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A comparison on subcritical and transcritical organic Rankine cycle(ORC) system with a heat source of 110 °C geothermal water was presented. The net power output, thermal and exergy efficiencies and the products of the heat transfer coefficient(U) and the total heat exchange area(A)(UA values) were calculated for parametric optimization. Nine candidate working fluids were investigated and compared. Under the given conditions, transcritical systems have higher net power outputs than subcritical ones. The highest net power output of transcritical systems is 18.63 k W obtained by R218, and that of subcritical systems is 13.57 k W obtained by R600 a. Moreover, with the increase of evaporating pressure, the thermal and exergy efficiencies of transcritical systems increase at first and then decrease, but the efficiencies of subcritical ones increase. As a result, the efficiencies of transcritical systems cannot always outperform those of the subcritical ones. However, the subcritical systems have lower minimum UA values and lower expansion ratios than the transcritical ones at the maximum net power output. In addition, the transcritical cycles have higher expansion ratios than the subcritical ones at their maximum net power output. 相似文献
In this paper,power the the and endoreversible the Otto cycle is analyzed with the entropy generation minimization objectives,and the the entransy theory.of The output power,the heat-work conversion efficiency are taken as the optimization rate,and relationships the output heat-work conversion efficiency,entransy the entropy generation and the entropy generation rate numbers,the work entransy are loss rate,The entransy loss of coefficient,the dissipation rate the entransy variation associated with discussed.applicability entropy the entropy generation minimization and the entransy theory while to the analyses is also analyzed.It is found do that smaller generation rate does not always lead to larger output our power,smaller entropy entransy generation loss numbers and not always lead to larger heat-work conversion efficiency,either.larger the In calculations,power,both larger larger rate larger entransy variation heat-work rate associated with work correspond also to that output while entransy is loss coefficient suitable results the in larger conversion developed efficiency.It is found concept of entransy dissipation not always for analyses because it was for heat transfer. 相似文献
地下水污染状况的警示与预测是城市地下水污染治理与保护的基础.在对焦作市地下水污染系统分析、设计的基础上,采用ArcView二次开发模式,按地下水质量标准和灰色预测模型GM(1,1),建立了基于地理信息系统(GIS)的焦作市地下水污染预警系统.利用该系统查清了焦作市地下水水质状况的空间分布规律以及Pb,Fe,Mn,Cd,Cr6 ,F-,Cl-等15种水质监测因子超标分布区域,并对焦作市水资源开发利用进行了规划. 相似文献
针对二次再热机组热力系统辅助热经济性分析方法进行了研究,经过严格的理论分析和数学推导,导出了适合非再热机组热力系统、一次再热机组热力系统和二次再热机组热力系统经济性定量分析的扩展型能效分布矩阵方程,并应用该方程对二次再热机组热力系统的主要辅助成分进行了分析计算,算例证明了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
针对新型干法水泥生产过程中产生的废气用于发电和物料烘干难以合理分配的问题,设计了物料烘干废气温度控制系统,由可编程逻辑控制器及I/O模块、温度传感器和电动百叶阀门组成.系统通过PLC内部的PID控制回路并依据温度传感器检测的现场温度实时调节锅炉旁路电动百叶阀门开度,将物料烘干温度控制在合理范围内,保证了物料烘干的质量,同时将剩余的废气用于发电.在保证物料烘干废气温度的前提下将发电量最大化,降低操作员的操作难度,提高企业经济效益. 相似文献
以常规热平衡方法和等效热降理论为基础,针对二次再热超临界机组热力系统高低压加热器均设置外置式蒸汽冷却器的特点,经过严格的数学推导,将等效热降理论应用于二次再热超临界机组热力系统循环吸热量计算的研究,并提出了适用于不同类型凝汽式机组的通用数学计算模型.经实例验证,该数学模型简捷、准确,为二次再热超临界机组和其他不同类型凝汽式机组热力系统热经济性的定量计算奠定了基础. 相似文献
汽轮机油泄漏进入凝结水系统会对精处理混床树脂造成污染,对此,给出汽轮机油对阴树脂的污染与复苏系列试验结果.试验内容包括:在20,30,40℃条件下,分别用不同浓度汽轮机油(30,50,100,300,500,1 000,2 000,5 000,10 000 mg/L)浸泡阴树脂,检测其工作交换容量变化情况;在相同的条件下进行复苏处理,比较再生后的复苏效果.在浸泡时间(6,12,24 h)、浸泡温度及浸泡液pH值(7,8,9)变化时考察阴树脂的污染与复苏情况,比较使用不同复苏液时的复苏效果.结果表明:随着油浓度增大、溶液pH值降低及浸泡时间加长,使得阴树脂污染加重、复苏程度降低.复苏液10%NaCl+2%NaOH+3%Na3PO4+0.2%OP-10具有较好复苏效果. 相似文献
在深入比较分析现有发电竞价交易的一部制电价、两部制电价和差价合同3种模式利弊的基础上,提出有效功率耗量准则,依据该准则,发明了发电竞价交易节能减排新模式.该模式既追求有效功率耗量减小,又追求有效功率费量减小,实现资源的高效配置,为减排成本进入交易与调度系统搭建平台;将电力的交易与调度分别设计成金融系统与物理系统,使电网的自然垄断属性与电力的商品特性得以充分体现,为电网的安全可靠运营提供技术保障.并针对新模式的发电竞价交易的结算规则、纳什平衡和发电商的博弈策略等方面进行论述.通过模拟仿真分析,证明该模式的可行性. 相似文献
根据沿海地区实际情况,集成以往的研究成果及相关数据,建立沿海缺水灌区地表水地下水联合调配管理信息系统.该系统具有友好的界面,是地理信息系统、数据库技术以及水资源·系统模拟优化等多技术综合集成的动态管理系统.模型具有一定的通用性,可为沿海缺水灌区地表水地下水规划管理服务,也可为各级水管部门准确及时提供水资源信息. 相似文献
介绍了一种火电厂水汽质量在线监测及交流变频自动加药调节系统的工作原理、组成及功能等 相似文献