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中国水泥工业环境负荷分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用生命周期评价法,采用2004年中国环境年鉴和中国建筑材料工业年鉴统计数据,分析评价了我国现阶段水泥生产工艺过程及与水泥生产相关的原料开采、电力生产和煤炭生产过程的环境负荷状况。  相似文献   

生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment/LCA)的理论与技术方法,是国际通用的评价产品及其生产过程环境影响的标准化方法,所有与产品生产和消费有关的活动,都可从LCA中得到环境负荷信息。水泥生产的生命周期评价是对水泥从原料开采到产品出厂的生产过程,  相似文献   

利用生命周期评价方法,分析和比较岩棉板、EPS板和XPS板生产及运输过程的环境影响。结果表明,具有相同导热热阻时,岩棉板具有除人体毒性外最高的环境影响,XPS板比EPS板具有更小的环境影响;资源消耗和温室效应是3种保温材料的显著环境影响类别。识别出能源生产和保温材料生产分别为岩棉板资源消耗和温室效应的主要贡献者,而电力生产是岩棉板其它环境影响主要贡献者;原料生产是EPS板和XPS板各类环境影响的主要贡献者。建议综合衡量不同环境影响类型之间和不同生命周期阶段的环境影响,为建筑保温材料及保温技术的选择、优化及相关政策制定提供支持。  相似文献   

为了量化建筑用岩棉生产过程的环境影响,采用Sima Pro8.0软件对我国典型岩棉制品生产开展了从"摇篮到大门"全生命周期评价。编制了岩棉生产的生命周期清单,计算了资源消耗、温室效应、酸化、光化学氧化、富营养化和人体毒性6种环境影响,并进行了归一化与贡献分析。结果显示:资源消耗和温室效应对环境的影响最为显著,分别占总环境影响值的45.4%和20.3%;成纤集棉阶段和原材料生产及运输阶段是造成环境影响的主要阶段,分别占总环境影响值的49%和29%。针对生命周期评价结果,提出了针对性的节能减排方案,使得环境影响值由2.64×10-13 yr减少为2.35×10-13 yr。  相似文献   

以建筑的物化环境影响分析为出发点,对该过程所消耗的资源、能源及有毒物质所造成的环境影响进行定量研究。论文界定了建筑物化环境影响内涵,根据国际环境毒理和化学学会环境评价体系确定12种环境影响要素,依据BEES(Building for Environment and Economic Sustainability)软件计算出建筑全生命周期的环境影响清单,基于支付意愿理论构建了建筑物化环境影响量化模型,并确定江苏地区各环境影响要素的货币值。最后,计算出江苏省某住宅建筑单位面积上环境影响货币值。  相似文献   

为了评估颗粒整形过程对环境的影响,采用货币化的生命周期影响评价方法分析颗粒整形再生骨料混凝土的物化环境影响,核算3组不同配合比的天然骨料混凝土和颗粒整形再生混凝土的环境影响成本。研究表明:颗粒整形再生混凝土的物化环境影响低于天然骨料混凝土,且混凝土的环境影响随着再生粗骨料替代率的增加而降低;经颗粒整形强化后的再生骨料对环境影响折减的效果明显,具有显著的环境效益。  相似文献   

基于生命周期评价方法量化分析典型企业生产建筑岩棉板“从摇篮到大门”的资源/能源消耗、污染物排放及潜在环境影响,辨识影响岩棉板产品环境负荷的关键过程及企业间差异性的主要因素。结果显示,岩棉板生产过程对全球变暖的环境影响贡献最大;原材料生产过程对矿产资源耗竭、化石能源耗竭及人体毒性的环境影响贡献显著;能源生产过程对颗粒物形成及陆地生态系统酸化的环境影响贡献最大;单位产品的能源消耗强度及玄武岩/树脂用量是造成不同企业岩棉产品环境影响差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

为系统分析装配构件生命周期中环境-经济影响,基于生态效率方法,构建生命周期评价与生命周期成本分析集成的环境-经济评价系统;并以 1 m 3 预制混凝土叠合板为例,研究其生命周期环境、经济和生态效率。环境影响评价采用中点影响类型,分别使用目标距离法和社会支付意愿计算总环境影响潜值。研究结果表明:现阶段,固体废弃物、矿石资源及化石能源是预制叠合板环境影响的显著指标;环境成本占活动成本的比值为 22.06%;原料开采、生产过程中生态效率最小,说明此阶段对环境影响的贡献最大,分析结果可为进一步进行预制装配式建筑的效益分析提供数据支持  相似文献   

基于生命周期评价(LCA)方法量化分析用后镁碳砖再生工艺过程中资源/能源消耗、污染物排放和环境影响潜力,其中用后砖再生料的添加比例控制在70%左右,电熔镁砂和石墨为配料。结果表明,生产1吨再生镁碳砖中全球变暖潜值最大,约1.45×103kg CO2 eq.,矿产资源耗竭、化石能源耗竭和人类非致癌毒性潜值较大,分别为7.20×102kg Cu eq., 3.49×102kg oil eq.和2.94×102kg 1,4-DCB eq.。归一化后的总环境影响为3.12,相对损害最大的影响为人类非致癌毒性,主要是生产过程中电力需求大造成;相对损害最大的生产单元过程是配料电熔镁砂和鳞片石墨的生产阶段,贡献了1.76,其次是原料加工、原料再生料的生产,分别贡献1.01和0.12,坯体制备、热处理和成品加工仅贡献了少量环境影响。  相似文献   

随着城镇建设的快速发展,建筑垃圾剧增,对环境和社会的影响越加严重,建筑垃圾的减量化、资源化和再利用成为建筑业可持续发展亟待解决的问题。免烧免蒸砖是一种替代传统粘土实心砖的新型墙体材料,有利于节能、节地、利废,促进循环经济发展,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。文章通过对建筑垃圾制免烧免蒸砖生产工艺的调查,系统分析了生产过程的各项环境排放因素,并运用生命周期评价理论和方法,对其生产过程的环境影响进行定量研究和综合测算。针对建筑垃圾制免烧免蒸砖的生产过程中主要环境影响因素,包括温室气体和粉尘的排放等,提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

This study aims at analyzing the environmental impact of each process of a typical office building over its entire life cycle in Shanghai, China, and finding out a suited limited value for window-wall ratio (WWR) of different orientation and window materials by comparing the results of different scenarios. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used as a tool for the assessment of energy consumption and associated impacts generated from utilization of energy in building construction and operation.When looking at the impacts due to building external envelope production, we observed a small but significant environmental benefit as WWR increasing. Depending on the window materials, the impact is reduced by 9-15%. The environmental benefit associated with the changing in building external envelope production mainly results from the high coefficient of recovery of window materials, include window-frame and glass. But for building use phase, WWR with different window types or orientation has various effects on environmental burden. The environmental impact of office buildings is dominated by the operation stage, although the environmental burden of material production for low-E hollow glass window is larger than single glazing window, the environmental performance of building with low-E hollow glass window is better than other window materials.  相似文献   

The use of dwellings contributes significantly to human-induced environmental burden in a number of ways, including energy consumption and the maintenance and replacement of building components. The present study deals with the maintenance and replacement of external doors and windows in a Dutch reference dwelling and describes how life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology can be applied to quantitatively assess the environmental impact of various maintenance scenarios for the façade components. First, the most effective way to reduce the negative environmental impact in this context is to replace existing single and double glazing with high efficiency double glazing, thereby reducing energy consumption for space heating. Second, the use of timber frames causes less environmental impact than PVC frames with a steel core. Third, extending the service life of building components decreases the input of material resources, production processes and the waste processing of building components during the service life of a dwelling, which is beneficial to the environment. Maintenance activities should only be performed when needed, keeping the building components in good condition while minimising the transportation movements of maintenance workers. Finally, protecting timber components with an alternative paint that contains less solvent does not lower the assessed environmental impact, but low-solvent paint may be preferred because of health aspects both for maintenance workers and occupants of the dwelling.  相似文献   

基于LCA生命周期评价理论,计算目标强度分别为5、10、15 MPa的低强再生碎砖混凝土及普通混凝土C15的负荷量,并且对两者进行比较,进行再生碎砖混凝土环境评价.结果表明生产再生混凝土的电耗量、煤耗量及耗油量都比普通混凝土少,并且环境负荷排放量比普通混凝土少,所以回收利用建筑垃圾对从环境保护来说意义重大.  相似文献   

废弃混凝土处理过程的环境影响是辅助废弃混凝土管理决策的重要依据。采用生命周期评价方法,对废弃混凝土再生骨料利用、再生原料利用、基础填料利用和填埋四种方式的环境影响,进行了核算。其中,生命周期影响评价方法采用“中点法”计算生命周期环境影响状况,并通过社会支付意愿的概念将生命周期影响状况结果转化为以货币价值表示的单一环境影响分值。结果表明:在材料替代的前提下,废弃混凝土再生骨料利用的环境影响最低,最能体现废弃混凝土的资源价值。目前西宁市建筑垃圾填埋弃置的收费标准,不能弥补填埋造成的环境影响,亦不足以改善废弃混凝土的再生利用。  相似文献   

基于西安咸阳国际机场货运中心空调系统,利用生命周期理论和层次分析法针对能源高效利用途径进行了研究。针对生命周期方法和层次分析法应用于建筑能源进行了深入分析,结合实际案例数据进行了生命周期清单分析,数据来源与所提模型紧密结合,基于层次分析法框架性模型,以空调工程各种资源的消耗值和各种环境影响潜值分析为例,量化剖析了如何利用全生命周期影响评价对耗能项目进行评价。结合案例数据的生命周期评价提出了能源利用评价层次模型,并针对模型给出了从全生命周期角度调整建立能源利用过程监控与评价等建议。  相似文献   

This study examines factors resulting in an environment burden (local EB) in the region where a building is located, and suggests a method for assessing it. The environmental burden (attached EB) caused by the expansion of infrastructures, such as, roads and parking lots for supporting buildings is also considered. An integrated life cycle impact assessment approach is proposed for buildings based on social cost account, called a region-type life cycle impact assessment (R-LCIA) here, which can give not only the total environment burden on a global scale but also the environment burden in a region scale and the attached EB. Furthermore, as an example of the R-LCIA, the environmental impact of a store building is assessed, and the effects of its location, structural type, and energy system are discussed.  相似文献   

Railway bridges currently encounter the challenges of increasing the load capacity while the environmental sustainability should be achieved. However, it has been realised that the environmental assessment of railway bridges has not been integrated into the decision-making process, the standard guideline and criterion is still missing in this field. Therefore, the implementation of life cycle assessment (LCA) method is introduced into railway bridges. This article provides a systematic bridge LCA model as a guideline to quantify the environmental burdens for the railway bridge structures. A comparison case study between two alternative designs of Banafjäl Bridge is further carried out through the whole life cycle, with the consideration of several key maintenance and end-of-life scenarios. Six impact categories are investigated by using the LCA CML 2001 method and the known life cycle inventory database. Results show that the fixed-slab bridge option has a better environmental performance than the ballasted design due to the ease of maintenances. The initial material manufacture stage is responsible for the largest environmental burden, while the impacts from the construction machinery and material transportations are ignorable. Sensitivity analysis illustrates the maintenance scenario planning and steel recycling have the significant influence on the final results other than the traffic disturbances.  相似文献   

Energy consumption in dwellings contributes significantly to their total negative environmental impact. This paper quantitatively assesses the environmental impact of building-related and user-related gas and electricity consumption in a Dutch apartment dwelling using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. Several scenarios for gas and electricity consumption are compared to assess what effect changes in building characteristics and user behaviour have on the environmental impacts of energy consumption. This study shows that gas consumption significantly contributes to four environmental impact categories, which can be most effectively countered by reducing the heat demand of the dwelling. A 23% reduction in gas consumption leads to up to 13% less overall environmental impacts. Particularly in buildings with low heat demand, electricity consumption dominates all environmental impact categories. These can most effectively be reduced by changing the electricity demand of the user: 47% less electricity consumption leads to a 9–45% reduction in the total environmental impact. However, since electricity consumption continues to rise, the environmental effects of electricity use may be better reduced by changing the environmental impact of the electricity supply. Theoretically, when electricity consumption remains the same, over 90% less environmental impact could be reached by using 100% wind power to generate electricity.  相似文献   

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