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We have analyzed in the anesthetized cat the effects of electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex on the intraspinal threshold of two collaterals belonging to the same muscle spindle or tendon organ afferent fiber. The results obtained provide, for the first time, direct evidence showing that the motor cortex is able to modify, in a highly selective manner, the synaptic effectiveness of individual collaterals of the same primary afferent fiber. This presynaptic control could function as a mechanism that allows funneling of information to specific groups of spinal neurons in the presence of extensive intraspinal branching of the afferent fibers.  相似文献   

The disposition and orientation of mouse ductin (the subunit c of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase) in gap junctions has been examined. Like the Nephrops norvegicus (arthropod) form, mouse ductin in the intact junctional structure is resistant to high levels of nonspecific proteinase, suggesting that it is for the most part buried in the bilayer. Antisera to an octapeptide near the N-terminus cross-react with ductins in gap junction preparations from four different mouse tissues, from chicken and Xenopus laevis liver, and from N. norvegicus hepatopancreas. The antisera and antibodies, affinity purified against the octapeptide, agglutinate isolated gap junctions, suggesting that the N-terminus is located on the exposed surface, equivalent to the cytoplasmic face of an intercellular gap junction. The antibodies also block dye coupling when injected into cells in culture, confirming the cytoplasmic location of the epitope. The lipophylic reagent dicylohexyl carbodiimide (DCCD), which targets carboxyl groups within the membrane and selectively reacts with ductin in N. norvegicus gap junction preparations, rapidly inhibits junctional communication. Bafilomycin A1, which inhibits V-ATPase and stops vacuolar acidification, does not affect dye coupling, showing that the inhibition seen with antibodies and DCCD is not an indirect consequence of their action on the ductin of V-ATPase. Consistent with this interpretation the anti-peptide antibodies do not bind to intact chromaffin granules or inhibit their V-ATPase activity, but do bind to osmotically disrupted granule membrane. This suggests that ductin has an orientation (N-terminus pointing away from the cytoplasm) in the vacuolar membrane opposite to that in the gap junction membrane.  相似文献   

The present report of four cases highlights the potential for focal organizing pneumonia (FOP) to masquerade as a small peripheral lung adenocarcinoma on CT scans. Both entities may present the CT appearance of a peripheral spiculated lung nodule, often with an air bronchogram. A history suggestive of an infectious aetiology and the presence of other foci of inflammatory change on CT scan may be helpful clues to the diagnosis of FOP. Because FOP is comparatively rare, surgical excision will usually be required to exclude malignancy. In some cases, however, particularly after a negative percutaneous biopsy, conservative management with a follow-up CT scan at 3-4 weeks may be an alternative to immediate surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Influences exerted by tactile stimuli on the muscle activity were investigated with two methods: (1) analysis of kinematics and electromyographic (EMG) activity of eight forelimb muscles during contact placing (CP) reactions elicited by tactile stimuli applied to the dorsal, medial or lateral sides of the paw in cats, and (2) the Hoffmann (H)-reflex technique to quantify the effects of the tactile stimuli on the excitability of the alpha motoneurones of the soleus muscle in awake rats. The first group of the data showed that the tactile stimuli applied to dorsal, medial or lateral aspects of the paw led to different strategies of the forelimb movements during CP reactions. These differences arose from various patterns of activation of the elbow flexor and extensor muscles at the beginning of CP reactions and a various involvement of the medio-lateral components of movements, depending on the site of the tactile stimulus application. With the H-reflex technique it was found that the tactile stimulus diminished the excitability of alpha motoneurones of the soleus muscle when applied to the skin overlying the lateral side of the ankle joint. This effect was in line with the observation that the tactile stimulus applied to the lateral side of the paw activated the elbow flexor muscles but not their antagonists to initiate CP reaction.  相似文献   

We examined two muscle biopsy specimens from a proband and her mother with myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF), both obtained at an interval of about 10 years, using histochemistry, in situ hybridization, and single-fiber polymerase chain reaction. Total (wild-type and mutant) mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) were greatly increased in ragged-red fibers (RRF) over non-RRF in all muscle specimens analyzed. The proportion of mutant mtDNA was also significantly higher in RRF than in non-RRF. By comparing the first and second muscle biopsied specimens in each patient, we found that while the proportion of RRF, cytochrome coxidase deficient fibers, and mutant DNA in muscle changed over a 10-year period, the proportion of wild-type and mutant mtDNAs in RRF and in non-RRF was similar between the two specimens. These results suggest that the ratio of wild-type to mutant mtDNAs in RRF and non-RRF in MERRF is at a steady state level in each muscle fiber, without replicative advantage of mutant mtDNA.  相似文献   

This study was primarily aimed at investigating the selectivity of the cortico-spinal actions exerted on the pathways mediating primary afferent depolarization (PAD) of muscle spindle and tendon organ afferents ending within the intermediate nucleus at the L6-L7 segmental level. To this end we analyzed, in the anesthetized cat, the effects produced by electrical stimulation of sensory nerves and of the cerebral cortex on (a) the intraspinal threshold of pairs of single group I afferent fibers belonging to the same or to different hindlimb muscles and (b) the intraspinal threshold of two collaterals of the same muscle afferent fiber. Afferent fibers were classified in three categories, according to the effects produced by stimulation of segmental nerves and of the cerebral cortex. Twenty-five of 40 fibers (62.5%) were depolarized by stimulation of group I posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) or tibialis (Tib) fibers, but not by stimulation of the cerebral cortex or of cutaneous and joint nerves, which instead inhibited the PBSt- or Tib-induced PAD (type A PAD pattern, usually seen in Ia fibers). The remaining 15 fibers (37.5%) were all depolarized by stimulation of the PBSt or Tib nerves and the cerebral cortex. Stimulation of cutaneous and joint nerves produced PAD in 10 of those 15 fibers (type B PAD pattern) and inhibited the PBSt- or Tib-induced PAD in the 5 remaining fibers (type C PAD pattern). Fibers with a type B or C PAD pattern are likely to be Ib. Not all sites in the cerebral cortex inhibited with the same effectiveness the segmentally induced PAD of group I fibers with a type A PAD pattern. With the weakest stimulation of the cortical surface, the most effective sites that inhibited the PAD of individual fibers were surrounded by less effective sites, scattered all along the motor cortex (area 4gamma and 6) and sensory cortex (areas 3, 2 and 1), far beyond the area of projection of group I fibers from the hindlimb. With higher strengths of cortical stimulation, the magnitude of the inhibition was also increased, and previously ineffective or weakly effective sites became more effective. Maps obtained when using the weakest cortical stimuli have indicated that the most effective regions that produced PAD of group I fibers with a type B or type C PAD pattern were also scattered throughout the sensory-motor cortex, in the same general area as those that inhibited the PAD of group I afferents with a type A PAD pattern. In eight fibers with a type A PAD pattern it was possible to examine the intraspinal threshold of two collaterals of the same single afferent fiber ending within the intermediate nucleus at the L7 segmental level. In six fibers, stimulation of the PBSt nerve with trains of pulses between 1.5 and 1.86 times threshold (xT) produced a larger PAD in one collateral than in the other. In seven fibers, stimulation of the sensory-motor cortex and of cutaneous nerves produced a larger inhibition of the PBSt-induced PAD in one collateral than in the other. The ratio of the cortically induced inhibition of the PAD elicited in the two collaterals could be modified by changing the strength of cortical and of PBSt stimulation. In three fibers it was possible to inhibit almost completely the background PAD elicited in one collateral while having little or no effect on the PAD in the other collateral. Changes in the intraspinal threshold of pairs of collaterals following electrical stimulation of segmental nerves and of the somato-sensory cortex were examined in three fibers with a type B and two fibers with a type C PAD pattern. In four fibers the PAD elicited by stimulation of cutaneous (4-20xT) and muscle nerves (1.54-3.7xT), or by stimulation of the sensory-motor cortex, was of different magnitude in the two collaterals. In two experiments it was possible to find cortical sites in which weak surface stimulation produced PAD in one collateral only. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

Freshly isolated fetal liver explants in organ culture did not convert L-[14C]alanine or L-[14C]lactate to carbohydrate, but L-[14C]serine and D-[14C]glycerol were both transformed. When explants were subjected to 42 hr of preliminary incubation without supplements, followed by transfer to fresh medium with added precursor, all four substrates underwent gluconeogenic transformation. It was concluded that the ability of fetal rat liver in organ culture to convert alanine and lactate to carbohydrate evolves slowly, but the conversion of glycerol, and to a lesser extent serine, to glucose and glycogen is initiated immediately.  相似文献   

Elasmobranch fishes localize weak electric sources at field intensities of < 5 eta V cm-1, but the response dynamics of electrosensory primary afferent neurons to near threshold stimuli in situ are not well characterized. Electrosensory primary afferents in the round stingray, Urolophus halleri, have a relatively high discharge rate, a regular discharge pattern and entrain to 1-Hz sinusoidal peak electric field gradients of < or = 20 eta V cm-1. Peak neural discharge for units increases as a non-linear function of stimulus intensity, and unit sensitivity (gain) decreases as stimulus intensity increases. Average peak rate-intensity encoding is commonly lost when peak spike rate approximately doubles that of resting, and for many units occurs at intensities < 1 microV cm-1. Best neural sensitivity for nearly all units is at 1-2 Hz with a low-frequency slope of 8 dB/decade and a high-frequency slope of -23 dB/decade. The response characteristics of stingray electrosensory primary afferents indicate sensory adaptations for detection of extremely weak phasic fields near 1-2 Hz. We argue that these properties reflect evolutionary adaptations in elasmobranch fishes to enhance detection of prey, communication and social interactions, and possibly electric-mediated geomagnetic orientation.  相似文献   

The AVE Micro Stent (AVE Inc., Santa Rosa, CA) is composed of helically welded 3 mm long, zigzag crowns with stent lengths from 6 to 39 mm and diameters from 2.5 to 4.5 mm. Quantitative coronary angiography and histologic analyses of acute and chronic implantation were obtained in 52 stented coronary segments of 18 dogs. Three hearts with 8 stented coronary segments were harvested after 24 hr, 3 hearts with 9 stented segments were harvested after 2 weeks, 6 hearts with 15 stented segments were harvested at 8 weeks, and 6 hearts with 20 stented segments were harvested at 24 weeks post-deployment. There were no procedural complications, deaths, or acute vessel closures. The average lumen diameter of the stented segment was largest at 2 weeks (3.3 +/- 0.3 mm). The smallest average diameters were observed at 8 weeks after the stent deployment (2.7 +/- 0.4, P < 0.05) with an increase again at 24 weeks (2.9 +/- 0.6). The pre-explant percent of stenosis was <30% in all animals. Histologically, a peak of inflammation was visible at 2 weeks; however, the extent of luminal narrowing reached its peak at 8 weeks and the lumen dimension increased somewhat at 24 weeks. The degree of intimal thickening remained relatively constant throughout the different time points (<200 microm). Overall, these data suggest that constrictive remodeling within the stented segment occurs at 8 weeks in this animal model. The later increase of the stented segment dimensions as well as higher net gain at 24 weeks compared to 8 weeks after deployment suggests that this constriction is a transitory phenomenon.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of isoproterenol aryl glass beads on the electrical properties of cardiac muscle and related these to our previous results concerning biochemical and contractile effects (Ingebretsen et al., Circ, Rs., 40: 474-484, 1977). Beads (10-15) were placed near one end to guinea pig papillary muscles mounted horizontally in a bath perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 30 degrees C and stimulated at 0.2 Hz. The beads produced increased tension and elevation and slight lengthening of the plateau potential when [k+]o = 3.8 mM. After depolarization to a resting potential of -49 mV with [K+]o = 22 mM, isoproterenol beads restored contraction to a comparable extent as occurred with 10(-8) M soluble drug. During field stimulation, action potentials were initiated at the site of bead application and spread decrementally. When beads were placed distal to the site of point stimulation, virtually no excitation could be obtained from cells in the vicinity of the beads. When they were placed close to the stimulating electrode, the beads increased excitability and typical slow action potentials spread to the other end of the muscle. These potentials had the characteristics associated with the slow inward Ca2+ current. The slow channel blocker, D-600, blocked responses to isoproterenol beads. Tetrodotoxin caused responses similar to those obtained with K+ depolarization. The beads probably act by stimulating only a small fraction of the papillary muscle catecholamine receptors. Spread of action potentials from these sites and propagated tension depend on Ca2+ influx, but the nature of an intermediate messenger involved in the propagation of contractions is unknown.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of global inspiratory muscle fatigue on ventilation and respiratory muscle control during CO2 rebreathing in normal subjects. Fatigue was induced by breathing against a high inspiratory resistance until exhaustion. CO2 response curves were measured before and after fatigue. During CO2 rebreathing, global fatigue caused a decreased tidal volume (VT) and an increased breathing frequency but did not change minute ventilation, duty cycle, or mean inspiratory flow. Both esophageal and transdiaphragmatic pressure swings were significantly reduced after global fatigue, suggesting decreased contribution of both rib cage muscles and diaphragm to breathing. End-expiratory transpulmonary pressure for a given CO2 was lower after fatigue, indicating an additional decrease in end-expiratory lung volume due to expiratory muscle recruitment, which leads to a greater initial portion of inspiration being passive. This, combined with the reduction in VT, decreased the fraction of VT attributable to inspiratory muscle contribution; therefore the inspiratory muscle elastic work and power per breath were significantly reduced. We conclude that respiratory control mechanisms are plastic and that the respiratory centers alter their output in a manner appropriate to the contractile state of the respiratory muscles to conserve the ventilatory response to CO2.  相似文献   

The preparation of charcoal-gelatin disks and their use for removing free steroid in radioimmunoassays are described. Plasma concentrations of several steroids were determined using charcoal-gelatin disks or charcoal suspension and the results are compared. The advantages of using charcoal-gelatin disks are discussed.  相似文献   

In Drosophila embryos, each motoneuron is accurately matched to one or more singly identifiable muscle fibers. In this article we altered the number and pattern of the embryonic muscle fibers using genetic, heat shock, and laser ablation methods to test whether motoneuron growth cones are able to recognize specific targets. The choices made by two motoneurons were assayed using both intracellular dye fills and immunocytochemistry. The motoneurons RP1 and RP3 have nearly identical central and peripheral axonal trajectories. However, RP3 innervates the two most ventral longitudinal muscle fibers, 7 and 6, while RP1 grows past these fibers to innervate only muscle fiber 13. In rhomboid mutants muscle fiber 7 does not develop. Despite the loss of one of its targets, RP3 faithfully innervated the remaining muscle fiber 6 in over 80% of the observed cases. Furthermore, neuron RP1 accurately innervated muscle fiber 13, although it traversed one fiber fewer to reach it. Laser ablation of muscle fiber 7 confirmed the target choices shown by the motoneurons. In numb mutants, multiple muscle fibers, including 7, 13, and 12, fail to develop. This allowed us to test whether fibers distal to the target are involved in muscle fiber recognition, possibly by halting the growth cone advance. In mutant embryos, RP3 innervated muscle fiber 6 at the same frequency regardless of the absence of the distal muscle fiber 13. By contrast, RP1, which had lost its target entirely, frequently failed to innervate any muscle fiber during the period examined. Finally, muscle fiber 13 can be duplicated in wild-type embryos by means of a brief heat pulse during myogenesis. Presented with two targets, RP1 innervated both fibers in each case examined, while RP3 synapsed with muscle fibers 7 and 6 normally. Neuron-specific antibodies revealed that the embryonic growth cone choices were not transient, but persisted into the larval neuromuscular projections. These results indicate that each motoneuron growth cone has a primary target preference, which is retained even when the numbers of the muscle fibers, and therefore their relative positions, are altered. We therefore suggest that synaptic recognition by Drosophila motoneuron growth cones relies on unique features of the individual muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Muscle fibers of one rat diaphragm were selected for sterological investigation of some ultrastructural parameters. Histograms and scattergrams did not exhibit consistently the existence of several subgroups of muscle fibers. A cluster analysis was performed to reveal groupings. 2 populations were defined using a stepwise discriminant analysis. The most important parameters for the discrimination of the 2 groups proved to be the volume density of mitochondria and the width of the Z line, all other parameters determined were of minor importance. It was tried to apply numerical taxonomic procedures to the problem of the ultrastructural characterization of skeletal muscle fibers. Thus difficulties arising from subjective determinations of several types of muscle fibers could be avoided.  相似文献   

Specifically targeted aequorin chimeras were used for studying the dynamic changes of Ca2+ concentration in different subcellular compartments of differentiated skeletal muscle myotubes. For the cytosol, mitochondria, and nucleus, the previously described chimeric aequorins were utilized; for the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), a new chimera (srAEQ) was developed by fusing an aequorin mutant with low Ca2+ affinity to the resident protein calsequestrin. By using an appropriate transfection procedure, the expression of the recombinant proteins was restricted, within the culture, to the differentiated myotubes, and the correct sorting of the various chimeras was verified with immunocytochemical techniques. Single-cell analysis of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) with fura-2 showed that the myotubes responded, as predicted, to stimuli known to be characteristic of skeletal muscle fibers, i.e., KCl-induced depolarization, caffeine, and carbamylcholine. Using these stimuli in cultures transfected with the various aequorin chimeras, we show that: 1) the nucleoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]n) closely mimics the [Ca2+]c, at rest and after stimulation, indicating a rapid equilibration of the two compartments also in this cell type; 2) on the contrary, mitochondria amplify 4-6-fold the [Ca2+]c increases; and 3) the lumenal concentration of Ca2+ within the SR ([Ca2+]sr) is much higher than in the other compartments (> 100 microM), too high to be accurately measured also with the aequorin mutant with low Ca2+ affinity. An indirect estimate of the resting value (approximately 1-2 mM) was obtained using Sr2+, a surrogate of Ca2+ which, because of the lower affinity of the photoprotein for this cation, elicits a lower rate of aequorin consumption. With Sr2+, the kinetics and amplitudes of the changes in [cation2+]sr evoked by the various stimuli could also be directly analyzed.  相似文献   

In this report we examine biochemical and genetic alterations in DNA topoisomerase II (topoisomerase II) in K562 cells selected for resistance in the presence of etoposide (VP-16). Previously, we have demonstrated that the 30-fold VP-16-resistant K/VP.5 cell line exhibits decreased stability of drug-induced topoisomerase II/DNA covalent complexes, requires greater ATP concentrations to stimulate VP-16-induced topoisomerase II/DNA complex formation, and contains reduced mRNA and protein levels of the M(r) 170,000 isoform of topoisomerase II, compared with parental K562 cells. K/VP.5 cells grown in the absence of VP-16 for 2 years maintained resistance to VP-16, decreased levels of topoisomerase II, and attenuated ATP stimulation of VP-16-induced topoisomerase II/DNA binding, compared with K562 cells. Sequencing of cDNA coding for two consensus ATP binding sites and the active site tyrosine in the K/VP.5 topoisomerase II gene indicated that no mutations were present in these domains. In addition, single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis of restriction fragments encompassing the entire topoisomerase II cDNA revealed no evidence of mutations in the gene for this enzyme in K/VP.5 cells. Nuclear extracts from K562 (but not K/VP.5) cells contained a heat-labile factor that potentiated VP-16-induced topoisomerase II/DNA covalent complex formation in isolated nuclei from K/VP.5 cells. Immunoprecipitated topoisomerase II from K/VP.5 cells was 2.5-fold less phosphorylated, compared with enzyme from K562 cells. Collectively, our data suggest that acquired VP-16 resistance is mediated, at least in part, by altered levels or activity of a kinase that regulates topoisomerase II phosphorylation and hence drug-induced topoisomerase II/DNA covalent complex formation and stability.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: An ROC analysis was carried out in order to determine the reliability of digital luminescence radiography review at a PC and this was compared with a radiological work station and with X-ray film on a viewing box. MATERIAL AND METHOD: 54 chest images obtained by digital luminescence radiography were selected, 31 of these contained small pulmonary nodules. In order to evaluate critical detail, five images of a phantom showing round foci were used. Five radiologists examined these, using a Siemens Magic View work station, a PC with proprietary software (ViewMed) and X-ray films on a viewing box. Image processing of the work station used the standard clinical application. ViewMed performs linear scaling of grey levels to 8 Bit. The results were examined statistically by means of a t-test. RESULTS: As far as the chest images were concerned there was no significant difference in the diagnostic value of these methods. There was, however, a highly significant loss of diagnostic information with respect to the round focus phantom when using the PC compared with the other methods. CONCLUSION: In the configuration in which it was used, the PC should not be relied on as a primary means of examination since critical details cannot always be seen. In routine use these play a subordinate role and there was no significant diagnostic loss where the chest images were concerned. We expect that by improvements in the frequency and contrast processing the PC accuracy will be considerably increased.  相似文献   

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