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Investigated the relationship between values, social class, and duration of psychotherapy of 249 patients and 104 therapists at a moderate-cost outpatient clinic in New York City. Values were measured by the Strong Vocational Interest Blank, Ways to Live scale, Study of Values, and the Optimal Personality Integration Scale. Lower-class patients tended to be more authoritarian-submissive than upper-class patients. The significant linear relationship indicated that the lower the social class and the higher (more authoritarian-submissive) the patient's score relative to his therapist, the longer the duration of treatment. It is postulated that authoritarian-submissive patients might tend to remain in therapy precisely because of this quality. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The side chains of histidine and aspartate residues form a hydrogen bond in the active sites of many enzymes. In serine proteases, the His...Asp hydrogen bond of the catalytic triad is known to contribute greatly to catalysis, perhaps via the formation of a low-barrier hydrogen bond. In bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A), the His...Asp dyad is composed of His119 and Asp121. Previously, site-directed mutagenesis was used to show that His119 has a fundamental role, to act as an acid during catalysis of RNA cleavage [Thompson, J. E., and Raines, R. T. (1994) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116, 5467-5468]. Here, Asp121 was replaced with an asparagine or alanine residue. The crystalline structures of the two variants were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis to a resolution of 1.6 A with an R-factor of 0.18. Replacing Asp121 with an asparagine or alanine residue does not perturb the overall conformation of the enzyme. In the structure of D121N RNase A, Ndelta rather than Odelta of Asn121 faces His119. This alignment in the crystalline state is unlikely to exist in solution because catalysis by the D121N variant is not compromised severely. The steady-state kinetic parameters for catalysis by the wild-type and variant enzymes were determined for the cleavage of uridylyl(3'-->5')adenosine and poly(cytidylic acid), and for the hydrolysis of uridine 2',3'-cyclic phosphate. Replacing Asp121 decreases the values of kcat/Km and kcat for cleavage by 10-fold (D121N) and 10(2)-fold (D121A). Replacing Asp121 also decreases the values of kcat/Km and kcat for hydrolysis by 10(0. 5)-fold (D121N) and 10-fold (D121A) but has no other effect on the pH-rate profiles for hydrolysis. There is no evidence for the formation of a low-barrier hydrogen bond between His119 and either an aspartate or an asparagine residue at position 121. Apparently, the major role of Asp121 is to orient the proper tautomer of His119 for catalysis. Thus, the mere presence of a His...Asp dyad in an enzymic active site is not a mandate for its being crucial in effecting catalysis.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional optimization of the electrostatic interactions between the charged amino acid residues and the peptide partial charges was studied by Monte-Carlo simulations on a set of 127 nonhomologous protein structures with known atomic coordinates. It was shown that this type of interaction is very well optimized for all proteins in the data set, which suggests that they are a valuable driving force, at least for the native side-chain conformations. Similar to the optimization of the charge-charge interactions (Spassov VZ, Karshikoff AD, Ladenstein R, 1995, Protein Sci 4:1516-1527), the optimization effect was found more pronounced for enzymes than for proteins without enzymatic function. The asymmetry in the interactions of acidic and basic groups with the peptide dipoles was analyzed and a hypothesis was proposed that the properties of peptide dipoles are a factor contributing to the natural selection of the basic amino acids in the chemical composition of proteins.  相似文献   

The subunit molecular mass of alpha-crystallin, like many small heat-shock proteins (sHsps), is around 20 kDa although the protein exists as a large aggregate of average mass around 800 kDa. Despite this large size, a well-resolved 1H NMR spectrum is observed for alpha-crystallin which arises from short, polar, highly-flexible and solvent-exposed C-terminal extensions in each of the subunits, alpha A- and alpha B-crystallin. These extensions are not involved in interactions with other proteins (e.g. beta- and gamma-crystallins) under non-chaperone conditions. As determined by NMR studies on mutants of alpha A-crystallin with alterations in its C-terminal extension, the extensions have an important role in acting as solubilising agents for the relatively-hydrophobic alpha-crystallin molecule and the high-molecular-weight (HMW) complex that forms during the chaperone action. The related sHsp, Hsp25, also exhibits a flexible C-terminal extension. Under chaperone conditions, and in the HMW complex isolated from old lenses, the C-terminal extension of the alpha A-crystallin subunit maintains its flexibility whereas the alpha B-crystallin subunit loses, at least partially, its flexibility, implying that it is involved in interaction with the 'substrate' protein. The conformation of 'substrate' proteins when they interact with alpha-crystallin has been probed by 1H NMR spectroscopy and it is concluded that alpha-crystallin interacts with 'substrate' proteins that are in a disordered molten globule state, but only when this state is on its way to large-scale aggregation and precipitation. By monitoring the 1H and 31P NMR spectra of alpha-crystallin in the presence of increasing concentrations of urea, it is proposed that alpha-crystallin adopts a two-domain structure with the larger C-terminal domain unfolding first in the presence of denaturant. All these data have been combined into a model for the quaternary structure of alpha-crystallin. The model has two layers each of approximately 40 subunits arranged in an annulus or toroid. A large central cavity is present whose entrance is ringed by the flexible C-terminal extensions. A large hydrophobic region in the aggregate is exposed to solution and is available for interaction with 'substrate' proteins during the chaperone action.  相似文献   

Reports 2 studies that replicated a study by P. R. Kilmann and R. J. Howell (1974) to examine the relationship between locus of control and the structure of group therapy. Data from undergraduates who were assigned to either a 16-hr marathon or group therapy sessions tentatively suggest that external Ss may achieve the most significant therapeutic benefits from a structured therapist intervention within a spaced time format, while internal Ss may require a therapist model of minimal control and structure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The interaction between Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor and thiocyanate was studied using NMR spectroscopy following several experimental approaches. The chemical shift variations of the BPTI protons in the absence and in the presence of increasing thiocyanate concentrations (up to 0.2 M) were significant (> 0.05 ppm) for 30 protein protons belonging to 20 residues. The largest deviation, 0.2 ppm, was observed for the amide backbone proton of Arg42 in the absence of thiocyanate and in the presence of 40 molar equivalents of thiocyanate. The influence of the presence of thiocyanate on the electrostatic potential surrounding the protein was demonstrated by NOESY spectra selective at the water frequency: the presence of SCN- favours acid catalysed exchange and disfavours base catalysis. However, a specific effect of thiocyanate was pointed out since the comparison of the chemical shifts in the presence of 40 molar equivalents of KSCN and KCl, respectively, showed much more as well as larger deviations compared to measurements in the absence of salt. A dissociation constant, KD, for a 1/1 complex between BPTI and thiocyanate was calculated from chemical shifts measurements: KD = 89 +/- 8 mM. A second value, KD = 99 +/- 10 mM, was extracted from SC15N relaxation time measurements.  相似文献   

A factor analytic investigation was carried out studying the relationship between length of institutionalization and several other premorbid-demographic variables and the structure of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) in a sample of chronic schizophrenics. Only 3 of these background variables were related to WAIS subtests. 2, education and aging, differentiated within this sample the same way as in the general population: i.e., education was associated with generally higher performance on all subtests while aging was selectively related to lowered psychomotor and memory/attentional functioning. The 3rd, length of institutionalization, showed negative relationship with Comprehension score, suggesting some impairment in social judgment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent research has shown a relationship between personal values and the success of managers. The present study attempted to determine if a relationship exists between the managerial success of Black managers and their personal values. 64 Black male and 64 White male managers from a variety of business organizations completed the Personal Values Questionnaire developed in 1967 by G. W. England. The managerial success index was a measure of pay relative to age. For Whites results were similar in direction and magnitude to findings in previous research. For Blacks results were similar in direction but not quite so strong as the previous data collected on White samples. Thus, results of the present study do not refute the basic thesis that personal values can be used in the selection and placement process. Additional research is needed, however, to firmly establish this point. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is a ribonucleoprotein complex that catalyzes the formation of the mature 5' end of tRNA. To investigate the role of the protein component in enhancing the affinity of Bacillus subtilis RNase P for substrate (Kurz, J. C., Niranjanakumari, S., Fierke, C. A. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 2393), the kinetics and thermodynamics of binding and cleavage were analyzed for pre-tRNAAsp substrates containing 5' leader sequences of varying lengths (1-33 nucleotides). These data demonstrate that the cleavage rate constant catalyzed by the holoenzyme is not dependent on the leader length; however, the association rate constant for substrate binding to holoenzyme increases as the length of the leader increases, and this is reflected in enhanced substrate affinity of up to 4 kcal/mol. In particular, the protein component of RNase P stabilizes interactions with nucleotides at -2 and -5 in the 5' leader sequence of the pre-tRNA substrate. A 1 nucleotide leader decreases substrate affinity >/=15-fold compared to tRNAAsp due to ground-state destabilization of the enzyme-substrate complex. This destabilization is overcome by increasing the length of the leader to 2 nucleotides due to P RNA-pre-tRNA contacts that are stabilized by the P protein. The affinity of RNase P holoenzyme (but not RNA alone) for pre-tRNAAsp is further enhanced with a substrate containing a 5 nucleotide leader. These data indicate that novel direct or indirect interactions occur between the 5' leader sequence of pre-tRNAAsp and the protein component of RNase P.  相似文献   

In the adult axon, the neurofilaments (NFs) are heteropolymers formed from the low (NFL), middle (NFM), and high (NFH) molecular weight neurofilament triplet proteins (NFTPs). All three proteins have the basic intermediate filament protein tripartite structure, which consists of a short amino-terminal head region, an alpha-helical rod region of approximately310 amino acids, and a carboxyl-terminal tail region of variable length. In vitro polymerization studies have shown that only NFL can assemble into homopolymeric 10-nm filaments. The assembly of intermediate filaments, including the NFs, begins with the formation of a coiled-coil dimer involving the alpha-helical rod domains of two molecules. In order to determine whether homodimers or heterodimers of NFTPs are the preferred intermediates in the assembly of NFs, we have used the yeast two-hybrid system to study the interactions between the different NFTPs. By monitoring the activity of the lacZ reporter gene product, we are able to show that the interactions of NFL with NFL, NFM, or NFH are stronger than the interactions of NFM with NFM or NFH and the interaction of NFH with NFH. These results imply that NFM and NFH are more likely to form heterodimers with NFL than homodimers and are consistent with the inability of NFM and NFH to self-polymerize in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The general properties of micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC) were utilized to characterize the strength of interactions between bile salts and biological active substances. METHODS: For that purpose various bile salts were used as micellar pseudostationary phase in the background electrolyte. Furthermore, a physicochemical model was applied and the effective partition coefficients between micellar and water phase were calculated in order to evaluate the strength of interactions between bile acids and the drugs. RESULTS: It was found that the interactions between the selected drugs and bile salts depend both on the lipohilicity of the drugs and on the charge of the components. Only hydrophobic, cationic drugs such as quinine and propranolol are able to interact with these surface active agents. CONCLUSIONS: MECC is a valuable method to characterize interactions such occurring between drugs and bile salts.  相似文献   

We have overexpressed and purified human dual-specificity phosphatase cdc25C from a prokaryotic expression system at high levels and in a soluble, active form, and have studied and quantified its potential to interact with cdks, cyclins and preformed cdk-cyclin complexes by fluorescence spectroscopy and size-exclusion chromatography. Our data indicate that human cdc25C forms stable complexes, through hydrophobic contacts, with cdk and cyclin monomers, as well as with preformed cdk-cyclin complexes. In vitro, cdc25C interacts with cyclin monomers with high affinity, with tenfold less affinity with cdks, and with intermediate affinity with cdk-cyclin complexes. Moreover, changes observed in the intrinsic fluorescence of cdks, cyclins and cdk-cyclin complexes upon interaction with cdc25C are indicative of concomitant conformational changes within cdks and cyclins. From our results, we propose that in vitro, in the presence of monomeric cdks and cyclins, cdc25C forms stable ternary complexes, first through a high affinity interaction with a cyclin, which may then help target cdc25C towards a cdk. We discuss the biological relevance of our results and propose that a similar, two-step mechanism of interaction between cdc25C and cdk-cyclin complexes may occur in vivo.  相似文献   

Several analogs structurally related to aspartame were prepared in order to establish if chemical modifications of the molecule might improve sweetness. None of these analogs exhibited any sweet taste; on the contrary in most cases they were bitter.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We determined the relationship between apolipoprotein (Apo)E, MRI, and low cognitive scores. METHODS: The relationship between age, education, ApoE genotype, MRI examination of the brain, subclinical and clinical cardiovascular disease, and low (<80) score on the Modified Mini-Mental State Examination (3MSE, as modified by Teng and Chui) was evaluated for 3469 black and white participants in the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) in years 5 and 6 of the study. The participants were followed for up to 3 years. RESULTS: The prevalence of scores <80 in years 5 and 6 of the CHS was 8.2% for participants without and 20.4% for those with prior history of stroke. Age, race, and education were important determinants of low 3MSE scores. The prevalence of ApoE-4 (odds ratio [OR], 1.6 [1.1 to 2.1]) was directly related to scores <80, as was high ventricular volume (OR, 1.6 [1.2 to 2.3]), high white matter grade (OR, 1.4 [1.1 to 1.9]), and infarctlike lesions (OR, 1.6 [1.2 to 2.1]) on the MRI in the multivariate analysis. A five-point or greater decline in scores over up to 3 years was more often observed for participants with low 3MSE scores at year 5, at older ages, with lower education, and experiencing incident stroke (OR, 3.6 [1.2 to 10.6]), ApoE-4 genotype (OR, 1.8 [1.4 to 2.3]), and with MRI findings of high ventricular volume (OR, 2.0 [1.5 to 2.7]), and infarctlike lesions (OR, 1.2 [0.9 to 1.5]). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that vascular changes on MRI, measures of brain atrophy, ApoE-4, and age, education, and race are associated with low cognitive scores among older individuals. The MRI of the brain provides valuable information related to cognitive tests and decline over time. The potential exists for using MRI measurements to identify high-risk individuals for dementia and to test potential interventions to reduce the risk of dementia.  相似文献   

The psychologies of structure, function, and development.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reviews E. B. Titchner's 1898 analogy between the anatomical, physiological, and morphogenetic aspects of biological research and the structural, functional, and developmental aspects of psychological research. This analogy is applied to contemporary divisions within psychology. In psychology, structural research tends to be described in the cognitive or mentalist vocabulary, and functional research in the behaviorist vocabulary. However, this correlation is accidental. Structural and functional dimensions of psychological problems and their relation to developmental research are examined. It is concluded that much psychological controversy is caused by concern with different problems, and not by different paradigms for studying the same problems. (45 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. Tyrosyl residues on ribonuclease A were nitrated with tetranitromethane and then reduced to aminotyrosyl residues. By variation of reaction conditions and degree of exposure of tyrosyl residues it was possible to convert from 1 to all 6 tyrosyl to aminotyrosyl residues. 2. At the lower levels of 1-3 aminated tyrosyl residues/molecule the change in conformation seemed minor and 70% of the enzymatic activity was retained. When the three buried tyrosyl residues or all six residues were aminated only 5% of the enzymatic activity was retained. 3. Titration data, susceptibility to urea denaturation, and fluorescence characteristics indicated that some of the aminotyrosyl residues were buried in the interior and others were exposed on the surface of the protein. On the basis of the activation/emission wavelengths it was possible to distinguish buried (288/320 nm) and exposed (288/365-395 nm) aminotyrosyl residues as well as exposed tyrosyl residues (275-305 nm). 4. The modification of specific tyrosyl residues on a protein to aminotyrosyl residues appears to have some promise for observation of changes in environment of the residues that accompany various conformation changes by monitoring the fluorescence.  相似文献   

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