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计时鸣  赵凌寒  谭大鹏  袁巧玲  李琛 《机电工程》2011,28(10):1161-1169
针对模具结构化表面难以采用传统抛光工具实现精密光整加工的问题,提出了一种基于软性磨粒流(SAF)的模具结构化表面无工具精密加工新技术.该技术通过约束模块与结构化表面组合构成特定形状的磨粒流流道,利用SAF在流道中的湍流流动使磨粒对结构化表面进行微力微量切削,进而实现光整加工.介绍了SAF加工技术原理、SAF流体力学特征...  相似文献   

基于oldroyd-B粘弹性本构模型,应用POLYFLOW软件对流体磨料在圆管中的壁面滑移状态进行了模拟仿真。将得到的圆管中流体磨料的压力值与磨料流加工机床上测试点的压力值进行比较,得到二者的相对误差不超过5%,验证了模拟仿真的可行性。通过仿真可知,流体磨料在工件壁面上的滑移存在速度临界点。通过比较不同管道入口流量、流体磨料黏度和壁面滑移系数对壁面滑移速度的影响可知,当管道入口流量越大、流体磨料的黏度越高,以及壁面滑移系数越小时,加工过程中的壁面滑移速度越大。  相似文献   

This experimental research use the method of abrasive flow machining (AFM) to evaluate the characteristics of various levels of roughness and finishing of the complex shaped micro slits fabricated by wire electrical discharge machining (Wire-EDM). An investigative methodology based on the Taguchi experimental method for the micro slits of biomedicine was developed to determine the parameters of AFM, including abrasive particle size, concentration, extrusion pressure and machining time. The parameters that influenced the machining quality of the micro slits were also analyzed. Furthermore, in the shape precision of the micro slit fabricated by wire-EDM and subsequently fine-finished by AFM was also elucidated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The significant machining parameters and the optimal combinations of the machining parameters were identified by ANOVA (analysis of variation) and the S/N (-to-noise) ratio response graph. ANOVA was proposed to obtain the surface finishing and the shape precision in this study.  相似文献   

计时鸣  章定 《机电工程》2012,29(3):245-248
为改进现有磨粒流加工技术存在的缺陷,提出了软性磨粒流加工技术,并将其应用于各种微小型腔及通道的加工中.首先针对加工表面配置了相应的约束模块从而构成密封的加工流道,建立了欧拉双流体数值分析的数学模型,利用Fluent开展了流道中软性磨粒流固-液两相流动特性的分析,然后通过对工件表面进行喷漆的方法,观察了软性磨粒流的实际加工效果,并进行了相应的软性磨粒流加工试验.试验结果表明,加工表面喷漆磨损的分布比较均匀,表面细腻,体现了软性磨粒流加工的先进性与有效性.研究结果表明,实际工件表面喷漆磨损的分布与仿真中颗粒相压力的分布比较接近,这为软性磨粒流的加工提供了一种预测方法.  相似文献   

Abrasive particle movement pattern is an important factor in estimating the wear rate of materials, especially, as it is closely related to the burring, buffing and polishing efficiency of the abrasive flow machining (AFM) process. There are generally two kinds of particle movement patterns in the AFM process, i.e. sliding–rubbing and rolling. In mechanism, AFM grain–workpiece interaction is taking place in any one or a combination of the possible modes: elastic/plastic deformation by sliding–rubbing grain movement; elastic/plastic deformation by rolling grain movement; chip formation (micro‐cutting) by rubbing grain movement; ridges formation by rubbing and rolling grain movement; and low‐cycle fatigue wear. Therefore, the machining efficiency of a machine part is predominantly dependent upon the particle movement patterns. In this paper, normal load, particle size and hardness of machine parts were investigated to understand the involved parameters of particle movement patterns and propose a computer statistic prediction of particle movement patterns. It has been found that there are two cases. In case of large‐size particles, the ratio of rolling particles is increased with increasing normal load. For small‐size particles, the ratio of grooving particles is increased with increasing normal load and vice versa. When normal load is light, the particle size cannot usually give an effect on movement patterns. That influence will be predominant under heavy normal load. Most of the particles will tend to groove when the particle size is below a certain value. Hardness of the material and their hardness difference for tribological pairs are other important monitors in predicting particle movement patterns. In this research, increasing hardness of materials results in more rolling particles, which results in much less cutting particles. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To enhance the performance of a hydrodynamic torque converter and thoroughly understand the trait of inside flow, a numerical simulation method of internal 3D flow for the three-element centrifugal hydrodynamic torque converter was systematically researched and expatiated in this paper. First, the internal flow field of each impeller was calculated. The curves that illustrate the relationships between the pressure differences of the inlet and outlet versus flux were drawn. Second, the concurrent working point of each impeller was approximately estimated. Finally, a calculation was performed considering the influence on each impeller. The flow field of a working point was solved by multiple calculations and the actual working condition was gradually determined. The pressure and velocity distributions of the flow field were proposed. The performance parameters of the hydrodynamic torque converter were predicted. The calculation method, and the proposed pressure and velocity distribution of the flow field, have practical significance for the design and improvement of a hydrodynamic torque converter. __________ Translated from Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2006, 36(2): 199–203[译自: 吉林大学学报(工学版)]  相似文献   

采用Singhal完全空化模型和SST k-ω湍流模型结合动网格技术对磁致伸缩仪超声空化流进行三维非定常数值模拟。计算结果表明,由于变幅杆高频振动,在靠近试样表面附近局部流场的压力和空泡体积组分变化具有周期性,压力波动的最低值可达到汽化压力,该局部流场可发生空化。由于空化,试样表面压力波动具有脉冲特征。压力和空泡体积组分在试样表面近似呈环形分布。在同一环形区域内,压力和空泡体积组分存在无规律断续脉动。试样表面中心区域空泡经历两次振荡后溃灭,产生强烈脉冲压力,最大脉冲压力可达约14MPa。脉冲压力在试样表面按间隔环形区域分布,且随试样振动在相邻环形区域上交替出现。在磁致伸缩仪超声空化流场中,试件表面可近似多个声波发生源,各声波传播时相互叠加和干扰。在声波传播的过程中压力衰减很快,只是在距试样表面约20mm内,压力有明显波动。  相似文献   

Journal bearings are important parts to keep the high dynamic performance of rotor machinery. Some methods have already been proposed to analysis the flow field of journal bearings, and in most of these methods simplified physical model and classic Reynolds equation are always applied. While the application of the general computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-fluid structure interaction (FSI) techniques is more beneficial for analysis of the fluid field in a journal bearing when more detailed solutions are needed. This paper deals with the quasi-coupling calculation of transient fluid dynamics of oil film in journal bearings and rotor dynamics with CFD-FSI techniques. The fluid dynamics of oil film is calculated by applying the so-called ’’dynamic mesh’’ technique. A new mesh movement approach is presented while the dynamic mesh models provided by FLUENT are not suitable for the transient oil flow in journal bearings. The proposed mesh movement approach is based on the structured mesh. When the journal moves, the movement distance of every grid in the flow field of bearing can be calculated, and then the update of the volume mesh can be handled automatically by user defined function (UDF). The journal displacement at each time step is obtained by solving the moving equations of the rotor-bearing system under the known oil film force condition. A case study is carried out to calculate the locus of the journal center and pressure distribution of the journal in order to prove the feasibility of this method. The calculating results indicate that the proposed method can predict the transient flow field of a journal bearing in a rotor-bearing system where more realistic models are involved. The presented calculation method provides a basis for studying the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a general rotor-bearing system.  相似文献   

吴慧媛  何雪明  戴进 《中国机械工程》2013,24(24):3366-3371
为了研究双螺杆压缩机的流场动力学特性,提出基于双螺杆压缩机的工作循环为一个理论循环的假设,建立其工作过程的数值计算模型,采用计算流体力学软件Fluent中的动网格技术对双螺杆压缩机的工作过程和流场动力学特性进行了动态模拟仿真。搭建了实验平台并研究分析了双螺杆压缩机的p-V变化规律,结果表明,仿真结果较好地吻合实验数据,验证了模型的正确性和模拟方法的有效性。  相似文献   

耦合DEM-CFD法双入口磨粒流动力学模拟及加工试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周迪锋  刘冬玉 《机电工程》2013,(12):1467-1471
针对单入口磨粒流加工装置光整不均匀问题,提出了双入口磨粒流加工装置,为了解决传统CFD软件不能跟踪颗粒撞击壁面问题,结合DEM和CFD方法,通过耦合PFC和CCFD软件,利用DMP颗粒运动模型和标准k-ε湍流模型来模拟磨粒在流场中的运动.仿真中,通过PFC记录磨粒撞击壁面的速度和次数,通过CCFD记录流场运动状态,并应用Abaqus中Johnson-Cook模型分析了撞击速度和撞击次数对靶材质量损失的影响.数值模拟结果表明,双入口装置内两股流体撞击使得磨粒运动更为无序,磨粒撞击壁面次数大大增加,同时撞击壁面速度大于40 m/s的次数达到1 382次,远大于单入口的563次,使得加工面的材料去除速度更快.加工试验结果表明,加工30 h后,双入口装置加工的工件表面粗糙度Ra=0.35 μm,单入口装置工件表面粗糙度Ra=0.65 μm,加工效率明显提高.  相似文献   

磨粒流加工的固液两相流模型及压力特性模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以FLUENT软件为计算平台,采用Spalart-Allmaras固液两相Mixture湍流模型对磨粒流加工过程中磨粒流的流动形态进行了数值模拟,结果表明:增大压力差可提高通道中流体的平均速度,增大边界层与壁面流速差可提高加工效率;通过改变进口压力得到非稳态流场,能够使近壁面处的磨粒数目增多,有利于加工效率的提高。同时,模拟结果还反映了黏度对磨粒流加工有重要影响。数值模拟结果为磨粒流加工过程中的参数选择提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

利用摩擦学系统理论对磨粒流加工过程的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简介当前磨粒流加工技术的现状,得到了磨粒流和工件表面的摩擦以及导致的材料去除是该加工过程的核心问题.利用摩擦学系统理论,构建了针对磨粒流-工件表面的摩擦学系统框架,得到了系统的主要结构元素、元素的特性和相互之间的关系.归纳了磨粒流加工过程中材料去除的摩擦学机理,并讨论摩擦学机理与该摩擦学系统的关系,对从摩擦学角度认识磨...  相似文献   

Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is one of the advanced finishing processes in which workpiece is kept between two magnets, and cutting force is controlled by working gap and magnetic field between the two magnets. MAF setup is designed for finishing cylindrical workpieces and it is mounted on lathe machine. The loosely bounded powder is prepared for experimentation by homogeneous mixing of magnetic powder (Fe powder of 300 mesh size (51.4 μm)), abrasive powder (Al2O3 of 600 mesh size (25.7 μm), and lubricant called servospin-12 oil. To investigate the effects of working gap and circumferential speed on material removal, change in surface finish and percent improvement in surface finish, a series of experiments have been conducted using in-house fabricated setup. Based upon the results, in general, material removal decreases by increasing working gap or decreasing circumferential speed of the workpiece. Change in surface finish increases by increasing circumferential speed of the workpiece.  相似文献   

针对车用液力变矩器复杂动态过程中工作相位随时发生转换,不能及时判断相应流场结构的改变,难以对瞬时流场特性进行准确仿真的问题,基于传统变矩器CFD流道模型和导轮空转无叶片模型,建立了液力变矩器混合流道CFD仿真模型。该仿真模型可以自动识别变矩器变矩、偶合和功率反传等工作相位及其相位转换过程,并根据导轮是否空转自动选择相应流道模型。对某变矩器进行了一系列稳态通用特性和动态特性的仿真与试验研究,对比结果表明,液力变矩器混合流道CFD仿真方法对变矩器稳态和动态特性仿真精度较高,有效解决了变矩器复杂动态过程难以快速实时仿真的问题,具有一定的工程实际意义。  相似文献   

磨料流加工技术现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
磨料流加工技术是机械光整加工中新发展起来的一项新工艺、新技术。简要介绍了磨料流加工技术研究的现状和基本机理,并在此基础上对磨料流加工技术的研究进行了展望,首次提出了磨料流加工虚拟技术的概念。  相似文献   

插装型液压锥阀内部流场的数值模拟及可视化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对液压技术中广泛应用的插装型锥阀,依照实际所用阀的结构和参数,分别对简化为轴对称的二维流场模型和不经过任何简化和近似处理的三维面对称流场模型两种情况,应用CFD分析软件nuent,进行了仿真计算和可视化研究,给出了锥阀阀腔内的速度场、压力场和流线图。对比分析表明,采用基于三维流场的可视化分析,可更清楚全面地反映锥阀内部的复杂流动情况,为从机理上分析锥阀内部流畅和能量损失及流道结构的优化设计提供了更充分的理论依据。  相似文献   

磁流体轴承具有转速高、密封性好、承载力强等优点,符合高速铁路中的应用需求。提出一种磁流体轴承结构,并运用CFD方法对轴承润滑区的承载性能以及热效应问题进行了仿真计算,在此基础上进一步分析了偏心率对轴承承载力及温升的影响规律,为之后磁流体轴承的进一步设计提供帮助。  相似文献   

This paper integrates the electrochemical turning (ECT) process and magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) to produce a combined process that improves the material removal rate (MRR) and reduces surface roughness (SR). The present study emphasizes the features of the development of comprehensive mathematical models based on response surface methodology (RSM) for correlating the interactive and higher-order influences of major machining parameters, i.e. magnetic flux density, applied voltage, tool feed rate and workpiece rotational speed on MRR and SR of 6061 Al/Al2O3 (10% wt) composite. The paper also highlights the various test results that also confirm the validity and correctness of the established mathematical models for in-depth analysis of the effects of hybrid ECT- MAF process parameters on metal removal rate and surface roughness. Further, optimal combination of these parameters has been evaluated and it can be used in order to maximize MRR and minimize SR. The results demonstrate that assisting ECT with MAF leads to an increase machining efficiency and resultant surface quality significantly, as compared to that achieved with the traditional ECT of some 147.6% and 33%, respectively.  相似文献   

针对离心泵内流场特性分析困难的问题,对离心泵流场数值模拟的几何模型建立、模型网格划分和边界条件设定进行了研究,采用计算流体力学方法,获取了在敞水性能条件下离心泵的扬程-流量、效率-流量的变化关系;结合Zwart空化模型,重点对不同有效汽蚀余量时离心泵的空化流场进行了数值模拟,得到了离心泵的内部流线和空泡分布的情况,并与该离心泵机组进行了性能测试实验,最后在此基础之上进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,所采用的数值模拟方法和空化模型合理有效,此结果可为进一步开展离心泵空化监测技术研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

三级同心液压溢流阀噪声特性的CFD分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了改善广泛应用的三级同心溢流阀的噪声特性,按照实际阀的结构和参数,建立了锥形主阀内部流场的三维模型,应用计算流体动力学计算软件Fluent,对三级同心溢流阀模型的多种工况进行了仿真计算和可视化研究,给出了锥阀阀腔内的速度场、压力场分布图.在可视化分析的基础上对阀芯的结构做了改进,对比了3种结构不同阀的内部流场特性.结果表明,改进结构后流场中漩涡区的分布减小,最低压力得到提高,降低了气蚀和噪声发生的可能性.此研究工作为流道结构的优化设计提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

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