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Narrow-band quantum counters with less than unit internal quantum efficiency are analyzed. The pump power dependent expressions for the transient and steady-state quantum efficiencies are derived. These quanties are discussed for "typical" trivalent and divalent rare-earth-doped insulator crystals, and the performance of two specific systems is presented. It is shown that to achieve high quantum efficiency in trivalent rare-earth-doped quantum counter systems, the pump source must be highly nonblackbody in spectral character, i.e., a laser, and resonant with the transition between the relevant excited states. Performance limiting factors for laser-pumped quantum counters are pointed out.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic measurements and analysis of diode laser-pumped operation of Tm,Ho:YAG at 2.1 μm at room temperature have been performed. The peak effective stimulated emission cross section is measured to be 9×10-21 cm2 at 2.091 μm and the upper state lifetime is 8.5 ms. Under diode laser pumping, thresholds of 4.4 mW of absorbed power and slope efficiency of 19% have been demonstrated. Calculations of threshold power are performed based on the spectroscopic measurements. An energy transfer upconversion process is identified which leads to a sublinear rise in upper-state population with pump power  相似文献   

The authors examine the influence of the light-shift effect on the frequency stability of a laser-pumped Rb gas cell standard for averaging time up to 104 s. The measured stability at the flicker floor is 7×10-14 for averaging times from 200 to 5000 s, providing that the laser frequency is properly set at the optical resonance frequency, and correcting for the variation of atmospheric pressure  相似文献   

脉冲钛宝石激光器时间特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方香云  王惠茹  周寿桓 《中国激光》1994,21(11):860-864
本文从四能级结构激光速率方程出发,对脉冲掺钛蓝宝石激光器的时间特性进行了理论研究。倍频调QUd:YAC激光器泵浦的掺钛蓝宝石激光器的输出脉宽和时间延时随泵浦能量、调谐波长和输出耦合率的变化而变化。所得的实验结果与理论结果相吻合。  相似文献   

Reports on the development of a mode-locked AlGaAs diode laser pumped Nd:YAG laser operating at 1.3 mu m. The laser produces pulses of 47 ps duration with a time-bandwidth product of 0.42, which is close to the limit for Gaussian pulses.<>  相似文献   

研究了Kerr透镜锁模钛宝石激光器中腔内群色散改变时脉冲的动态特性。实验研究了腔内群色散改变时输出脉冲的频谱、中心波长以及脉宽的变化规律;观测和解释了脉冲频谱的双峰结构;给出了脉冲宽度与腔内色散的具体关系式;获得了最短为14.6fs的自锁模脉冲  相似文献   

Cooling schemes for longitudinally diode laser-pumped Nd:YAG rods   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Longitudinal diode laser pumping causes pronounced inhomogeneous heating of the laser material. The effect of the thermal load on the mechanical and optical properties is significantly influenced by the method used for cooling the pumped surface. Four methods for longitudinally pumped Nd:YAG rods were compared experimentally and with finite-element (FE) analysis. The pumped surface exposed to air or to flowing water, a sapphire plate pressed onto the pumped surface and composite rods, having an undoped pumped end, were investigated. The comparison includes temperature and stress distributions with the emphasis on thermal lensing. Careful validation of the FE code with experiments allowed to numerically comparing the cooling methods under identical conditions  相似文献   

连续钛宝石激光器波长调谐特性及斜效率的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用四镜折叠驻波腔,以氩离子激光器的可见多谱线输出纵向激励,用国产钛宝石激光棒实现了连续激光运转。使用三套腔镜得到的波长调谐范围分别为680~760um、730~840um、970~1010nm,峰值波长约为780um。当输出透射率为11.76%、泵浦功率约10.0W时,获得780um波长的激光最大输出功率约2.35W,斜效率为33.49%。  相似文献   

刘会霞  王凯  李品  张成  高阳阳  严长  王霄 《中国激光》2012,39(9):902008-47
激光透射连接具有生物相容性的异种材料在生物医学植入体及其封装中具有良好的应用前景。利用半导体激光器对镀钛玻璃与聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)进行激光透射连接试验,其中玻璃上镀钛薄膜是通过射频磁控溅射方法完成的镀膜。通过单因素工艺研究了主要工艺参数激光功率、扫描速度和镀钛薄膜的厚度对连接强度的影响,并探讨了玻璃基片的表面粗糙度对镀钛薄膜粗糙度以及其连接强度的影响。通过搭接剪切试验得到镀钛玻璃与PET之间的连接强度,采用真彩共聚焦材料显微镜对拉伸失效后的试样表面进行观测和失效分析,使用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)检测激光透射连接过程中镀钛玻璃与PET之间化学键的形成信息。结果表明:主要工艺参数激光功率、扫描速度对连接强度有着重要影响,增加玻璃基片的粗糙度和镀钛薄膜的厚度可以提高其连接强度,为激光透射连接镀钛玻璃与聚合物提供了参考。  相似文献   

Reports the interferometric measurement of the phase noise characteristics of a diode laser-pumped solid-state Nd:YAG 1.3 mu m laser based on a nonplanar ring cavity. Results show that the device has a low-frequency phase noise approximately three orders of magnitude lower than that observed with semiconductor diode lasers. The use of this source in fibre sensing applications is discussed.<>  相似文献   

Sixty and three absorption transitions in D2CO and H2CO, respectively, have produced a number of far infrared laser lines when they are pumped by an etalon-tuned TE-CO2 laser. Almost all the absorption transitions pumped previously by a free runing TE-CO2 laser have been efficiently pumped by the etalon tuned CO2 laser and found to have offset within ±500 MHz from the line-center of the relevant CO2 pump lines. 22 (1) absorption and 63 (4) emission lines of D2CO (H2CO) are assigned. Some of these lines have generated superfluorescence. In paticular, the D2CO 319-μm line pumped by CO2-9P(32) delivered an output energy of approximately one half that of the well-known D2O 66-μm. It is shown that a large electric dipole moment and an appreciable amount of fractional population in the lower level of the pump transition of this line are responsible to the superfluorescence.  相似文献   

Models for numerical simulations of laser-pumped thulium- and thulium-holmium-doped lasers have been developed. In the models, upconversion losses and ground-state depletion in both thulium and holmium are accounted for, as well as spatial dependencies of the pump and resonator modes. The models apply to CW operation and to the build-up of population inversion prior to lasing in pulsed modes of operation. It is shown that upconversion losses in Tm:Ho:YAG significantly reduce the output from the laser in both CW and Q-switched mode. Simulations of CW lasers show good agreement with experimental results  相似文献   

In this work a simple intensity-independent fiber-optic temperature sensor using alexandrite crystal was constructed. The sensor uses the change in the characteristics of the fluorescence of the material to sense the parameter required and operates using light from an electrooptically modulated He-Ne laser at 633 nm. Microprocessor control and signal processing is used to achieve an accuracy ofsim pm1degC with a 3-s response.  相似文献   

在重掺杂硼金刚石膜上溅射沉积了Ti/Au接触 ,用CTLM测量了样品退火前后的I-V特性 ,并对大电流情况进行了讨论。就测试温度和光照强度对接触特性的影响进行了分析。定性给出了该接触的能带模型。样品接触电阻率 ρc 最低值达 1.2 3 6× 10 - 6 Ω·cm2 。  相似文献   

实验研究了淀积在GaN上的Ti/Al/Ti/Au电极的电学和热学特性,绘制了不同退火温度下的I-V曲线,得到了最低的欧姆接触电阻率(ρs=1.2×10-4 Ω·cm2),并通过X射线衍射谱分析了GaN与Ti/Al/Ti/Au电极接触表面在退火过程中的固相反应.实验结果表明,在Ti/Al表面增加Ti/Au保护层能够保证Al层在高温时不发生球化和氧化,电极更稳定可靠能够进一步提高欧姆接触特性.  相似文献   

准连续钛蓝宝石激光器动力学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用激光速率方程理论详细地研究了准连续钛蓝宝石激光器的动力特性。结果表明在固定腔参数下,泵浦脉冲能量是决定输出脉冲脉宽和形状的主要因素,而输出脉冲的时间延迟由泵浦脉冲能量和脉宽共同测定。数值计算结果和文献的实验结果相一致。  相似文献   

Ti膜磁控溅射及光吸收特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了射频磁控溅射金属Ti膜工艺,对Ti膜光吸收特性进行了测试,用经典电子理论分析了光吸收机理。  相似文献   

Ti/Ag/Cu活性焊料法广泛应用于陶瓷与金属的焊接中,但该焊料在陶瓷表面的浸润性较差,在金属表面易发生偏析的现象。本文对该焊料的流散特性进行了讨论,对陶瓷与金属的封接界面进行了分析,对封接机理进行了讨论,结果表明在封接界面生成Ti的氧化物主要是TiO2。  相似文献   

The energy per pulse as a function of wavelength was measured for several near-IR dyes (and dye mixtures) spanning the wavelength region from 650 to 950 nm using a 900 kW nitrogen laser (Molectron UV24) and a tunable dye laser-amplifier combination (Molectron DL14). The peak energy per pulse for each dye ranges from a low of 90 μJ at 855 nm (DTTC) to a high of 350 μJ at 702 nm [Oxazine 720P:Rhodamine 610P (1:1)]. Several new near-IR dye mixtures are discussed that make it possible to tune from 660 to 940 nm without having the energy per pulse drop below 50 μJ. Pulse widths (FWHM) for HITC and IR 125 were measured at various wavelengths and were observed to vary by as much as 40 percent over the tuning ranges of the dyes.  相似文献   

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