was shown. Fatigue crack growth propagation studied for the blends demonstrated that the Paris law can be used to describe the behavior of the materials. Increasing the volume fraction of the modifier leads to an improvement of fatigue crack propagation resistance. Finally a decrease in the wear rate and the friction coefficient with the increase of particle quantities has been shown (in a pin on disk configuration). Toughening mechanisms are discussed with SEM fracture surfaces. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The fabrication and evaluation of a palladium decoupler and working electrode for microchip capillary electrophoresis (CE) with electrochemical detection is described. The use of the Pd decoupler allows the working electrode to be placed directly in the separation channel and eliminates the band-broadening characteristic of the end-channel configuration. The method used for fabrication of the decoupler and working electrode was based on thin-layer deposition of titanium followed by palladium onto a glass substrate. When employed as the cathode in CE, palladium absorbs the hydrogen gas that is generated by the hydrolysis of water. The effect of the decoupler size on the ability to remove hydrogen was evaluated with regard to reproducibility and longevity. Using boric acid and TES buffer systems, 500 microm was determined to be the optimum decoupler size, with effective voltage isolation lasting for approximately 6 h at a constant field strength of 600 V/cm. The effect of distance between the decoupler and working electrode on noise and resolution for the separation of dopamine and epinephrine was also investigated. It was found that 250 microm was the optimum spacing between the decoupler and working electrode. At this spacing, laser-induced fluorescence detection at various points around the decoupler established that the band broadening due to pressure-induced flow that occurs after the decoupler did not significantly affect the separation efficiency of fluorescein. Limits of detection, sensitivity, and linearity for dopamine (500 nM, 3.5 pA/microM, r(2) = 0.9996) and epinephrine (2.1 microM, 2.6 pA/microM, r(2) = 0.9996) were obtained using the palladium decoupler in combination with a Pd working electrode.  相似文献   

Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) appeared recently as a material of choice for rapid and accurate replication of polymer-based microfluidic networks. However, due to its hydrophobicity, the surface strongly interacts with apolar analytes or species containing apolar domains, resulting in significant uncontrolled adsorption on channel walls. This contribution describes the application and characterization of a PDMS surface treatment that considerably decreases adsorption of low and high molecular mass substances to channel walls while maintaining a modest cathodic electroosmotic flow. Channels are modified with a three-layer biotin-neutravidin sandwich coating, made of biotinylated IgG, neutravidin, and biotinylated dextran. By replacing biotinylated dextran with any biotinylated reagent, the modified surface can be readily patterned with biochemical probes, such as antibodies. Combination of probe immobilization chemistry with low nonspecific binding enables affinity binding assays within channel networks. The example of an electrokinetic driven, heterogeneous immunoreaction for human IgG is described.  相似文献   

In order to make the judicious use of pesticide/fungicide and to maintain the environment and ecosystem we have developed the starch and poly(methacrylic acid)-based agrochemical delivery system for their controlled and sustained release. The delivery device was prepared by using N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide (N,N'-MBAAm) as crosslinker and was characterized with FTIR, TGA and with swelling studies as a function of time and crosslinker concentration. This article discusses the swelling kinetics of polymer matrix and release dynamics of thiram (fungicide) from hydrogels for the evaluation of the diffusion mechanism and diffusion coefficients. The values of the diffusion exponent 'n' for both cases, that is the swelling of hydrogels and for the release of thiram from the hydrogels have been observed between 0.7 and 0.9 when the concentration of the crosslinker in the polymers were varied from 6.49x10(-3) to 32.43x10(-3) moles/L. It is inferred from the values of the 'n' that Non-Fickian diffusion mechanism has occurred in both the cases.  相似文献   

Xiao D  Le TV  Wirth MJ 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(7):2055-2061
The electrophoresis of proteins was investigated using poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) microfluidic chips whose surfaces were modified with polyacrylamide through atom-transfer radical polymerization. PDMS microchips were made using a glass replica to mold channels 10 microm high and 30 microm wide, with a T-intersection. The surface modification of the channels involved surface oxidation, followed by the formation of a self-assembled monolayer of benzyl chloride initiators, and then atom-transfer radical polymerization to grow a thin layer of covalently bonded polyacrylamide. The channels filled spontaneously with aqueous buffer due to the hydrophilicity of the coating. The resistance to protein adsorption was studied by open-channel electrophoresis for bovine serum albumin labeled with fluorophor. A plate height of 30 microm, corresponding to an efficiency of 33 000 plates/m, was obtained for field strengths from 18 to 889 V/cm. The lack of dependence of plate height on field strength indicates that there is no detectable contribution to broadening from adsorption. A 2- to 3-fold larger plate height was obtained for electrophoresis in a 50-cm polyacrylamide-coated silica capillary, and the shape of the electropherogram indicated the efficiency is limited by a distribution of species. The commercial capillary exhibited both reversible and irreversible adsorption of protein, whereas the PDMS microchip exhibited neither. A separation of lysozyme and cytochrome c in 35 s was demonstrated for the PDMS microchip.  相似文献   

A new photografting method to micropattern a covalent surface modification on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) provides advantages in simplicity and efficiency. To accomplish the entire process on the benchtop, the PDMS was initially treated with benzophenone dissolved in a water/acetone mixture. This process permitted limited diffusion of the photoinitiator into the PDMS surface. Polymerization of acrylic acid was initiated by exposure of the benzophenone-implanted PDMS to UV radiation through a photomask with a thin aqueous layer of acrylic acid sandwiched between the PDMS and photomask. This procedure resulted in patterned poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) on the PDMS surface. In the modified regions, PAA and PDMS formed an interpenetrating polymer network extending 50 microm into the PDMS with an X-Y spatial resolution of 5 microm. The carboxyl groups of the PAA graft could be derivatized to covalently bond other molecules to the patterned PAA. Two bioanalytical applications of this micropatterned surface were demonstrated: (1) a guide for cell attachment and growth and (2) a substrate for immunoassays. 3T3 cells were shown to selectively localize to modified surface regions where they could be cultured for up to 7 days. Additionally, the micropatterned surface was used to immobilize either protein A or antibody for heterogeneous immunoassays.  相似文献   

A poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) coated sapphire fiber has been investigated as a sensor for hydrocarbons (HCs) in the mid-infrared region around 3000 cm(-1). In order to optimize and predict sensor response, the diffusion behavior of the analytes into the PDMS preconcentration medium has been examined. A diffusion model based on Fickian diffusion was used to quantify diffusion. The model incorporated such factors as film thickness, refractive index of the polymer and the fiber core, and principal wavelength at which the analyte absorbs. A range of hydrocarbons, from hexane to pentadecane, was analyzed at 2930 cm(-1) using both fiber-coupled Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and a modular prototype system. Diffusion coefficients were determined for these compounds and diffusion behavior examined and related to factors such as analyte polarity and molecular size. The diffusion coefficients were found to range from 6.41 x 10(-11) 5 x 10(-12) to 5.25 x 10(-11) +/- 9 x 10(-13) cm2 s(-1) for hexane and pentadecane into a 2.9 microm PDMS film, respectively. The diffusion model was also used to examine the effect of changing system parameters such as film thickness in order to characterize sensor response.  相似文献   

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