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Labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum), a slow-growing late successional evergreen, is highly unpalatable to snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus). Germacrone, a sesquiterpene that is the major component of the essential oil ofL. groenlandicum, was shown by bioassay to be a potent antifeedant to hares. Its concentrations in leaves and intemodes of the plant are high enough to defendL. groenlandicum from hares. This chemical defense of Labrador tea from herbivory is consistent with the resource availability theory of antiherbivore defense.  相似文献   

In previous studies, the qualitative and quantitative variation found in defense chemistry among birch populations and even among individual clones has been considerable. However, information about variation among adult, naturally regenerated birch trees from natural populations is still lacking. In this study, the phenolic composition of leaves of 30 naturally regenerated 20-year-old birch (Betula pendula) trees was analyzed for two successive years in order to characterize the chemical composition of individual trees, analyze the annual variation, and determine chemical similarities among individual trees within a population. The main phenolic compounds were flavonoid glycosides, myricetin, and quercetin derivatives. Annual variation in concentration among leaves was large. In most trees, concentrations were markedly higher in 1998 than in 1997; for certain compounds, the detected increase was as much as a 50%. However, for some individual trees, there were no differences between years in chemical quantity. Thus, when selection or grouping of trees is based on secondary chemistry, quantitative variation should be considered carefully. With the qualitative UPGMA method of classification, four chemotypes were found. The grouping was similar for both years, and qualitatively the results of an individual tree seem to be independent of sampling year. The stability in chemical profile of individual trees suggests that quality is tightly controlled by genotype, which provides a recognition tool for chemotaxonomy. The high within-population variation found in leaf defense chemistry may provide protection against different types of insects (generalists or specialists) and, thus, have positive effects on population survival.  相似文献   

The effect of protein and birch bark powder (BBP) content of forage on detoxification capacity of root voles (Microtus oeconomus) was studied. Young voles were fed with eight different diets for two weeks. Individuals on low (3%) protein diets had significantly lighter livers and kidneys than those on moderate (6%) or high (12%) protein diets. Birch bark powder addition did not have significant effect on organ weight. Detoxification was significantly induced, apparently due to secondary compounds in BBP. The activity of ethoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (EROD) was high when protein content or BBP concentration in forage was high as compared to low protein diets or diets containing no BBP. Glucuronidation, on the other hand, was not induced by BBP. High BBP content caused serious physiological stress to the voles. The only individuals surviving were those capable of sufficiently allocating energy and protein to detoxification.  相似文献   

We studied seasonal and between-tree variation in the composition and content of total and individual low-molecular-weight phenolics (LMWP) in leaves of mountain birch trees (Betula pubescens ssp.tortuosa). The major phenolic compounds were chlorogenic acid, quercetin-3-O--D-glucuronopyranoside, myricetin-3-O-(5-acetyl)-L-rhamnopyranoside, and 1-O-galloyl--D-(2-O-acetyl)-glucopyranose. The content of total phenolics, as well as the sum of individual LMWP, varied only slightly among trees while variation in contents of individual LMWP was large. Concentrations of almost all phenolics decreased during the growing season but pairwise correlations between individual phenolics remained similar over the whole season indicating tree-specific LMWP profiles over the season. Among flavonoids, the between-tree component of variation was 2.6 times as large as the seasonal component, while for variation of nonflavonoids the between-tree component was larger than the seasonal one. To explain the significant correlations within both flavonoid and nonflavonoid compounds, we discuss the biogenesis of LMWP in birch leaves, as well as their ecological role.  相似文献   

The effect of protein and birch bark powder (BBP) content of forage on food consumption and growth of root voles (Microtus oeconomus) was studied by feeding young voles with eight different diets for two weeks. Voles ate more when the protein content of forage was moderate (6%) or low (3%), and when BBP was added to the diets, as compared to a high (12%) protein diet without BBP addition. On high and moderate protein diets voles gained weight, whereas on low protein diets they lost weight. Addition of BBP caused reduced growth or weight loss. Consuming a diet with moderate (6%) protein and high BBP (20%) resulted in high mortality (9 of 10 died). These results show that root voles need at least 6% protein for growth and that the effect of birch bark depends on the protein content of the forage.  相似文献   

This study investigates variation in the secondary chemistry of the bark of three closely related, winter-dormant species of white birch (Betula resinifera, B. pendula, and B. platyphylla) at different ontogenetic stages by using different plant parts (top and base). The experimental birches were grown for 4 years in two growing conditions (pot and field) at different nutrient levels. There was considerable species-specific quantitative and qualitative variation in the secondary chemicals in bark, but this was also affected by fertilization and the age of the plant. In general, there was greater chemical diversity in saplings than in seedlings. The study revealed three new components, secoisolariciresinol 9-O-β-glucopyranoside and two of its derivatives, that have not been reported previously for the bark of white birches. Principal component analysis showed that the species studied had a similar chemical composition at the juvenile stage, but as the plants grew, they became more clearly differentiated, which indicates that the species of older plants can be identified by chemotaxonomy. Evidently, the secondary chemistry of birches is under genetic control, but it is affected by properties of growing conditions and ontogeny. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at  相似文献   

In this study, I investigated the effects of different methods of sample drying and storage, and the choice of extraction solvent and analysis method on the concentrations of 14 individual hydrolyzable tannins (HTs), and insoluble ellagitannins in birch (Betula pubescens) leaves. Freeze- and vacuum-drying of birch leaves were found to provide more reliable results than air- or oven-drying. Storage of leaves at –20C for 3 months before freeze-drying did not cause major changes in tannin content, although levels of 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloylglucose and isostrictinin were altered. Storage of dried leaf material at –20C is preferred because 1 year storage of freeze-dried leaves at 4C and at room temperature decreased the concentration of the pedunculagin derivative, one of the main ellagitannins of birch. Furthermore, storage at room temperature increased the levels of isostrictinin and 2,3-(S)-HHDP-glucose, indicating possible HT catabolism. Of the extraction solvents tested, aqueous acetone was superior to pure acetone, or aqueous or pure methanol. The addition of 0.1% ascorbic acid into 70% acetone significantly increased the yield of ellagitannins, presumably by preventing their oxidation. By comparing the conventional rhodanine assay and the HPLC–ESI-MS assay for quantification of leaf galloylglucoses, the former tends to underestimate total concentrations of galloylglucoses in birch leaf extract. On the basis of the outcomes of all the method and solvent comparisons, their suitability for qualitative and quantitative analysis of plant HTs is discussed, emphasizing that each plant species, with its presumably unique HT composition, is likely to have a unique combination of ideal conditions for tissue preservation and extraction.  相似文献   

The influence of mustelid (weasel) anal-gland compounds (semiochemicals) and a plant antifeedant (pinosylvin) on snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) and meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) feeding damage was investigated. This study has shown conclusively that when applied to spring-planted lodgepole pine seedlings, pinosylvin is effective in significantly reducing feeding damage. Seedlings treated with pinosylvin suffered damage levels of 2.3% and 21.2% compared to the controls with damage levels of 24.5% and 41.0%. Weasel scent was found to reduce damage levels, but the reduction was not statistically significant in all blocks.  相似文献   

Lespedeza cuneata contains high levels of phenolics and is a common food plant of the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus);Penstemon digitalis contains substantial quantities of alkaloids and is a common food plant of meadow voles and prairie voles (M. ochrogaster). We investigated the palatability of these plants and the effects of their secondary compounds on the digestion efficiencies and growth of both species of voles. Voles ate very little of either plant when alternative food was present. Phenolics and alkaloids were extracted from the plants, incorporated into separate artificial diets, and fed to weanling voles for three weeks.Lespedeza phenolics reduced the growth of meadow voles but not prairie voles throughout the feeding trial. These compounds disrupted digestion, reducing protein digestibility by more than half.Penstemon alkaloids lowered only the initial growth rates of prairie voles and had no significant effect on meadow voles. Prairie voles tended to increase food consumption rates on bothLespedeza andPenstemon diets. This response offset some of the decrease in digested protein intake in the first case, and offset the increased metabolic cost of processing the diet in the latter case. Our results indicate that althoughLespedeza phenolics andPenstemon alkaloids do influence consumption and digestibility of artificial diets, they do not greatly reduce the performance (i.e., growth or survival) of voles when consumed at levels generally observed for wild voles. However, these compounds probably do place an upper limit on the amount of freshLespedeza andPenstemon that can be consumed and contribute to the generalist feeding strategy of voles.  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse bioassays were used to test for inhibitory effects of senescent and decomposed leaves and aqueous extract from bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) against seed germination and seedling growth of aspen (Populus tremula L.), birch (Betula pendula Roth.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. Aqueous extracts from bilberry leaves were inhibitory to aspen seed germination and seedling growth and also induced root damage and growth abnormalities. Addition of activated carbon removed the inhibitory effects of extracts. Senescent leaves reduced pine and spruce seed germination, but rinsing of seeds reversed this inhibition. Senescent leaves were more inhibitory than decomposed leaf litter, suggesting that the inhibitory compounds in bilberry leaves are relatively soluble and released at early stages during decomposition. Spruce was generally less negatively affected by litter and aqueous extracts than the other tested species. This study indicates that chemical effects of bilberry litter have the potential to inhibit tree seedling recruitment, but these effects were not consistently strong. Phytotoxicity is unlikely to be of critical importance in determining success for spruce seedling establishment.  相似文献   

The carnivorous nudibranchRoboastra tigris preys preferentially upon two nudibranchs,Tambja abdere andT. eliora, that in turn feed upon the bryozoanSessibugula translucens. All four organisms contain tambjamines A–D (I–IV) that were shown to be fish feeding inhibitors. When attacked byRoboastra, T. abdere secretes a distasteful mucus containing a total of 3 mg of the tambjamines that sometimes causes theRoboastra to break off the attack. Under similar circumstancesT. eliora attempts to swim away; it presumably contains insufficient of the tambjamines to deterRoboastra. Roboastra follows the slime trail of nudibranchs using contact chemoreception and reverses direction when the trail is broken. The slime trail ofT. abdere contains low concentrations of the tambjamines. In Y-maze experiments,T. eliora was attracted towards seawater containingS. translucens and seawater containing 10–10 M tambjamines A and B (11) but was repelled by seawater containing > 10–8 M tambjamines A and B. At higher concentrations the mixture of tambjamines may be recognized as an alarm pheromone.  相似文献   

The field response ofTomicus piniperda (L.) andHylurgops palliatus (Gyll.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to the attractant ethanol in combination with volatile wood constituents released from the nonhost tree speciesPopulus tremula L. (Salicaceae) andBetula pendula Roth (Betulaceae) was studied using flight barrier traps. The attraction of both species decreased when aspen or birch wood was added to the ethanol bait. The same was true forRhizophagus depressus (F.) (Coleoptera: Rhizophagidae), a predatory species associated with conifer bark beetles.Glischrochilus quadripunctatus (L-),Epuraea bickhardti St.-Claire Deville,E. unicolor (Oliv.) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), andRhizophagus parvutus (Payk.) (Coleoptera: Rhizophagidae) were caught in higher numbers in traps baited with both ethanol and wood of aspen or birch than in traps baited with ethanol alone. In a separate experiment, landings ofT. piniperda andH. palliatus on nonhosts (black plastic tubes) were demonstrated with sticky traps.  相似文献   

Very few studies have shown experimentally that plant chemical defenses actually reduce the performance of individual mammalian herbivores, much less the density of mammalian populations. We investigated the effects of representatives of three classes of plant phenoiics on the survival and growth of prairie voles by incorporating the compounds into artificial diets and feeding them to weanlings for three weeks. At low levels of protein, both quercetin (a flavonoid) and tannic acid (a hydrolyzable tannin) caused reduced growth rates; no effect occurred at high levels of protein. Quebracho (a condensed tannin) inhibited feeding and thus was lethal at all levels of protein. These results indicate that plant phenolics are likely to influence the performance and dynamics of natural populations of microtine rodents by reducing the quality of available forage. The hypothesis that the primary mode of action of the phenoiics is the reduction of digestibility of protein was not supported. The reduced growth caused by both quercetin and tannic acid could be attributed primarily to their toxicity. The effect of quebracho resulted from reduced intake (unpalatability).  相似文献   

This study characterized the chemical response of healthy red pine to artificial inoculation with the bark beetle-vectored fungusLeptographium terebrantis. In addition, we sought to determine whether stress altered this induced response and to understand the implications of these interactions to the study of decline diseases. Twenty-five-year-old trees responded to mechanical wounding or inoculation withL. terebrantis by producing resinous reaction lesions in the phloem. Aseptically wounded and wound-inoculated phloem contained higher concentrations of phenolics than did constitutive tissue. Trees inoculated withL. terebrantis also contained higher concentrations of six monoterpenes,-pinene,-pinene, 3-carene, limonene, camphene, and myrcene, and higher total monoterpenes than did trees that were mechanically wounded or left unwounded. Concentrations of these monoterpenes increased with time after inoculation. Total phenolic concentrations in unwounded stem tissue did not differ between healthy and root-diseased trees. Likewise, constitutive monoterpene concentrations in stem phloem were similar between healthy and root-diseased trees. However, when stem phloem tissue was challenged with fungal inoculations, reaction tissue from root-diseased trees contained lower concentrations of-pinene, the predominant monoterpene in red pine, than did reaction tissue from healthy trees. Seedlings stressed by exposure to low light levels exhibited less extensive induced chemical changes when challenge inoculated withL. terebrantis than did seedlings growing under higher light. Stem phloem tissue in these seedlings contained lower concentrations of-pinene than did nonstressed seedlings also challenge inoculated withL. terebrantis. It is hypothesized that monoterpenes and phenolics play a role in the defensive response of red pine against insect-fungal attack, that stress may predispose red pine to attack by insect-fungal complexes, and that such interactions are involved in red pine decline disease. Implications to plant defense theory and interactions among multiple stress agents in forest decline are discussed.To whom correspondence should be addressed at USDA Forest Service, 2500 Shreveport Hwy., Pineville, Louisiana 71360.  相似文献   

This study explored the effect of resource availability on plant phytochemical composition within the framework of carbon–nutrient balance (CNB) theory. We grew quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) under two levels of light and three levels of nutrient availability and measured photosynthesis, productivity, and foliar chemistry [water, total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC), condensed tannins, and phenolic glycosides]. Gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar) and forest tent caterpillars (Malacosoma disstria) were reared on foliage from each of the treatments to determine effects on insect performance. Photosynthetic rates increased under high light, but were not influenced by nutrient availability. Tree growth increased in response to both the direct and interactive effects of light and nutrient availability. Increasing light reduced foliar nitrogen, while increasing nutrient availability increased foliar nitrogen. TNC levels were elevated under high light conditions, but were not influenced by nutrient availability. Starch and condensed tannins responded to changes in resource availability in a manner consistent with CNB theory; levels were highest under conditions where tree growth was limited more than photosynthesis (i.e., high light–low nutrient availability). Concentrations of phenolic glycosides, however, were only moderately influenced by resource availability. In general, insect performance varied relatively little among treatments. Both species performed most poorly on the high light–low nutrient availability treatment. Because phenolic glycosides are the primary factor determining aspen quality for these insects, and because levels of these compounds were minimally affected by the treatments, the limited response of the insects was not surprising. Thus, the ability of CNB theory to accurately predict allocation to defense compounds depends on the response of specific allelochemicals to changes in resource availability. Moreover, whether allelochemicals serve to defend the plant depends on the response of insects to specific allelochemicals. Finally, in contrast to predictions of CNB theory, we found substantial allocation to storage and defense compounds under conditions in which growth was carbon-limited (e.g., low light), suggesting a cost to defense in terms of reduced growth.  相似文献   

The tropical rainforest shrub Piper cenocladum, which is normally defended against herbivores by a mutualistic ant, contains three amides that have various defensive functions. While the ants are effective primarily against specialist herbivores, we hypothesized that these secondary compounds would be effective against a wider range of insects, thus providing a broad array of defenses against herbivores. We also tested whether a mixture of amides would be more effective against herbivores than individual amides. Diets spiked with amides were offered to five herbivores: a naïve generalist caterpillar (Spodoptera frugiperda), two caterpillar species that are monophagous on P. cenocladum (Eois spp.), leaf-cutting ants (Atta cephalotes), and an omnivorous ant (Paraponera clavata). Amides had negative effects on all insects, whether they were naïve, experienced, generalized, or specialized feeders. For Spodoptera, amide mixtures caused decreased pupal weights and survivorship and increased development times. Eois pupal weights, larval mass gain, and development times were affected by additions of individual amides, but increased parasitism and lower survivorship were caused only by the amide mixture. Amide mixtures also deterred feeding by the two ant species, and crude plant extracts were strongly deterrent to P. clavata. The mixture of all three amides had the most dramatic deterrent and toxic effects across experiments, with the effects usually surpassing expected additive responses, indicating that these compounds can act synergistically against a wide array of herbivores.  相似文献   

Plants have been suggested to have an immunological memory comparable to animals. The evidence for this, however, is scarce. In our study with the mountain birch—Epirrita autumnata system, we demonstrated that birches exposed as long as 5 yr to feeding of E. autumnata larvae (delayed induced resistance, DIR), responded more strongly to a new challenge than trees without an herbivory history. Pupal weights remained lower, and the duration of the larval period was prolonged in the DIR trees, although immunity, measured as an encapsulation rate, was not affected. We further demonstrated that the effects of birch phenolics on performance of E. autumnata were different in the exposed (DIR) trees from naive control trees, although we found only one significant change in chemistry. The quercetin:kaemferol ratio was increased in DIR trees, suggesting that herbivory caused oxidative stress in birches. In DIR trees, phenolics, especially hydrolyzable tannins (HTs), affected pupal weights negatively, whereas in control trees, the effects were either nonsignificant or positive. HTs also prolonged the duration of the larval period of females, whereas peroxidase (POD) activity prolonged that of males. We suggest that the causal explanation for the induced resistance was an enhanced oxidation of phenolic compounds from the DIR trees in the larval digestive tract. Phenolic oxidation produces semiquinones, quinones, free radicals, and ROS, which may have toxic, antinutritive, and/or repellent properties against herbivores.  相似文献   

The common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) preys upon the rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa), which contains the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin (TTX) in the skin. TTX is toxic, large quantities are present in a newt, and highly resistant snakes have the ability to ingest multiple newts; subsequently snakes harbor significant amounts of active toxin in their own tissues after consuming a newt. Snakes harbor TTX in the liver for 1 mo or more after consuming just one newt, and at least 7 wk after consuming a diet of newts. Three weeks after eating one newt, snakes contained an average of 42 microg of TTX in the liver. This amount could severely incapacitate or kill avian predators, and mammalian predators may be negatively affected as well.  相似文献   

The correlation between total phenolics and tannin content within a species is often considered to be suitably strong to allow researchers to assume, with some degree of confidence, that levels of one will approximately parallel the other. However, the manipulation of resource availability could lead to disproportionate changes in total phenolics and tannins and/or in the specific monomers of which these fractions are composed, thus altering the correlation between these components. In order to test this hypothesis, we examined the correlation between foliar levels of total phenolics (as measured by the ferric chloride assay) and tannins (as measured by an astringency assay) in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) before and after the manipulation of nitrogen and water availability. Prior to manipulation of resources, the correlation between total phenolics and tannins was strong and highly significant (r2=0.869;P < 0.001). This correlation was considerably weaker and not statistically significant following resource manipulation (r2 = 0.392; 0.20 <P < 0.50). These results demonstrate that manipulation of resource availability can alter the correlation between total phenolics and tannins in intraspecific comparisons. The causes underlying the observed degradation in the correlation between these measures (whether qualitative, quantitative, or both) are unknown and require further investigation.  相似文献   

Studies in crop species show that the effect of plant allelochemicals is not necessarily restricted to herbivores, but can extend to (positive as well as negative) effects on performance at higher trophic levels, including the predators and parasitoids of herbivores. We examined how quantitative variation in allelochemicals (iridoid glycosides) in ribwort plantain, Plantago lanceolata, affects the development of a specialist and a generalist herbivore and their respective specialist and generalist endoparasitoids. Plants were grown from two selection lines that differed ca. 5-fold in the concentration of leaf iridoid glycosides. Development time of the specialist herbivore, Melitaea cinxia, and its solitary endoparasitoid, Hyposoter horticola, proceeded most rapidly when reared on the high iridoid line, whereas pupal mass in M. cinxia and adult mass in H. horticola were unaffected by plant line. Cotesia melitaearum, a gregarious endoparasitoid of M. cinxia, performed equally well on hosts feeding on the two lines of P. lanceolata. In contrast, the pupal mass of the generalist herbivore, Spodoptera exigua, and the emerging adult mass of its solitary endoparasitoid, C. marginiventris, were significantly lower when reared on the high line, whereas development time was unaffected. The results are discussed with regards to (1) differences between specialist and generalist herbivores and their natural enemies to quantitative variation in plant secondary chemistry, and (2) potentially differing selection pressures on plant defense.  相似文献   

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