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Electrical measurement was employed to investigate the early hydration characteristics of cement pastes with different dosages of superplasticizer in the same W/C ratio. The hyperbolic method was applied to analyze the electrical resistivity development. The peak point (Ph) on the hyperbolic curve could be easily read. The time (th) to reach the point Ph had strong relations with the setting time. th was delayed with the increment of the dosage of superplasticizer. The time th was used to plot the relationship between the initial setting time and final setting time. The hyperbolic equation was established to predict the ultimate resistivity. The retardation effect of the superplasticizer was confirmed in the same W/C ratio by setting time and isothermal heat evolution.  相似文献   

The auto efficiently hydration heat arrangement and the non-contacting electrical resistivity device were used to test the therrnology effect and the resistivity variation of Portland cement hydration. The structure forming model of Portland cement initial hydration was established through the systematical experiments with different cements, the amount of mixing water and the chemical admixture. The experimental results show that, the structure forming model of cement could be divided into three stages, i e, solution-solution equilibrium period, structure forming period and structure stabilizing period. Along with the increase of mixing water, the time of inflexion appeared is in advance for thermal process of cement hydration and worsened for the structure forming process. Comparison with the control specimen, adding Na2SO4 makes the minimum critical point lower, the flattening period shorter and the growing slope after stage one steeper. So the hydration and structure forming process of Portland cement could be described more exactly by applying the thermal model and the structure-forming model.  相似文献   

The change of electrical resistivity with time at early ages was used to investigate the hydration process and the porosity development. Porosity reduction process of cement-based materials hydration was developed by a proposed method. The porosity reduction is fast at the setting period. The results find that the pore discontinuity occurs faster at lower water/cement ratios than at higher water/cement ratios which is similar to the results of the Percolation method.  相似文献   

研究了单组分添加剂及其复合添加剂对水泥物理性能和水化特性的影响,结果表明:单组分添加剂对水泥的细度、净浆流动性、胶砂强度均有一定提高,复合添加剂的助磨、减水、增强效果均有大幅度提高,水泥80μm筛余降低45.8%,勃氏比表面积增加了14.0%,粒径为3-30μm的颗粒明显增多.水泥粉体的SEM分析表明:添加复合添加剂能显著降低粗颗粒的比例;水泥净浆流动度由135 mm提高到了190 mm;3 d、28 d强度提高了3.2MPa和7.4MPa.水泥水化样XRD分析表明:掺入复合添加剂能提高水泥的水化速率,促进水化产物的生成.  相似文献   

Electrical measurement was employed to investigate the early hydration characteristics of cement pastes with different dosages of superplasticizer in the same W/C ratio. The hyperbolic method was applied to analyze the electrical resistivity development. The peak point (Ph) on the hyperbolic curve could be easily read. The time (th) to reach the point Ph had strong relations with the setting time. th was delayed with the increment of the dosage of superplasticizer. The time th was used to plot the relationship between the initial setting time and final setting time. The hyperbolic equation was established to predict the ultimate resistivity.The retardation effect of the superplasticizer was confirmed in the same W/C ratio by setting time and isothermal heat eyolution.  相似文献   

中间相C3A对硅酸盐水泥水化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现有理论基础上,探讨了中间相C3A对硅酸盐水泥水化反应历程的影响,认为C3A矿物与硅酸盐矿物水化产物CH反应仅是中间过程,其反应前后未改革浆体中的CH浓度,提出了C3A吸收高浓度处的CH,经反应将其输到CH浓度较低的C3A水化产物周界中,通过在原质下的吸收放出的“囊泵”作用促进硅酸盐水泥水化,该作用是非显著的物理作用,而非化学作用。  相似文献   

研究了WHⅡ型超缓凝剂对硅酸盐水泥水化、水化热、凝结时间、强度等的影响,运用XRD以及SEM对硅酸盐水泥的水化过程进行跟踪测试,结果表明适量使用WHⅡ型超缓凝剂可以得到合适的缓凝效果和增强作用。  相似文献   

The Electrical Resistivity of Cement Paste Incorporated with Retarder   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
1 IntroductionThefunctionoftheretarderistooffsetthesettingtimeofcement basedmaterials .Thus ,itdelaysboththeinitialsettingandfinalsetting .Thecommonmethodtode terminethesettingtimesadoptsthepenetrationresis tance .Theindirectmethodistousetheelectricalresis tivity[1,2 ] tomeasurecementhydrationcurveandthentocomparewiththesettingtime .Previousresearchersusedtheelectrodestomeasuretheelectricalresistivitythatwillcausethecontactproblemsbetweenthecement basedma terialsandelectrodes .Inthispaper ,a…  相似文献   

用非接触式电阻率测试仪研究了不同含量的可溶磷及石灰对水泥早期水化过程中电阻率的影响。结果表明:可溶磷使得水泥早期的电阻率降低,水化进程推迟,且随着可溶磷含量的增加,电阻率呈逐步降低趋势;单独添加石灰对水泥早期水化影响较小;石灰中和可溶磷后可补偿可溶磷的对水化的延期危害,其电导率随时间变化规律与未添加磷、石灰的水泥基本一致。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSteel makingslagisthewasteofsteel makingindus tryandnearlysixteenmilliontonssteel makingslagisproducedinChinaperyear[1] .Justasflyashandblastfurnaceslag ,itisoneofthreekindsofdominantindustrywastesinourcountry .Eventhoughsteel makingslagce menthasdevelopedformorethantwentyyearsinCh ina[2 ,3 ] ,comparedwithothertwowastes ,thestudyandap plicationonsteel makingslagincementandconcreteareinsufficientyet.Moststeel makingslagcementsarepre paredbyinter grindingprocess ,sotheparticlesiz…  相似文献   

The electrical resistivity of concretes with various aggregate volume fractions (V a) of 0%–70% at water/cement (W/C) ratios of 0.4 and 0.5 during 1 day was monitored. It is found that the addition of normal aggregate to cement paste leads to a regular increase in concrete resistivity at each hydration stage and the electrical resistivity has a deeper increase for the lower W/C at a fixed aggregate volume fraction. The number of normalized resistivity (NR) of concrete to its paste matrix was introduced, which is only a function of aggregate volume fraction (V a). The quantitative relationships give an alternative method for the prediction of aggregate volume in the concrete. A logarithmic relation is established between the elastic modulus of concrete at 7 days or 28 days and the electrical resistivity of concrete at 1 day. The equations are obtained, the compressive strength of concrete at 7 days or 28 days can be determined by the electrical resistivity of concrete at 1 day and the used aggregate content in the concrete. The quantitative relationships give a non-destructive test (NDT) method for prediction of concrete elastic modulus and compressive strength.  相似文献   

硅酸盐水泥水化历程与初始结构形成的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
采用自动高效水化热测定仪及无电极电阻率测定仪研究硅酸盐水泥水化的热学效应及交变电场下电阻率变化,讨论水泥品种、拌和水量对水泥水化初始结构形成及发展的影响,建立硅酸盐水泥水化初始结构形成及发展的结构形成模型。研究表明:初始结构形成模型分为3个阶段:溶解-溶解平衡期、结构形成期及结构稳定期。随着水量的增大,水化热效应表现为促进作用,但是结构形成过程表现为结构弱化;电阻率曲线的特征值及时间数值随水泥品种不同而变化。水化热模型与结构形成模型相结合,可以准确描述水泥初始水化历程及结构瞬时形成状态。  相似文献   

采用盐酸选择溶解法测定粉煤灰的水化程度,再结合水化热法计算复合浆体中水泥的水化程度。试样结果表明,在水化早期粉煤灰仅作为惰性材料填充于复合浆体的孔隙中。随着粉煤灰掺量的增大,水泥的水化程度越高,单位体积中水化产物的总体数量仍为减少。  相似文献   

Influence of cellulose ethers on hydration products of portland cement   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Cellulose ethers are widely used to mortar formulations,and it is significant to understand the interaction between cellulose ethers and cement pastes.FT-IR spectra,thermal analysis and SEM are used to investigate hydration products in the cement pastes modified by HEMC and HPMC in this article.The results show that the hydration products in modified cement pastes were finally identical with those in the unmodified cement paste,but the major hydration products,such as CH(calcium hydroxide),ettringite and C-...  相似文献   

The auto efficiently hydration heat arrangement and the non-contacting electrical resistivity device were used to test the thermology effect and the resistivity variation of Portland cement hydration. The structure forming model of Portland cement initial hydration was established through the systematical experiments with different cements,the amount of mixing water and the chemical admixture.The experimental results show that,the structure forming model of cement could be divided into three stages,i e,solution-solution equilibrium period,structure forming period and structure stabilizing period.Along with the increase of mixing water,the time of inflexion appeared is in advance for thermal process of cement hydration and worsened for the structure forming process.Comparison with the control specimen,adding Na_2SO_4 makes the minimum critical point lower,the flattening period shorter and the growing slope after stage one steeper.So the hydration and structure forming process of Portland cement could be described more exactly by applying thc thermal model and the structure-forming model.  相似文献   

Two kinds of CACs with different monocalcium aluminate(CA) contents were used in the PC/CAC(PAC) mixtures. Effects of CA and CACs on the properties of PAC were analyzed by setting times and the compressive strength tests, and also by means of calorimetry, XRD, DTA-TG and ESEM. The experimental results show that the compressive strength of the PAC mortars decreases with increasing content of CAC while it declines sharply with a higher content of CA in CAC. Compared with neat PC paste, the content of calcium hydroxide in hydrates of PAC paste decreases significantly, and the hydration time of PC is prominently prolonged. Additionally, the higher the content of CA in CAC, the more obviously the hydration of PC is delayed, confi rming that the CA phase in CAC plays an important role in the delay of PC hydration.  相似文献   

Influence of ultra-fine fly ash on hydration shrinkage of cement paste   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1INTRODUCTION Hydrationshrinkageisalsoknownaschemicalshrinkage[1].Thesolidvolumeincreasesafterce menthydrating,buttheabsolutevolumeofcementwatersystemreduces.Usuallythetotalamountofvolumeshrinkageofcementwatersystemis7%9%[1,2].Withthedevelopmentofthetechno logyofcementandconcrete,concretewithhighstrengthandhighperformanceisthedevelopingtendencynow.However,nowadays,comparedwithordinaryconcrete,thehydrationshrinkageofhighperformancecementconcreteincreasesobvi ouslybecauseoftheaccelerationof…  相似文献   

超滤过程中蛋白质带电性对水合作用的影响机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解析超滤过程蛋白质带电性能对水合作用力的影响机制,在牛血清蛋白(BSA)带正电、中性及负电条件下,分别考察PVDF-BSA及BSA-BSA之间的相互作用力随离子强度的变化特征,结合相应条件下BSA的Zeta电位变化特征,探讨超滤过程蛋白质带电性能对水合作用力的影响机制.结果证实BSA带电性能是影响水合作用力的关键因素.在BSA带正电条件下,作用力随离子强度的增大而增大,主要是因为BSA带正电时无水合作用存在,静电作用力的变化是控制膜污染的主要因素.在BSA电中性及负电条件下,BSA及PVDF膜面吸附累积大量的水合阳离子,随离子强度的增大,有效触发PVDF-BSA及BSA-BSA之间的水合排斥力,进而大幅度减缓膜污染;且在BSA等电点更容易观察到水合作用现象.  相似文献   

The compressive strength development of Portland cement pastes was investigated by the electrical resistivity method and the maturity method. The experiments were carried out on the cement pastes with different water-cement ratios at different curing temperatures. The results show that the application of the maturity method has limitation to obtain the strength. It is found that both of the compressive strength and the electrical resistivity follow hyperbolic trend for all the mixes. The hyperbolic equation of each mix is obtained to estimate the ultimate resistivity value which can probably be reached. The relationship between electrical resistivity and compressive strength of the cement pastes is established based on the test results and interpreted by the empirical Archie equation and a strength-porosity equation. The relationship between the electrical resistivity after temperature correction and the compressive strength was linear and independent of curing temperature and water-cement ratio.  相似文献   

研究利用在硅酸盐水泥中掺加矿粉来提高水泥的抗折强度,降低脆性,并通过TG-DTA、X-衍射及SEM等微观分析方法对掺矿粉水泥的水化机理进行研究,结果表明,矿粉的掺入不权可以提高水泥的水化程度,增加水泥石的密实度,同时也可以降低水泥石的脆性。  相似文献   

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