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周光龙  黄清 《中国生漆》1992,11(2):15-17
<正> 我国拥有博大的生漆资源,这在世界上是罕见的。同时,生漆也是我国传统著名特产,在国际上享有经久未衰的盛誉。迄今为止,生漆还主要作为一种天然优质涂料而用于国家建设和人民生活诸多方面。然而,生漆的应用不仅仅局限于此,还可应用于许多领域,比  相似文献   

生漆改性研究及漆酚金属高聚物   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  
本文综述了生漆改性研究的概况 ,总结了漆酚金属高聚物的合成方法、结构特征及其主要性能 ,提出了今后生漆改性研究的发展方向和重点内容  相似文献   

徐艳莲  胡炳环 《中国生漆》1999,18(11):24-29
本文在漆酚钼螯合物高聚物合成、表征的基础上,着重探讨了漆酚钼螯合物分子中Mo的作用。结果表明,漆酚钼螯合物分子中的Mo具有使漆酚溶液变黑的作用,在一定的范围内,溶液的吸光度随着四氯氧化钼用量的增加和加热时间的增加而增大,同一溶液的吸光度随着放置时间的延长而增大;漆酚钼螯合物分子中的Mo还具有催化漆酚使其固化成膜的作用,干燥时间随着四氯氧化钼用量的增加与加热反应时间的增加而缩短。最具特色的是漆酚钼螯  相似文献   

生漆精制过程的漆酚聚合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用高压液相色谱和红外光谱研究了生漆精制过程中漆酚聚合体的变化,探讨了漆酚聚合体含量的变化与某些性能的关系,试验结果表明,生漆精制过程中既要使漆酚有一定程序聚合,又要有效控制这种聚合,含有一定量单体和二聚体漆酚,可降低漆液粘度,利于其施工,成膜和贮存。  相似文献   

漆酚金属配合物的研究概况   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
林金火 《中国生漆》1992,11(3):23-25
<正> 生漆资源丰富,除直接作为涂料外,开辟它的新用途,搞好综合利用,已引起人们的关注。利用漆酚的特殊结构,用无机或有机金属化合物与漆酚反应,合成一系列漆酚金属配合物或配合高聚物,使其在保持生漆原有性能的基础上,增加或提高功能,开辟生漆应用的新途径,近几年来,进行了大量的工作,并取得了新的进展。本文拟对某些漆酚金属配合物的合成、性能及其用途,作一简要的介绍。  相似文献   

生漆是漆树科植物漆树树皮割取的汁液,为我国特产。作为涂料应用已有6900多年历史。采用漆酚与金属化合物反应合成系列漆酚金属高聚物防腐涂料不仅保持了生漆原有的优良性能,还附与了特殊的耐酸碱、耐高温、干燥快,半导性等优良性能。  相似文献   

晋漆,乃漆树科[Anacardiaceae]漆树属[Toxicodendron]漆树[Stok]的天然乳汁,是东方生漆中山西的区域性品种。约在四万年前已达到精致程度,随着科学与经济的发展,晋漆产量在省内十一县(市)大幅度上升,为改善施工条件,消除致敏弊病,适应市场需求之目的,根据漆酚  相似文献   

张飞龙  李钢 《涂料工业》2000,30(9):6-10
制备的漆酚家具漆解决了生漆成膜过程中普遍存在的干性差、受环境因素制约等缺陷。讨论了辅助成膜物质、等因素对生漆成膜反应速度的影响。本家具漆保持了成膜特点,以水为稀释剂,可低温成膜。  相似文献   

姜家pei 《中国生漆》1990,9(3):16-17
<正> 生漆作为一种天然涂料在我国应用已有七千年以上的历史,并以其漆膜的超耐久性闻名于世而被誉为“涂料之王”。但是,由于其施工不便(如难以喷涂),成膜条件要求苛刻(需要一定的温度和湿度)以及对大多数人致敏等原因,在现代工业的应用中受到了限制,影响了生漆的利用和发展。为此,从五十年代起,国内有不少生漆工作者和化学工作者着手采用有机溶剂萃取法,从生漆中提出其主要成份漆酚,并利用漆酚结构中的多个活性官能团,采用高分子合成方法与其它化学物质合成树脂,并配制成涂料(如最早的漆酚甲醛树脂涂料和近来报道的漆酚钛树脂涂料等),这类涂料以有机溶剂为溶剂,具有现代有机溶剂型涂料的特征,可按施工要求调整粘度;可采用刷、浸、喷、淋等方法进行涂装;其成膜过程不受环境湿度大小的影响;而且对大多数人不再致敏。就这些性能而言,它们较生漆易于在工业涂装中得到应用。事实上,六十年代以  相似文献   

曾品涛  李东旭  廖梦  余钺 《中国生漆》2020,(3):30-33+41
应用RP-HPLC研究了生漆中漆酚的指纹图谱。色谱柱为Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 EC-C18(4.6×150mm,4μm),流动相为乙腈-水溶液梯度洗脱,流速为1.0ml/min,检测波长为225nm,柱温40℃。该方法使各漆酚成分得到较好分离,建立了生漆中漆酚的指纹图谱,并对中国生漆样品进行了相似度计算,根据检测结果得到了19个共有峰。该指纹图谱方法准确可靠,为生漆的质量控制及品种鉴别提供了方法依据。  相似文献   

Urushiol and lacquer sap from lacquer tree exhibit good antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. However, they are limited to commercial application due to their high volatility, low drying rate and allergic reaction. To overcome these limitations, solid-type urushiols (YPUOH), which is one of the essential factors for convenient handling in various industrial fields such as functional additives for paints, coating and composite films, were successfully prepared with urushiol and TPM. The reaction mechanism between urushiol and silane coupling agent has been evaluated based on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). As-prepared YPUOH powders exhibited excellent antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus, good antioxidant activity, and high thermal stability.  相似文献   

A lacquer hybridized with an organic silane compound has been synthesized, and the reaction mechanism between the urushiol and organic silane has been evaluated based on IR, NMR, TGA, and DSC measurements.  相似文献   

Lacquer sap derived from lacquer trees has been widely used in Asian countries for thousands of years as a natural paint and coating material. These natural lacquers exhibit superior barrier properties against oxygen and water, as well as good durability, chemical resistance, mechanical properties, and antibacterial and antioxidant properties. However, they are limited in commercial application due to their high volatility, low drying rate, and allergic reactions. To overcome these limitations, powder-type urushiols (YPUOH), which are essential to provide convenient handling, were successfully prepared using urushiol and different contents of 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate (TPM). The prepared YPUOH powders were analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), and antibacterial and antioxidant measurements. The as-prepared YPUOH powders exhibited excellent antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus, good antioxidant activity, and high thermal stability.  相似文献   

The over-exploitation of finite fossil resources and/or the increased environmental and sustainable awareness inspire scientists and technologists to search for inexpensive alternatives from renewable chemicals. Phenol formaldehyde (PF) resins, the oldest type of synthetic polymers with good mechanical properties and heat resistance, are widely used in the production of coatings, laminates, molding compositions, and glues. Here, biobased urushiol-derived PF resins were synthesized from the alkali-catalyzed reaction between urushiol and formaldehyde. The chemical compositions and molecular structures of resole resins were characterized by carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and their curing behaviors were studied by differential scanning calorimetry. The as-prepared urushiol-derived resole resins had methylol (Ph−CH2OH), ortho- and para-hemiformal groups (Ph−CH2OCH2OH), and the para−para/ortho−para/ortho−ortho links of methylene groups (Ph−CH2−Ph), whereas the resole resins had low curing temperatures at about 100–113°C. Additionally, given the long side alkyl group moiety on the aromatic rings of urushiol, the films of cured urushiol-derived resole resins had low glass transition temperatures of 132 ± 2°C. Furthermore, the as-prepared urushiol-derived coatings exhibited excellent physical and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Double cantilever beam experiments performed by Joseph et al. showed increases in strain energy release rate and cohesive failure for mercaptoester-treated aluminum substrates as compared to untreated controls. This paper presents evaluation of the mercaptoester–aluminum reactivity as a first step toward assessing the effectiveness of incorporating the mercaptoester functionality into a polymeric coupling agent for an epoxy-aluminum bond system. Grazing-angle infrared spectroscopy and XPS of mercaptoester-treated solid aluminum substrates did not show evidence of a mercaptoester/aluminum reaction. The reaction was also attempted in solution where potential spatial limitations associated with the solid surface were eliminated. IR and NMR showed no evidence of reactivity between the mercaptoester and aluminum ions in solution. Theoretically, the Hard–Soft Acid–Base Theory, in conjunction with the Mison equation, does not support a mercaptoester–aluminum reaction. Thus incorporating a mercaptoester into a polymeric coupling agent for an epoxy–aluminum bond system would not result in chemical bonding. In addition, no significant reaction between thiols and aluminum in general, in the presence of water and moist air, is expected.  相似文献   

醇溶苯胺黑生产过程中产生大量含三氯化铁的苯胺废水,采用中和一过滤一恒沸精馏技术处理该类废水并从中回收苯胺,提出了节能减排的设计方案。将该设计用于苯胺废水处理能力300t/d的生产装置后,解决了三氯化铁污染塔设备的问题,降低了新鲜蒸汽和循环水消耗,提高了苯胺的分离效果,可使蒸汽消耗量降低30%~40%,循环水消耗量降低70%,排放废水中的苯胺质量分数由原来的(1000~3000)×10^-6降低到200×10^-6。  相似文献   

The methylation of aniline with dimethyl carbonate was studied and a very high selectivity for N-monomethylation was attained over alkali cation exchanged zeolites. Thus, a 93.5% selectivity for N-methylaniline was obtained at aniline conversion at 99.6% over KY at 453K.  相似文献   

The catalytic activities of Y-, β-, and ZSM-5-zeolites for methylenedianiline (MDA) synthesis from the condensation reaction of aniline and formaldehyde have been investigated. Among β-zeolites with various Al concentrations (Si/Al ratios from 10 to 120 mol mol−1), β-zeolite with Si/Al ratio of 13.6 mol mol−1 shows the best catalytic performance in MDA synthesis. Y-zeolite exhibited lower catalytic activity than β-zeolites under the identical reaction conditions, however, exhibited the higher selectivity to 4,4′-MDA. Furthermore, it revealed that aniline/formaldehyde and catalyst/formaldehyde ratio, and reaction temperature also influenced on the MDA yield and isomers distribution.  相似文献   

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