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Owing to its inherent antimicrobial effect and positive charge, the expression of human lysozyme in bovine milk could be beneficial by altering the overall microbial level and the functional and physical properties of the milk. We have used transgenic mice as model systems to evaluate the expression of human lysozyme containing fusion gene constructs in the mammary gland. Expression of human lysozyme was targeted to the mammary gland by using the 5' promoter elements of either the bovine beta (line B mice) or alpha s1 (line H mice) casein genes coupled to the cDNA for human lysozyme. Expression of human lysozyme mRNA was not found in mammary tissue from any of line B mice. Tissues were analysed from six lines of H mice and two, H6 and H5, were found to express human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland at 42% and 116%, respectively, of the levels of the endogenous mouse whey acidic protein gene. At peak lactation, female mice homozygous for the H5 and H6 transgene have approximately twice the amount of mRNA encoding human lysozyme as hemizygous animals. Expression levels of human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland at time points representing late pregnancy, early, peak and late lactation corresponded to the profile of casein gene expression. Human lysozyme mRNA expression was not observed in transgenic males, virgin females or in the kidney, liver, spleen or brain of lactating females. A very low level of expression of human lysozyme mRNA was observed in the salivary gland of line H5.  相似文献   

To examine whether malignant mesothelioma due to asbestos has genetic alterations in the Ha- and Ki-ras oncogenes or in the p53 suppressor gene, we analyzed the point mutations of these genes in paraffin-embedded autopsy samples of the primary tumors of malignant mesothelioma in seven asbestos patients who died from malignant mesothelioma. The genetic analysis was conducted by the polymerase chain reaction-single strand comformation polymorphysms (PCR-SSCP) method in all patients, and through the sequencing of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) bases in one patient. No genetic alterations were found in exons 1 or 2 of Ha- and Ki-ras oncogenes, or in exons 5 to 9 of the p53 gene, in any of the patients. Further studies on a larger number of patients are required to reach a definite conclusion concerning the genetic effects of asbestos on malignant mesothelioma.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice carrying a hybrid gene consisting of ovine beta-lactoglobulin gene sequences and human gamma-interferon (hIFN-g) cDNA were produced. hIFN-g expression in the mammary gland of two lactating transgenic founder females was found. The concentration of active hIFN-g in the milk was estimated as being ca. 1800 IU/ml. The hIFN-g ability to express in the mammary gland was found in the progeny of transgenic founder male.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen is a complex plasma protein composed of two each of three different polypeptide chains. We have targeted expression of r-human fibrinogen to the mammary gland of transgenic mice. Three expression cassettes, each containing the genomic sequence for one of the three human fibrinogen chains controlled by sheep whey protein beta-lactoglobulin promoter sequences, were coinjected into fertile mouse eggs. Southern blot analysis demonstrated that more than 80% of the transgenic founders contained all three fibrinogen genes. Reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of milk from the highest producing founder animal demonstrated the presence of human fibrinogen subunits at concentrations of 2000 micrograms/ml. In several animals with a balanced ratio of the individual fibrinogen subunits, up to 100% of the protein was incorporated into fully assembled fibrinogen hexamers. Incubation of the transgenic milk with thrombin and factor XIII resulted in a cross-linked fibrin clot, indicating that a major portion of the secreted fibrinogen was functional. These studies represent the first report of high-level biosynthesis and secretion of a functional, complex, hexameric protein in the milk of a transgenic animal.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if the interaction between isoniazid and hydralazine, consisting of increased hypotension accompanied by bradycardia, occurs with other vasodilators. METHODS: Blood pressure and heart rate responses to a number of vasodilators were determined in rats under chloralose-urethane, pretreated or not with 250 mg/kg of isoniazid. The influence of this dose of isoniazid on GABA levels in the hypothalamus and pons-medulla was assessed in other groups of rats. RESULTS: Increased hypotension and bradycardia following i.p. isoniazid were observed with dipyridamole, prazosin, pinacidil and hydralazine given i.v. Bradycardia without increased hypotension appeared with papaverine and verapamil, while increased hypotension with unchanged heart rate was observed with minoxidil and captopril. Isoniazid decreased GABA in the hypothalamus and pons-medulla. CONCLUSIONS: At the high dose used, isoniazid interacts with various vasodilators, irrespective of their mechanism of action. The interaction could be due to the influence of the drug on GABA levels at cardiovascular regulatory sites.  相似文献   

Prior studies have identified Fibroblast Growth Factor-8 (Fgf8) as a possible proto-oncogene in mouse mammary tumorigenesis. We now report on the generation of two types of Fgf8 transgenic mice that each utilize the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter. The first transgene (MMTV-Fgf8b) results in the overexpression of the FGF8b isoform exclusively. Male and female MMTV-Fgf8b transgenic mice are viable and fertile. RNA for FGF8b is detected in mammary gland and salivary gland tissues of transgenic mice by Northern blot analysis. Nearly 85% of breeding transgenic female mice developed mammary lobular adenocarcinomas by 12 months of age, while no tumors developed in non-transgenic littermates. Salivary gland tumors occurred in some animals, always in association with mammary tumors. Several MMTV-Fgf8b transgenic mice had lung metastases at necropsy. The second transgene (MMTV-Fgf8) uses the entire Fgf8 gene and potentially encodes all FGF8 isoforms. Fgf8 is expressed by this transgene in several tissues in addition to those described above, notably the ovaries. The two MMTV-Fgf8 founders developed mammary ductal adenocarcinomas at five and eight months of age, and both displayed ovarian stromal hyperplasia. The founders expressing either transgene did not successfully nurse their pups. These results demonstrate that production of FGF8b, and possibly other FGF8 isoforms, in the mammary and salivary glands contributes to oncogenesis, and that ovarian expression results in stromal hyperplasia.  相似文献   

The renin-angiotensin system is a major determinant of arterial pressure and volume homeostasis in mammals through the actions of angiotensin II, the proteolytic digestion product of angiotensinogen. Molecular genetic studies in several human populations have revealed genetic linkage between the angiotensinogen gene and both hypertension and increased plasma angiotensinogen. Transgenic mice were generated with a human angiotensinogen genomic clone to develop an animal model to examine tissue- and cell-specific expression of the gene and to determine if overexpression of angiotensinogen results in hypertension. Human angiotensinogen mRNA was expressed in transgenic mouse liver, kidney, heart, adrenal gland, ovary, brain, and white and brown adipose tissue and, in kidney, was exclusively localized to epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubules. Plasma levels of human angiotensinogen were approximately 150-fold higher in transgenic mice than that found normally in human plasma. The blood pressure of mice bearing the human angiotensinogen gene was normal but infusion of a single bolus dose of purified human renin resulted in a transient increase in blood pressure of approximately 30 mm Hg within 2 min. These results suggest that abnormalities in the angiotensinogen gene resulting in increased circulating levels of angiotensinogen could potentially contribute in part to the pathogenesis of essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were produced to study the production of bovine alpha-LA in their milk. A 7.6-kb fragment containing a bovine alpha-LA gene was purified and microinjected into pronuclear stage mouse embryos. This fragment contained 2.0 kb of 5' flanking region, the 1.7-kb coding region, and 2.7 kb of 3' flanking region. Out of 121 potential transgenic founder mice, 3 were identified as being transgenic by the polymerase chain reaction. Multiple mice from the second, third, and fourth generation from each line were milked, and the milk was analyzed using an ELISA assay and Western blots to determine the presence of bovine alpha-LA. Bovine alpha-LA was present at concentrations up to 1.5 mg of protein/ml of mouse milk. The high degree of expression variation between mice within each of the transgenic lines was a characteristic that has not been reported in other studies of transgene expression in milk. Production of bovine alpha-LA in the milk of these transgenic mice showed a high degree of variation both within a lactation and between mice within a line. The bovine alpha-LA concentration in a single line of transgenic mice exhibited as much as a 10-fold variation between mice. Variations as high as 3-fold were detected within a single lactation in the same mouse. These differences in expression appeared to be correlated with mouse milk production; bovine alpha-LA was higher on d 10 and 15 of lactation than on d 5. Transgenic mice that show variation in expression of a bovine gene might offer a unique system for studying quantitative traits in a laboratory model.  相似文献   

Transgenic animals are a useful in vivo experimental model for assessing the ability and impact of foreign gene expression in a biological system. Transgenic mice are most commonly used, while transgenic sheep, goats, pigs and cows have also been developed for specific, "applied" purposes. Most of the work directed at targeting expression of transgenes to the mammary gland of an animal, by using a milk gene promoter, has been with the intent of either studying promoter function or recovering the desired protein from the milk. Transgenic technology can also be used to alter the functional and physical properties of milk resulting in novel manufacturing properties. The properties of milk have been altered by adding a new protein with the aim of improving the milk, not of recovering the protein for other uses.  相似文献   

The human cathepsin G (CG) gene is expressed only in promyelocytes and encodes a neutral serine protease that is packaged in the azurophil (primary) granules of myeloid cells. To define the cis-acting DNA elements that are responsible for promyelocyte-specific "targeting," we injected a 6-kb transgene containing the entire human CG gene, including coding sequences contained in a 2.7-kb region, approximately 2.5 kb of 5' flanking sequence, and approximately 0.8 kb of 3' flanking sequence. Seven of seven "transient transgenic" murine embryos revealed human CG expression in the fetal livers at embryonic day 15. Stable transgenic founder lines were created with the same 6-kb fragment; four of five founder lines expressed human CG in the bone marrow. The level of human CG expression was relatively low per gene copy when compared with the endogenous murine CG gene, and expression was integration-site dependent; however, the level of gene expression correlated roughly with gene copy number. The human CG transgene and the endogenous murine CG gene were coordinately expressed in the bone marrow and the spleen. Immunohistochemical analysis of transgenic bone marrow revealed that the human CG protein was expressed exclusively in myeloid cells. Expression of human CG protein was highest in myeloid precursors and declined in mature myeloid cells. These data suggest that the human CG gene was appropriately targeted and developmentally regulated, demonstrating that the cis-acting DNA sequences required for the early myeloid cell-specific expression of human CG are present in this small genomic fragment.  相似文献   

Milk fat globule membranes (MFGM) and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) membranes were isolated from milk and lactating mammary gland from the cow and were characterized by biochemical and electron microscope methods in terms of gross composition (proteins, phospholipids, neutral lipids, cholesterol, RNA, and DNA) and purity. Both fractions contained significant amounts of a b-type cytochrome with several properties similar to those of cytochrome b5 from liver, as well as a rotenone-insensitive NADH- and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase. The b-type cytochrome content in the apical plasma membrane-derived MFGM was of the same order of magnitude as it was in RER membranes. It was characterized by a high resistance to extraction by low- and high-salt concentrations and nonionic detergents. MFGM contained much more flavin and much higher activities of xanthine oxidase than the RER membranes. The same redox components were found in MFGM and mammary RER from women, rats, mice, and goats, but in absolute contents great differences between the species were noted. The cytochromes described here differed from liver cytochrome b5 in some spectral properties. The alpha-band of the reduced hepatic cytochrome b5 is asymmetric with a maximum at 555 nm that is split into two distinct peaks at low temperatures. The alpha-band of the b-type cytochromes from MFGM and mammary RER appears as one symmetrical peak at about 560 nm that is not split at low temperatures. When treated with cyanide, MFGM and mammary microsomes showed difference spectra of a reduced b-type cytochrome. Under the same conditions, liver microsomes gave a completely different spectrum. These findings demonstrate the presence of a b-type cytochrome and associated redox enzymes in MFGM, i.e., a derivative of the apical cell surface membrane that is regularly used for envelopment of the milk fat globule during secretion.  相似文献   

We have generated several transgenic mouse lines and rabbits expressing efficiently (up to 0.3 mg/ml in mice and up to 0.5 mg/ml in rabbits) human erythropoietin in their milk as bovine beta-lactoglobulin fusion protein. Human erythropoietin cDNA was inserted in frame into exon 5 of the bovine beta-lactoglobulin gene with a linker oligonucleotide encoding the cleavage site for bacterial IgA protease. RNA analysis performed on one lactating transgenic mouse and one transgenic rabbit revealed that the fusion gene was expressed almost exlusively in the mammary gland, although low amounts of transgene-derived RNA were detectable in salivary glands and uterus or in the kidney. The fusion protein was specifically cleaved with IgA protease. The erythropoietin part obtained upon digestion had a lower molecular mass than recombinant erythropoietin produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells. By deglycosylation analysis it was shown that the difference in size was due to a different type of glycosylation. Biological activity of the fusion protein, as determined by growth stimulation of TF-1 erythroleukemia cells, was less than 15% of that of human recombinant erythropoietin. Upon digestion of the fusion protein with IgA protease, biological activity comparable to that of the recombinant erythropoietin was recovered. Transgenic males and virgin females did not show signs of enhanced erythropoiesis, but lactating females expressing the transgene displayed transient increases in their hematocrit values.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) major immediate-early promoter (MIEP) is one of the first promoters to activate upon infection. To examine HCMV MIEP tissue-specific expression, transgenic mice were established containing the lacZ gene regulated by the MIEP (nucleotides -670 to +54). In the transgenic mice, lacZ expression was demonstrated in 19 of 29 tissues tested by histochemical and immunochemical analyses. These tissues included brain, eye, spinal cord, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, testis, ovary, spleen, salivary gland, thymus, bone marrow, skin, cartilage, and cardiac, striated and smooth muscles. Although expression was observed in multiple organs, promoter activity was restricted to specific cell types. The cell types which demonstrated HCMV MIEP expression included retinal cells of the eye, ductile cells of the salivary gland, exocrine cells of the pancreas, mucosal cells of the stomach and intestine, neuronal cells of the brain, muscle fibers, thecal cells of the corpus luteum, and Leydig and sperm cells of the testis. These observations indicate that the HCMV MIEP is not a pan-specific promoter and that the majority of expressing tissues correlate with tissues naturally infected by the virus in the human host.  相似文献   

CD14 is a major receptor for the bacterial endotoxin LPS. Since CD14 is specifically and highly expressed on the surface of monocytic cells, it has been used as a monocyte/macrophage differentiation marker. To identify elements that are critical for the direction of the tissue-specific expression of CD14, an 80-kb genomic DNA fragment containing the coding region of the CD14 gene, as well as a considerable amount of both upstream and downstream sequence, was used to generate transgenic mice. The analysis of mice from six different founder lines demonstrated that this genomic DNA fragment was sufficient to direct human CD14 gene expression in a monocyte-specific manner among hematopoietic cells. Furthermore, the data lead us to a new finding that CD14 is highly expressed in the human liver, a primary organ involved in the acute phase response. These transgenic mice provide a useful model to analyze the biological function of human CD14.  相似文献   

Mice transgenic for heterologous and ectopic GH expression serve as models for studying the feedback effects of elevated nonregulated GH on hypothalamic hypophysiotropic neurons as well as on peripheral function. For example, hypothalamic somatostatin expression has been shown to be increased markedly in mice bearing either bovine (b) or human (h) GH transgenes. Human, but not bovine, GH has lactogenic properties in mice, and appears to stimulate PRL-inhibiting tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons. The present study was designed to determine the effect of a lifelong excess of hGH on dopamine (DA) expression in and numbers of TIDA neurons. Male mice of four transgenic lines were examined. The transgenic animals bore constructs of either bGH or hGH fused to either metallothionein (MT) or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) promoters; brains of transgenic mice were compared morphologically with those of nontransgenic littermates. Formaldehyde-induced catecholamine histofluorescence and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunocytochemistry were examined in alternate brain sections; cell number was quantified for TIDA neurons (area A12) and a nonhypophysiotropic diencephalic DA area, the medial zona incerta (A13). Body weights were higher (P < 0.01) in PEPCK-GH than in MT-GH transgenic mice, as were serum levels of heterologous GH in those lines. In MT-hGH, but not MT-bGH or PEPCK-bGH, transgenic mice, A12 perikaryal fluorescence was enhanced, and ME fluorescence was reduced compared with those in control animals. The reduced ME DA is likely to reflect stimulation of TIDA neurons, because A12 TH-immunoreactive neuron number was increased by 34% in MT-hGH mice compared with that in controls (P < 0.05). In mice bearing the PEPCK-hGH construct, A12 TH neuron number was increased 47% (P < 0.001) compared with that in littermate controls. There were no differences in A13 cell number among animals, and A12 cell numbers in mice expressing bGH did not differ from control values. These results suggest that although extremely high levels of circulating bGH do not stimulate TIDA neurons, lifelong high levels of hGH have a stimulatory and graded effect on developmental differentiation of these cells for TH and DA production, supporting the concept of PRL as a trophic factor for TIDA neurons.  相似文献   

Prolactin stimulated ornithine decarboxylase activity in mammary gland explants from midpregnant mice. The enhanced enzyme activity occurred in explants which were preincubated for 1 day in medium containing insulin, hydrocortisone, insulin plus hydrocortisone, or in medium containing no hormones. The largest prolactin effect was observed in tissues which were pretreated with insulin plus hydrocortisone; a greater than ten-fold increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity was observed when these tissues were incubated with prolactin for 2 hours. An effect of prolactin on ornithine decarboxylase activity was also observed in explants prepared from lactating mouse mammary glands.  相似文献   

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