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通过红薯粉条的熟包装、微生物检验、调味酱料包制作等实验 ,总结了红薯粉条熟包装的最佳工艺条件 ,从而达到了红薯粉条在食用时方便快捷的目的 ,同时也为红薯粉条的应用展示了广阔的前景。  相似文献   

为探究添加杂粮粉对红薯粉条品质的影响,对添加不同质量分数(5%、10%和15%)板栗粉、葛根粉、山药粉和紫薯粉的红薯粉条断条率、蒸煮特性、质构特性、色泽、体外淀粉消化特性和挥发性成分进行分析。结果表明:不同杂粮粉对红薯粉条的品质影响存在显著差异,板栗粉使红薯粉条断条率从8.33%上升至18.33%,而添加其余杂粮粉的红薯粉条断条率均为3.33%。葛根粉和紫薯粉可显著降低红薯粉条的吸水率和蒸煮损失率。添加5%板栗粉、5%山药粉和5%~15%葛根粉降低了红薯粉条的硬度、胶黏性和咀嚼性,添加葛根粉使红薯粉条的L*值增大。添加杂粮粉后红薯粉条的快速消化淀粉含量下降,慢速消化淀粉含量增加,板栗粉降低了红薯粉条的抗性淀粉含量,葛根粉、山药粉和紫薯粉则均使红薯粉条的抗性淀粉含量增加。添加板栗粉的红薯粉条挥发性气味成分与其他样品有明显差异,使红薯粉条在W5S(氮氧化合物)、W1S(甲基类)、W1W(硫化物、萜烯类)、W2S(醇类、醛酮类)和W2W(有机硫化物芳香成分)等5类气味成分信号值增强。  相似文献   

板栗全粉添加对红薯粉物性及粉条品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究板栗全粉添加对红薯粉条品质的影响,优化板栗全粉红薯粉条制作方法.该试验以板栗全粉和红薯淀粉为原料,以膨胀势、溶解度、回生速率为混合粉评价指标,以粉条蒸煮特性和感官评分为粉条品质分析指标.试验结果表明:当板栗全粉的添加量分别为3%、6%、9%、12%、15%时,混合粉的膨胀系数均低于对照红薯粉组,溶解度均高于对照红...  相似文献   

冷冻工艺对无铝红薯粉条品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同冷冻工艺(时间变量)生产出的无铝红薯粉条进行质构和断条率的测定,通过综合加权法评定分析,以筛选出老化、冻结和冻藏阶段的最优时间。正交优化试验结果表明:3个因素中老化时间的影响最大;当老化时间12 h、冻结时间10 h、冻藏时间8 h时,无铝红薯粉条的品质最佳。  相似文献   

不同改性方法对红薯淀粉性质及粉条品质的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以3种不同处理方式(乳酸菌发酵、乳酸处理和湿热处理)对红薯淀粉进行改性,采用快速黏度测定仪(RVA)傅立叶红外光谱、电镜扫描仪和质构分析仪等仪器研究不同改性处理对红薯淀粉结构性质及粉条品质的影响。研究结果表明:与原淀粉相比,3种改性淀粉糊化特性的峰值黏度和衰减值有所降低,回生值都有不同程度的升高,淀粉分子结构的有序度也有不同程度的增加,除湿热处理淀粉的颗粒结构表面无明显变化,其他改性淀粉的颗粒结构表面有不同程度破坏。对3种改性淀粉与原淀粉粉条品质进行比较研究发现湿热处理淀粉所制粉条的断条率比原淀粉降低50%,硬度也由原来的2437g增加至3022g,粉条的拉伸强度由原来的80g增加到163.9g。  相似文献   

安杰 《食品科学》1993,14(9):76-77
<正>红薯又称为甘薯或红苕.鲜薯约含有60%~80%的水分,10%~30%的淀粉,还含有部份可溶性糖类及一些酚类,单宁等.红薯不耐贮存,为了延长其加工产品的生产周期,常将其淀粉提取出来,再利用淀粉加工成其它产品.红薯粉丝就是利用红苕淀粉加工而成的,生产工艺大致如下:  相似文献   

红薯淀粉糊化特性回生值是影响红薯粉条品质的关键因素,湿热改性技术对红薯淀粉粉条品质有明显的改善效果。为了提供一种绿色安全高效生产粉条用的红薯淀粉产品,试验以红薯淀粉回生值为响应值,根据单因素试验结果建立Box-Behnken模型对改性技术进行优化。利用响应面分析法探讨红薯淀粉含水量、湿热处理温度和湿热处理时间3因素对湿热改性红薯淀粉回生值的影响。优化的工艺条件为:红薯淀粉含水量34%、湿热处理温度105.8℃、湿热处理时间1 h。在此条件下得到的湿热改性红薯淀粉制备的粉条品质显著(P0.01)的优于原红薯淀粉粉条。湿热改性红薯淀粉粉条品质中的断条率比原淀粉粉条下降70%,而粉条硬度和粉条拉伸强度有显著性的增加,由原来的23.91、0.79 N分别增加到30.81 N和1.71 N。结果表明湿热处理不仅使红薯淀粉粉条耐煮不糊汤,而且粉条弹韧性能也增强。研究用响应面法优选出的改性工艺合理可行,为产业化应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

本文考察了茶多酚的添加量和添加时机对红薯粉条断条率、碘蓝值、感官品质、质构特性的影响,并以面条为对照,探讨了粉条对茶多酚分别在干燥常温贮藏和鲜湿冷冻贮藏条件下的保留率和自由基清除率的影响效果。结果发现,糊化前添加茶多酚所制红薯粉条品质普遍优于糊化后添加,茶多酚在粉条中的最适添加量为每100 g红薯淀粉中添加0.15 g。经60 d贮藏后,干燥常温贮藏条件下粉条中茶多酚的保留率为60.73%,自由基清除率降幅为16.29%;鲜湿冷冻贮藏条件下粉条中茶多酚的保留率为71.54%,自由基清除率降幅为10.38%。而且,粉条对两种贮藏条件下的茶多酚含量及活性保护作用均明显优于面条。  相似文献   

用天然高直链淀粉含量的绿豆淀粉与红薯淀粉复配生产粉条,对其调粉团工艺、老化低温时长进行单因素及正交试验,以断条率、透光率、剪切力、拉伸力、感官评价为评价指标,以加权综合评分为依据,筛选最佳工艺条件。结果:当绿豆淀粉添加量40%、加芡量6%、含水量40%,冷藏4 h、冷冻8 h所得粉条,烹煮品质及感官品质最佳;相比传统的纯红薯粉条,复配粉条顺滑透亮、不易糊汤与断条、口感细腻不黏牙;无污染、更节能。  相似文献   

该文研究9种常见淀粉的理化特性以及它们作为芡粉对甘薯粉团特性和粉丝质量的影响,并对它们之间的相关关系进行分析。结果表明,在9种芡用淀粉中,用甘薯淀粉和木薯淀粉作为芡粉形成的甘薯淀粉粉团易漏粉成条;同时生产出的甘薯粉丝具有较高的结晶度(17. 58%和14. 28%)和较好的烹煮、质构和感官特性。综合比较,以甘薯淀粉和木薯淀粉为芡粉的甘薯粉丝质量最佳。芡粉直链淀粉含量越高,最终黏度和回生值越高,粉丝的弹性越低,蒸煮损失率越小,消费者接受度越高。因此,该研究发现芡粉种类对甘薯粉丝的质量有重要影响,为粉丝生产中选用合适的芡粉提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

This research is focusing on the texture, rheology, and sensory properties of pasta products enriched with the sweet potato starch (SPS) as well as on the content of resistant starch (RS) in these products. SPS was extracted from orange sweet potatoes using 1 mol. L−1 Sodium chloride solution. Durum wheat flour semolina was partially supplemented with 10, 20, and 30% (w/w) by SPS in the pasta formulation and the influence of enrichment on the cooking quality, mechanical and sensory properties, and the color was observed. SPS addition resulted in decreased water absorption and shorter dough development time, but the stability of the dough was also decreased. The optimum cooking time for pasta was reduced, but only slightly, on the other side, the swelling index increased, which negatively impacted on the firmness of the products. Increasing of the SPS content also resulted in higher stickiness values for pasta. When up to 20% of wheat flour was replaced, the color of finished products was less acceptable. In the products, the resistant and total starch content were determined. Pasta cooking resulted in the reduction of RS content, which was then increased by storing products for 24 hr. It can be concluded that the substitution of part of semolina flour with SPS increased the level of RS, but on the other side, it caused some significant differences from the quality of pasta made from semolina only.  相似文献   

甘薯粉丝生产中粉团的触变性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统粉丝加工过程中粉团所表现出的流变性质,用动态流变仪对粉团的触变性进行了测定和研究。通过回归分析,建立起粉团在触变条件下的流变模型方程并探讨了粉团含水量、含芡量及温度对粉团触变性的影响。  相似文献   

目的 保持干燥温度恒定为60℃,探究干燥过程粉条中水分对淀粉老化的影响规律。方法 将新鲜制备的甘薯粉条在相同温度不同相对湿度条件下干燥至相同水分含量,以及在相同干燥条件下干燥至相同水分含量后恒定在该水分含量及温度条件下保持不同时间,对上述样品的结晶特性、短程有序度、热特性等进行测定和分析,研究水分变化对甘薯粉条老化特性的影响。结果 干燥温度恒定,淀粉老化受热风相对湿度影响,这主要在于影响了粉条中水分蒸发速度;随着粉条水分含量减小,粉条中淀粉相对结晶度及短程有序度增加。当保持干燥条件不变时,粉条具有较高的老化速度的水分含量区间在25%~40%,对应的水分活度值为0.7~0.9。结论 粉条干燥过程中淀粉老化具有水分依赖性,通过控制水分含量可对淀粉老化进行调控。  相似文献   

Summary Noodles were prepared from a formulation in which a portion of the flour was replaced with 10% defatted soy flour and sweet potato as 10% flour or 15% puree. Dried noodles were packaged in plastic bags under partial vacuum or air and stored at 4.4 °C or 22–30 °C for 6 months. Colour, β-carotene and sensory characteristics were analyzed at 2-month intervals. Packaging atmosphere had minor effects on colour. Stored noodles became lighter and yellower, and β-carotene decreased, with all changes being greater at 22–30 °C. Storage conditions influenced acceptability scores minimally. Noodles were stored successfully under air with greater quality retention with 4.4 °C storage.  相似文献   

无矾甘薯粉丝的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了无矾甘薯粉丝的制作,着重研究了增筋剂、复合磷酸盐及粉团含水量对甘薯粉丝品质的影响,找出最佳工艺条件。最后对无矾粉丝与加矾粉丝的性能进行了比较。   相似文献   

Incorporating high volume fractions of broccoli powder in starch noodle dough has a major effect on its shear modulus, as a result of significant swelling of the broccoli particles. Several hydrocolloids with distinct water binding capacity (locust bean gum (LBG), guar gum, konjac glucomannan (KG), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and xanthan gum), were added to systems with 4 and 20% (v/v dry based) broccoli particles, and the effect of this addition on dough rheology, mechanical properties and structure of cooked noodles was investigated. Hydrocolloids with low (LBG and guar gum) and intermediate (KG) water binding capacity had no significant effect on shear rheology of the dough. Adding hydrocolloids with high water binding capacity (HPMC and xanthan gum) decreased the shear modulus of dough with 20% broccoli particles significantly. CLSM analysis of cooked noodles showed that in samples containing xanthan gum there was also an inhibition of swelling of starch granules. Strength and stiffness of cooked noodles with 20% broccoli particles were higher for samples containing xanthan gum, than samples without xanthan gum. The cooking loss and swelling index of samples with added hydrocolloids were slightly lower than samples without hydrocolloids. Our results showed that hydrocolloids with high water binding capacity can be used to control the degree of swelling of vegetable particles and starch granules in starch noodle products, and thereby control both dough rheology and textural properties of the cooked noodles.  相似文献   

Revealing the substituents distribution within starch can help to understand the changes of starch properties after modification. The distribution of substituents over cross-linked and hydroxypropylated sweet potato starch was investigated and compared with modified potato starch. The starches were cross-linked with sodium trimetaphosphate and/or hydroxypropylated with propylene oxide. The native and modified starches were gelatinized and hydrolysed by pullulanase, β-amylase, α-amylase and a combination of pullulanase, α-amylase and amyloglucosidase. The hydrolysates were analysed by HPSEC, HPAEC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Cross-linking had only a slight effect on the enzymatic hydrolysis, where hydroxypropylation evidently limited the enzymatic hydrolysis. The results obtained suggest that the hydroxypropyl substituents are not distributed regularly over the starch chains. Although the average substitution was around 2 hydroxypropyl groups per 10 glucose units, in the enzyme digests of hydroxypropylated starches, oligomer fragments of 10–15 glucose units, carrying 5–8 hydroxypropyl groups, were identified. It is hypothesised that higher levels of substituents are present in the amorphous regions and periphery of clusters of starch granules. This is the first time that the location of hydroxypropyl groups within sweet potato starch has been examined in this detail. Despite significant differences in granule architecture between starches from potato and sweet potato, similar patterns of hydroxypropylation have been found.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of sweet potato flour (SPF) on the microstructure, nutritional and sensory qualities of gluten-free fresh noodles (GFFN). Five kinds of GFFN were produced using SPF (0%–50%) and were compared with cornflour (CF) and wheat flour (WF) noodles. Adding SPF increased springiness and chewiness of the noodles. The β-sheet (amide I, C=O and N–H) and total β-sheet (1704–1683 and 1633–1614 cm−1) protein structures in SPF noodles significantly increased relative to WF. Besides, electron microscopy showed matrix of the filamentous structure in SPF noodles that can mimic a matrix network identical to that of the network in WF. Furthermore, total phenols and antioxidant activity (DPPH and FRAP) were the highest for 40% SPF noodles. This research confirmed that SPF had the potential for improving the microstructure and nutritional value of the noodles, especially for consumers with coeliac disease.  相似文献   

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