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The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an Autonomous Province in Serbia and it is an energy-deficient country. The indigenous reserves of oil and gas are limited and the country is heavily dependent on the import of oil. The oil import bill is a serious strain on the country's economy and has been deteriorating the balance of payments situation. The country has become increasingly more dependent on fossil fuels and its energy security hangs on the fragile supply of imported oil that is subject to disruptions and price volatility. The transport sector has a 26% share in the total commercial energy consumption in Vojvodina. About 0.62 million tons of gasoline were consumed by this sector in 2008. Gasoline consumption in the transport sector is also a major source of environmental degradation especially in urban areas. Consequently, Vojvodina needs to develop indigenous, environment-friendly energy resources, such as bioethanol, to meet its transport sector's energy needs. Vojvodina produces about 3 million tons of sugar beet every year. There is a vast potential for bioethanol production from molasses of sugar beet in the country. Bioethanol can be used in transport sector after blending with gasoline, in order to minimize gasoline consumption and associated economical and environmental impacts. This paper presents the assessment of the potential contribution of bioethanol in the transport sector of Vojvodina. It is concluded that 20% of annual gasoline consumption in transport sector could be met from ethanol by the year 2026.  相似文献   

The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an Autonomous Province in Serbia, containing about 27% of its total population according to the 2002 Census. Contribution of renewable energy sources in total energy consumption of Vojvodina contemporary amounts to less than 1%, apropos 280 GWh/year. By combining of methods of introduction of new and renewable sources, systematic application of methods for increasing of energetic efficacy, as well as of introduction of the new technologies, percentage of contribution of the non-conventional energy sources in Vojvodina could be increased to as much as 20%. This paper presents the potential of development of bioethanol production in Vojvodina. Production of bioethanol on small farms can be successfully applied for processing of only 30 kg of corn per day, with obtaining of crude ethanol in the so-called “brandy ladle” and use of lygnocellulosic agricultural wastes as an energy source. In a case of construction of a larger number of such plants, the only possible solution is seen in the principle of construction of the so-called “satellite plants”, which will on small farm produce crude ethanol, with obtaining and consumption of stillage for animal feeding, and consumption of agricultural wastes as energetic fuels. If stillage is to be used as feed in wet feeding, it is estimated that, because of restrictions established by the magnitude of animal farm, the upper limit of capacity of such enterprises that process is at some 10–15 tons of corn per day, and production of 3000–3500 hL of absolute ethanol per day. In such a case, for animal feeding necessary is to have herd with 1300–1700 of milking cows or 5000–25,000 heads of sheep and/or pigs. Technological model of separate grain processing ad bioethanol production from dextrose hydrolysates of starch is interesting for countries possessing plants for bioethanol production from molasses and plants for cereals processing into starch and dextrose hydrolysates of starch.  相似文献   

In this study, the policy, market conditions and food security of biomass energy sources are assessed for supplying the future needs of Vojvodina. The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an autonomous province in Serbia, containing about 27% of its total population according to the 2002 Census. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the Pannonia plain, in southeastern Europe.Vojvodina is an energy-deficient province. Vojvodina also has a large potential for renewable energy, especially energy from biomass (biodiesel and bio-ethanol). The lack of knowledge about renewable energy technologies by most policy-makers, potential consumers, and energy firm managers has played against renewable energy developments. The environmental impacts of programs that encourage biofuel production, farmland land requirements and the impacts on food production are also discussed, considering the life cycle analysis (LCA) as a tool.It is concluded that the rise in the use of biofuels is inevitable and that international cooperation, regulations and certification mechanisms must be established regarding the use of land, the mitigation of environmental and social impacts caused by biofuel production. It is also mandatory to establish appropriate working conditions and decent remuneration for workers of the biofuels production chain.  相似文献   

The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an autonomous province in the Republic of Serbia. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the Pannonia plain. Vojvodina is an energy-deficient province. The average yearly quantity of the cellulose wastes in Vojvodina amounts to about 9 millions tons barely in the agriculture, and the same potential on the level of Serbia is estimated to almost 13 million tons. Only minor part of straw is utilized, and almost two-thirds are incinerated on fields owing to the problems during plowing under. The large sector in Serbia utilizes only about 15% of straw, while the individual one utilizes about 50% of straw and 20% of cornstalks. Environment pollutions, abandonment of the utilization of at least of one-third of the yield and extermination of the natural resources, primarily of humus, represent very adverse results of such procedures. Main problems with respect to the profitable usage of straw and other post-harvest residues are high expenses of their collection (collecting, balling or some other manner of compression), transportation from production- to the usage cites, as well as their handling and storaging. The agricultural production in Serbia should be based on the system of farms. For the efficient farming, it is obvious to organize life of producer and of his family immediately close to the production capacities. For the agriculture development, it is obvious to create a system of premiums, efficient crediting and the elaborated tax system that could create a basis for the certitude of work, confidence and constant growth of production, together with the mentioned and other measures. As the result of the activities oriented to substitution of the classical energents with energy obtained from biomass, farm that is in a higher degree energetically independent should be created. In such case, farms should apply the basic principles of the cleaner manufacturing, as an integral part of the concept of the sustainable development.  相似文献   

The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an autonomous province in Serbia, containing about 27% of its total population according to the 2002 Census. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the Pannonian plain. Fruska Gora is a lonely island mountain in the Pannonian plain. The research presented in this paper highlights the potential of significant contributing to waste wood biomass in the Park “Fruska Gora (Vojvodina, Serbia) and points to the possibility of using biomass for briquettes production—the final product that can be used for energy purposes. The amount of woody biomass per hectare can be calculated if the data about the average number of trees per hectare are known. For the analyzed case, the value found in 1 ha was 383.1 m3/ha or 272 ± 14 tons, and practically measured value was 402 m3/ha, or 289 tons. The relative deviation of calculated and obtained values of Canadian poplar wood biomass per hectare was 5.88%. Quantities of planned wood waste biomass can be used to produce high-quality briquettes for thermal energy generation purposes in the equivalent of 4.8 million kWh. The large energy potentials, in Vojvodina are still substantially unused, and besides of using waste wood from forestry, it is necessary to consider the sustainable use of available waste biomass from the timber industry.  相似文献   

In this study, the policy, market conditions and food security of biomass energy sources are assessed for supplying the future needs of Vojvodina. The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an autonomous province in Serbia, containing about 27% of its total population according to the 2002 Census. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the Pannonia plain, in southeastern Europe. Vojvodina is an energy-deficient province. The incentives to invest human and financial resources in the research and development of cleaner bioprocesses are high, considering the benefits which might be achieved in terms of environment protection and manufacturing costs. In the near and medium tenu, the development of bioprocesses for waste recycling and resource recovery might be one of the most viable options, considering much research work has already been done. In Vojvodina, there are technological solutions that biofuels produced in a closed cycle, so that the quantity of waste reduced to a minimum. These solutions include the stillage (remainder after distillation) used for fattening cattle, and cattle excrement to produce biogas and manure as fertilizer. The energy required for the production of bioethanol is obtained combustion lignocelullose residual waste from the production of basic raw materials starch, or biogas. Ash from the burned biomass returned to soil as a source of minerals for plants and replacement of mineral fertilizer. Such a closed cycle is economical for small farms in Vojvodina.  相似文献   

The volatility of fossil fuel and their increased consumption have exacerbated the socio-economic dilemma along with electricity expenses in third world countries around the world, Pakistan in particular. In this research, we study the output of renewable hydrogen from natural sources like wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal power. It also provides rules and procedures in an attempt to determine the current situation of Pakistan regarding the workability of upcoming renewable energy plans. To achieve this, four main criteria were assessed and they are economic, commercial, environmental, and social adoption. The method used in this research is the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process (FAHP), where we used first-order engineering equations, and Levelized cost electricity to produce renewable hydrogen. The value of renewable hydrogen is also evaluated. The results of the study indicate that wind is the best option in Pakistan for manufacturing renewable based on four criteria. Biomass is found to be the most viable raw material for the establishment of the hydrogen supply network in Pakistan, which can generate 6.6 million tons of hydrogen per year, next is photovoltaic solar energy, which has the capability of generating 2.8 million tons. Another significant finding is that solar energy is the second-best candidate for hydrogen production taking into consideration its low-cost installation and production. The study shows that the cost of using hydrogen in Pakistan ranges from $5.30/kg to $5.80/kg, making it a competitive fuel for electric machines. Such projects for producing renewable power must be highlighted and carried out in Pakistan and this will lead to more energy security for Pakistan, less use of fossil fuels, and effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

The interest in increasing the participation of renewable energy sources (RES) in energy production arises with increasing population and growing demands for energy production and consumption, as well as the fact of the limited fossil fuels reserves. RES in the energy balance of any country has their share of energy, socio-economic and environmental benefits. Investment in energy sector in the RES domain enables Vojvodina Province to reduce energy dependence on the fossil fuel market.From the total RES potential in Vojvodina Province that is 1293 ktoe/year, around 1.7% is located in existing geothermal sources. There are 73 drills with a total capacity of 72.6 MW from which 65 drills are tested positive. Currently, 15 wells are in production, with a total power of 17.7 MW. There are 27 drills that have never been in production and which are perspective, with a total power of 42.8 MW.The aim of this paper is to perform data analysis of direct geothermal energy utilization according to the water temperature and geothermal fluid flow. According to the results of the analysis recommendations for geothermal energy utilization are given within certain sectors: agriculture (aquaculture and greenhouses), heating of the facilities and pools, industrial applications and balneology.  相似文献   

The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an autonomous province in Serbia, containing about 27% of its total population according to the 2002 Census. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the Pannonia plain. The importance of sector of the environment protection becomes even larger and observable, especially with respect of the strategic determination of Government of the AP of Vojvodina, the Republic of Serbia on the association with the European economic area (EEA) and joining with the states – members of the European Union (EU). Restitution of the concept of the cleaner production (CP) significantly helps to companies and the responsible persons (especially in the domain of industry) to harmonize their business activities with law demands concerning the environment protection, as well as to improve their processes and the process sequences. This makes a starting base for the obtaining of the integrated license for the installations that are included in a list of installations that have to obtain an integrated licenses (some 250 installations), on the basis of the Law on the integrated prevention and control of pollution of Vojvodina, the Republic of Serbia, for which the dead point is the year 2015.  相似文献   

Producing energy from renewable sources in Serbia is in its initial phase, and therefore this paper points towards the basic assumptions, potentials and institutional framework for the development of this activity in Serbia. Until recently, production and consumption of energy in Serbia was a social category, but the shift towards market economy together with the fact that Serbia has adopted Kyoto protocol, production of energy from renewable sources became a competitive and obligatory activity. Research shows that the current potentials for producing energy from renewable sources in Serbia are favorable. Besides this, the paper provides an overview of the existing institutional structure in the energy sector in Serbia, but also the short overview of the adequate legal acts. Researches that were done so far have proven that energy potentials of Serbia are insufficiently known and therefore authors will give an overview of the foreign investments in this sector and reveal the possibilities for further investing. Considering the existing know-how base and potentials for the production of equipment, geothermal energy and energy coming from biomass have been identified as priority renewable sources of energy. Producing energy from other renewable sources is also possible, but would require substantial foreign investments. As a final conclusion, the paper states that completely unused potentials for production of energy from renewable sources, together with adequately set institutional framework, would create great possibilities for foreign investments.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the potential of renewable energy for power generation and its energy, environmental and economic implications in Pakistan, using a bottom up type of long term energy system based on the MARKAL framework. The results show that under a highly optimistic renewable portfolio standard (RPS) of 80%, fossil fuel consumption in 2050 would be reduced from 4660 PJ to 306 PJ, and the GHG emissions would decrease from 489 million tons to 27 million tons. Nevertheless, price of the electricity generation will increase significantly from US$ 47/MWh under current circumstances (in the base case) to US$ 86/MWh under RPS80. However the effects on import dependency, energy-mix diversity, per unit price of electricity generation and cost of imported fuels indicate that, it may not be desirable to go beyond RPS50. Under RPS50 in 2050, fuel consumption of the power sector would reduce from 21% under the base case to 9% of total fossil fuels supplied to the country. It will decrease not only GHG emission to 170 million tons but also will reduce import dependency from 73% under the base case to 21% and improve energy diversity mix with small increase in price of electricity generation (from US$ 47/MWh under the base case to US$ 59/MWh under RPS 50).  相似文献   

Kazakhstan has long been regarded as a major exporter of fossil fuel energy. As the global energy sector is undergoing an unprecedented transition to low-carbon solutions, new emerging energy technologies, such as hydrogen production, require more different resource bases than present energy technologies. Kazakhstan needs to consider whether it has enough resources to stay competitive in energy markets undergoing an energy transition. Green hydrogen can be made from water electrolysis powered by low-carbon electricity sources such as wind turbines and solar panels. We provided the first resource assessment for green hydrogen production in Kazakhstan by focusing on three essential resources: water, renewable electricity, and critical raw materials. Our estimations showed that with the current plan of Kazakhstan to keep its water budget constant in the future, producing 2–10 Mt green hydrogen would require reducing the water use of industry in Kazakhstan by 0.6–3% or 0.036–0.18 km3/year. This could be implemented by increasing the share of renewables in electricity generation and phasing out some of the water- and carbon-intensive industries. Renewable electricity potential in South and West Kazakhstan is sufficient to run electrolyzers up to 5700 and 1600 h/year for wind turbines and solar panels, respectively. In our base case scenario, 5 Mt green hydrogen production would require 50 GW solar and 67 GW wind capacity, considering Kazakhstan's wind and solar capacity factors. This could convert into 28,652 tons of nickel, 15,832 tons of titanium, and many other critical raw materials. Although our estimations for critical raw materials were based on limited geological data, Kazakhstan has access to the most critical raw materials to support original equipment manufacturers of low-carbon technologies in Kazakhstan and other countries. As new geologic exploration kicks off in Kazakhstan, it is expected that more deposits of critical raw materials will be discovered to respond to their potential future needs for green hydrogen production.  相似文献   

The global proposal of ‘carbon neutrality’ puts forward higher innovation demand for the cleaner energy production. The potential for employing “green” methanol produced from hydrogen obtained by water electrolysis and collected CO2 from a gas-fired power station is examined in this study.The consumption of electricity for renewable methanol production is 1.045 times as much as that for traditional methanol production, the traditional method consumes 2.5 times as much thermal energy as the renewable methanol process. In addition, the total direct and indirect CO2 emissions from renewable methanol production are almost one-third of the emissions from the traditional method. The total cost of setting up the units of a renewable and a traditional methanol production plant with an annual capacity of 100,000 tons is $50.1 million and $46.806 million in this study case, respectively. If the methanol price hits $310 per ton, renewable methanol production will be highly economically viable. But if electricity and gas prices rise or CO2 emission tax is imposed, renewable and conventional methanol production plants will lose their economic feasibility. Therefore, in order to deal with this risk, the establishment of special high-tech parks is of great significance to reduce costs and stabilize the sustainable development of relevant industries.  相似文献   

Microalgal biodiesel in China: Opportunities and challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With rapid economic development, energy consumption in China has tripled in the past 20 years, exceeding 2.8 billion tons of standard coal in 2008. The search for new green energy as substitutes for nonrenewable energy resources has become an urgent task. Biodiesel is one of the most important bioenergy sources. According to the Mid- and Long-term Development Plan for Renewable Energy in China, the consumption of biodiesel in China will reach 0.2 million tons in 2010 and 2.0 million tons in 2020. However, large-scale production of biodiesel is restricted by the limited sources of raw materials. Microalgal oil is a prospective raw material for biodiesel production. Development of technology for the production and commercialization of biodiesel from microalgae has become a hot topic in the field of bioenergy and CO2 emission mitigation. Biodiesel from microalgae can be produced at laboratory-scale, but the cost is too high. Few studies on the commercialization of the technology of producing biodiesel from microalgae have been reported. In this review, recent progress on the research and development of biodiesel from microalgae that have resulted in scientific breakthroughs and innovation in engineering in China are introduced. The existing challenges are also discussed. Based on a detailed analysis, several novel strategies on commercial biodiesel production from microalgae are proposed.  相似文献   

The actual global economic crisis, including all other well-known problems of sustainable development, reflects the direction of development of all countries in the world. Serbia, as a European country in its early stage of development, is trying to synchronize its progress with experience of other countries from the field of sustainable development and in accordance with rules in the field of energetic and energetic efficiency, and, as well as to promote and develop the sector of use of renewable sources of energy. On the other hand, Serbia is a country which largely depends on import of all forms of energy, which to a great extent affects its economic stability. Therefore, in Serbia the strategy for development of energetic was imposed and it considers all the aspects of development of energetic until 2015 and it also defines the priorities which can be mostly seen in the choice of forms of alternative sources of energy. These sources, based on some criteria, can be considered the most convenient for a gradual substitution of energy which is gotten from the conventional sources. Taking into account strategically defined goals and domestic potentials which are at disposal, as well as economic parameters, an alternative source of energy of basic importance for the future exploitation on the territory of Serbia geothermal energy, was chosen. The research points to the fact that Serbia will be capable to respond adequately to Kyoto protocol demands and to the European rules regarding the substitution of a certain amounts of fossil fuels by the fuel origin from the raw biological materials. The research defines the existent and non-existent capacities and the assessment of positive effects of usage of geothermal energy. At the moment, 160 long holes are being exploited whose water temperature is around 60 °C (140 °F) and their heat power reach 160 MJ/s. It was stated that adequate exploitation of existing and new geothermal sources a yearly would save about 500,000 tons of fossil fuels what is proportional to the 10% of the today's heating system. The total amount of heat accumulated at geothermal deposit sites in Serbia, up to 3 km of depth, is two times greater than the total amount of heat that may be generated by burring all available coal reserves in Serbia. Price of electrical energy produced from geothermal springs is estimated to be between 9.2 US cents/kWh and 11.5 US cents/kWh. In order to support exploitation of geothermal energy (as well as all other renewable sources of energy) the decision that all the producers of energy from renewable sources get a status of privileged producers were made.  相似文献   

选取2001~2010年山东省原煤产量、原油产量、天然气产量、水电产量以及能源总产量的统计数据,采用灰色关联度分析模型进行分析.分析结果表明:与能源总产量关联度从大到小依次为原煤产量、天然气产量、原油产量、水电产量,分别为0.865、0.804、0.769、0.578;原煤占据山东省能源总产量的最大比重,这种严重依赖原煤的不合理能源结构制约了山东省未来实现低碳经济发展战略的目标;天然气发展迅速,在山东省能源结构中的比重将会越来越大;原油产量稳定不变,在能源结构中的比重下降;对新能源和可再生能源的开发利用不足.提出了改善山东省能源结构的建议和对策:优化能源结构,降低原煤在一次能源消费中的比例,逐步扩大原油、天然气以及新能源和可再生能源的开发和利用;调整产业结构,降低第二产业比例,大力发展现代服务业,积极培育战略性薪兴产业和低碳产业:加大风能、海洋能、太阳能等新能源和可再生能源产业的投资力度和政策倾斜;采用先进、成熟的节能技术提高能源生产效率、降低能源消耗.  相似文献   

Malaysia and Indonesia benefit in various ways by participating in CDM and from investments in the GHG emission reduction projects, inter alia, technology transfer such as carbon capture (CC) technology for the existing and future coal fired power plants. Among the fossil fuel resources for energy generation, coal is offering an attractive solution to the increasing fuel cost. The consumption of coal in Malaysia and Indonesia is growing at the fastest rate of 9.7% and 4.7%, respectively, per year since 2002. The total coal consumption for electricity generation in Malaysia is projected to increase from 12.4 million tons in 2005 to 36 million tons in 2020. In Indonesia, the coal consumption for the same cause is projected to increase from 29.4 million tons in 2005 to 75 million tons in 2020. CO2 emission from coal fired power plants are forecasted to grow at 4.1% per year, reaching 98 million tons and 171 million tons in Malaysia and Indonesia, respectively.  相似文献   

For the development of the energy infrastructure of remote isolated consumers, an expedient solution is the creation of a modular hybrid energy system based on renewable energy sources, which will save tens of billions of rubles a year by saving expensive diesel fuel. Taking into account the high wind energy resource in these territories, the use of wind power plants as part of that system is justified. The article discusses the methodology for substantiating the parameters and modes of operation of an autonomous wind-diesel power complex based on the territorial-power classification of power supply systems and a 4-level methodology for optimizing parameters, an example of upgrading an existing diesel power plant in the Arkhangelsk region is given. The existing diesel units with a capacity of 1300 kW were replaced by a modular wind-diesel power system with a high renewable penetration level (58%) with four wind turbines with a capacity of 200 kW and a storage system with a capacity of 65 kWh. This made it possible to achieve a diesel fuel replacement share of 232 000 L per year, which in monetary terms in 2021 prices is 25 million rubles per year. As a promising direction, a variant of the territorial development of the energy sector of the Leshukonsky district of the Arkhangelsk region based on wind energy with the possibility of producing up to 100 tons of “green” hydrogen annually is considered. Various options for reducing harmful emissions in the region were considered, the maximum use of local resources allows saving up to 22 000 tons of CO2e per year.  相似文献   

我国燃料乙醇原料可持续供应初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田宜水  赵立欣 《中国能源》2007,29(12):26-29
本文通过评价我国粮食供应形势、土地资源、农业生产的特点,资源禀赋等,对我国燃料乙醇原料供应进行了初步分析。我国人多地少,耕地资源紧缺,粮食供需处于紧平衡,以玉米为原料的燃料乙醇发展空间受到极大的限制,原料多元化势在必行。初步测算,2010年燃料乙醇的可供应量约360万t,2020年燃料乙醇的可供应量约1700万t,可以满足国家可再生能源中长期发展规划规定的目标。最后,提出依靠科技进步以及发展纤维素乙醇等措施。  相似文献   

The worldwide utilization of fossil energy, including its specific application as transportation fuel, significantly contributes to the continuous increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Several solutions have been promoted or scheduled to reduce CO2 emissions. Among these solutions, the development of renewable energy resources, such as bio-fuels, offers important advantages as promoted by several countries and institutions who disclosed their plans to partly or totally use alternative renewable energy sources in the future. For the rapidly growing aviation sector, aviation fuel derived from fossil resources is still the major available energy source. The development of renewable aviation fuel is considered to be a promising future strategy to reduce related CO2 emissions. The worldwide total aviation fuel consumption by commercial airlines increased from about 260 million m³/year in 2005 to over 340 million m³/year in 2018, and a further annual increase of about 5% is expected till 2050.Worldwide actions have hence been undertaken with respect to bio-aviation fuel production, distribution, and demonstration flying. As a relatively new topic, there are a lot of remaining challenges in technology development, fuel certification and distribution. The production technology, policy and environmental impact of bio-aviation fuel were comprehensively reviewed, including its production by the catalytic conversion of lipids, by the conversion of carbohydrates or lignocellulosic biomass, and by developing bio-refinery concepts for bio-aviation fuel production. The future reduction of CO2 emissions in the aviation sector requires an improvement of the biomass to aviation fuel production technology through the correct integration of biology, chemical engineering, and energy crops. The paper illustrates this potential integration through reviewing the current research in the production of aviation fuels from biomass, including the complete industrial chain from airplane manufacturer, aviation fuel producer and provider, airline strategies, and ongoing R&D, bearing in mind that major efforts are required to foster the development of the cost-effective production of renewable aviation fuel. The different topics of the Table of contents will be subsequently dealt with.  相似文献   

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