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The topic of ground movements in Germany has been studied extensively in the past, especially in the field of active mines. The active hard coal mines in Germany were finally shut down in 2018 and lignite mining is expected to take place only until 2038. The so-called long-term liabilities of the mine operators in Germany include, among other things, the long-term guarantee of stability and thus the monitoring of ground motion. So far, the economic use of underground mining in Germany was mainly the supply of raw materials. In the future, the underground storage of compressed air, methane or hydrogen will play an important role in renewable energy supply and climate change. Therefore, the underground storage space will become more important and the spatial planning is essential to ensure availability of safe underground openings for the various options of environmentally friendly energy storage. However, this renewed usage of underground openings may also bring new and sometimes unknown challenges of geomechanical influence. The aftermath of hard coal and lignite mining will be an increasing challenge in mining subsidence engineering. On the other hand, new possibilities due to underground spatial planning may lead to subsidence and/or heaving of the upper surface.  相似文献   

Understanding coal mine rib behavior is important for inferring pillar loading conditions as well as ensuring the safety of miners who are regularly exposed to ribs. Due to the variability in the geometry of underground openings and ground behavior, point measurements often fail to capture the true movement of mine workings. Photogrammetry is a potentially fast, cheap, and precise supplemental measurement tool in comparison to extensometers, tape measures, or laser range meters, but its application in underground coal has been limited. The practical use of photogrammetry was tested at the Safety Research Coal Mine, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH). A commercially available, digital single-lens reflex(DSLR) camera was used to perform the photogrammetric surveys for the experiment. Several experiments were performed using different lighting conditions, distances to subject,camera settings, and photograph overlaps, with results summarized as follows: the lighting method was found to be insignificant if the scene was appropriately illuminated. It was found that the distance to the subject has a minimal impact on result accuracy, and that camera settings have a significant impact on the photogrammetric quality of images. An increasing photograph resolution was preferable when measuring plane orientations; otherwise a high point cloud density would likely be excessive. Focal ratio(F-stop) changes affect the depth of field and image quality in situations where multiple angles are necessary to survey cleat orientations. Photograph overlap is very important to proper three-dimensional reconstruction, and at least 60% overlap between photograph pairs is ideal to avoid unnecessary post-processing. The suggestions and guidelines proposed are designed to increase the quality of photogrammetry inputs and outputs as well as minimize processing time, and serve as a starting point for an underground coal photogrammetry study.  相似文献   

哈尔滨地下空间开发利用现状与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
耿永常  邵龙 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》2007,39(10):1631-1634,1669
对哈尔滨市地下空间开发状态进行了调查,总结了地下街、地下铁道、地下民用建筑等规划原理与特征,探讨了地下空间开发与城市建设相结合的途径及对城市可持续发展的影响,提出了哈尔滨地下空间规划为"一环、一线、三轴"的规划方案.借鉴发达国家城市地下空间开发利用的状况,研究适合中国严寒地区地下空间利用的举措.以实际工程为例,研究城市建设与轨道交通、地下街、综合管沟相结合的途径及如何实现成功的地下空间开发和利用.  相似文献   

对新时期制定区域科技规划的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了区域科技规划的基本内涵和主要特点,提出了新时期制定区域科技规划应遵循的基本原则和值得重视的若干问题。  相似文献   

家居空间规划是家居设计中的重要组成部分之一,它可以对整个家居环境起到一个导航的作用。设计源自创意,创意离不开文化,不同的家居空间结构在诠释空间规划布局概念时由于文化创意的不同有可能造成截然不同的设计风格。在探讨家居环境设计时,文化创意与设计风格是两个不可忽略的因素。  相似文献   

大学生数学建模竞赛中的优化问题都有优化目标不单一、据量巨大的特点.通过对DVD在线租赁问题的几种建模、求解方法的比较分析,介绍了常用的多目标优化建模求解方法,说明了它们的优缺点.  相似文献   

土地利用规划中综合协调各业用地数学模型的建立   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
优化土地利用结构,综合协调 业用地之间的矛盾,是土地利用规划的核心工作。本文利用数学规划理论、依据现有土地资源和相关指标的实际民政部建立规划模型,为土地利用规划的实施提供“综合协调”的具体方法。  相似文献   

新世纪城市交通的发展及规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化进程的不断加快及城市交通的不合理导致越来越严重的城市交通问题。在介绍城市交通的发展方向的基础上 ,分析了创造新世纪城市交通体系所存在的问题,并对发展策略及规划原则进行了探讨。  相似文献   

寒地村镇居住建筑用地规划设计的相关对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于气候、地理位置及经济发展水平的差异,使得北方严寒地区村镇居住建筑用地的规划建设应与其他地区有着显著的控制。针对寒地村镇居住建筑用地建设中存在的一些问题,如许多村镇人均居住建筑用地超过200m^2/人,比国家村镇规划标准人均各项建设用地总和150m^2/人还要多,用地规划布局不合理等,对寒冷地区村镇居住建筑用地的规划设计进行深入探讨和研究,提出寒冷地区村镇居住建筑用地规划与建设的原则及对策,包括居住建筑用地的规划设计对策、居住建筑空间环境的设计对策等。  相似文献   

在石林天时居产权式酒店项目的前期分析中采用GIS技术,利用场地的等高线地形图快速建立所规划区域的等高线数字模型,对场地的高程、坡度、坡向、通视性、剖面、径流、山体投影等进行分析,从而使分析建立在全面直观的空间模型分析之上,增进了对该项目规划决策的理解以及设计前期场地分析的科学合理性,快速准确地获取所需要的数据,以此指导之后的规划设计工作。  相似文献   

An approach which combines particle swarm optimization and support vector machine (PSO–SVM) is proposed to forecast large-scale goaf instability (LSGI). Firstly, influencing factors of goaf safety are analyzed, and following parameters were selected as evaluation indexes in the LSGI: uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock, elastic modulus (E) of rock, rock quality designation (RQD), area ration of pillar (Sp), the ratio of width to height of the pillar (w/h), depth of ore body (H), volume of goaf (V), dip of ore body (α) and area of goaf (Sg). Then LSGI forecasting model by PSO-SVM was established according to the influencing factors. The performance of hybrid model (PSO + SVM = PSO–SVM) has been compared with the grid search method of support vector machine (GSM–SVM) model. The actual data of 40 goafs are applied to research the forecasting ability of the proposed method, and two cases of underground mine are also validated by the proposed model. The results indicated that the heuristic algorithm of PSO can speed up the SVM parameter optimization search, and the predictive ability of the PSO–SVM model with the RBF kernel function is acceptable and robust, which might hold a high potential to become a useful tool in goaf risky prediction research.  相似文献   

从村镇规划所指范围、现代村镇规划的概念、原则入手,分析在建设社会主义新农村这一新的历史阶段,我国村镇规划和村镇建设的现状,并提出相应的对策和建议.  相似文献   

着重介绍了国内外合成螫合剂的方法;具体介绍了螫合物的表征方法,有光谱法、元素分析法、热分析法等;阐述了衡量螯合剂效率的两个指标:螯合物稳定常数和螯合值。最后,简要介绍了国内外近几年,螫合剂在废水处理、无机HPLC、分析化学、印染及造纸化学品方面的应用。  相似文献   

新农村建设是一个综合的系统工程,简要阐述构建节约型新农村的必要性,并对构建和谐的节约型的社会主义新农村提出资源利用的措施.  相似文献   

本文主要分析了当前中国东、中、西部地区对外贸易发展的悬殊差距,指出三大地区间产业的孤立发展及恶性竞争问题。这种对外贸易的空间失衡格局阻碍了中国的全方位改革开放与对外贸易的持续、健康发展。三大地带基于竞争的对外贸易格局应转为“竞合”发展,构建互惠互利的对外贸易发展新局面,打破区域壁垒,建立互联互通的设施网络,实现跨区域贸易分工与协作,推动新时代中国成为贸易强国。  相似文献   

识别国土空间三生功能(生产、生态与生活)状态并诊断其耦合协调度是国土空间规划调控的重要依据之一。以自然资源部2020年版Globeland30最新数据产品为基础,采用地表覆盖分类与三生功能映射法,结合国内生产总值、常住人口规模和生态服务价值3个综合性当量对粤港澳大湾区33个标准地域单元进行了三生功能评价与耦合协调度诊断。结果表明:大湾区生产功能指数位于0.347~0.969,生产功能较高的单元主要位于大湾区核心地带,特别是香港、深圳、东莞、广州南部、佛山东部、中山、珠海和澳门沿线区域;生活功能指数位于0.342~0.974,其整体与生产功能格局相似,但排名存在位序差异,说明各个单元的国内生产总值和常住人口规模并不完全正相关;生态功能指数位于0.306~0.952,基本呈现出与生产和生活功能截然相反的空间格局,但香港例外。从三生功能累积指数来看,大湾区整体并未呈现出从湾区核心向外围逐步衰减的趋势,低值区出现在核心圈层与边远圈层之间;从三生功能耦合协调度诊断来看,大湾区没有不协调单元,其中15个单元基本协调,17个单元中度协调,而高度协调发展的只有中国香港。从国土空间三生功能协调发展视角分析了大湾区的三生功能以及耦合协调度等多个指数,诊断结果可为大湾区发展实施精细化调控提供相关依据。  相似文献   

郑州市郑东新区生态湿地规划及生物多样性保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市湿地是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,具有多种社会经济功能和环境生态效益.对郑州市郑东新区的人工湿地规划,基于对湿地景观的保护与利用并满足城市居民的文化娱乐需要,提出了一些城市生态湿地规划中生物多样性保护的具体措施,可为相似工程参考.  相似文献   

In this study, a machine vision-based pattern matching technique was applied to estimate the location of an autonomous driving robot and perform 3D tunnel mapping in an underground mine environment. The autonomous driving robot continuously detects the wall of the tunnel in the horizontal direction using the light detection and ranging(Li DAR) sensor and performs pattern matching by recognizing the shape of the tunnel wall. The proposed method was designed to measure the heading of the robot by fusion with the inertial measurement units sensor according to the pattern matching accuracy; it is combined with the encoder sensor to estimate the location of the robot. In addition, when the robot is driving, the vertical direction of the underground mine is scanned through the vertical Li DAR sensor and stacked to create a 3D map of the underground mine. The performance of the proposed method was superior to that of previous studies; the mean absolute error achieved was 0.08 m for the X-Y axes. A root mean square error of 0.05 m~2 was achieved by comparing the tunnel section maps that were created by the autonomous driving robot to those of manual surveying.  相似文献   

长株潭区域物流园物流信息平台规划的新探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
区域信息平台的建设是物流园区最重要的一个基础建设项目,通过分析高新技术条件下长株潭区域物流园区信息平台的功能需求,提出如何建立物流园区信息平台的系统架构,以及实施物流园区信息平台建设的步骤.  相似文献   

在深部地下采矿中,岩爆因具有许多不利影响(如对人员、设备、隧道/地下矿山工作面和开采周期等的影响)而被视为不确定性风险。由于其不确定性的特征,对岩爆趋势的准确预测和分类具有一定难度,且已有研究成果较少。提出一种基于基因表达编程(GEP)和粒子群优化(PSO)的鲁棒混合计算模型GEP-PSO,用于预测和分类深部开口的岩爆趋势,提高了预测和分类的准确性。在建立GEP-PSO模型的过程中,评估GEP模型中不同数量的基因(1~4)和连接功能(例如,加法、提取、乘法和除法)。收集246次岩爆发生的地质和施工因素,用于建立岩爆分类的GEP-PSO模型;应用处理数据集缺失值的技术改进数据集的属性;用相关矩阵选取潜在输入参数的特征;建立13个混合GEP-PSO模型,得到各模型的精度。结果表明:在GEP结构中具有3个基因和乘法连接函数的GEP-PSO模型具有最高的准确度(80.49%)。将获得的最佳GEP-PSO模型的结果与基于相同数据集开发的各种已有模型进行比较,结果表明,选择的GEP-PSO模型结果优于已有模型,表明提出的GEP-PSO模型在岩爆等级的预测和分类方面的准确性显著提高,可以应用于深开挖工程中,以准确预测和评估岩爆敏感性。  相似文献   

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