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Specific aspects of heavy ion elastic recoil detection (ERD) with gas ionization detectors have been studied using representative measurements. A particular strength of the technique is the detection and direct quantification of elements with atomic numbers in the range Z=2–8, which are often not accessible with other ion beam techniques. Within the wider spectrum of analytical techniques in materials science, heavy ion ERD has unique capabilities, when the particular problem requires in addition the analysis of heavy elements or hydrogen detection. Whenever only heavy element analysis or only hydrogen profiling is of interest, alternative techniques tend to be superior.  相似文献   

The impact of the pulse height deficit effect in gas ionization detectors on the accurate extraction of depth information from heavy ion elastic recoil detection spectra has been investigated. Thin GaN films and GexSi1−x/Si heterostructures have been analyzed with a 200 MeV 197Au beam. Employing an empirical parameterisation of the pulse height deficit, a global energy calibration of the detector can be achieved. Energy spectra have been compared, calibrated with either a constant or a full energy-dependent compensation for the deficit. A constant compensation results in significant distortion of the extracted depth profile for heavier ions, whereas an energy-dependent compensation yields true concentration–depth profiles.  相似文献   

朱沛然  江伟林 《核技术》1993,16(10):607-609
介绍了中国科学院物理研究所离子束研究室的主要设备、分析方法、离子注入材料改性研究以及近年来在半导体材料、高Tc超导材料、环保等领域中的研究工作。  相似文献   

采用弹性反冲分析法同时测量薄膜中氢和氘的深度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王运来  宋世战 《核技术》1997,20(10):611-614
给出由重叠反冲能谱计算氢和氘的浓度及深度分布的解谱技术,用4.5MeV和4.2MeV的α粒子作入射粒子得到两个反冲能谱。在考虑和不考虑能量展宽效应的情况下分析了钛膜中氢和氘的深度分布;发现考虑能量展宽效应的影响得到的氢和氘的深度分布是令人满意的。  相似文献   

The occurrence of O2 molecular loss from the bulk of SiO2 single layers and SiO2/Si multilayers as a result of 50 MeV Cu9+ irradiation has been investigated. This process did not take place with a significant rate, if it occurs at all. Instead both Si and O are removed from the SiO2 surface region, releasing molecular O2. If an elemental Si layer is on top in a multilayer, removal of Si and O with an appreciable rate is not observed. The irradiation creates bubbles in the SiO2/Si multilayers, which contain O2. The distinct SiO2 sublayers remain chemically intact. The bubbles deteriorate the depth resolution in elastic recoil detection.  相似文献   

陆荣荣  裘惠源  朱德彰 《核技术》2002,25(8):591-596
离子束诱导电荷显微术(IBIC)是核子微探针显微成像技术的又一新发展,它具有低束流(fA量级),高效率的特点,已被广泛应用于半导体材料和微电子材料研究中。本文简述了离子束诱导电荷显微术(IBIC)的原理和实验方法,综述了IBIC 研究的现状和进展。  相似文献   

离子束分析在艺术和考古学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过与运用其它分析技术的同类工作进行比较来述评离子束分析法在艺术和考古学研究中的应用。为了说明离子束分析法的利弊,精选了一些实例来阐述该方法在艺术和考古学领域中的发展趋势和重要成就。  相似文献   

韩荣典  林成鲁 《核技术》1993,16(8):449-453
用慢正电子束配合多普勒湮没能谱测量技术研究N~+离子注入镍样品产生的缺陷。由未注入的样品得到了正电子在镍中的扩散参数E_0=4.6keV。比较两个样品的S参数随入射正电子能量变化的曲线给出了95keV、6.4×10~(17)/cm~2剂量的N~+注入镍样品所产生的缺陷分布;缺陷由表面一直延伸到190nm,浓度最大的区域在27—110nm。这些都与由Trim程序的Monte Carlo模拟计算的结果很好地符合。  相似文献   

The radiation hardness of polysiloxane based scintillators has been measured by ion beam induced luminescence (IBIL). The light intensity as a function of the irradiation fluence with an He+ beam at 1.8 MeV (1.0 μA/cm2) has been measured on undoped polymers synthesized with different amounts of phenyl units and on polysiloxanes doped with two different dye molecules (BBOT and Lumogen Violet) sensitizing the scintillation yield.  相似文献   

The diffusion of hydrogen in amorphous silicon formed by ion implantation is studied using real-time elastic recoil detection analysis. An activation energy for H diffusion of 1.82 eV is determined in a single ramped anneal. This activation energy is consistent with diffusion studies in the high H concentration regime. The low beam current employed is found to have a negligible influence on the H diffusion within the sensitivity of the measurement. Further refinements for increased accuracy of this technique are discussed.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a novel nuclear microprobe imaging and analysis modality for micrometre-scale field effect transistor devices probed with focused beams of MeV ions. By recording the drain current as a function of time during ion irradiation it is possible to identify current transients induced by the passage of single ions through the sensitive structures of the device. This modality takes advantage of the fact that the ionization produced by the passage of a single ion acts in an equivalent way to a transient change in the gate bias which therefore modulates the drain current as a function of time. This differs from the traditional ion beam induced charge technique where the ionization drifts in an internal electric field and induces a single charge pulse in an electrode applied to the device. Instead a richer variety of phenomena are observed, with different time constants which depend on the proximity of the ion strike to the channel of the device. The signals may be used to examine device function, radiation sensitivity or to count ion impacts within the channel.  相似文献   

Quantitative application of ion beam analysis methods, such as Rutherford backscattering, elastic recoil detection analysis, and nuclear reaction analysis, requires the use of computer simulation codes. The different types of available codes are presented, and their advantages and weaknesses with respect to underlying physics and computing time requirements are discussed. Differences between different codes of the same type are smaller by about one order of magnitude than the uncertainty of basic input data, especially stopping power and cross section data. Even very complex sample structures with elemental concentration variations with depth or laterally varying structures can be simulated quantitatively. Laterally inhomogeneous samples generally result in an ambiguity with depth profiles. The optimization of ion beam analysis measurements is discussed, and available tools are presented.  相似文献   

TiHx中H的热释放行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏澎  丁伟 《核技术》1998,21(10):586-589
对吸附法制备的TiHx进行升温加热处理,发现温度大于343℃时样品中用H才有明显的释放现象,对在343℃下保温不同时间间隔的样品,用3MeV^4He弹性前冲测量法得出了样吕表面H的深度分布和含量,发现表面的C沾污对H具有强烈的捕陷作用。  相似文献   

Synthesis and structural studies of nanocrystalline silicon grown in pulsed laser deposited SiOX films is reported. The effect of high energy heavy ion beam irradiation on these films is studied using 100 MeV Ag ions. The structural studies were carried out using micro Raman spectroscopy, GAXRD, FTIR, TEM, HRTEM, SAED and EDX. The occurrence of phase separation in non-stoichiometric silicon oxide by means of ion beam irradiation leading to the formation of silicon nanocrystals in the films is confirmed by the results. HRTEM results reveal the structure of silicon phase formed after ion beam treatment and the particle size can be controlled up to 2-3 nm. A detailed analysis by micro Raman and HRTEM studies suggest the presence of crystallite size distribution. The results of GAXRD and SAED confirm the formation of cubic phase of silicon with two different lattice parameters. The studies conclude that the size of the nanocrystals can be controlled by varying deposition and ion irradiation parameters.  相似文献   

We report here loss of H monitored by on-line elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) technique from passivated Hg1−xCdxTe (MCT) wafers due to irradiation by 80 MeV Ni9+, 120 MeV Au15+ and 200 MeV Ag10+. The loss of H is more in case of the wafer irradiated by Ag ions as compared to other two because of higher electronic energy loss (Se). For same Se value, H loss is more in case of the wafer having x = 0.29 as compared to the one having x = 0.204. This is due to higher band gap of the former as compared to the later, which is an important data for proper use of these materials as IR detector in intense radiation zone. These results are explained on the basis of thermal spike model of ion-solid interaction.  相似文献   

Diamond is considered to be a possible alternative to other carbon based materials as a plasma facing material in nuclear fusion devices due to its high thermal conductivity and resistance to chemical erosion. In this work CVD diamond films were exposed to hydrogen plasma in the MAGnetized Plasma Interaction Experiment (MAGPIE): a linear plasma device at the Australian National University which simulates plasma conditions relevant to nuclear fusion. Various negative sample stage biases of magnitude less than 500 V were applied to control the energies of impinging ions. Characterisation results from SEM, Raman spectroscopy and ERDA are presented. No measureable quantity of hydrogen retention was observed, this is either due to no incorporation of hydrogen into the diamond structure or due to initial incorporation as a hydrocarbon followed by subsequent etching back into the plasma. A model is presented for the initial stages of diamond erosion in fusion relevant hydrogen plasma that involves chemical erosion of non-diamond material from the surface by hydrogen radicals and damage to the subsurface region from energetic hydrogen ions. These results show that the initial damage processes in this plasma regime are comparable to previous studies of the fundamental processes as reported for less extreme plasma such as in the development of diamond films.  相似文献   

In this work we study a polymeric material that degrades upon irradiation due to the energy inhomogeneously deposited by heavy ion beams. Ion beam irradiation of polymers generates rather different effects than those induced by “classical” low ionizing particles such as electrons or gamma rays. This is due to the high electronic stopping power and the inhomogeneous distribution of deposited energy. This energy is transferred to the material within a small volume along the ion path forming the so called “nuclear track” or “latent track”. The track size primarily depends on the ion velocity, and it is determined by the secondary electrons (delta rays) generated along the ion trajectory. By means of Monte Carlo simulations we first obtained equilibrated polymer configurations using a coarse-grained model, and then investigated the spatially inhomogeneous chain scission process due to the passage of the ions. The number average molecular weight, weight average molecular weight and the polydispersity were calculated as a function of track radius, scission probability within the ion track and irradiation fluence. Finally we compared our results with a numerical implementation of a model for random homogeneous degradation.  相似文献   

Heavy-ion elastic recoil detection analysis (HIERDA) is the ideal technique for quantitative analysis of silicon oxynitride films on silicon because of its unique ability to measure simultaneously all elements of interest (i.e., H, C, N, O and Si), thereby permitting key parameters such as the O/N-ratio to be determined in a single measurement. However, high-energy accelerators suitable for such HIERDA measurements are becoming much less readily available. Hence, the present paper investigates and calibrates an alternative IBA technique for simultaneous O, N and C analysis – namely, the use of (d,p) and (d,) nuclear reactions. Under optimum analysis conditions (850 keV deuterons and 150° detector angle), the Si background level sets a lower detection limit of 1×1016 nitrogen atoms/cm2 and 3×1015 oxygen atoms/cm2. H analysis is carried out separately, using low-energy ERDA and a 2 MeV 4He beam. Absolute cross-sections have been obtained for each of the (d,p) and (d,) groups. Comparison with data in the recent Handbook of Modern Ion Beam Materials Analysis shows reasonable agreement (10–15%) for the (d,p) reactions on oxygen and carbon. However, in the case of nitrogen, the measured cross-section values are 70% larger than the Handbook data. Several silicon oxynitride samples have been analyzed, first at UWO using 850 keV deuterons, and subsequently at ANU using HIERDA and a 200 MeV Au beam. The resulting O/N-ratios agree to within 10%. The relative importance of radiation damage effects is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

钛膜中氢同位素的深度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁伟  施立群  龙兴贵 《核技术》2007,30(9):754-758
为评估氢同位素效应对其在贮氢金属中深度分布的影响,对H/D-Ti、D/T-Ti、D-Ti及T-Ti样品用7.4MeV的4He离子束进行30°方向弹性反冲(ERD)分析.由H/D-Ti样品ERD能谱获得其1.7μm深度的D分布,结合D-Ti样品ERD能谱的~3 μm深度的H、D分布进行了模拟分析.结果表明,H、D含量均随深度增加,其分布曲线基本一致,说明在Ti中H、D的分布互不干涉,样品制备过程中其同位素效应不明显.用同样的方法对DT-Ti样品中的D、T分布进行了模拟分析.结果表明,在1.7 μm深度内D、T的分布基本均匀,但由于D、T的能谱过于靠近,其解谱误差较大.用3.0 MeV的质子对HD-Ti和D-Ti进行的质子背散射(PBS)分析表明,两样品中的D分布趋势一致,证明了Ti中H、D的分布互不干涉,样品制备过程其同位素效应不明显的结论.  相似文献   

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