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Epithelial ovarian cancer is a major cause of cancer-related mortality in women, making the search for new treatment modalities essential. Sodium phenylacetate (NaPa), a phenylalanine derivative, has been shown to induce cytostasis and differentiation by inhibiting protein isoprenylation. Similar effects have been observed with phenylbutyrate, a phenylacetate congener. We examined in parallel the growth inhibitory activity against human ovarian carcinoma cell lines of phenylacetate, phenylbutyric acid (PB), and certain related compounds, and comparisons were made with lovastatin. On a molar basis, hydroxykynurenine and kynurenine showed the highest activity followed by PB and NaPa. Ovarian carcinoma cell lines were also sensitive to lovastatin in micromolar concentrations. Additive effects were observed when PB was combined with cisplatin or when NaPa or PB were combined with lovastatin. NaPa and PB, but not kynurenine, inhibited incorporation of [3H]mevalonate into ovarian carcinoma cells. An immune modulatory role might also be suggested for PB because it resulted in increased ovarian tumor cell expression of human leukocyte antigen class I and the cluster of differentiation molecule CD58, whereas transforming growth factor-beta2 expression was decreased. Phenylbutyrate, which is the ester form of PB, has shown acceptable pharmacological properties and clinical responses in patients with other malignancies, and might be considered for evaluation in ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

The GAS1 gene product induces growth arrest through a p53-dependent mechanism. To investigate whether GAS1 is a tumor suppressor gene, we transfected GAS1-negative human tumor cells with GAS1 plasmids and analyzed growth characteristics of stable transfectants. When a constitutively expressing GAS1 plasmid was transfected into A549 cells, no stable colonies expressing GAS1 were isolated. When A549 cells were transfected with a dexamethasone-inducible GAS1 plasmid, expression of GAS1 inhibited growth in vitro, and fewer slow-growing tumors arose in nude mice. GAS1 also inhibited proliferation of an HT1080 subline with wild-type (wt) p53 and normal MDM2. However, when the HT1080 subline HTD114 was transfected with the constitutive GAS1 plasmid, there was no reduction in colony number. GAS1-transfectant clones had unaltered growth in vitro, were morphologically unchanged and showed no difference in their ability to form tumors in nude mice. Although HTD114 cells contain wt p53, levels of MDM2 were elevated by 10-15 fold. The HT1080-6TGc5 subline with mutant p53 and normal MDM2 was also refractory to GAS1. Our results show that GAS1 suppresses the growth and tumorigenicity of human tumor cells and overexpression of MDM2 or p53 mutation inhibits the GAS1-mediated growth-suppressing pathway.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta1 is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in a variety of biological processes in both transformed and normal cells, including regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation; its predominant action on hematopoietic cells is to inhibit cell growth. We used growth factor-dependent cell lines to assess TGF-beta1 effects on human myeloid leukemia cell growth. While four lines were completely or predominantly resistant, TGF-beta1 inhibited effectively, albeit to various extents, the growth of 12 other cell lines. This effect was dose dependent and specific, because a neutralizing anti-TGF-beta1 antibody prevented TGF-beta1-induced growth suppression. In the present system, basic fibroblast growth factor, known as an antagonist of TGF-beta1 counteracting its inhibitory effects, did not abrogate the suppressive effects of TGF-beta1. Other growth-stimulatory cytokines negated the TGF-beta1-induced inhibition in several cell lines, again to various extents. When proliferation was enhanced by growth-promoting cytokines (e.g. granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, GM-CSF, stem cell factor, SCF, or PIXY-321), some previously TGF-beta1-sensitive cell lines acquired cellular resistance toward TGF-beta1-mediated growth suppression, whereas four other cell lines remained susceptible to TGF-beta1 growth inhibition despite possible counteraction by other cytokines. Thus, three growth response patterns to TGF-beta1 were seen: (1) constitutive resistance; (2) factor-dependent relative resistance; and (3) sensitivity to growth inhibition indifferent to counteracting cytokines. In the latter case, TGF-beta1 did not downregulate expression of one specific growth factor receptor. These studies indicate that human myeloid leukemia cells, represented here by leukemia cell lines as model systems, exhibit heterogeneous growth responses to TGF-beta1; its inhibitory effects can be modulated or completely alleviated by positive antagonistic cytokines. The availability of TGF-beta1-susceptible and -refractory cell lines allows for detailed investigations on the mechanisms of these regulatory pathways, the nature of TGF-beta1-resistance, and the possible contribution of acquired TGF-beta1-resistance to disease progression.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic role of MR arthrography in patients with tendinopathy or rupture of the long biceps tendon. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MR arthrograms of 42 consecutive patients with arthroscopic or surgical confirmation of diagnosis (16 normal biceps tendons, 19 with tendinopathy, and seven with ruptures) were analyzed independently by two radiologists. Visibility of the biceps tendon, caliber changes, contour irregularities, and signal intensities were assessed separately in the parasagittal and axial planes. In addition, the two radiologists made an overall evaluation of abnormalities of the biceps tendon using both MR imaging planes. RESULTS: The most reliable MR findings for tendinopathy were caliber changes (sensitivity was 59% for observer 1 and 82% for observer 2; specificity was 88% and 64%, respectively) and signal abnormalities (sensitivity, 77% and 88%, respectively; specificity, 75% and 43%, respectively) in the parasagittal plane. Absence of visualization of the tendon in the parasagittal plane was a reliable sign for rupture (sensitivity, 86% and 86%, respectively; specificity, 94% and 87%, respectively). The overall sensitivity for detecting abnormalities (tendinopathy or rupture) was 92% for observer 1 and 89% for observer 2. Specificity was 56% and 81%, respectively. CONCLUSION: MR findings of tendinopathy and rupture of the biceps tendon are subtle. However, the combination of several MR criteria in two imaging planes makes a reasonably accurate diagnosis possible. The biceps tendon should not only be assessed in the bicipital sulcus on axial images but also on parasagittal images.  相似文献   

Taxol is the prototype of a new class of drugs with promise in the treatment of various cancers. Its mechanism of action is not fully understood. We have investigated the effects of taxol on two human cancer cell lines, HT-29, derived from a colon carcinoma, and SK-MEL-28, from a melanoma. Immunofluorescence staining for microtubules, cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry, cytotoxicity assays, and DNA fragmentation studies by agarose gel electrophoresis were performed. The two cell lines responded quite differently to taxol. HT-29 cells, when treated with taxol for 24 h, showed an abundance of multiple microtubule asters and the cells were arrested in mitosis. Flow cytometry also showed arrest in mitosis and development of a hypodiploid region with increasing taxol incubation times. These cells were more sensitive to taxol exposure, which caused internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, indicative of apoptosis. The SK-MEL-28 cells, on the other hand, were less sensitive to taxol. Significant cytotoxic effects were only visible after 72 h. These cells exhibited a predominance of microtubule bundles and multinuclei, and only a few cells were arrested in mitosis. Flow cytometry revealed that the SK-MEL-28 cells became polyploid, as a result of exit from mitosis without cell division. These results suggest that the mechanism involved in taxol-induced cell death is different in these two cell lines.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicities of 6,7-modified-5,8-quinoxalinedione derivatives and heterocyclic quinoxaline derivatives containing nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen on human lung adenocarcinoma cell (PC 14), human gastric adenocarcinoma cell (MKN 45), and human colon adenocarcinoma cell (colon 205) were examined in vitro using MTT assay. Pyrido[1,2-a]imidazo[4,5-g]quinoxaline-6,11-dione (10) was markedly cytotoxic against MKN 45 compared with adriamycin and cis-platin used as anticancer drugs. The IC50 value of compound 10 was 0.073 microM while those of adriamycin and cis-platin were 0.12 microM and 2.67 microM, respectively.  相似文献   

Sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB) is used in urea cycle disorders. We screened 6 neuroblastoma cell lines for in vitro potency of NaPB as an antiproliferative agent, evaluated multiple dosing schedules, and assessed its activity in combination with clinically active agents for neuroblastoma. We determined that NaPB achieves a 30-80% growth inhibition at 5 mM. Repeated dosing and prolonged drug exposure enhanced the cytotoxic effect. NaPB had additive cytotoxic effects when administered with vincristine; however, NaPB did not affect the activity of etoposide, adriamycin, 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide or cisplatinum. These results suggest that NaPB is an active agent against neuroblastoma and could be combined with vincristine in novel chemotherapy regimens.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta is recognized as the final common mediator of the principal lesions of diabetic nephropathy such as renal hypertrophy and mesangial expansion. To gain better understanding of the temporal relationships between high glucose (HG) and mesangial cell (MC) TGF-beta 1 synthesis and between TGF-beta 1 and extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis, the present study examined early and sequential effects of HG on TGF-beta 1 and fibronectin (FN) mRNA expression and protein synthesis. METHODS: Confluent primary rat MC was stimulated with 5.6 (control) or 30 (high) mM glucose after synchronizing the growth by incubation with serum-free media for 48 hours. RESULTS: Mesangial cell TGF-beta 1 mRNA expression increased significantly in six hours and continued to increase until 48 hours in response to HG. The level of TGF-beta 1 mRNA was 1.5-fold higher than that of control glucose at six hours and 1.8-fold at 48 hours. TGF-beta activity in heat-activated conditioned media under HG increased 1.5- and 1.6-fold at 24 and 48 hours, respectively, compared to control glucose. FN mRNA increased significantly at 24 and 48 hours and 1.4-fold that of control glucose at both time points. FN protein also increased 1.5-fold that of control glucose at 48 hours. Anti-TGF-beta antibody completely abolished HG-induced FN synthesis. CONCLUSIONS: The present finding demonstrate that HG stimulates TGF-beta 1 very early and prior to FN production and that HG-induced FN production is mediated by TGF-beta. This finding is consistent with the view that TGF-beta mediates increased ECM accumulation by MC under high glucose conditions.  相似文献   

We studied the DNA sequence of the entire coding region of ERCC1 gene, in five cell lines established from human ovarian cancer (A2780, A2780/CP70, MCAS, OVCAR-3, SK-OV-3), 29 human ovarian cancer tumor tissue specimens, one human T-lymphocyte cell line (H9), and non-malignant human ovary tissue (NHO). Samples were assayed by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequence analyses. A silent mutation at codon 118 (site for restriction endonuclease MaeII) in exon 4 of the gene was detected in MCAS, OVCAR-3 and SK-OV-3 cells, and NHO. This mutation was a C-->T transition, that codes for the same amino acid: asparagine. This transition converts a common codon usage (AAC) to an infrequent codon usage (AAT), whereas frequency of use is reduced two-fold. This base change was associated with a detectable band shift on SSCP analysis. For the 29 ovarian cancer specimens, the same base change was observed in 15 tumor samples and was associated with the same band shift in exon 4. Cells and tumor tissue specimens that did not contain the C-->T transition, did not show the band shift in exon 4. Our data suggest that this alteration at codon 118 within the ERCC1 gene, may exist in platinum-sensitive and platinum-resistant ovarian cancer tissues.  相似文献   

Using differential display, we identified an mRNA that is markedly down-regulated in cell line 6A/SB1, derived from a fibrosarcoma formed in an athymic mouse following injection of carcinogen-transformed MSU-1.1 cells. The nontumorigenic parental cell strain, MSU-1.1, expresses high levels of this mRNA. Sequencing of the corresponding cDNA fragment revealed that it corresponded to an expressed sequence tag, which ultimately led to its identification as the fibulin-1D gene. Fibulin-1 is a cysteine-rich, calcium-binding extracellular matrix and plasma protein, which has four isoforms, A-D, derived from alternative splicing. Northern and Western blotting analysis of 16 cell lines established from tumors formed in athymic mice by MSU-1.1-derived cell strains independently transformed in culture showed that 44% exhibited low level or lack of expression of fibulin-1D mRNA and protein. In a similar analysis of 15 malignant cell lines derived from patients, 80% showed low level or no expression. To study the role of fibulin-1D in transformation, we transfected 6A/SB1 cells and a human fibrosarcoma-derived cell line (SHAC) with a fibulin-1D cDNA expression construct. Transfectants displaying high levels of fibulin-1D were isolated and characterized. Elevated expression of fibulin-1D led to reduced ability to form colonies in soft agar and reduced invasive potential as tested in a matrigel in vitro invasion assay. Furthermore, expression of fibulin-1D resulted in a markedly extended latency in tumor formation in athymic mice. These results indicate that low expression of fibulin-1D plays a role in tumor formation and invasion.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) induce a motogenic response in a number of benign and malignant cells. We examined the chemokinetic effects of these cytokines on the cell migration of four melanoma cell lines on fibronectin using modified Boyden chambers and video-time lapse analysis. Flow cytometry analysis of IL-1 receptors, TNF receptors, and shifts in beta 1 integrin expression were correlated with the effects of these cytokines on cell migration on fibronectin. The four melanoma cell lines exhibited heterogeneous expression of types I and II IL-1 receptors as well as p60 TNF receptors. Scant p80 TNF receptor expression was detected on only one cell line. Three of four melanoma cell lines demonstrated type I IL-1 receptors by Western blotting. IL-1 alpha and TNF-alpha induced heterogeneous modulation of beta 1 integrin expression in the four melanoma cell lines tested; downward shift of the alpha 2, alpha 3, alpha 4, and beta 1 integrin subunits was detected among three of the melanoma cell lines as were upward shifts of the alpha 4, alpha 5, and alpha 6 integrin subunits among three of the melanoma cell lines. IL-1 alpha and TNF-alpha induced enhanced migration on fibronectin in one of the melanoma cell lines and were related to an upward shift in the alpha 4 and alpha 5 integrin subunit expression. Taken together, the findings indicate that expression of a particular receptor for IL-1 or TNF does not necessarily signal a motogenic response in melanoma cells, but induces heterogeneous shifts in beta 1 integrin expression. However, upregulation in alpha 4 and alpha 5 integrin subunits appears to relate to enhanced migration on fibronectin.  相似文献   

Using anterograde transport of WGA-HRP and the experimental degeneration method for identification of corticocuneate (CCT) and primary afferent (PAT) terminals in conjunction with gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate immunocytochemistry, this study has demonstrated that the GABA-immunoreactive (GABA-IR) neurons in the rat cuneate nucleus were post-synaptic to PATs (some of them being glutamate-IR), GABA-IR and GABA-negative terminals. The HRP-labelled CCTs did not make any synaptic contacts with GABA-IR neurons but with some GABA-negative dendrites. PATs labelled by HRP or showing degenerating features made direct synaptic contacts with the dendrites of GABA-IR neurons. Beside the above GABA-IR boutons also showed axosomatic and axodendritic synapses with the GABA-IR neurons. In 'triple labeling' method for GABA, PAT and glutamate, it was found that the PATs which were usually glutamate-positive were presynaptic to the dendrites of GABA-IR neurons. Furthermore, some glutamate-IR terminals which were of non-PAT's origin also synapsed with the dendrites and somata of GABA-IR neurons. It is concluded from this study that the major inputs of GABA-IR neurons were from glutamate immunopositive PATs and glutamate terminals of non-PATs origin; other GABA-IR terminals either intrinsic or extrinsic also contributed to the afferent sources of GABA-IR neurons. The CCTs contributed very little, if any, to this input. It is suggested that the PATs and glutamate-IR terminals on GABA-IR neurons may be involved in lateral inhibition for increase of spatial precision. The synaptic contacts between GABA-IR boutons and dendrites or somata of GABA-IR neurons may provide a possible means for disinhibition.  相似文献   

E-selectin mediates neovascularization via its soluble form, while its membrane-bound form initiates binding of tumor cells to vascular endothelium. Therefore, it was studied whether soluble E-selectin regulates further adhesion molecules on tumor cells. In tumor cells but not in related nonmalignant cells, intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 expression was strikingly increased from 5 to 68% positive cells by in vitro inoculation of a recombinant E-selectin-IgG1 within 24 h, as analyzed by flow cytometry. The absence of changes in the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule, integrin ligands (CD11a, CD18, integrin alpha 4), and sialyl-Lewis X indicates a specific effect of soluble E-selectin on ICAM-1. A cell adhesion assay revealed that the enhanced adhesion on T-cells to tumor cells mediated by soluble E-selectin-induced ICAM-1 expression was at a maximum after a 12-h incubation period. Therefore, ICAM-1 regulation on tumor cells might be a mechanism of immune escape.  相似文献   

Female gender is a significant independent favorable prognostic factor in lung cancer. To study the possible role of sex hormones in lung cancer, the expression of sex-steroid receptors and the glucocorticoid receptor was investigated in 29 lung-cancer cell lines stemming from small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) by means of immunocytochemistry, ligand-binding assays and RNA expression via polymerase chain reaction. In at least 2 methods of investigation, NSCLC cell lines showed a low expression of estrogen receptor in 6, progesterone receptor in 13 and androgen receptor in 12 out of 17 cases examined; sex-steroid-receptor expression was virtually absent in SCLC cell lines. The glucocorticoid receptor was expressed in all 29 cell lines studied. Additionally, 52 tumor samples from primary lung cancer were investigated for their receptor expression by means of immunohistochemistry. Among patients with primary lung-cancer sex-steroid-receptor expression in tumor biopsies was detected most frequently in female patients (in 69% of 16 cases, vs. 42% of 36 tumors from men) and in patients with adenocarcinoma. Further research will focus on these subgroups. Immunohistology is a feasible method of studying steroid-receptor expression in lung cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the expression of a novel autologous ovarian tumor-associated antigen in eight human ovarian tumor cell lines compared with other ovarian tumor markers and products of oncogenes. METHODS: Autologous antibodies were eluted from human ovarian tumor-membrane fragments purified in our laboratory. These antibodies react with autologous ovarian tumor-associated antigens (AOTA) and have a high degree of specificity for human ovarian tumors. They do not bind to normal ovarian or nonovarian tissues, or to nonovarian neoplastic tissues. We evaluated eight human ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lines (2008, 2774, Caov-3, OVCAR-3, PA-1, SW 626, UCI 101, and UCI 107) by indirect immunofluorescence to determine the expression of AOTA relative to the ovarian cancer tumor marker CA 125 and the products of selected oncogenes (p 53, c-neu, and c-myc). RESULTS: The patterns and intensities of immunofluorescence correlated most closely between AOTA and c-neu. For example, AOTA and c-neu were detected in all eight cell lines and displayed very strong cytoplasmic fluorescence on cell lines 2774, UCI 101, and UCI 107. CA 125 was present in the cytoplasm of four of eight cell lines. A tumor suppressor gene product, p53, exhibited a nuclear staining pattern in six of eight cell lines. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that AOTA and the products of the c-neu oncogene may share certain epitopes. Current studies are underway to increase our understanding of the humoral response to ovarian cancer and the possible relationship to the expression of tumor oncogene products. Further characterization of AOTA will be necessary before early diagnostic tests can be developed.  相似文献   

We have previously identified and mapped a locus within human chromosome 11p11.2-p12 that suppresses the tumorigenic potential of a rat liver tumor cell line (termed GN6TF) which contains well defined chromosomal aberrations involving rat chromosomes 1, 4, 7, and 10. In the present study, we investigated the potential of this human 11p11.2-p12 liver tumor suppressor locus to suppress the tumorigenic potential of two other rat liver tumor cell lines (GN3TG and GP10TA) following microcell-mediated introduction of human chromosome 11. These tumor cell lines are aneuploid and contain chromosomal abnormalities that are similar to the GN6TF tumor line. The tumorigenic potential and other phenotypic characteristics of GN3TG-11neo and GP10TA-11neo microcell hybrid (MCH) cell lines were variable, and dependent upon the status of the introduced human chromosome 11. MCH cell lines that retained the region of 11p11. 2-p12 delineated by microsatellite markers D11S1385 and D11S903 exhibited suppression of tumorigenicity in vivo (decrease in tumorigenicity and/or elongation of latency), whereas, the tumorigenic potential of one MCH line that lacked markers in this region of human 11p11.2-p12, but retained flanking markers, was not changed from that of the parental tumor cell line. The chromosomal interval between microsatellite markers D11S1385 and D11S903 encompasses the previously localized minimal liver tumor suppressor region, suggesting that a common locus is responsible for tumor suppression among the rat liver tumor cell lines examined. The results of the present study have verified the presence of a liver tumor suppressor locus within human 11p11.2-p12, and have identified a substantial number of microsatellite markers that are closely linked to this tumor suppressor region. These chromosomal markers will facilitate positional cloning of candidate genes from this region, and may prove useful for determining the involvement of this locus in the pathogenesis of human liver cancer.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that a partially quaternized derivative of chitosan, N-trimethyl chitosan chloride (TMC), can be used as an absorption enhancer for large hydrophilic compounds across mucosal surfaces. This study evaluates and compares the effects of the degree of quaternization of TMC, in a neutral environment, on the permeability of intestinal epithelial cells in vitro, where normal chitosan salts are ineffective as absorption enhancers. The effects of TMC-H [61.2% quaternized, (0.05-1.5% w/v)], TMC-L [12.3% quaternized, (0.5-1.5% w/v)], and chitosan hydrochloride [0.5-1.5% w/v] on the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and permeability, for the hydrophilic model compound [14C]mannitol, of intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cell monolayers, were investigated at pH values of 6.20 and 7.40. The viability of the monolayers was checked with the trypan blue exclusion technique. At a pH of 6.20, all the polymers caused a pronounced reduction (37-67% at 0.5% w/v concentrations) in the TEER of Caco-2 cells. On the contrary, at a pH of 7.40, only TMC-H was able to decrease the TEER values, even in a concentration as low as 0.05% w/v (35% reduction). Comparable results were obtained with the permeation of [14C]mannitol. Large increases in the transport rate (18-23-fold at 0.5% w/v concentrations) were found at pH 6.20, whereas only TMC-H was able to increase the permeation of [14C]mannitol at pH 7.40 (31-48-fold at 0.05-1.5% w/v concentrations of TMC-H). For all the polymers studied, no deleterious effects to the cells could be demonstrated with the trypan blue exclusion technique. It is concluded that highly quaternized TMC is a potent absorption enhancer and the potential use of this polymer, especially in neutral and basic environments where normal chitosan salts are not effective, is expected to be an important contribution to the development of effective delivery systems for hydrophilic compounds such as peptide drugs.  相似文献   

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