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Real-Time FFT to Monitor Muscle Fatigue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The median frequency of a myoelectric signal is obtained (in real time) from the signal spectrum. To this end, we use a computer-based fast Fourier transformer which outputs, every second, an average computed over 16 consecutive values.  相似文献   

As a muscular contraction is sustained, the spectrum of the myoelectric signal is shifted toward the lower frequencies. This spectral shift is associated with localized muscular fatigue. This communication describes a computer-assisted device, the Muscle Fatigue Monitor, that performs a quantitative assessment of localized muscular fatigue by tracking changes in the median frequency parameter of the myoelectric signal's spectrum.  相似文献   

Actuators, the prime drive unit in any system (biological or mechanical), are responsible for transferring energy in its many forms into mechanical motion that permits interaction with the external environment. The complexity of the organic mechanism has traditionally precluded its emulation, but a demand in robotic and other mechatronic systems for closer human interaction involving safety, redundancy, self-repair and affinity, has highlighted the potential benefits of softness, both in terms of functional and physical behaviour. This is prompting a shift in the traditional design paradigm based on motors–gears–bearings–links to a novel bio-mimetic schema based on muscle–tendon–joint–bone. Among the most fundamental features of actuators designed around this format will be a desire to emulate the performance of natural muscle in forming a safe and natural interaction medium, while still possessing the beneficial attributes of conventional engineering actuators, i.e. high power to weight/volume, high force weight/volume and good positional and force control. In this paper a study has been undertaken of two novel forms of actuators (polymeric and pneumatic Muscle), that have characteristics that can be broadly classified as giving them a range of bio-mimetic functions.The work considers the production, modelling and performance testing of these two forms of bio-mimetic actuators. Enhancements to the performance of both systems are explored to show their capacity for bio-emulation. For the pneumatic Muscle Actuator a practical example is briefly explored to show the potential for real world applications of this technology. Finally a comparison of the relative merits of the ‘muscles’ are made with references to required enhancements, improvements or developments needed for viable future exploitation.  相似文献   

Average muscle action potential conduction velocity values were obtained during isometric constant-force contractions by a cross-correlation technique. To minimize the bias introduced by nondelayed activity appearing on the two myoelectric derivations, the signals were doubly differentiated. This arrangement effectively reduced the nondelayed activity and increased the accuracy of the estimate.  相似文献   

基于文件过滤的移动存储设备实时监控系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张军伟  罗红  乔向东 《通信技术》2009,42(2):283-285
针对Windows NT/2000/2003/XP系列操作系统,设计和实现了一种基于文件过滤驱动的移动存储设备实时监控系统。该系统能够实时捕获移动存储设备的安装,控制并记录移动存储设备的数据读、写操作,可实现对关键文件的授权访问,能阻止从移动存储设备启动可执行程序,从而有效阻断轮渡类木马程序的自动运行,从而保护内部网络安全。  相似文献   

直流电源系统监控装置的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴建忠 《电子工程师》2003,29(10):10-12
介绍一种基于多个单片机的直流电源监控系统。系统采用主从式结构,主机负责整个系统的控制和管理,从机则分别负责监督控制系统的直流、交流、充电模块及蓄电池组等各个部分。该系统具有可靠性高、成本低廉、灵活性好等特点。  相似文献   

Potential applications of three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging to noninvasive temperature monitoring as well as tissue heating are discussed. Although heat delivery using conventional NMR imaging is negligible, the physical basis for heat transfer is reviewed and the potential for increase is shown to depend on both the static magnetic field and the longitudinal relaxation time (T1)  相似文献   

方健  李肇基  李鸿雁  杨健 《电子学报》2001,29(8):1072-1075
提出一种低能He注入局域寿命控制电导调制型功率器件的双极输运模型.借助三区双极输运方程导出稳态的非平衡载流子浓度分布和正向压降.借助电荷控制法并引入有效寿命概念获得反向恢复时间.理论分析和实验结果表明这种器件的反向恢复时间减小到常规器件的1/2以下,而正向压降仅增加10%.  相似文献   

多功能监护仪的无线通讯系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨莹  徐钊  王文明  李丽 《现代电子技术》2008,31(3):67-68,71
提出并设计了一种用于多功能监护仪的无线通讯系统,通过星型网络和一个无线网关把一个房间内的监护仪的信号送入公司的局域网,使监护仪摆脱了电缆的限制,实现了医疗监护系统的网络化.在不改变该仪器的基础上通过自定的协议和虚拟通道,实现了该仪器与网络之间数据的透明传输.同时与其他设计方案做了对比,说明了本设计的优越性.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to bring together some of the well known and some of the lesser known probability distributions that are candidates for failure models in reliability studies. Each probability distribution is discussed in the light of a physical process that gives rise to it and as such provides a better insight to its potential user. Alternately, a user faced with the task of choosing a failure distribution can direct his choice by determining which of the physical causes discussed here best fits into his situation. The results presented in this paper, some of them very recent, have appeared in the literature, but in a scattered form. To the knowledge of this author, there is no single source of literature that presents all the failure distributions in a comprehensive form. This presentation will enable the reliability analyst to view failure distributions in a more complete context.  相似文献   

In this Work, a technique for wireless device type fingerprinting has been introduced. The technique utilizes the information that revealed as a result of the homogeneity in devices of the same make and the heterogeneity in devices of a different make. The diversity in devices of different make is due to different device hardware compositions and the variations in their management capabilities. We apply the statistical technique on network traffic to create unique, reproducible device signatures. We demonstrate the efficacy of our technique on network traffic captured in different scenarios. We have used a total of 300 devices types representing a wide range of device classes. In the experiment, we have used more than 1.5 GB of filtered traffic for analysis and performance evaluation. We measure the performance of the technique by considering the accuracy of device type detection. The results obtained are promising with a higher detection rate than its counterparts.  相似文献   

Traditional computing resource allocations in virtualization environment devote to provide fairness of resource distribution when the overall workload of host is heavy. That makes those allocations lack of efficiency under light workloads. To target this, we design and implement a lightweight resource allocation system, virtual resource allocation system (VRAS). Considering the fact that workloads can be balanced by migrating virtual machines to other hosts, we propose a request driven mechanism to focus on resource allocation under light workloads. We also present some allocation strategies used in VRAS to explain how it works on processor and memory resources. Our experiment results demonstrate that VRAS can result in throughput improvements of 28 % for RUBiS application, and the network overhead reduction of 81 %, comparing with the traditional allocation methods.  相似文献   

A portable personal computer has been programmed as a flexible and economical text display device capable of delivering single and multiple words or symbols flashed in the center of the screen with a wide range of repetition times and duty cycles (fraction of stimulus on/off time). All aspects of a computer-controlled experiment are controlled by a command file which can be created by workers with basic word processing skills and no knowledge of computer programming. Digital output is provided for recording stimulus timing on a chart recorder or computer for comparison to eye movements or other externally recorded variables. The system is ideal for zero-eye-movement reading experiments in which sentences are flashed a word or group of words at a time in the center of a CRT screen. If the subject is then asked to repeat the sentence aloud, the percentage of words correctly recalled is a measure of "reading comprehension." Results with nine subjects match previous data [1] obtained cinematographically.  相似文献   

使用超声马达自动调节CRT聚焦,效果极好。聚焦调节系统由超声马达,驱动电位器,驱动电路和CCD摄像器组成。它能精确调节聚焦到0.3mm,在10s内完成。整个聚焦系统很简单,成本也低。  相似文献   

It is necessary to monitor the physiological state of small animals being maintained under anesthetic. One parameter that may be observed is the respiratory pattern which is particularly important when using anesthetics known to depress respiratory function. A respiration monitor is described which indicates nasal air flow and which has a self-centering feature to eliminate drift. This feature enables the sensitivity of the unit to be increased to allow monitoring from animals with very low tidal volumes. The monitor is small and is battery operated to eliminate line frequency interference of sensitive recording equipment. It gives a meter indication of the respiratory pattern and provides an output suitable for driving a recorder. An audible tone is sounded at each inspiration.  相似文献   

一种新型的产程监护系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一套用于产程监护的多导同步宫缩检测系统.经临床测试,该系统能很好地反映产程中产妇宫缩的情况,从而为准确用药或手术调控分娩过程提供依据,是一种很有前途的产程监护手段.  相似文献   

饶洁  黄华  任瑞玲 《现代传输》2005,16(3):75-78
提出了一种基于GSM短消息业务(SMS)的网络化家庭远程监控系统。克服了传统的手机-手机模块式的SMS远程监控系统中设备复杂、投入大、实现困难等缺点,并摆脱了传统模式中仅限于GSM系统内部通信的实现方式,引入Internet并利用其丰富的资源,搭建了经Internet的监控信息传输通道。较好地利用了短消息便利、实用、可靠的特点和Internet信息丰富、广泛应用的特点,以一种简单可行的方式实现了对家庭网络或设备的远程监测和控制。系统具有良好的可扩展性和广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

As the use of mobile communications systems grows, the need arises for new and more efficient channel allocation techniques. The total number of available channels on a real-world network is in fact a scarce resource, and many assignment heuristics suffer from a clear lack of flexibility (this is the case of Fixed Channel Allocation), or from high computational and communication complexity (as with channel borrowing techniques). Performance can be improved by representing the system with an objective function whose minimum is associated with a good configuration; the various constraints appear as penalty terms in the function. The problem is thus reduced to the search for a minimum, that is often performed via heuristic algorithms like Hopfield neural networks, simulated annealing or reinforcement learning. These strategies usually require a central process to have global information and decide for all cells. We consider an objective-function formulation of the channel assignment problem that has been previously solved by search heuristics; we prove that the search time for the global minimum of the objective function is O(nlogn), and therefore there is no need for search techniques. Finally we show that the algorithm that arises from this formulation can be modified so that global knowledge and synchronization are no longer required, and we give its distributed version. By simulating a cellular network with mobile hosts on a hexagonal cell pattern with uniform call distribution, we show that our technique actually performs better than the best known algorithms.  相似文献   

Although respiratory rate is a desirable patient parameter to monitor, signals from a spontaneously breathing patient are so irregular that reliable counts have been difficult. This short communication describes a circuit that processes the signal produced by a respiratory transducer (in our case an impedance pneumograph), and provides a countable output to a digital rate monitor. It is relatively simple, but embodies complex decision criteria in identifying respiratory activity.  相似文献   

从行业实际需求和当前网络与视频技术发展现状出发,提出了一种数字远程监控系统方案,该方案能够灵活地部署于各种IP网络环境,充分利用网络资源,又能保证上层业务的部署不受网络环境的限制.  相似文献   

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