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A set of radiation pattern functions, suitable for synthesis of radiation patterns from circular aperture horn antennas, is obtained by assuming an aperture distribution consisting of the fields of cylindrical waveguide modes. A technique is presented for using a linear combination of the radiation pattern functions to approximate a desired radiation pattern. Linear combinations of the radiation pattern functions resulting in maximum secondary gain, when used to illuminate a paraboloidal antenna, are obtained empirically. Using spherical wave theory, maximum performance theoretically obtainable from an antenna is derived as a function of the aperture size of the feed system; the feed efficiency resulting from these theoretical limits on performance is compared to the feed efficiency of patterns obtainable from circular aperture horn antennas, and to experimental results of attempts to realize optimum circular aperture horn patterns.  相似文献   

A method is presented whereby the infinite ground plane analytical model for the self- and mutual admittances of waveguide-fed apertures can be supplemented (using the geometrical theory of diffraction) to include the edge effects of a rectangular ground plane. TheH-plane coupling between twoTE_{11}mode excited circular apertures is calculated and compared with measurements.  相似文献   

Numerical results of the aperture field and the radiation pattern of a stripline excited rectangular aperture antenna are obtained by the moment method.  相似文献   

Gaussian field expansions for circular aperture antennas are reviewed, and a method for finding optimal scales in these expansions is given, paralleling the method for rectangular antennas presented in an earlier paper. This procedure is shown to lead to approximations structured in the sense that the number of lobes in the approximation corresponds to the number of terms retained in the expansion. An example is given of the development of a cosine distribution from the aperture, through the Fresnel region, to the far field.  相似文献   

The analysis and the design of elements for a large array of circular apertures on a triangular grid is approached by modeling the antenna as an infinite structure rotationally symmetric and periodic along the cylinder axis. Because of this particular symmetry, every possible excitation is the superposition, with suitable weights, of a set of fundamental excitations having uniform magnitude and linear phase progression in the azimuthal direction and in the direction of the cylinder axis ("eigenexcitations"). Thus by invoking superposition, the electromagnetic analysis of the array is reduced to the solutions of the simpler boundary value problems pertinent to the set of eigenexcitations. This is done by expanding the field in normal modes in the region exterior to the cylinder and in the waveguides feeding the apertures, followed by a field matching at the cylinder surface (obtained approximately through Galerkin's method). The realized gain pattern of the radiators can be modified to a considerable extent by using an "element pattern shaping network" (in the radiator waveguides), serving the purpose of matching the array for a selected eigenexcitation. Criteria for the network design are given. A series of numerical examples illustrate the technique and shows that a "flat" element pattern can be thus obtained with a gain falloff with respect to the peak of less than 6 dB at 80 degrees, and an increase of 2 to 3 dB in the gain at 80 degrees with respect to that obtained for the same elements matched at broadside.  相似文献   

针对机载相控阵雷达天线受机头圆柱形设备舱约束的条件,研究了矩形栅格圆口径平面相控阵天线的方向图,建立数学模型并对其进行了公式推导和计算机仿真。同时将该天线与同等规模的矩形口径平面阵天线方向图特性进行了对比分析,结果表明:前者通过展宽主波束宽度和抬高旁瓣间交叉电平深度获得了优于后者的抗干扰性能的结论。  相似文献   

A simple scalar method using Kirchhoff's boundary values is applied to the diffraction problems of circular, elliptical, and rectangular apertures for normally incident electromagnetic waves. As far as circular apertures are concerned, a simple formula can be derived not only for the diffraction pattern but also for the transmission coefficient. This formula yields good results for apertures greater than0.8lambda. Even in the ease of elliptical apertures a simple formula can he derived for the diffraction pattern. For the elliptical aperture, as well as the rectangular one, the transmission coefficient was found in the form of an integral. Relief models and diagrams are given for the transmission coefficients of the elliptical and the rectangular apertures as a function of the two aperture parameters. Diagrams are given which explain the dependence of the transmission coefficient on the aperture parameters. A comparison with other more complicated methods of approximation and with measurements shows both good agreement and the great practical value of the simple method of approximation used.  相似文献   

The distribution over a cicular aperture in a ground plane that produces the best mean-square approximation to a specified radiation pattern is derived subject to constraints on the mean-square aperture field strength. The result is derived in terms of the functions most natural for a least square fit: the eigenfunctions of a finite (circular) two-dimensional Fourier transform.  相似文献   

介绍了用传输线解析计算法分析有孔矩形腔屏蔽效能的基本原理,对基本公式作进一步修正,使其能计算孔阵列情形,并对修正的传输线模型计算公式进行了扩展,使其能计算任意极化方向时的情况.通过在腔体内表面敷设经过优化计算的复合电介质涂层,实现了对特定谐振频率抑制.计算和仿真结果表明:当处于谐振频率时,屏蔽系数很低甚至为负;孔阵的屏蔽效能比相同面积的单孔的屏蔽效能好;屏蔽效能随极化角度增加而变化,当耦合电场极化方向平行孔缝的长边时,屏蔽效果最好;在腔体内表面上敷设对应腔体谐振频率的复合电介质涂层,实现了在相同的厚度条件下对腔体谐振频率最佳的抑制效果.根据计算结果提出了设计屏蔽腔的建议.  相似文献   

The plane wave spectrum (PWS) method has previously been applied to analyze the near-field of planar apertures. The main goal of this paper is to present new PWS formulations for the near-fields of strip and circular apertures. Only special cases are developed in detail. For example, the uniform and parabolic aperture distributions are developed for the circular aperture. These new formulations are expressed in terms of either elementary functions or Fresnel integrals. Consequently, they permit considerably more rapid and efficient calculations than previous near-field formulations, by either the PWS or the aperture integration approach. The new formulations are especially advantageous for large circularly symmetric apertures (on the order of100lambdaand larger) in that computational efficiencies are improved by an order of magnitude or two over the original PWS formulation. The improvement over aperture integration techniques is more than a factor of 1000 for the100lambdaaperture.  相似文献   

分析了圆口径正馈抛物面天线的近场.采用口径场绕射积分求取了天线的近场及远场方向图,绘制了波束宽度、方向性和最大副瓣电平三个关键参数随场点距离的关系曲线.通过与物理光学法的计算结果对比,验证了该方法的正确性.仿真结果是:随场点距离的减小,波束宽度展宽,方向性减小,最大副瓣电平在一定范围内波动.场点在D2/λ外,远场近似的波束宽度误差小于1%;在0.5D2/λ外,远场近似的波束宽度误差小于10%;在0.5D2/λ内,不能采用远场近似.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of evaluating the electromagnetic field on rectangular apertures backed by rectangular cavities is investigated. The electromagnetic-field distribution is derived by using a circuital model of an aperture and suitable forcing terms introduced into the equations related to the aperture model. The effects of a rectangular cavity on the aperture-field distribution are assessed by considering the rectangular cavity as a load impedance. The impedance value is obtained by modeling the rectangular cavity as a length of rectangular waveguide back-ended by a short. The distribution of the electromagnetic field on the aperture is used as an exciting source to evaluate, through a modal expansion, the electromagnetic field inside the cavity. Numerical simulations are in a good agreement with both other theoretical models and experimental data.  相似文献   

It is shown that shaped beam patterns with acceptable ripple and sidelobe levels can be obtained from circular apertures or arrays with uniform excitation amplitude  相似文献   

A full wave moment method is applied to the analysis of aperture coupled microstrip antennas, in which all components of the electric and equivalent magnetic surface currents are considered. The electric current distributions on the rectangular patch for different coupling aperture positions are presented with their radiation patterns. The effects of the coupling aperture shape and size on the input impedance and radiation performance are also discussed. As an example of new radiators, slotted patches are studied, and it is shown that they can be used to achieve dual-frequency operation  相似文献   

A geometrical optics procedure for designing electrically optimized classical offset dual reflector antennas with circular apertures is presented. Equations are derived that allow the size and spacing of the main and subreflectors of the antenna system, along with the feed horn subintended angle, to be used as input variables of the design procedure. The procedure, together with these equations, yields an optimized design, starting from general system requirements. The procedure is demonstrated by designing both an offset Cassegrain and an offset Gregorian antenna, and is validated by analyzing their radiation patterns using physical optics surface current integration on both the main and subreflectors  相似文献   

Lier  E. 《Electronics letters》1988,24(3):166-167
Hard horns or waveguide feeds with circular symmetry have been studied with respect to gain (aperture efficiency) and crosspolarisation. The corrugated or strip-loaded representations of these feeds give almost identical radiation properties when surface waves are neglected. The contribution from the wall region increases the gain and crosspolar bandwidth of the feed. The gain increases and the crosspolar bandwidth decreases with increasing waveguide diameter and wall permittivity. The hard horns may be useful in cluster feeds and limited scan arrays due to reduced size and weight  相似文献   

It has been found that a rectangular aperture not more than one wavelength long in a conducting plane can be characterized by two complex numbers (called the aperture admittances) for the regions on each side of the aperture for the purpose of obtaining an accurate estimate of the tangential electric field inside the aperture. To define these admittances, the aperture is closed with an infinitesimally thin perfectly conducting plate. The aperture admittance for the region on one side of the aperture is that of the magnetic current sheet M0 placed on this side of the plate. The aperture admittance for the region on the other side of the aperture is that of M0 placed on the other side of the plate. M0 is parallel to one of the long edges of the aperture, and along this edge is a simple half-cycle of a sinusoid. M0 is independent of the coordinate that is measured along the width of the aperture  相似文献   

Generalized ridge waveguides are analyzed using the mode-matching method. The characteristic impedance, attenuation, and power-handling capability of several types of ridge rectangular waveguides and ridge circular waveguides are presented. Numerical results are obtained, which are useful in the design of many microwave components and subsystems  相似文献   

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