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The experiment reported was designed to investigate whether endothelin-1 (ET-1) contributes to vasospasm and poor perfusion during the reperfusion after prolonged ischemia in skeletal muscle. Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighting 100 to 120 g were anesthetized with Nembutal. The vascular isolated rat cremaster muscle, coupled with local interarterial infusion, was the model used in this study. The diameters of feeding arterioles and terminal arterioles were measured utilizing intravital microscopy. The number of terminal arterioles with temporary cessation of flow were counted in each cremaster. Group 1: ET-dose response (8 rats)--various concentrations of ET-1 (from 10(-8) M to 10(-5) M) were infused into the cremaster to test whether this muscle was responsive to the agent in a dose-dependent manner. Group 2: ET-antagonist response (12 rats)--PD-142893, 10(-4) M (ETab receptor antagonist) plus ET-1 10(-7) M were infused into the cremaster to test whether vasospasm caused by exogenous ET-1 could be prevented by pretreatment with this specific ETab receptor antagonist. Group 3: ischemia/reperfusion response (12 rats)--PD-142893, 10(-4) M was infused into the cremaster before ischemia (4 hr warm ischemia) and during reperfusion to test whether ETab receptor antagonism was effective in preventing the vasospasm associated with ischemia/reperfusion injury. The results from this study show that a mixed ETab endothelin antagonist, PD-142893, infused before ischemia and during reperfusion at a dose which virtually abolished the vasoconstriction produced by a high concentration of exogenous endothelin-1, had no effect on ischemia/reperfusion-induced vasoconstriction in this model. These results suggest that ET-1 probably does not contribute to the ischemia/reperfusion-induced vasoconstriction and poor reflow in rat skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

5-HT4 receptors are concentrated in areas of the brain which are rich in dopamine neuronal markers, which may suggest that they influence motor and reward processes. We tested this hypothesis by examining the effects of a 5-HT4 receptor antagonist, 8-amino-7-chloro-(N-butyl-4-piperidyl)methylbenzo-1,4-dioxan-5-car boxylate hydrochloride (SB-204070-A) on amphetamine- and nicotine-induced locomotor stimulation in intact rats. In rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-induced lesions of the ascending nigrostriatal dopaminergic projection, SB-204070-A was tested for its effects on amphetamine-induced rotation. SB-204070-A was also tested for its effects on rewarded behaviour maintained by intracranial self-stimulation. SB-204070-A did not alter behaviour under any of these conditions, suggesting a lack of involvement of the 5-HT4 receptor in motor and reward processes.  相似文献   

Various pulmonary artery preparations in vitro demonstrate sustained endothelium-dependent contractions upon hypoxia. To determine whether endothelin-1 could mediate this phenomenon, we examined the effect of bosentan, a new antagonist of both the ETA and ETB subtypes of the endothelin receptor. Small (300 pm) pulmonary arteries from rats were mounted on a myograph, precontracted with prostaglandin F2 alpha and exposed to hypoxia (PO2, 10 to 15 mm Hg, measured on-line) for 45 min. Endothelium-intact control rings exhibited a biphasic response, with a transient initial vasoconstriction (phase 1) followed by a second slowly developing sustained contraction (phase 2). Expressed in percent of the maximal response to 80 mmol/L KCl, the amplitudes of phase 1 (peak tension) and 2 (tension after 45 min of hypoxia) averaged 37 +/- 12% and 17 +/- 14%, respectively (n = 11). In endothelium-denuded rings, phase 1 persisted while the amplitude of phase 2 was reduced to 2 +/- 12% (p < 0.05, n = 8), showing the endothelium dependence of this contraction. Neither phase was significantly decreased in rings treated with 10(-5) mmol/L bosentan (38 +/- 15% and 17 +/- 12%, respectively, n = 6). The PO2 threshold for onset of hypoxic contraction was not significantly different among these three groups and averaged 32 +/- 24 mm Hg. In a separate experiment, we assessed the inhibitory effect of 10(-5) mol/L bosentan on the response to 10(-8) mol/L endothelin-I. Rings treated for 45 min with 10(-8) mol/L endothelin-1 alone exhibited a maximal contraction of 75 +/- 27% (n = 6). This was reduced to 4 +/- 17% (p < 0.01, n = 6) in rings treated with both 10(-8) mol/L endothelin-1 and 10(-5) mol/L bosentan. We conclude that complete blockade of all endothelin receptor subtypes has no effect on either endothelium-dependent or -independent hypoxic contractions in this preparation. This suggests that endothelial factors other than endothelin-I mediate the acute hypoxic contractions of small pulmonary arteries in the rat.  相似文献   

Not all antihypertensive drugs induce regression of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy in hypertension, although they may equally lower blood pressure. The effects of alpha 1-blockers on regression have been inconsistent. In this study, bunazosin, a selective alpha 1-blocker, (15 mg/kg/day in food) was given to male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) from 15 to 35 weeks of age to evaluate its effects on cardiac hypertrophy, hemodynamics, and neurohumoral factors. Age- and sex-matched SHR served as controls. LV function and cardiac output were determined by a micromanometer and thermodilution, respectively. Bunazosin significantly decreased blood pressure in conscious rats (from 209 to 192 mmHg, p < 0.01) but did not reduce LV mass. Heart rate, LV end-diastolic pressure, dp/dtmax, and cardiac output were similar in the 2 groups. Plasma renin activity was unaltered but plasma norepinephrine levels were higher in the treated rats (p < 0.05). Thus, bunazosin produced a significant relative reduction of blood pressure but did not reverse LV hypertrophy in SHR. Inadequate afterload reduction (8%) due to severe hypertension (> 200 mmHg) may explain the absence of regression. The rise of plasma norepinephrine levels may also offset the beneficial effects of bunazosin.  相似文献   

Two enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) systems for rapid screening of Listeria spp. were compared for their use in analysis of spiked foods regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The Tecra Listeria kit is a 48 h visual ELISA that detects Listeria spp. through colorimetry. It has been approved for first action by AOAC INTERNATIONAL. The Vitek immunodiagnostic assay system for Listeria (VIDAS LIS) is a fully automated 48 h ELISA that detects Listeria spp. by immunofluorescence. Fifty-two food samples were artificially contaminated with high (11-42 colony-forming units [cfu]/25 g food) and low (2-8 cfu/25 g food) levels of L. monocytogenes and screened by the 2 protocols. Unspiked samples were also assayed as negative controls. Six unspiked samples were found positive for Listeria spp. by both methods: 3 were identified as L. monocytogenes and 3 as L. innocua by official methods. Both ELISA methods detected all spiked samples. One unspiked sample was assayed positive by Tecra and negative by VIDAS LIS. No Listeria spp. were recovered when the sample was tested by the conventional method. No interference due to background fluorescence of food matrixes was observed in the VIDAS LIS method. Results suggest a modified VIDAS LIS preenrichment medium may be used in place of the VIDAS standard medium in the protocol.  相似文献   

Muc-1 is a heavily O-glycosylated, type 1 membrane glycoprotein present on the surface of polarized secretory uterine epithelial cells. Previous studies have shown that treatment of ovariectomized mice with 17-beta-estradiol (E2) strongly induces Muc-1 mRNA expression in an estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated fashion in the uterus. In this study, the 5.4 kb Muc-1 gene promoter has been isolated from a mouse genomic library and the proximal 1.85 kb region has been sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of one potential full estrogen response element (ERE) (GCTCGCGGTGACC) located at -748 to -735 bp in the Muc-1 promoter and several potential ERE half sites. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) showed that neither ERalpha nor ERbeta bind efficiently to this sequence. Transient cotransfection assays using constructs containing various deletion mutations of the 5' Muc-1 flanking sequences showed that E2 had no direct stimulation on promoter-driven reporter in NMuMG cells or primary mouse uterine epithelial cells, but did stimulate a consensus ERE CAT-reporter gene activity. In addition, E2-treatment of Weg-ER cells, a mouse uterine epithelial cell line stably expressing human ERalpha, did not restore endogenous Muc-1 expression or activate Muc-1 promoter-driven CAT activity. These results indicate that regions of the Muc-1 gene promoter within -1838 to +43 bp do not respond to E2 and ER stimulation and that ER alone is not sufficient to restore Muc1 gene expression. Deletion analyses also revealed that the sequence between -73 and +43 bp of the Muc-1 promoter is the minimal promoter region required for maximal Muc-1 promoter activity. Collectively, these results demonstrate that ER does not directly regulate the 1.85 kb murine Muc-1 gene promoter. Therefore, E2 control of uterine Muc-1 gene expression is likely to be indirect, i.e. mediated by stromal cell-derived factors.  相似文献   

The clinical usefulness of posturography is unknown, despite its costing more than +500 per test in some areas of the United States, including Boston. We cross-sectionally and prospectively studied blinded vestibulo-ocular and vestibulospinal tests from 29 stable patients with chronic vestibular hypofunction; 22 patients were affected bilaterally (BVH), and 7 were affected unilaterally (UVH). Vestibulo-ocular function was assessed by electronystagmographic caloric stimulation and sinusoidal vertical axis rotation gains at 0.05 Hz. Vestibulospinal function was assessed by moving-platform and visualsurround posturography sensory organization tests (SOTs), paced and free gait in a gait laboratory, and clinical tests of timed gait and standing. Posturography SOT moving-platform tests 4 through 6, designed to assess vestibular function, correlated significantly (r < or = 0.72, P > or = 0.01) with vestibulo-ocular tests in 5 of 6 comparisons among BVH patients. Posturography SOT results, however, correlated poorly with other vestibulospinal measures: correlations were statistically significant for only 7 of 18 comparisons with clinical balance and gait function (r < or = 0.69, P > or = 0.01) and with 2 of 12 comparisons for gait laboratory dynamic stability measures (r < or = 0.55, P > or = 0.01) among the BVH patients. When both the platform and visual surround moved (SOT 6), however, correlations were statistically significant with static standing clinical measures (r = 0.51 to 0.69, P < 0.01) and with whole-body maximum moment arm during paced gait (r = 0.55, P < 0.01). Posturography scores for the UVH patients did not significantly correlate with any vestibulo-ocular or other vestibulospinal measures. These data indicate that among patients with BVH posturography SOT scores relate at best modestly with accepted measure of vestibulo-ocular function, less well with clinical measures of balance control, and poorly with dynamic gait-performance measures. We conclude that posturography SOT does not assess vestibulospinal function.  相似文献   

The effect of the combined ETA/ETB endothelin receptor antagonist bosentan on blood pressure, vascular hypertrophy, and pathologic renal changes was investigated in a model of malignant hypertension, severe vascular hypertrophy, and enhanced vascular expression of endothelin-1, the deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA), and salt-treated spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). DOCA-salt treated SHR received 100 mg bosentan per kilogram weight per day mixed with their food. Systolic blood pressure of untreated DOCA-salt SHR rose to 241 +/- 1.5 mm Hg, whereas that of bosentan-treated rats rose to 221 +/- 5.1 mm Hg (P < .01). Cardiac and conduit artery mass were not affected by treatment. Small arteries from the coronary, renal, and mesenteric circulations showed a smaller media width and cross-sectional area of the media in rats treated with bosentan than in untreated rats. The kidneys showed the presence of fibrinoid necrosis in a high percentage of afferent arterioles and glomeruli of untreated DOCA-SHR. Some kidneys of treated rats exhibited less severe vascular hypertrophy and lesser extent of vascular or glomerular fibrinoid necrosis, but the renal injury score of bosentan-treated DOCA-SHR was only at the limit of significance from that of untreated rats (P = .06). These results suggest a role for endothelin-1 in blood pressure elevation and the severe vascular hypertrophy of small arteries of the coronary, renal, and mesenteric vasculature, but not of the heart or larger conduit vessels in the malignant hypertension that SHR develop after treatment with DOCA and salt. Although some bosentan-treated rats showed fewer renal lesions, a significant effect on renal pathology could not be unambiguously demonstrated. Further studies will be necessary to determine whether endothelin antagonists may indeed offer some degree of renal protection and have therapeutic potential in severe or malignant hypertension.  相似文献   

The profile of endothelin-1 (ET-1) release from cultured vascular endothelial cells (ECs) obtained from deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive rats, was examined and compared with that from normotensive sham rats. ET-1 release from ECs was increased in a time-dependent manner, and the level of DOCA-salt hypertensive rats was higher than that of sham rats. Incubation of ECs with transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 or thrombin resulted in a significant increase in the ET-1 release, while FK409, a novel nitric oxide donor, produced a dose-dependent decrease in the release. In the case of ECs from DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, the potencies of TGF-beta 1- or thrombin-induced action was much less than that seen with sham rats, while the difference of reactivity to FK409 was not observed between ECs of DOCA-salt rats and sham rats. Thus, ET-1 production in ECs appears to be up-regulated in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. In addition, there seems to be an abnormalities in the signaling pathway via TGF-beta 1- or thrombin-induced enhancement of ET-1 production in ECs of DOCA-salt hypertensive rats.  相似文献   

Using a word-by-word self-paced reading paradigm, T. A. Farmer, M. H. Christiansen, and P. Monaghan (2006) reported faster reading times for words that are phonologically typical for their syntactic category (i.e., noun or verb) than for words that are phonologically atypical. This result has been taken to suggest that language users are sensitive to subtle relationships between sound and syntactic function and that they make rapid use of this information in comprehension. The present article reports attempts to replicate this result using both eyetracking during normal reading (Experiment 1) and word-by-word self-paced reading (Experiment 2). No hint of a phonological typicality effect emerged on any reading-time measure in Experiment 1, nor did Experiment 2 replicate Farmer et al.’s finding from self-paced reading. Indeed, the differences between condition means were not consistently in the predicted direction, as phonologically atypical verbs were read more quickly than phonologically typical verbs, on most measures. Implications for research on visual word recognition are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Aprikalim, a K+ ATP channel opener, is a potent vasodilator with demonstrated cardioprotective properties against ischemia/reperfusion injury. It is still unknown if K+ ATP channel openers exert their beneficial effects via interaction with oxygen-derived free radicals. Therefore, we investigated the cardioprotective effects of aprikalim against oxygen-derived free radicals. Isolated rabbit hearts were perfused at constant pressure (85 cm H2O) or constant flow (30-35 ml/min). Heart rate, left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP), and either coronary flow or coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) were monitored. Free radicals were produced by electrolysis of the perfusate (0.6 mA, direct current), and 10 microM aprikalim was infused before and after exposure to free radicals. In the constant perfusion pressure experiments, 10 min of exposure to free radicals resulted in a significant reduction of heart rate (137 to 129 beats/min), LVDP (112 to 91 mmHg) and coronary flow (37 to 29 ml/min); coronary flow was more markedly impaired than contractile function. Acetylcholine-induced coronary dilation was also significantly attenuated in the presence of free radicals. After 30 min of recovery, both coronary flow and LVDP were still significantly decreased while acetylcholine-induced coronary dilation had fully recuperated. Aprikalim completely abated the coronary and cardiac depressant actions of free radicals. Constant flow experiments indicated that exposure to free radicals increased CPP (+40%, p < 0.05), an effect totally suppressed by aprikalim. These results demonstrate that aprikalim reverses the cardiodepressant actions of free radicals. The cardioprotection it afforded involves both contractile function and the coronary vasculature. Acetylcholine-induced coronary dilation was blunted by free radicals, an indication of complex interactions at the coronary endothelial level.  相似文献   

1. The present study examines whether three cycles of brief coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion (i.e. ischaemic preconditioning; PC) can prevent vasodilator dysfunction and the impairment of myocardial reflow caused by prolonged ischaemia. Coronary blood flow, left ventricular dP/dt, systemic arterial blood pressure and heart rate were measured in open-chest anaesthetized dogs. 2. Sixty minute occlusion of the left circumflex coronary artery (LCx) and 60 min LCx reperfusion (ISC/REP; group 1) significantly reduced resting coronary blood flow (CBF, initial 29 +/- 3 mL/min; ISC/REP 20 +/- 3 mL/min, P < 0.05 vs initial) and increased coronary vascular resistance (CVR, initial 4.1 +/- 0.6 mmHg/min per mL; ISC/REP 5.8 +/- 1.0 mmHg/min per mL, P < 0.05 vs initial). By contrast CBF and CVR were not affected in dogs subjected to preconditioning before ischaemia (group 2: CBF, initial 24 +/- 4 mL/min; PC+ISC/REP 23 +/- 4 mL/min; CVR, initial 4.7 +/- 0.6 mmHg/min per mL; PC+ ISC/REP 5.3 +/- 1.0 mmHg/min per mL). These data suggest that ischaemic preconditioning prevents the ischaemia-induced impairment of myocardial reflow. 3. Ischaemia and reperfusion impaired coronary dilator responses to the endothelium-dependent dilator acetylcholine (delta CBF, after ISC/REP: 50 +/- 6% of initial) and the endothelium-independent dilator glyceryl trinitrate (delta CBF, ISC/REP: 46 +/- 6% of initial). Despite the improvement in reperfusion in the preconditioned group, there was no significant improvement in responses to acetylcholine (PC+ISC/REP 52 +/- 6% of initial) or glyceryl trinitrate (PC+ISC/REP 59 +/- 6% of initial) after ischaemia and reperfusion. 4. The reduction in left ventricular dP/dt after ischaemia and reperfusion was significantly smaller in the preconditioned group indicating a lower level of impairment of cardiac contractility. In addition, we confirmed that preconditioning caused a significant reduction in infarct size and a reduction in the release of lactate dehydrogenase indicating less cardiac injury. 5. These results suggest that although ischaemic preconditioning was able to improve both myocardial reperfusion and contractility, it was not able to preserve vasodilator function. Such a reduction in vasodilator reserve could prevent adequate myocardial perfusion under conditions of elevated oxygen demand.  相似文献   

The role that metabolic products play in regulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis during strenuous exercise is speculative. This investigation examined the extent to which lactic acid, a major metabolite of anaerobic exercise, directly affects hypothalamic-pituitary function. Specifically, beta-endorphin secretion was measured from AtT-20 (D-16) mouse corticotroph tumor cells treated either acutely (15 min - 180 min) or chronically (1 day - 3 day) with physiologic levels of lactate (0. 5 x 10-3 M to 5 x 10-2 M) or lactate in combination with the corticotroph releasing factors: corticotroph releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP), norepinephrine and/or epinephrine. Findings with AtT-20 cell cultures were shown to be representative of responses in primary cultures of rat anterior pituitary. Lactic acid did not alter the spontaneous release of beta-endorphin by AtT-20 cells under either acute or chronic conditions. While CRH, norepinephrine, and epinephrine evoked significant increases in beta-endorphin release, lactate, in combination with these secretagogues did not alter their effects. Similarly, lactic acid failed to alter basal or stimulated release of beta-endorphin by primary cultures of rat anterior pituitary. The addition of lactate (3 x 103 M) to rat hypothalamic explants did, however, produce a modest but significant reduction in spontaneous CRH release, suggesting that lactate may facilitate the return to basal secretion following exercise. The present findings show that physiologic concentrations of lactate have no effect, either alone or in combination with other pituitary secretagogues, on corticotroph secretion. Whereas a physiologic action for lactate within the hypothalamus is possible, the present findings indicate that lactate is an inhibitor of CRH release. Thus, lactate does not appear to play a direct role in the profound activation of the HPA axis that occurs in response to strenuous exercise.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Culturing Helicobacter pylori (Hp) has a low sensitivity rate, and is affected by factors such as the number of biopsies, transport, and culture conditions. Hp detection is also influenced by omeprazole, antibiotics, bismuth salts, or benzocaine use. Disinfection procedures based on glutaraldehyde are highly effective in eliminating any Hp contamination of endoscopic equipment. However, the possibility that some residual glutaraldehyde present in biopsy forceps after decontamination could affect Hp viability has not yet been investigated. METHODS: Antral specimens from 25 patients with active gastric or duodenal ulcer obtained with three forceps (sterilized with ethylene oxide, glutaraldehyde, or glutaraldehyde-phenolate) were streaked on appropriate media, and results of culture evaluated. RESULTS: Helicobacter pylori was isolated in 17 patients. Positivity of culture was independent of the way the forceps were sterilized, and the number of colonies (mean +/- SD) was similar for the three types of forceps (475 +/- 312, 533 +/- 242, and 550 +/- 225 colony-forming units [CFUs] for ethylene oxide, glutaraldehyde, and glutaraldehyde-phenolate, respectively). Moreover, the incubation time since isolation was also similar (6.0 +/- 1.3, 5.8 +/- 1.2, and 5.7 +/- 1.2 days for ethylene oxide, glutaraldehyde, and glutaraldehyde-phenolate disinfected forceps, respectively). CONCLUSION: The use of glutaraldehyde to sterilize biopsy forceps is not responsible for the false-negative results of Hp culture.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor perindopril and the angiotensin II antagonist losartan on insulin sensitivity and plasma fibrinogen in overweight hypertensive patients. Twenty-eight overweight mild to moderate [diastolic blood pressure (DBP) >90 and <110 mm Hg] hypertensives aged 43-64 years, after a 4-week placebo period, were randomized to perindopril, 4 mg o.d., or losartan, 50 mg o.d., for 6 weeks. Then, after a new placebo period, patients were crossed to the alternative regimen for further 6 weeks. At the end of the placebo and of the treatment periods, blood pressure was measured, plasma fibrinogen was evaluated, and insulin sensitivity was assessed by the euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. Glucose infusion rate (GIR) during the last 30 min of clamp and total glucose requirement (TGR) were evaluated. Both perindopril and losartan reduced SBP (by a mean of 20.2 mm Hg, p < 0.001 vs. placebo; and 15.8 mm Hg, p = 0.002 vs. placebo, respectively) and DBP (by a mean of 15.2 mm Hg, p = 0.001 vs. placebo, and 11.8 mm Hg, p = 0.01 vs. placebo respectively), with no difference between the two treatments. GIR was significantly increased by perindopril (+2.91 mg/min/kg, p = 0.042 vs. placebo), but not by losartan (+0.28 mg/min/kg, NS). TGR was not modified by losartan but was increased by perindopril (+9.3 g, p = 0.042 vs. placebo). Plasma fibrinogen levels were reduced by perindopril (-53.4 mg/dl, p = 0.022 vs. placebo) but not by losartan (-16.8 mg/dl, NS). The perindopril-induced decrease in fibrinogen was correlated with the increase in GIR (r = 0.39; p < 0.01). These findings suggest that fibrinogen decrease produced by the ACE inhibitor is related to its action on insulin sensitivity, which seems to be dependent not on angiotensin II blockade but rather on other mechanisms.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide forms complexes with an array of biomolecular carriers that retain biological activity. This reactivity of nitric oxide in physiological systems has led to some dispute as to whether endothelium-derived relaxing factors nitric oxide or a closely related adduct thereof, such as a nitrosothiol. In vitro bioassays used to address this question are limited by the exclusion of biological thiols that are requisite for nitrosothiol formation. Thus, the purpose of this study was to obtain insight into the identity of endothelium-derived relaxing factor in vivo. We reasoned that if endothelium-derived relaxing factor in nitric oxide, infusion of physiological concentrations of thiol would potentiate its bioactivity by analogy with effects seen in vitro, whereas nitrosothiol would be resistant to such modulation. We used venous-occlusion plethysmography to study forearm blood flow in normal subjects. Methacholine (0.3 to 10 micrograms/min) and nitroglycerin (1 to 30 micrograms/min) were infused via the brachial artery to elicit endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent vasodilation, respectively. Dose-response determinations were made for each drug before and after an intra-arterial infusion of the reduced thiol, N-acetylcysteine, at rates estimated to achieve a physiological concentration of 1 mmol/L. Methacholine increased forearm blood flow in a dose-dependent manner. Infusion of N-acetylcysteine did not change the sensitivity (ED50, 1.7 versus 1.7 micrograms/min, P = NS) or maximal response to methacholine. In contrast, thiol increased the sensitivity to nitroglycerin (ED50, 4.7 versus 2.8 micrograms/min, P < .01). Thus, conflicting with reports in vitro, thiol does not modulate endothelium-derived relaxing factor responses in vivo. These data indicate that sulfhydryl groups are not a limiting factor for endothelium-derived relaxing factor responses in forearm resistance vessels in normal humans and are in keeping with reports that nitrosothiol contributes to endothelium-derived relaxing factor bioactivity in plasma and vascular smooth muscle. Potentiation of the effects of nitroglycerin by N-acetylcysteine can be attributed to its enhanced biotransformation to an endothelium-derived relaxing factor equivalent, such as nitrosothiol. These observations support the notion of an equilibrium between nitric oxide and nitrosothiol in biological systems that may be influenced by redox state.  相似文献   

Platelets after challenge with alpha-thrombin alone, collagen alone or thrombin/collagen mixture were observed to increase the rate of activation of prothrombin by factor Xa in the presence of factor Va and calcium ion (platelet procoagulant activity) by a maximum of 25, 45 and 110 fold, respectively. The increase in platelet procoagulant activity due to these agonists has been described previously and arises from increased expression of phosphatidylserine on the platelet surface. When platelets were treated with the thrombin receptor activating peptide (TRAP) (SFLLRNPNDKYEPK), alone or in the presence of collagen or thrombin, no change in platelet procoagulant activity was observed at concentrations of TRAP sufficient to cause increased intracellular calcium levels and protein phosphorylation in a manner similar to that of thrombin. In addition, no increase in platelet procoagulant activity was seen upon treatment with TRAP in the presence of inactivated thrombin (PPACK-thrombin). These results suggest that the thrombin-mediated increase in procoagulant activity may be due to activation of a thrombin receptor distinct from the recently cloned G-protein-coupled receptor, or to other proteolytic events on the platelet surface.  相似文献   

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