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The emission and surface characteristics of a dispenser cathode coated with Re arestudied.It is found that the dispenser cathode coated with Re has both higher current densityand more uniform distribution of emission than the S-type cathode.The Auger images of Bashow that the Ba distribution on the surface of the cathode coated with Re is more uniform thanthat on the surface of the S-type cathode.The analytical results by XPS and low energy AESshow that the Ba on the surface of the cathode coated with Re has stronger metallic propertythan that on the surface of the S type cathode.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型钡钨阴极镱酸盐阴极,这种阴极是以多孔钨海绵为基体,浸渍镱酸盐发射材料而制成。该阴极具有大的次级电子发射系数,在室温下,为4.1;较大的热发射,在1000℃,可支取6A/cm2的电流密度,而且阴极表面发射比较均匀;有较强的抗氧中毒能力;是一种较好的实用阴极。  相似文献   

A scanning electron probe is used to study the secondary emission properties of the im-pregnated barium scandate dispenser cathode, the influence of the activation on the secondary emis-sion property, the secondary emission image and the secondary emission distribution over the surfaceof the cathode. At optimal activation, δ_m=3.56 (E_(pm)=700eV). The activation has a larger effect onδ when the activation temperature is higher than 1100℃. The distribution over the surface of thecathode is non-uniform. The half-peak width of the distribution curve over the surface is 0.4. Theexperimental phenomena are discussed in relation to surface analysis of the cathode. The theoreticallyderived binomial distribution curves over the surface fit much better with the experimental results.  相似文献   

In order to obtain higher emission performance than that of a traditional M-type cathode, we have developed a new type impregnated dispenser cathode. The new cathode is impregnated with a new active substance with molar ratio of 26BaO·29SrO·8Sc2O3 ·7CaO·Al2O3 . This paper introduces the emission performance, surface active material, and work function of the new cathode. At 1100℃B , the DC current density and pulse current density are 30.6±1.0 A/cm2 and 171.6±2.8 A/cm2 , respectively, 2.1 and 5.4 times of that of an M-type cathode. The work function of the new cathode is 1.668± 0.002 eV. High concentration O-Al-Sc-Sr-Ba and O-Al-Sc-Ba are found in the pores and at pore edges, respectively. By comparing the emission performances and surface characteristics of as-polished and as-cleaned cathodes, it is proposed that, the emission around pore ends forms the major part of the total emission for the new cathodes.  相似文献   

用多晶X射线衍射方法,研究钪酸盐阴极发射材料在烧结过程中物理化学变化。由BaO-CaO-Al2O3-Sc2O3组成的发射材料中,在10001300℃内,是Ba-Al-O和Ba-Sc-O体系与CaO的混合物;在13001500℃内,是Ba-Al-O和Ba-Sc-O体系互溶生成热力学上的亚稳定态的Ba-Al-Sc-O固溶体。先形成组成约为5BaO-Al2O3-Sc2O3物相,属正交晶系,a=9.725(2),b=8.698(3),c=6.152(3);最后生成组成约为4BaO-Al2O3-0.5Sc2O3物相,属四方晶系,a=14.4996(19),b=4.4996(19),c=5.0265(8).CaO呈游离状态。  相似文献   

During the activation and ageing,the evaporation components and rates from 4.56:1.44:2impregnated dispenser cathode have been determined by the vapor-collect method based on the Augerelectron spectroscopy(AES).(1)The evaporation rate of a cathode after ageing differs from that of a justactivated cathode by a factor of 5 to 10.The evaporation energy of the former is 4.58 eV,and that of the latter is4.34 eV.(2)At operating temperature,the metallic barium in the evaporated materials is about 90%,and thebarium oxide is about 9.3%.(3)Blow 1000℃ the evaporation of Ca is not significant;over 1150℃ the Ca startsevaporating rapidly,particularly in the activation process,it may approach 3.5% at 1250℃.  相似文献   

以掺氧化钇的钡钨阴极作为研究对象,利用现代表面分析技术,包括发射式电子显徽镜、扫描电子显微镜、俄歇电子谱仪和高分辨率x射线光电子谱仪等,进行了综合研究,获得了阴极发射性能、表面形貌和表面化学等实验结果,并对实验结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A new type of dispenser cathode with dual-layer (Os-W/Re) is developed. The cathode coated with Os-W/Re shows better emission performance than the cathode coated with Os-W alloy. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) spectra demonstrate that ternary alloy coating (Os-W-Re) formed on the surface of the cathode with dual-layer (Os-W/Re) after full activation is the major reason why it has better emission than the cathode with Os-W alloy. The surface of each variety of the cathode is characterized with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) before and after activation: the emitting surface of the cathode with Os-W alloy after ageing appeared non-adherence (flaking) in localized areas, which is one of the reasons for non-uniform emission. However, the surface of the cathode with dual-layer (Os-W/Re) does not present film peeling under the same conditions. Thus it ensures better emission uniformity and functional reliability for the dispenser cathode.  相似文献   

为获得电子发射性能优异的含钪钡热钨阴极.采用液固掺杂、掺杂钨粉还原、等静压制、高温烧结、浸渍发射物质等工艺.制备出钪钨基体钡钨热阴极。对该阴极的发射性能测试结果显示,在阴极温度分别为950℃、1050℃、1100℃时,脉冲发射电流密度分别为53.6A/cm^2、65.7A/cm^2、79A/cm^2。分析认为.由于氧化钪均匀地覆盖在钨颗粒的表面,氧化钪与钨接触面增多,使氧化钪与钨的结合力增大,因此该阴极具有均匀性良好的热电子发射,较好的抗离子轰击能力.  相似文献   

亚微米结构新型含钪扩散阴极性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究具有氧化钪掺杂钨基体钪酸盐阴极的性能.为了改进氧化钪的分布均匀性及提高阴极表面钪的扩散补充能力,分别采用液固掺杂和液液掺杂的方法制备了Sc2O3掺杂W粉基材,研究了利用这种钨粉制作多孔钨基体的工艺技术和多孔体的微观结构.研究表明在改进压制、烧结技术的基础上,可以获得具有适当孔度的亚微米结构多孔基体,氧化钪在基体中的分布得到进一步改善,在这种基体中铝酸盐的浸渍率可以达到常规浸渍阴极的要求.发射试验结果表明,这种阴极在850 ℃的工作温度下空间电荷限制的电流密度超过30 A/cm2,在超过2000 h的寿命实验过程中发射仍持续上升,因而在要求高电流密度和一定寿命的微波电子管中具有光明的应用前景.研究还证实多孔体的结构越趋细微,越有利于阴极的发射均匀性和耐离子轰击的性能改善.  相似文献   

提出了一种检测三维磁场的真空微电子磁敏传感器。该传感器采用Spindt阴极阵列作为电子源,阳极分为五个区域,以便检测发射电子在磁场作用下的偏移。通过不同阴极电压下电子束流的偏移量的国赤出器件所在位置磁场的三个分量。对传感器的灵敏度和误差进行了模拟计算,并研究了它们与阳极电压、阴-阳极间距及阳极电压变化步长的关系。结果表明该传感器的灵敏度约为800%,相对误差为3%。  相似文献   

氧化钪掺杂钨基扩散阴极的结构、表面与发射特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以钪盐的水溶液与氧化钨液-固掺杂法制备了氧化钪掺杂钨基扩散阴极,利用扫描电镜、能谱分析仪和原位俄歇电子谱仪等现代分析技术研究了烧结体的形貌、Sc的分布及阴极的表面特性。用自行研制的微机控制全自动电子发射测量装置检测了阴极发射性能。研究表明,与Sc2O3与W机械混合制备的混合基含Sc阴极相比,采用液固掺杂法制备的阴极,Sc2O3分布均匀,阴极耐高温和抗离子轰击能力强,发射性能优异。  相似文献   

本文利用相关检测技术,并对测试管结构作了改进,很好地抑制了热电子本底及空间电荷效应,构成一种测量热阴极在工作温度下次级电子发射性能的新方法。以浸渍钪酸盐阴极为样品,测得在低的轰击电子能量和电子流情况下次级电子发射系数占随温度指数上升;轰击电子能量或轰击电子流较大时,温度对没有很大的影响。研究表明高温下钪酸盐阴极存在电子轰击热发射增大效应,对此本文提出内建场模型加以解释。  相似文献   

X 光二极管(XRD)小型化有助于优化软X 光能谱仪,也可实现与其他X 光诊断设备的集成应用。完成了小灵敏面X 光二极管机构设计,储能电容更合理,体积更小。开展了微波仿真与模拟计算,在0耀20 GHz 的带宽范围内其反射很小,微波传输特性满足实验要求。另外,在短脉冲激光装置上开展了探测器性能研究实验。结果表明探测器时间分辨能力提升20%左右。小灵敏面X 光二极管研究有助于探测器在辐射流监测的方面获得更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

A new design for hollow cathode lasers, using multiple electrodes excited with an alternating power supply, is introduced and a report on their preliminary performance is given. Laser action was observed on the 781 nm transition of the Cu ion.  相似文献   

空心阴极放电具有电子能量大和密度高等优点,特别是脉冲供电的空心阴极放电,它能给出比直流供电的空心阴极放电中高好几个数量级的电子密度,而且高能电子的比例也很高。这对于激发原子的高激发态,尤其是获得双电子激发态是相当适合的。然而,目前对于脉冲供电的空心阴极放电,尤其是对极短波长受激辐射最重要的电子的能量和密度以及随放电参数变化的关系等问题,有待深入研究。 在一个脉冲供电的空心阴极放电装置上,用圆柱型双探针系统测量了氩气电子的能量和密度以及随放电参数变化的关系。并与直流放电的结果作了比较。发现在脉冲放电的条件下电子的密度比在直流放电的条件下约高4个数量级,而电子的能量提高约4~13eV。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a numerical study of external magnetic field influence on the conditions and mechanisms of virtual cathode (VC) formation in a relativistic electron beam. It also considers other related issues, e.g. peculiarities of nonlinear dynamics of electron beam with VC under changed external magnetic field, different mechanisms of VC oscillation chaotisation leading to complication of vircator system dynamics and appearance of multi-frequency VC oscillations. General systemic mechanism of VC oscillation chaotisation has been identified which is connected with formation of electronic patterns in electron beam whose interaction in the common field of spatial charge determines appearance of additional inner feedback. Transition from chaotic to periodical oscillation regime is found to be connected with destroying the mechanism of secondary electronic structures (electron bunches) formation. Besides, the influence of extent of screening of electron gun from magnetic field is discussed.  相似文献   

Treatment of monodispersed rutile (TiO2) powder with an ammonlacial solution of elemental barium gives a uniformly coated precursor to BaTiO3. Thermolysis at about 900 °C for 6 h gives crystalline (by XRS) material with an average particle size of less than 0.1 μm (as determined by SEM).  相似文献   

A unique method has been introduced to measure the dielectric constant of polymer/ceramic composites using an effective medium instead of using the general methods of preparing bulk sintered pellets or films. In this work, a new and a simple method has been applied to measure the dielectric constant of polyvinyl cyanoethylate/barium titanate composites. The results are obtained by dispersing the ceramic powders in the polymer of a relatively low dielectric constant value. The dielectric constant of the composites is measured with varying ceramic volume percentages. The obtained results are compared with the many available theoretical models that are generally in practice to predict the dielectric constant of the composites. Then these results are extrapolated to comprehend the dielectric constant values of ceramic particles as these values form the base for the design of the composite. The precision and simplicity of the method can be exploited for predictions of the properties of nanostructure ferroelectric polymer/ceramic composites.  相似文献   

基于140 GHz兆瓦级回旋振荡器电子枪设计和研制,利用ANSYS热分析软件,建立相应的磁控注入电子枪模型,分析电子枪工作时阴极温度均匀性及热形变,尝试通过相关几何和电参数的调整,在改善阴极温度均匀性的基础上,尽可能消除热形变对电子轨迹质量的影响。通过对比相同加热功率下阴极发射带的实测温度及仿真温度,评价了仿真模型及结果的合理性,为阴极组件的实际设计提供了参考数据。  相似文献   

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