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This paper presents the post-annealing effects, caused by rapid thermal annealing (RTA), on amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO) thin film transistor's (TFT) electrical characteristics, and its contact resistance (RC) with thermally grown SiO2 gate dielectric on silicon wafer substrates. The electrical characteristics of two types of TFTs, one post-annealed and the other not, are compared, and a simple model of the source and drain contacts is applied to estimate the RC by a transmission line method (TLM). Consequently, it has been found that the post-annealing does improve the TFT performances; in other words, the saturation mobility (μsat), the on/off current ratio (ION/OFF), and the drain current (ID) all increase, and the RC and the threshold voltage (VT) both decrease. As-fabricated TFTs have the following electrical characteristics; a saturation mobility (μsat) as large as 0.027 cm2/V s, ION/OFF of 103, sub-threshold swing (SS) of 0.49 V/decade, VT of 32.51 V, and RC of 969 MΩ, and the annealed TFTs have improved electrical characteristics as follows; a μsat of 3.51 cm2/V s, ION/OFF of 105, SS of 0.57 V/decade, VT of 27.2 V, and RC of 847 kΩ.  相似文献   

We used micro contact printing (micro-CP) to fabricate inverted coplanar pentacene thin film transistors (TFTs) with 1-microm channels. The patterning of micro-scale source/drain electrodes without etch process was successfully achieved using Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer stamp. We used the Ag nano particle ink as an electrode material, and the sheet resistance and surface roughness of the Ag electrodes were effectively reduced with the 2-step thermal annealing on a hotplate, which improved the mobility, the on-off ratio, and the subthreshold slope (SS) of the pentacene TFTs. In addition, the device annealing on a hotplate in a N2 atmosphere for 30 sec can enhance the off-current and the mobility properties of OTFTs without damaging the pentacene thin films and increase the adhesion between pentacene and dielectric layer (SiO2), which was investigated with the pentacene films phase change of the XRD spectrum after device annealing.  相似文献   

Kun Xue  Hui-Ji Shi 《Thin solid films》2008,516(12):3855-3861
Amorphous Si0.4C0.6 thin films were deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering onto non-heated single crystal Si substrates, followed by annealing at 800 °C or 1100 °C in the vacuum chamber. The chemical bond properties and atomic local ordering as a function of the annealing temperature were characterized by Auger electron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Infrared absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy measurements. We have examined the evolution of microstructure in annealing-induced relaxation process, and investigated the initial stages of thermal crystallization of amorphous Si0.4C0.6. Meanwhile, the structure of excess C in the films also has been studied.  相似文献   

Hyun Seok Lee 《Thin solid films》2009,517(14):4070-4073
Amorphous silicon (a-Si) films deposited on glass substrates were crystallized using a thermal plasma jet and the treated films are analyzed to find the relationship between plasma characteristics and crystallization process conditions. The crystallization process conditions were found to have different optimal operating regimes depending on the nozzle geometry. Numerical analysis of the thermal plasma jets showed that the different operating regimes for crystallization were caused by modifications of the plasma characteristics by the nozzle geometry. It is revealed that a stepped-divergent nozzle is more efficient for the thermal plasma annealing process than the conventional cylindrical one due to the broadened high-temperature region and the lowered axial velocity in the plasma jet.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with an investigation of the effect of temperature annealing on the CdSe semiconductor in a thin film transistor. Electron microscopy shows that the CdSe film is polycrystalline. Annealing results in the growth of the crystallites until, for working thin film transistors, the crystallite size distribution becomes a log-normal one, with a mean crystallite size approximately equal to the thickness of the film. Annealing reduces the energy stored in the CdSe by converting grain boundaries from high to low angle ones and by reducing the grain boundary area.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of different annealing conditions (air, O2, N2, vacuum) on the chemical and electrical characteristics of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide (a-IGZO) thin film transistors (TFT) were investigated. The contact resistance and interface properties between the IGZO film and the gate dielectric improved after an annealing treatment. However, the chemical bonds in the IGZO bulk changed under various annealing atmospheres, which, in turn, altered the characteristics of the TFTs. The TFTs annealed in vacuum and N2 ambients exhibited undesired switching properties due to the high carrier concentration (>10(17) cm(-3)) of the IGZO active layer. In contrast, the IGZO TFTs annealed in air and oxygen ambients displayed clear transfer characteristics due to an adequately adjusted carrier concentration in the operating range of the TFT. Such an optimal carrier concentration arose through the stabilization of unstable chemical bonds in the IGZO film. With regard to device performance, the TFTs annealed in O2 and air exhibited saturation mobility values of 8.29 and 7.54 cm2/Vs, on-off ratios of 7.34 x 10(8) and 3.95 x 10(8), and subthreshold swing (SS) values of 0.23 and 0.19 V/decade, respectively. Therefore, proper annealing ambients contributed to internal modifications in the IGZO structure and led to an enhancement in the oxidation state of the metal. As a result, defects such as oxygen vacancies were eliminated. Oxygen annealing is thus effective for controlling the carrier concentration of the active layer, decreasing electron traps, and enhancing TFT performance.  相似文献   

Aerosol-gel process has been used for the deposition of SiO2 thin films. Layers were deposited from a solution with pH = 3.5 and water to TEOS molar ratio (rw) 2.2 and then treated at various temperatures ranging from room temperature to 700°C. As-prepared thin films have been characterized by FTIR spectroscopy. Spectra were acquired in transmission at 65° angle of incidence or at perpendicular incidence. Characteristic absorption bands of the SiO2 sol-gel system have been studied with respect to the posttreatment temperature. Bands located at 1250–1000 cm−1 and around 960 cm−1 have been deconvoluted in several peaks. The origin and temperature dependence of these peaks are discussed.  相似文献   

We report a comparison of the role played by different sample treatments, namely, a low-temperature hydrothermal treatment by hot H2O vapor in an autoclave versus thermal annealing in air on the properties of ZnO films grown by electrochemical deposition (ECD). Scanning electron microscopy studies reveal a homogeneous micro-columnar morphology and changes in the film surface for the two different treatments. It is found that post-growth hydrothermal treatments of ECD ZnO films at 150 °C under an aqueous environment enhance their structural and optical properties (photoluminescence, transmission, Raman spectra, etc.) similar to thermal annealing in air at higher temperatures (> 200 °C). The modifications of the structural and optical properties of ZnO samples after thermal annealing in air in the temperature range of 150-600 °C are discussed. The removal of chlorine from the films by the hydrothermal treatment was evidenced which could be the main reason for the improvement of the film quality. The observation of the enhanced photoluminescence peak at 380 nm demonstrates the superior properties of the hydrothermally treated ZnO films as compared to the films annealed in air ambient at the same or higher temperature. This post-growth hydrothermal treatment would be useful for the realization of high performance optoelectronic devices on flexible supports which might not withstand at high temperature annealing treatments.  相似文献   

In this letter we present our preliminary results about the preparation of graphene and carbon nanosheets by thermal annealing of graphite layer on silicon substrate in vacuum and at temperature 900 °C. The surface area of about several tens of micrometers and curved at the ends. The carbon nanosheets are very clean and look like a piece of paper. Investigations with Raman showed three main peaks D, G, G′ and small peak at 2420 cm−1. This method is considered to be a simple and cheap method for preparing the carbon nanosheets directly on the silicon substrate for the application in the electronics.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) films thicker than 1.5 μm, consisting of dense small grains called nano-grain poly-Si (ngp-Si), are formed by flash lamp annealing (FLA) of amorphous silicon (a-Si) films prepared by catalytic chemical vapor deposition (Cat-CVD) method. Crystallinity of the ngp-Si films can be controlled by changing lamp irradiance. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) profiles of dopants in the ngp-Si films after FLA shows no serious diffusion. A minority carrier lifetime of over 5 μs is observed from these ngp-Si films after defect termination process using high pressure water vapor annealing (HPWVA), showing possibility of application for high-efficient thin film solar cells.  相似文献   

We report on the effect of thermal annealing on the structural and mechanical properties of amorphous SiC thin films prepared by means of a polymer-source chemical vapor deposition process. The chemical bondings of the a-SiC:H films were systematically examined by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The film composition was measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, while X-ray reflectivity measurements were used to account for the film density variations caused by the post-annealing treatments over the 750-1200 °C range. In addition, their mechanical properties (hardness and Young's modulus) were investigated by using the nano-indentation technique. FTIR measurements revealed that not only the intensity of a-SiC absorption band linearly increases but also its position is found to shift to a higher wave number as a result of annealing. In addition, the bond density of Si―C is found to increase from (101.6-224.5) × 1021 bond·cm− 3 accompanied by a decrease of Si―H bond density from (2.58-0.46)× 1021 bond·cm− 3 as a result of increasing the annealing temperature (Ta) from 750 to 1200 °C. Annealing-induced film densification is confirmed, as the a-SiC film density is found to increase from 2.36 to ∼ 2.75 g/cm− 3 when Ta is raised from 750 to 1200 °C. In addition, as Ta is increased from 750 to 1200 °C, both hardness and Young's modulus are found to increase from 15.5 to 17.6 GPa and 155 to 178 GPa, respectively. Our results confirm the previously established linear correlation between the mechanical properties of the a-SiC films and their bond densities.  相似文献   

报道了聚噻吩(P3HT(poly(3-hexylthio—phene))及P3HT与C㈤的衍生物PCBM(6,6-phenyl C61-butyric acid methylester)共混体系的光致发光现象,分析了不同温度热处理对聚噻吩(P3HT)与C60的衍生物PCBM共混体系薄膜的光致发光谱的影响。结果表明,随着热处理温度的升高,P3HT:PCBM共混体系所成膜的峰强度增大,当温度升高至130℃时,共混膜的光致发光谱峰的强度趋于最大,这说明热处理有利于共混体系中高分子链的有序排列。  相似文献   

We have fabricated pentacene-based transistors on a transparent and flexible substrate made of polyethylene-terephthalate. We have shown that using an optical excitation at a wavelength of 365 nm photoconductivity modifies the carrier density without changing the mobility. The performance of the flexible organic phototransistors is mostly due to high-photosensitivity in the off-state with a ratio of photocurrent to dark current of about 2 104. Furthermore, the response times of the phototransistor are lower than 0.1 s. These results indicate that such transistors could be potentially used in photodetectors or amplifiers ordered by an optical gate. Moreover, we have noticed that there is no significant change in the mobility value when the transistor is bent in the direction of the current flow.  相似文献   

The effect of contact resistance on the measurement of the field effect mobility of compositionally homogeneous channel indium zinc oxide (IZO)/IZO metallization thin film transistors (TFTs) is reported. The TFTs studied in this work operate in depletion mode as n-channel field effect devices with a field effect mobility calculated in the linear regime (μFE) of 20 ± 1.9 cm2/Vs and similar of 18 ± 1.3 cm2/Vs when calculated in the saturation regime (μFEsat). These values, however, significantly underestimate the channel mobility since a large part of the applied drain voltage is dropped across the source/drain contact interface. The transmission line method was employed to characterize the contact resistance and it was found that the conducting-IZO/semiconducting-IZO channel contact is highly resistive (specific contact resistance, ρC > 100 Ωcm2) and, further, this contact resistance is modulated with applied gate voltage. Accounting for the contact resistance (which is large and modulated by gate voltage), the corrected μFE is shown to be 39 ± 2.6 cm2/Vs which is consistent with Hall mobility measurements of high carrier density IZO.  相似文献   

The influence of substrate temperature on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) films fabricated by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering was investigated. The AZO films were deposited at various substrate temperatures, and the effect of AZO gate electrode conductivity on organic thin film transistor (OTFT) performance was examined. While an increase in the substrate temperature from 100 °C to 300 °C led to an improvement in crystallinity, substrate temperatures over 300 °C caused degradation of the electrical and surface properties. We fabricated OTFTs using AZO films prepared at various substrate temperatures and obtained good device performance. Thus, the performance of an OTFT can be determined by the conductivity of the AZO gate electrode.  相似文献   

The highly-doped buried layer (carrier concentration of ~ 1019 cm− 3) in an amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide (a-IGZO) channel layer of thin film transistor (TFT) led to dramatic improvements in the performance and prolonged bias-stability without any high temperature treatment. These improvements are associated with the enhancement in density-of-states and carrier transport. The channel layer is composed of Ga-doped ZnO (GZO) and a-IGZO layers. Measurements performed on GZO-buried a-IGZO (GB-IGZO) TFTs indicate enhanced n-channel active layer characteristics, such as Vth, μFE, Ioff, Ion/off ratio and S.S, which were enhanced to 1.2 V, 10.04 cm2/V·s, ~ 10−13A, ~ 107 and 0.93 V/decade, respectively. From the result of simulation, a current path was well defined through the surface of oxide active layer especially in GB-IGZO TFT case because the highly-doped buried layer plays the critical role of supplying sufficient negative charge density to compensate the amount of positive charge induced by the increasing gate voltage. The mechanism underlying the high performance and good stability is found to be the localization effect of a current path due to a highly-doped buried layer, which also effectively screens the oxide bulk and/or back interface trap-induced bias temperature instability.  相似文献   

采用磁控溅射法制备锰铜薄膜,溅射和真空蒸发法制备镱薄膜.对热处理前后薄膜的电学性能、微观形貌和结构进行了表征,并采用轻气炮和对顶砧装置对薄膜传感器进行了压阻性能测试,结果表明热处理后薄膜的压阻系数有很大提高.SEM和XRD的分析表明,压阻系数的提高是由于热处理后薄膜晶粒长大、缺陷减少、电阻率下降所致.敏感薄膜的电阻率与传感器的灵敏度直接相关.热处理后,薄膜压阻计的灵敏度已接近箔式传感器的水平,热处理是提高薄膜压阻计灵敏度的有效手段.  相似文献   

The effect of rapid thermal annealing on structural and electrical properties of high k HfO2 thin films is investigated. The films were initially deposited at pre-optimized sputtering voltage of 0.8 kV and substrate bias of 80 V in order to get optimized results for oxide charges and leakage current as a MOS device. The film properties were investigated for optimum annealing temperature in oxygen and optimum rapid thermal annealing temperature in nitrogen respectively to get the best electrical results as a MOS device structure. The film thickness, composition and microstructure is studied by Laser Ellipsometry, XRD and AFM and the effect of thermal annealing is shown. The electrical I–V and C–V characteristics of the annealed dielectric film were investigated employing Al-HfO2-Si MOS capacitor structure. The flat-band voltage (V fb) and oxide-charge density (Q ox) were extracted from the high-frequency C–V curve. Dielectric study were further carried out on HfO2 thin films having metal–insulator–metal (MIM) configuration over a wide temperature (300–500 K) and frequency (100 Hz to 1 MHz) range.  相似文献   

Electrical properties and optical band gap of amorphous Se65Ga30In5 thin films, which were thermally evaporated onto chemically cleaned glass substrates, have been studied before and after thermal annealing at temperatures above the glass transition temperature and below the crystallization temperature. The I-V characteristics, which were recorded in the temperature range (200-300 K), were obtained at different voltages and exhibit an ohmic and non-ohmic behavior at low (0-5 V) and high (5-18 V) voltages, respectively, for annealed and as-prepared films. Analysis of the experimental data in the high voltage range confirms the presence of space charge limited conduction (SCLC) for annealed and as-prepared films. The dependence of DC conductivity on temperature in the low voltage region shows two types of conduction channels: The first is in the range 270-300 K and the other at the lower temperature range (200-270 K). The conduction in the first region is due to thermally activated process, while in the other is due variable range hopping (VRH) of charge carriers in the band tails of the localized states. After annealing, the conductivity has been found to increase but the activation energy decreases. This is attributed to rupturing of Se-In weak bonds and formation of Se-Ga strong bonds. This process changes the concentration of defects in the films which in turn decreases the density of states N(EF) as predicted by Mott's VRH model. Analysis of the absorption coefficient of annealed and as-prepared films, in the wavelength range 300-700 nm, reveals the presence of parabolic densities of states at the edges of both valence and conduction bands in the studied films. The optical band gap (Eg) was obtained through the use of Tauc's relation and is found to decrease with annealing temperature.  相似文献   

Amorphous Fe67 − xC10B9Mo7 + xCr4W3 (x = 1–7 at.%) plates with 640 μm thickness were prepared by copper mold casting. The thermal properties and microstructural development during heat treatments were investigated by a combination of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis, and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The glass forming ability (GFA) and activation energy for crystallization have a distinct dependence on Mo content. Fe62C10B9Mo12Cr4W3 is the best glass former in this study, demonstrating a supercooled liquid region, ΔTx = 51 K, and an activation energy for crystallization, Q = 453 kJ/mol. The GFA of alloys in this system was governed by elastic strain optimization resulting directly from the variation in Mo content. Heat treatments were performed to demonstrate resistance to crystallization under typical processing conditions. Alloys in this system exhibited a three-phase evolution during crystallization. A second set of heat treatments was performed to identify each phase. Hardness data was collected at each of the heat treatment conditions, and a bulk metallic glasses (BMG)-derived composite containing a Mo-rich phase exhibited Vickers Hardness in excess of 2000. The fully amorphous alloys had an average hardness approaching 1500.  相似文献   

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