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In this paper, two categories of transform coding and subband coding are comparatively studied for compressing ultrasonic NDE images. The data compression performance of the discrete cosine transform-, the Karhunen-Loève transform-, and the discrete wavelet transform-based codecs are examined by being applied to ultrasonic NDE images. The effects of these compression methods on the analysis of ultrasonic information in compressed ultrasonic images are examined. Moreover, evaluation of the main elements in image coding system is performed to explore the important factors, which are worth paying more attention when developing a special image compression technique for ultrasonic NDE images.  相似文献   

Miniature robotic vehicles are receiving increasing attention for use in non-destructive testing (NDT) due to their attractiveness in terms of cost, safety and their accessibility to areas where manual inspection is not practical. Cameras can play several roles in a robotic system as a result of the information rich nature of the 2D image signal including object/shape recognition, motion estimation and ranging. This paper considers a robot configured with a single camera that monitors the surface of the structure under the robot as it moves. Visual odometry is demonstrated that can reliably track the robot's position. An image mosaicing approach is presented that calculates the robot's path using the complete image set, taking account of overlapping images that were not consecutive in the image stream. It is shown that this significantly reduced the absolute error of the positional estimate. The system was found to work well on surfaces that were not highly reflecting including steel which is common in industrial plant.  相似文献   

以变形钛合金棒材为检测对象,将超声合成孔径聚焦技术(SAFT)算法进行适当的改进,使其适合棒材检测。对棒材试块进行SAFT成像和B扫描成像,通过比较,发现SAFT成像能够增强缺陷信号,提高检测灵敏度。  相似文献   

NDE using ultrasonic signals is a very useful technique for the assessment of solid materials, construction, food, and biomedicine. Among many NDE methods, the ultrasonic inspections may involve the extraction of an appropriate set of features or a neural network for the classification of the signals in the feature space. This paper presents an approach that uses a geometric method and the LMS (Least Mean Square) algorithm to determine the coordinates of the ultrasonic probe followed by the SAFT (Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique) and centroid searching technique to estimate the location of the ultrasonic reflector. The proposed method is employed to classify ultrasound NDE signals from cracks and deposits within steam generator tubes in a nuclear power plant.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于图像处理的膨胀圆裂缝检测算法,将裂缝假想成被若干圆形充填的平面空间,圆的直径可以近似为裂缝宽度,通过一系列圆的坐标和直径,可以实现裂缝几何模型的建立与复原。结果表明,裂缝参数化后由图像格式转为若干个圆的坐标和直径,仍保留了裂缝的主要形态与特征,可用于裂缝或者结构健康评估的进一步分析运算,为裂缝图像检测和结构健康监测提供了参考。  相似文献   

采用同步辐射白光貌相术研究了快速降温温度梯度法合成的大颗粒金刚石单晶体的晶体缺陷。晶体生长的早期形成了沿±[100]和±[010]方向延伸的平直位错,位错线均起源于种晶表面。晶体生长中期向[001-]方向生长,未生成新位错。在晶体生长的末期,形成了大量位错束,这些位错束由多条直线形位错组成,每个位错束中的所有位错生成于同一位错源,分布在扇形区域内,扇形夹角大多数在30°以内。这些扇形位错束的位错源均位于靠近晶体外表面的晶体内,在靠近(1-00)的晶面附近分布最多,(100)晶面附近比较多。少部分靠近(010)和(01-0)晶面。位错束的生长方向主要分布在[1-00]至[1-01-]区域和[001-]附近区域,少量向[010]、[01-0]方向延伸。位错束的形成和晶体合成末期的快速降温具有密切的关系。  相似文献   

激光视觉水下焊缝图像处理与特征提取   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
自动化、智能化是水下焊接的发展方向,水下焊缝位置的实时传感与检测是其中的关键技术之一,激光视觉传感是一种很有前景的检测方法.阐述了激光视觉水下焊缝图像在不同水质环境下干扰噪声的特点,探讨了V形焊接坡口的水下焊缝图像预处理方法,研究了M ean Sh ift算法在水下焊缝图像分割中的应用,以及直线Hough变换提取水下焊...  相似文献   

基于图象分割的图象处理法在焊缝识别中的应用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
提出了无须外加光源的基于图象处理的焊缝边缘识别方法和边缘特征提取过程,对采用小波滤波去噪后的焊缝图象采用符合实时性要求的焊缝图象处理方法,包括基于图象分割的焊缝图象分区法以及根据实际焊缝图象的实际性质加以分析得出的基于CCD扫描性质的焊缝边缘识别法,这些方法既简单又适用,在实际焊缝跟踪中能得到良好的效果。通过多次实验得出:此种方法算法简单,响应速度快,适合于实际应用,能快速获得清晰的焊颖边缘,可以  相似文献   

利用模板匹配算法获取焊缝中心位置。该算法首先通过二维小波变换得到焊缝的模板,再将该模板在后续焊缝图像中平移,计算模扳平移到各位置的互相关系数,取互相关系数最大值对应的列为被测图像的焊缝中心位置。基于DSP在数字信号处理中的优势,使用TDS642EVM实现焊缝识别图像处理算法。文中分析了二维小波变换算法的原理,开发了用DSP(数字信号处理器)实现小波变换算法的程序,最后列出了用TDS642EVM处理管道焊缝图像实例。  相似文献   

A focused ultrasonic transducer is used for precise, step-by-step, surface ultrasonic scanning inspection of spot welds. Two methods for generating characteristic data matrices of ultrasonic echo signals of the spot welds are established. One is based on the ultrasonic echo amplitude and the other is based on frequency spectrum. Both methods generate scanning inspection data arrays and provide clear C-scan images. Based on C-scan noise reduction, the Krisch edge detection operator for edge detection-a gray window transform-reflects the shapes of the spot welds and allows quantitative determination of their size. The method based on the ultrasonic echo amplitude provides a greater quantitative detection accuracy.  相似文献   

焊缝激光跟踪实时图像处理方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就焊缝激光跟踪中实时图像处理方法进行了研究,采用卷积滤波和中值滤波相结合,改进了中值滤波能力和处理速度的矛盾,采用Robert算子,较好地保留了激光光带的边缘,该处理方法效果好,处理速度快,能够满足跟踪系统的实时性要求。  相似文献   

Neural image processing of the wear of cutting tools coated with thin films   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small milling cutters are susceptible to very small changes in geometry on the surface of the cutting edge that are substantial when machining at the microscale. The purpose of this paper is to show how to design a neural image processing program to accurately determine the amount of wear accumulated on small milling cutters after successive machining operations. After determining the amount of wear on a small milling cutter, the program creates the appropriate amount of compensation to be used for a computer numerical control (CNC) machining program that will account for in-process tool wear. This paper was presented at the fourth International Surface Engineering Congress and Exposition held August 1–3, 2005 in St. Paul, MN.  相似文献   

With rising feed rates of wood working machines, it is important to realize a process-integrated quality assurance. The quality control of produced workpieces is mainly carried out by the operator. As his capabilities are limited, an automated quality control system can help to assure a constant quality level. Due to the high production speeds, only an optical measurement can be used. While CCD-camera-based control systems are generally applied in wood working, no approach has been made so far to measure the surface roughness which is caused by the machining of the workpiece. This paper presents two different quality control systems for an assessment of the surface quality of a workpiece. In planing of solid wood, the size of the waves on the surface is most significant for workpiece quality. An image processing system has been developed which measures the width of the waves by means of a special illumination. In machining chipboards, the size and number of cracks in the edge are very important. Here, a camera-based system is presented which is able to measure the complete workpiece edge even at high feed rates with a sufficient resolution.  相似文献   

Routine inspection of oil and gas pipes for time dependent degradation is essential. Pipelines are most commonly inspected using In-Line Inspection (ILI), however restrictions from pipe geometry, features or flow rate can prevent its use. Facility pipework rarely facilitates ILI, and external inspection often warrants the undesirable removal of the pipe insulation and cladding. This work investigates the applicability of a current deflection non-destructive evaluation technique for both the detection and growth monitoring of defects, particularly focusing on corrosion. Magnetic sensors are used to monitor variations in the spatial distribution of the induced magnetic flux density outside a pipe that arise from deflection of an injected electric current around inner or outer wall defects. An array of orthogonal magnetoresistive sensors has been used to measure the magnetic flux density surrounding six-inch schedule 40 seamless and welded carbon steel and austenitic steel pipes. The measurements were stable and repeatable to the order of 100 pT which suggests that the defect detection or growth monitoring of corrosion-type defects may be possible with a few amps of injected current when measurements are taken at around 50 mm lift-off. The sensitivity of the technique is dependent on factors including defect geometry, sensor lift-off, bends, variations in nominal pipe geometry or material properties, and the presence of ferromagnetic objects, each of which were investigated using either experiment or a validated finite element model.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于互信息的改进匹配算法,将灰度图像互信息匹配算法扩展到二值化图像匹配领域,保留了原灰度图像的信息量,该算法的执行速度与源图及模板大小无关,仅与二值化后的源图和模板的前景点个数成线性关系。在GPU上的运算结果表明,该算法定位结果可信度高,速度快,可以有效克服图像中存在的遮挡、噪声、形变、旋转、缩放、光照变化等问题,能够满足实时焊缝跟踪应用的需要。  相似文献   

一种焊缝结构光图像处理与特征提取方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
李原  徐德  沈扬  谭民 《焊接学报》2006,27(9):25-30
提出了一种焊缝结构光图像处理与特征提取方法,有效克服了焊缝结构光图像中的反光等干扰,准确提取图像中焊缝位置特征.对于激光条纹中心线的提取,采用基于图像列方向像素灰度分布的曲线峰值提取方法,并利用激光条纹位置在时间和图像空间上的连续性和相关性,进行判断提取.对于焊缝图像特征的提取,根据沟槽类焊缝图像形状特点,选择焊缝沟槽图形中心作为图像特征.焊缝图像处理与焊缝跟踪试验结果证明了该方法的有效性和可靠性.  相似文献   

It is difficult to acquire satisfied weld pool image by CCD sensor during gas metal arc welding(GMAW), for arc disturbs violently, welding current is great and working frequeacy is high. By using CMOS vision sensor to GMA W process, the vivid weld pool image is collected at any time, furthermore, whose gray compression ratio is controllable by sensor hardware circuit developed. Acquired weld pool image is firstly pre-processed by using Wiener filter and Ostu threshold segmentation algorithm. Subsequently separation between weld pool intage and cathode mist region is conducted by means of mathematical morphological algorithm, and the edge of weld pool image is extracted by using Prewitt algorithm.  相似文献   

The heat transfer during directional solidification by Bridgman-type directional solidification has been analyzed and a relationship has been established that reflects the effect of alloy properties, process parameters and equipment characteristics on thermal gradients. Based on this relationship, some methods for obtaining high thermal gradients have been developed. By using zone-intensified overheating and liquid-metal cooling, high thermal gradients of up to 800 K/cm were achieved. Application of these methods in the processing of single crystal superalloys indicated that high thermal gradient directional solidification produced more uniform microstructures and optimized mechanical properties.  相似文献   

刚铁  迟大钊  袁媛 《焊接学报》2006,27(10):7-10
为了精确定位开口裂纹的端部在铝合金厚板对接焊缝中的位置,对其超声衍射时差法(TOFD,time off flight diffraction)的 B 扫描图像进行了处理.为了提高图像的横向分辨率,引入了合成孔径聚焦技术(SAFT, synthetic aperture focusing technique).根据缺陷端部和换能器之间的几何关系,建立了图像SAFT处理的数学模型,实现了B扫描图像的SAFT重建.为了提高图像的纵向分辨率,先将原始图像进行了线性化处理,从而提出了一种新的超声TOFD法B扫描图像处理技术L-SAFT(linearization-SAFT).结果表明,该技术有效地提高了图像的分辨率.利用该技术能快速、准确地捕捉裂纹端部在试件中的横向和深度位置,实现缺陷的精确定位与定量.  相似文献   

铝合金焊接图像焊缝位置和间隙提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于自行设计的CCD被动视觉传感系统,在仅依靠电弧光照明的情况下,实现了钨极氩弧焊过程中实时提取清晰的熔池正前方图像.通过分析退化恢复、平滑后的图像间隙处灰度值特点,采取了特定区域自动域值分割、空穴检出法统计各8-连通域面积、基于8-领域面积阈值去噪、面积统计转换等步骤可以求得间隙值,进一步进行间隙细化,最后采用Hough小变换对细化后的间隙点进行拟合,检测出焊缝位置.  相似文献   

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